Cayman passes 12,500 COVID-19 tests

(CNS): Health authorities in Cayman are fast approaching the important milestone of testing 20% of the country’s population after results were delivered Wednesday on 505 more COVID-19 test samples, bringing the test total to 12,508. Five of those results were positive, all of whom are asymptomatic for the coronavirus and now in isolation.
Four of the samples were picked up in the workforce screening and the fifth was a person who had returned from overseas and was already in quarantine. This latest batch of positive results brings the running total of cases of COVID-19 recorded in Cayman to 156
With no scheduled TV briefing Wednesday to update the public, Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee issued the results of the tests carried out since yesterday’s conference through a press release.
The test numbers place Cayman in the top three countries in the world for per capita testing, but more important is the goal of testing 20% of adults. The best estimate of the current population of the Cayman Islands is 65,000, though government is not able to confirm this figure.
During Tuesday’s press conference Premier Alden McLaughlin said that, at this stage, there is no reason why the COVD-19 protocols would prevent the planned national census in October.
The census is supposed to take place every ten years. As well as offering the most accurate figure of the Cayman Islands’ population, it also documents a catalogue of other data about the community and how people live.
But the premier acknowledged that to conduct such a survey in October of this year may give a skewed picture of the community, given the upheaval caused by COVID-19.
“Whether we want to do it then, given the rather artificial state that we will be in with borders closed, is another matter,” he said, adding that the census has not yet made it to the level of caucus discussion yet.

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Category: Health, Medical Health
So, critics, to qualify as Chief Medical Officer a doctor must be a specialist in every single medical discipline? Wish you luck to find and pay that person!! When Dr. Lee (a pain management specialist) was appointed last year who knew that this virus would come upon the world and us?
What if he had been an epidemiologist and we had been beset, to a national disaster level, by toxic fumes from a dump fire (which actually happened to some degree to some people), then you would have been criticizing him for not being a toxicologist!
Leave the man alone and let him do his job. He is surely intelligent enough to consult with the appropriate specialists (virologists and/or epidemiologists) in other countries, especially UK, when he needs to. Perhaps you critics need to be intelligent enough to realize that!!
There’s no way we have 65,000 people here and there’s no way we can know for sure if we are 3rd in the world since we don’t keep statistics and have no concrete information on anything especially population. If you correct for the proper population (around 40000) it puts us right near the top 20 for total cases/1m.
There’s no way we have 65,000 people here and there’s no way we can know for sure if we are 3rd in the world since we don’t keep statistics and have no concrete information on anything especially population.
I give thanks to our Holy Father that we have so many experts in viral transmissions, economists, epidemiology, statisticians and other skill sets that we are able to access from CNS.
We are truly blessed to have all these experts willing to share their knowledge anonymously and for free.
Too bad none of these people can run for political office.
After earlier successes, there is a larger human trial underway which is hoped to confirm again, that a cocktail of Interferon Alfa 2b (Intron A) and Arbidol (Umifenovir) can significantly accelerate viral clearance while reducing interleukin(IL)-6 and C-reactive protein (CRP), the two inflammatory proteins causing major vascular complications in COVID-19 patients.
The time we’re all investing staying home, is being used by the global clinical community to try to catch up, and find ways to mitigate complications and preserve lives. Developing workable treatments is critical to lowering our guard fully without the horror show, and this is happening now.
These info graphics are presenting false and misleading information. We had 5 positive test results, NOT 5 confirmed cases! This is an important distinction!
A confirmed case would require CONFIRMATION of the test result, are these cases sent to CARPHA and confirmed the same day? How are we confirming these test results? I emailed CARPHA asking them what their confirmation procedures are and when they last received samples from Cayman, I doubt I will hear back (but I already suspect the answers).
Given the presumed level of infection around the island is low, the likelihood that these test results are false positives are very high, based on the information available for similar PCR tests for COVID-19, and proper clinical validation processes should be able to confirm this.
We are going to be in lockdown to the end of time if we are not properly validating test results and treating positive tests as confirmed results.
It looks like the country has given itself over to the whims of Dr Lee. Every press conference, Alden keeps saying he’s guided by the Chief MEdical Officer. The thing is, we didn’t elect Dr Lee to run the country. I’m not even sure he’s an epidemiologist (unlike all of us at home who’ve become trained virologists since March on Google). But joking aside, are there other Doctor’s being consulted regarding the length of quarantines, the type of testing programs, the rationale for anything really? We’ve done really well, but since early May, it’s been pretty clear we’re in the clear and staying overly cautious is a double edged sword that’s sharpening on the wrong side now.
the borders must open sooner than Sep 1 (BTW, what happens if a CAT 5 storm heads our way – what planes are we all getting on?) to facilitate commerce, health, education (there are hundreds of children and their families seeking to leave way before September for education, but the returning families have to quarantine for 14 days IF THERE IS ROOM?? Come on.)
restrict cruise tourism until there’s immediate testing available, probably later this year or early next (they dock, one by one they come ashore and get a test, etc..its not hard to imagine this very scenario) BUT the airport – come on now, and the quarantine? Its silly
Dr Lee is little more than the scapegoat for their oppression plan.
