Beaches open Tuesday with some restrictions

(CNS): There will be no hard curfew during the day this Sunday, but otherwise the current lockdown measures will remain much the same until next Tuesday, 18 May, following the long weekend. But after that, people will be able to exercise on the beach, swim in the sea and go fishing, as well as swim and play tennis at their strata, though there will be restrictions to all these longed for activities
Police Commissioner Derek Byrne outlined the new curfew regulations at Friday’s press briefing, where he explained that, from Tuesday, the time allowed for daily exercise is increasing from 90 minutes to two hours but still must be between 5:15am and 7pm. However, people can now drive to the beach or other locations in order to exercise, starting this weekend.
And from Tuesday, people will be allowed to once again go to the public beaches, but only for exercise, between 5:15am and 7pm, Monday to Saturday, subject to the restrictions by day of the week and surname (A-K on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, L-Z on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday). This is to reduce the number of people on the beach on any given day, the premier explained.
However, there will still be no beach access at all on Sundays. This, the premier explained, is because they could not find a way to make access fair without allowing everyone onto the beach.
Exercise at the beach includes walking, swimming and fishing from the shoreline, as well as paddle-boarding and kayaking in sight of shore, but not scuba diving or riding waverunners. And people must still practice social distancing with no groups larger than two people. No picnics, camping, barbecuing, sunbathing or other gatherings are yet permitted on public beaches.
Fishing by boat will also be permitted under the new rules from 5:15am to 7pm, but only two people can be on board. No inter-island travel is allowed and boats will not be allowed to drop anchor or remain at Starfish Point, Rum Point and the Sandbar, not will it be permitted to exercise, fish or swim at these locations except for people who live there.
These “no-go zones” are Cayman’s major marine attractions, Premier Alden McLaughlin explained. Reminiscing about “happy times” sitting in the shallow water, drinking and listening to music, he said this was exactly the type of behaviour they are trying to prevent “during this critical period”.
Sailing boats and leisure craft are still not allowed.
Other relaxations of the shelter-in-place rules will be access to pools and tennis court in strata properties, but people must maintain social distancing rules, so people who are not from the same household are limited to groups of two.
However, there was a big ‘no’ to playground use by children even in strata properties. McLaughlin said that Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee was “absolutely terrified of that prospect” because, as a group, children are the biggest single vector of the disease.
“They are generally asymptomatic; they naturally find it difficult to social distance, and transmit the disease very effectively,” he said, adding that, like early learning centres, playgrounds will be among the last things to be re-opened.
CoP Byrne said the hard lockdown curfew, which remains in place between 8pm and 5am every day including Sunday, became effective Friday 15 May at 5am and will run for 18 days until 5am on Tuesday, 2 June.
“I think we can all have a small moment of celebration today,” the premier said, noting that the easing of restriction was because results are trending “very much in the right direction”. He said this meant that Cayman was able to move from Level 4 – high suppression to Level 3 – moderate suppression.
He thanked the people of the Cayman Islands for their cooperation and support for the government over measures taken and the many sacrifices to ensure that the virus does not spread rapidly through the community “harming health, causing death and reeking even more economic damage than the shutdown necessarily has done and is doing”.
See the full press briefing on CIGTV below:
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Category: Health, Health Insurance, Local News
Being that kayaking and paddleboarding are allowed, I would assume this extends to surfing, windsurfing and kiteboarding?
CNS, please see if you can confirm by asking at the briefing or other means?
I have no idea who crafted the new edict regarding the ability to exercise in the water but what it seems to represent is a sort of halfway house. Undoubtedly our Police Commissioner didn’t want to grant water access at all for the simple reason that is harder to police and therefore requires more manpower. I suppose from his perspective granting water access only 3 days a week for two hours each day is tolerable given what would likely have been a political backlash if he hadn’t. Sadly, what he has created is his own policing conundrum and made the whole process a bit of a mess. So one can exercise every day for two hours but not in the ocean unless it is your letter day? What if you own waterfront? Does someone who owns waterfront have to sit on his dock and look at the water 4 days a week? Actually, is he breaking the law if he goes out on his dock? How many people go to the beach to swim for exercise and have their identification on their person while they engage in the activity? Will officers be checking the identification of those people near the water with bathing suits on? Will officers be blowing whistles on the beach forcing those in the water to come out and show their id? What if an older person wants to get in the ocean and rest in the water? Does that activity count? What if someone is resting between bouts of exercise? Even the concept of being able to exercise for a set time limit is ridiculous. What if I want to ride my bike out to Rum Point? The entire situation reminds me of a joke from the Soviet era. Two policemen pass a cyclist an hour before curfew is to begin. The first officer shoots the cyclist. The other officer asks why did he kill the man? The first officer replies; I know where he lives. He would never have made it home on time.
