Fish market reopens at cruise terminal

(CNS) The local fish market has reopened following its closure as a result of the COVID-19 lockdown. However, the market has moved to the cruise port south terminal on Harbour Drive, just a short walk from its usual home on North Church Street. The move will make it easier to enforce the social distancing protocols and mask-wearing. Shoppers can now access the fresh fish on their ‘name days’.
“We have made sure that proper protocols have been established with the fish market set up and the quarantining of fishermen when they return from international waters,” said Commerce Minister Joey Hew. “Guidelines and proper signage have been placed at the market to provide information for the health and safety of all involved.”
Those whose surnames beginning A-K are allowed to attend the market on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and those with surnames L-Z on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Individuals with hyphenated and multiple surnames should use the first letter of the first surname.
All individuals are required to wear a face mask and maintain a distance of six feet from any person where possible, officials said.
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Category: Business, Retail, Small Business
Hmmm…..2 red snapper and botulism to go please!
I like the joker who said go swimming at Balboa Beach. When I went there a year ago they demanded $10 to go on the beach. They also had a sign saying it was a Private Beach and we all know that is wrong. Who are these jokers?
There’s something very fishy about this story.
@ 11.04 On a scale of 1 to 10?
To anonymous May 25 6.21. There is also a pedestrian crossing at the old fish market. In fact the fish market does not need be on the sea. Just one boat comes in once a month.
Which of our MLAs (or immediate cronies) owns the Honduran fishing trawler? Do they have their name on a T&BL for that?
The lack of ice in our tropical (spoiled) fish market has always been worrying. The psychrophilic bacteria on fish skin starts to spoil as soon as the fish leaves the water. No other factor influences the shelf-life of seafood products as strongly as temperature. Who is going to cleanup the fish guts and remove the cartilage and bone debris from our main Harbour water and beach breaks? The fish market was put in Hoggs Sty to avoid reeking up our passenger harbour.
Have you not noticed, most people do not want a Passenger Harbour.? Mass market cruise tourism is over, and if it comes back we do not want it! Our focus needs to be on high end tourism, not relying on $10.00 T shirt sales to feed hundreds of imported minimum wage workers.
The fish market ended up at Red Spot not by grand design. Hog’s Sty Bay is the little one close to where the market has temporarily moved to. (Unless anyone from that part of GT wants to correct my geography.)
There will probably be another big load of midget-tailed out-of-season juvenile lobsters soon. It’s way easier to fill bags of those in Honduras with our 60 stolen scuba tanks. Why are these foreign poaching boats even allowed here? Does the DOE check these boats for proof of provenance or any valid Honduran lobster fishing permits for those on the boat? Does anyone here have any idea about how dirty and deadly this industry operates? When does it start to matter to us as responsible consumers?
“Lobster fishing in Honduras: a poisoned chalice”
Yummmm.. Fresh fish with covid to go. I hear it is an acquired taste and needs to be prepared by a qualified chef like the poison puffer fish I had a few months back in Tokyo.
Time for you to leave. We, on the other hand, will be enjoying our snapper and waving as you board your flight.
essential???…what a joke.
Local fish? Over the years I have seen a truck unloading frozen fish from igloos! It’s a fallacy.
That’s for the expats.
We go to Kirks, thanks.
LOL! I hate to break it to you but it is as ‘local’ as it was before.
Seriously. No different.
And that’s okay with me!
The old fish market should never reopen. It was unhealthy, dirty with no toilet or running facilities. With no parking the location was dangerous and made more so with a stream of cars reversing into the road from the bar next door. It also attracted undesirables.
I am not sure who owns it but thank you for building the sidewalk to make it safe for pedestrians. All we need now is to tidy the place up by moving the tents and benches to enable people to go swimming ad we did in the old days when it was called Red Spot Bay. Like Smith Cove we want to use this location in the light of a lack of beach access.
Finally unlike the place next door it is free.
My only issue with this new sight is it backs up traffic and you have people parking in odd places that obstructs the views of the zebra crossing which is dangerous for pedestrians. I don’t think this is a viable permanent solution..
Well said
I don’t know how it passed cayman’s health course
As a now x chef in the industry I had to take the course by the department of health now 2 times
I have no idea why we have to go through all the lengths we do in the course ( which is fine and pretty standard world wide) for others to disregard hit all together
“All of us are equal here
But some of us are more equal than others …… “
Maybe you should go swimming at Balboa Beach!
So, no question its not local fish now. (“quarantining of fishermen when they return from international waters”.) It will interesting if they are willing to try and separate the ‘daily’ catch (local) from the ‘fresh’ (regional) catch, for price and marketing purposes.
Great news. Can we make it permanent? It is a much better use of our waterfront than mass market cruise tourism.
Yes, please make it permanent. The current site attracts undesirables and they pee on the wall down there. Its really gross and intimidating.
Oh 2:36, to live in your lilly white world.
Is that you Kirky?
Exactly! Given the different modes of traveling and the exposure risks, would Cayman rather have thousands of cruise ship tourists descending on the island for a few hours and spending $10-$50 or hundreds of tourists flying in and spending thousands of $$$$ over several days or a week + staying at a hotel and frequenting restaurants and shops? This is why Disney built resorts, to capitalize on longer rather than daily stays for families who will spend thousands and their profits have soared as a result. Cruise ships being inherently more risks Cayman needs to look at the cost/benefit of what best serves the community in these new times.