We didn’t elect Alden either. In any case, we keep forgetting these are the Governor’s curfew orders.
There is no approved “instant results” test. They don’t exist. Spartan has a DNA test box that has been retrofitted to confirm if a patient has had an IgM/IgG response to any corona virus, not specifically SARS-CoV-2, and even that takes 30-45 minutes at best and >$100 a go (avail only to Cdn Federal and Provincial gov’ts). Mobile Rapid Testing Units (MRTUs) you hear about in their news, consist of some nurses in a van that come to take a PCR nose swabbing, that then goes to labs, like here, and takes a day or two for a snapshot result as of the time of sample.
I think the truth is Dr Lee is being used by the government to maintain the population on the island for the summer so that you spend your cash here on staycations and restaurants and kick start the economy as the summer months for restaurants and hotels are normally very quiet. Initially a good job has been done but now we know more about the virus we are fortunate and do not have either the same virus/ weather effects/ healthier frontline workers/ vitamin d levels …who knows but it is time to stop with soft curfew and hard curfew and get everyone back to work and earning an income not next week or in three weeks, yesterday
A pain specialist is unqualified to hold the position of Chief Medical Officer. Period. The same way they could bring him here, is the same way they could have brought a qualified Epidemiologist.
As for being a scapegoat, as the panel states time and time again, they are taking advice and direction straight from Dr. Lee. So it would be through his so called “expert advice” that the government is forming their plans of action. It would be interesting to hear the thoughts and ideas from other doctors in our midst.
It is also interesting that when people began to question Dr. Lee’s credentials and ability to effectively “lead us” through this pandemic instead of a proper Epidemiologist. That fluffy piece about getting to know him and his fan page emerged. Coincidence…I think not.
Swedish epidemiologist Anders Tegneil, one of the underwriting scientists of their open “herd immunity” strategy, admits in hindsight their COVID-19 policy allowed too many deaths…Sweden #7 on deaths per 1mln pop after Italy.
If you read the article, you will see that he states that the overwhelming majority of deaths occurred in elderly in nursing homes. What he states is that they should have taken more action in the nursing homes as far as lockdowns, not that he would’ve changed everything. Other than the elderly homes, their rates of illness and death were not higher than anyone else’s
Why would the ignorant fear mongers read the article?
In Sweden, the advice to government came from a TEAM of scientists and doctors. One member of team has (majority has been wrongly quoted in media as he agrees that they did not take aggressive enough measures to protect the elderly and other vulnerable) expressed different opinion to the rest of the team. Most of the scientists still think that considering that they have been able to provide care for all sick persons and that other illnesses were still being treated the net effect has been positive and was the right thing to do. Most countries do not take into account the death count of other diseases that when left untreated will lead to death or serious health complications. Sweden also understands that in the long run they need money from functioning economy to run their services and hospital.
“one of the underwriting scientists”
Yet still no plan.
CNS, could you ask Dr Lee about the antibody/antigen testing? He excitedly mentioned it a couple of times several weeks ago, and it’s never been mentioned again.
The swab tests tell who is infected right now at this moment and that’s all. Those testing negative could be positive tomorrow or the next day. It’s random nature tells us very little about exposure on the island.
Antibody/antigen testing of everyone would really give us a much more accurate picture of the spread on the island. Considering that most of our cases have been asymptomatic, I think this is a very valid reason to test everyone for the antibodies. There could be thousands and thousands of people who have already been exposed but had no symptoms, and it would be very good to know if we’ve already reached heard immunity.
I don’t understand why they been putting this off, Dr. Lee sounded like he was very excited that this would be happening right away, and then he has never mentioned it again. I don’t know what’s going on, but a doctor actually posted the same thing that I’ve stated here, and said that he’s brought it up to the government but he’s been rebuffed. So there is definitely science behind this idea
Agreed. But they do NOT need to test everyone. A statistically significant portion (which gives a very accurate representation of the whole) of the population would consist of approximately 1750 people. The intense testing we are doing now is not needed – and it is proven as the trend is steady – we have the same % of positive results as we have had ongoing – and we have tested 6x the amount needed to gain that understanding. There are some politics or other issue feeding the test everyone frenzy. It is NOT needed to test everyone.
So WHY are we still testing at a frenzied pace?
He mentioned it a couple of conferences ago. Said they are waiting for the test kits, as I recall, and for ESO to give them a statistically valid sample of people to test. He also said that whilst his personal view is it will show a modest number of people have had the virus, it was unlikely to the 80% or more than some thought it could be and which might make them reconsider the border closure.
He has. We got 200 kits last week. The rest of the Roche/Abbott kits need to be scaled up via production because they aren’t yet fully available – and delivered-in via an air bridge flight. Does anyone listen?
It’s hard to stay tuned in to every single press conference and every word they say, considering the months and months of daily political talk.