The hardest thing for many is the process of relinquishing control once they have it. The process inevitably leads to slightly silly results like water access for only a maximum of 6 hours per week. I submit It is illogical at this stage to prevent exercise for more than 2 hours since it is unlikely I am going to have a watchee sitting over me with a stopwatch…or am I?
Maybe we should rethink things. It is hard work to police an island. Best to simplify it. It would be so much easier if folks were only allowed out once a week to shop. No exercise, no water access and police the only people with freedom of movement. A little something to look forward to.
The point, gentlemen, is that you have worked very hard to manage the situation, have been successful and should be applauded. However rules that people deem to be silly are unlikely to be obeyed unless one lives in a strictly authoritarian state. In the end, one should always remember that respect and power are things easily squandered.
Shame on me. I clicked the thumbs up before I read this ridiculous paragraph
“It would be so much easier if folks were only allowed out once a week to shop. No exercise, no water access and police the only people with freedom of movement. A little something to look forward to.” WTF?
You ruined a perfectly sensible post…
@11.38 An attempt at sarcasm methinks. The rest of the post is far too sensible to assume otherwise.
Dear Governor,
Please let researchers in the UK we have found some excellent candidates for the vaccine tests now underway in the UK.
We have a number of people who have no fear at all about contracting COVID-19. They have every confidence in their vitality and justifiably continue to chastise our fears and concerns as being irrational.
We applaud their bravery and have every confidence that they will prove to be perfect candidates for double blind testing of the potential vaccines.
Many of them are from the UK and are far more intelligent than us locals so they will understand the importance of this mission. We’d be happy for them to return on the next airbridge flight in order to begin their heroic work.
Thank you sir.
The Grateful Isolated
The way I look at it, I’m not taking a vaccine nor am I scared of getting Covid but you lot are so scared that you’re willing to risk economic suicide in order to not get something that is inevitable. Methinks you are the best people to try this vaccine. I sure as hell won’t be taking it no matter what.
A bit off topic but since we are talking about the beach, I wonder if there’s a proposal we can all or *mostly* unite behind. The lockdown has taken out the two remaining 7MB venues for beach bars. Calico Jacks and Royal Palms are gone forever. It was inevitable but the lockdown accelerated the end. Beach suites I think will still allow locals but that is in question as well and really lacks what RP and CJ had in my opinion.
I don’t know if the Governor’s residence is owned by the Crown or CI Gov but it seems to be an overly extravagent use of this property. Wouldn’t it be better to relocate the Governor to a new location and deisgnate the beach property as a public space forever? The buildings could easily be converted to a beach bar/restaurant with facilities for the enjoyment of locals without the threat of being swallowed up by development. I’m not proposing that the government should get into the beach bar business, but simply lease the property to someone with strict covenants that it remain open to locals among other things. The CI Gov would also benefit from a hefty monthly lease. I’ve seen this proposal come up a few times in the past and thought it a worthy idea for discussion.
There’s always Coral Beach if you don’t mind a bit of drunken violence.
you are wrong, covid did not take out RP and calicos, both were previously slated for closure long before the virus came along
Dart has managed to close all of the beach bars as they own them all. Coral Beach will close once he gets permission for his beach hotel.
“There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.”
Well said. I guess Alden leads by example.
Can we use sunscreen containing PABA? I hear it kills the ‘rona.
No Weed,No Vote
You are in the wrong decade bro’.
Exactly it should’ve been legal decades ago.
All of these restrictions are nonsense caused by the still prevailing hysteria. The government is not really concerned with old people, or it would take steps to isolate and help them. What the government is really concerned about is the phantom fear that THEY will somehow catch the virus. It is nonsensical to shutdown the economy and borders for a bunch of older people who are not even in the workforce. The entire country can run just fine without the older people’s input, and they can be protected and isolated for as long as necessary.
