Grey skies and rain for Cayman this week

| 23/05/2020 | 10 Comments
Red Bay on Saturday

(CNS): The forecast for the Cayman Islands is for partly cloudy to cloudy skies with a 40% chance of rain and possibly thunder well into next week, according to the Cayman Islands National Weather Service. However, this area is not under any type of hurricane watch or warning, despite rumours circulating. CINWS is predicting that a broad upper level trough over the Gulf of Mexico will continue to support cloudy skies and isolated showers across the Cayman Islands at least until Wednesday.

There will be moderate east to southeasterly winds caused by a ridge of high pressure just north of the Caribbean Sea.

See detailed weather forecast on the National Weather Service Website

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Category: Science & Nature, Weather

Comments (10)

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  1. Hancock says:

    Another lovely sunny day.

  2. Anonymous says:

    That’s what those L to K’s get thinking they can have a beach day on the weekend!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Rain!? This is a public crisis!! We must go back into full 24 hour lockdown! What if your grandmother slipped on a wet sidewalk? We can’t afford to take that chance!

  4. Hancock says:

    Sure is a nice sunny day today. Is this a John Foster forecast.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Much needed rain by the way.

  6. Anonymous says:

    You sure only 40% ? Feels like 100% right now!


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