People can be forgiven for missing a sentence or two mixed into the droning hours of gloom and doom fear mongerIng —being told that if we stray outside of our homes that we will all die and kill other people along with us. It can be hard to stay laser focused on every droning word……
Such a waste of time and money.
Both Bermuda and England now allow persons traveling home to isolate at home. Caymanians wanting to come home are being told the Holiday Inn is full. Instead of telling us where we place in the world of testing, which doesn’t actually help us make any sort of decision on how to protect ourselves, why not expand on things like of the 5 today, 4 from the workforce 1 was in quarantine? What does workforce mean? Essential worker? Construction worker? Where did the person in quarantine fly in from? We know government must have all statistics / details on the massive total of 156 persons. I’d like to know if 400 people flew in from England that 5 or 50 people had the virus. Truth creates trust. And God knows the government needs to create some trust now because they seem to be in so far over their heads, we risk going from the jewel of the Caribbean, to the joke of Caribbean.
Poor baby. Life is so unfair.
Don’t you care about your country?
Yes. Now let’s all have a group whine!
Batabano was cancelled
We can do it at my place. But you have to wear a mask.
Either you are afraid of a little knowledge, or providing information on 156 people is too much work for your kind.
You know, karma is a bit$h.
I’m 10:02. Thank you for your kind words. Me and family are quite comfortable in our home in South Sound. Shame on me for caring about fellow Caymanians who have been deliberately kept out of their country and homes for reasons inconsistent with human rights. Im embarrassed to say, I fully supported this government through March. I owe a lot of people an apology.
What was the point of mentioning your home in SS? To tell us that you’re part of the group that ‘s hurting? I’m so confused.
I suggest you come out of hibernation.
To let you know he’s part of the intellectual elite.
To let him know I don’t need to whine. It’s time to face reality and start to right the wrongs of the last two months.
It’s probably just a typical troll trying to rile people up. A few weeks ago there was another one saying he was an expat that only cared about his beach house in Cayman. I’d bet he doesn’t have a cardboard box haha
I think you’re confusing won’t end. The poster made a great point.
Great point if you’re a complete idiot. How stupid must you be to believe that your government is purposely trying to keep people out of their country and homes? Other idiots are saying the government intentionally destroyed the economy. How does that benefit the government in any way?
Do you mean “your confusion”? It’s easy to understand why you find it to be a “great point”. Hahahah
Why is it relevant what part of the workforce these persons are from, how is it helpful to you to know this information?
People have proven that they cannot stay home( hence the reason we are now at 156 cases, ppl all over the place for no reason) thats why they want returning Caymanians/residents to isolate in the facility, its mandatory and persons can easily be monitored and dealt with according to the law if the leave mandatory quarantine.
Sounds like you’ve had the virus. How do you know it’s people retuning to the island who created this issue and not the thousands of tourists who were here in March? How many people have proven they cannot stay at home? Who’s to say someone who stayed at home didn’t catch the virus at Kirks, Fosters, the bank? Everyone knows why they want people returning to be monitored but with an abundance of fear and an absence of analysis / knowledge is the right decision being made? Or do you prefer to plod ahead in ignorance? It’s a 156 people. This is a minuscule number.
Because they are still the bulk of the positives…duh.
Perhaps they know this because initially case after case was connected to people who had contact with returning travellers….
Initially was a long time ago. The virus runs in two week cycles. Again, certainty without specifics.
What I would like to know is how many senior citizens have tested positive, just giving an age range from 9 to 85 is not helpful.
asymptomatic! That’s all I hear these days. It’s getting almost laughable (if it wasn’t so serious). How is the staged approach proportional?
Because one unwitting COVID-19 shedder at the Glamourous Grannies, or Seafarer’s Association would fill all our ICU capacity in hours/days. Nobody asymptomatic knows if they have COVID-19, so they are spreading it without knowing. We need to keep testing and extrapolating the true situation in the wider community to see if it can be suppressed to an acceptable level to lower our guard.
Cayman is doing extremely well for its testing. On qualifier: Cayman is currently ranked #6 (not top 3) for testing per capita. Please see
A statistic of little value given our size. Here is another for you when we had one case and he died, we had a 100% death rate.
It’s scaled-up and calculated on a per capita basis, apples-to-apples, which takes into account our population size. We are legit among most aggressive testing jurisdictions on the planet. We’re only a few weeks into ernest testing regime. I think #3 isn’t out of the realm of possibility before this threat is done.
What good is testing if policy does not follow the results? The point is we had done lots of testing, if the scary numbers would be true we would have minimum 17 ppl in hospital. We have none.Killing the economy does not help. There is no endless amount of money to run our hospitals and services when we have no functioning economy. What is the government doing to protect vulnerable ppl? its now clear who the vulnerable people are (one quarter of people in UK who had severe version of the virus had diabetes for example. What is the Government doing to educate these persons to look after themselves and even potentially to make life style changes to control their condition?
Our Pop 65,663, per 1mln multiplier is 15.23…so just 3 more 500/day test periods and we’ll be comfortably in 4th place, with better testing than most, many more to come after that…and new immunity testing methods when that part gets scaled up.