If the government were really concerned about older people, they would go and find each one and prevent them from coming in contact with more than a few other people who were known to be healthy. Since the current loss in revenue to government is probably on the order of 25 million dollars per month, they could spend millions of dollars on tracking down the three thousand or so older people and isolating them safely. Meanwhile everyone else could go back to work, the borders could reopen, and the economy would rebound and be just fine.
It is tantamount to idiocy running around the whole population trying to find “carriers”. Focus on the people that are at risk, and control their exposure to others.
Well it would be easy to isolate and worry about the 3000 or so old ppl, but it’s not just them that need protecting, oh foolish one! There are many more high risk individuals, too. Of course, you haven’t heard there were absolutely “healthy” ppl that died….you could be a high risk person and not even know just as you sit there because of a condition unknown to you i.e. diabetes, cancer, etc. I don’t expect you to find/have value in “our old ppl or the high risk” (thank God, my Premier and the others does) since your love is only for money and the only connections you have is with yourself and the economy. Too bad you didn’t take a flight to somewhere you could make money and be out and about living life normally, thinking so what if I catch Covid-19 at least I got to go to work, dress-up and eat fancily. I wonder if you even though abt what you were typing before you did!! SMH
I’m higher risk, I can handle myself and take the necessary precautions without destroying the lives of others. Thank you very much.
You are so ill informed, its appears that you have the ability to write but not read.
Given that our hospitals are fine, our nursing home are fine all in-spite of an increasing number of positive COVID cases as we test more people, it correlates that those who were asymptomatic before the lock-down have been amongst us for months going to the supermarket and gas station spreading the virus and still no rampant COVID cases.
Back in March the CIG looked overseas and given the miscalculations by the British Government’s computer models they thought the hell unleashed in Europe could happen here, hence the 1,000 deaths CIG remark, but they have failed to means-test or reassess our real-life situation here in Cayman and blindly continued along mimicking the lock-down path enacted in the UK and Europe. They believed they could be the ones to save a 1,000 lives and worth the severe losses and damage to other parts off our economy to achieve it. A noble aspiration.
However, we all know that the UK COVID calculations were completely wrong and it was likely only to be a handful of deaths here even without any preventative measures. However the plan was now in full motion here in Cayman and changing course would undermine their authority. They continued to play this charade to cover their poorly made decisions and unwillingness to be flexible or realistic. We had in essence a one-trick pony show. When faced with a total loss of face people will revert to diversionary tactics and self pontification. We are now in this zone and even though every news media and government body is reporting thousands of people’s lives being devastated, the crippling of our economy and untold suffering to our people, they continue to be fixated on a god-like wish to have not one single death from COVID. I recall the quote: “The road to hell is paved with good intention”. This could not be more true today.
I contend that after the initial 14 day quarantine period and with our closed borders we could have opened our local economy and continued life as normal and we would have not had any surge in COVID cases. Our economy would have been able to continue unabated and we would not have such monumental mess to fix.
95% of people have little to no ill effect from COVID. Do take extra care around those who at a higher risk i.e. the over 70’s and medically compromised – they should have proper N95 face masks to protect themselves. That is where CIG needs to focus its attention. This has been blown out of all proportion and is leading us all into financial, social and economic purgatory. Who will brave enough to take responsibility for that when the reckoning comes?
6.26pm Hindsight is 20/20. You just proved it. Perhaps with foresight you could have persuaded Govt to close our borders from 1st February and then we would have 0 deaths and maybe 0 cases of Covid. But you didn’t so you wait until after the fact and say how we could have saved the economy etc. You totally ignore the fact that lockdown may have played a significant part in the reduced number of deaths.Dream on.
It makes sense to me.
I assume thousands of people in Cayman have passed the virus already in Jan/Feb/March.
What the gov has done has destroyed the economy and peoples mental health.
Lets be honest, in biological war fare you can infect thousands in a mere hours or days.
You can’t stop nature or a virus, the conditions in Cayman have made the recovery very quickly.
Cayman spared again to the good energy(Sun, Air) surrounding the islands.
Lets be honest most of us are not in great health but like I said the dangers of the virus isn’t the virus it’s the CIG attack on the people in the mere defense of protection of safety of the community.
The complexity of the immune system is beyond most peoples understanding here in Cayman.
Coming from 10 years in the field of Immunology.
We can’t bring in a specialist in virology but we can have a fat unhealthy(no disrespect but it’s the truth), health minster preaching to me that god will save us all.
All of this is such a joke, the real dangers is the men with the backs to the wall and their hence men on either sides of them.
Yo, bro! Totally!
Your post is undermined by its second word, making everything that follows uniformed nonsense. From what information would you derive such an assumption? A YouTube video perhaps?
A fool is known by the multitude of words that proceeds out of his mouth!! Lord, God almighty make leave and never return or please Heavenly Father change their foolish hearts and minds for Your name sake. I ask it in Jesus mighty name. AMEN!
The lunatic fringe has officially arrived.
Hard to believe you come from 10 years in a field of “Immunology” with the grammatical and spelling mistakes you made. Nonetheless, point taken.
Here’s the thing, you can’t please everybody. Government acted on the data that they had at the time and according to the WHO and to what most of the world was doing. Had government not acted in the manner that they did, and had people paid for it with their lives, you and others would have been incensed that government did not go into quarantine. What’s so hard about that? No conspiracy, no mystery.
As to your point that the conditions in Cayman have made the recovery very quickly because of good energy surrounding the islands, pure bunk. You call Mount Trashmore burning day and night “good air”. A recent article posted by CNN dispelled the fallacy that the air quality is good…
I don’t believe for a second that you have 10 years of experience in immunology, you can barely string a coherent sentence together.
The results speak for themselves, Cayman has a death rate lower than most of the world. The suppression measures have worked, but you flat earthers and anti-vaccination campaigners are all sticking to your guns, it’s laughable.
I must admit, I did sneeze today once. But since then I have been fine. This is nothing but a load of government crap trying to intimidate people, squatting there behind your big fancy podium.
Just waiting for the bruised female victims of your vicious, drunken temper to come out.
To 7.11 So glad for the excellent leadership that we have had through this troubled time. Also glad that your nonsense has been ignored by them.
You people wonder why the strict curfew? Wonder no more. I have not seen or heard a bigger bunch of whiners and malcontents…Uggh, government told me I can’t dip my toe into the sea. It’s my right to dip my toe into the sea, and government can’t tell me otherwise. Sticking my toe into the sea is an essential right. Government can’t tell me differently. You people are worse than little kindies. Grow up and stop being so pathetic.
True dat.
You my friend, are the pathetic one.
That’s all you got? Lol. Did I hurt your feelings? Poor you.
The malcontents have no real arguments beyond selfish whining about fictional constitutional entitlements or conspiracy theories they’ve seen on the Internet. Either way, it boils down to me, me, me.
Says you, you, you!
Wonder no more? So it’s because people whine that they are locked down? What you really mean is that you despise people who complain about their rights being infringed, but rather than argue as to whether the restrictions are disproportionate you think simply complaining means you lose the right to liberty. Just because you will simply do as you are told without questioning it doesn’t entitle make you better than those that question authority – it just means you have no imagination or independence. You are trying to portray weakness as strength.
Tron thinks it a great idea to impose curfews to punish people for whining evidently. Drone, sheep maybe a better name.
That’s not at all what was said. Apparently reading comprehension is not your strength.
From Level 4 sheep Tron “You people wonder why the strict curfew? Wonder no more. I have not seen or heard a bigger bunch of whiners and malcontents…”
O.K. TRON. I’ll see you in jail.
When is fishing allowed….only on A-K days or all days within 5a-7p?
My family are S’s and are Seventh Day Adventist’s. We are being discriminated against.
Discriminated? You honestly think these rules were put in place to discriminate against you?
Man…some people really do think the world revolves around them.
Thais your choice. I hope you are not forcing it on your children
We’re not Catholic
Maybe you should ask the LGBTQ community about discrimination. Or the various non-white communities. I’m hoping your comment was in jest, but these days people are posting some pretty ignorant things, so who knows.
You have no idea what discrimination is all about. Stop crying wolf when it’s not warranted. Cheapens true discrimination.
I sir name is B, I will trade you my Friday for your Saturday!! Lol
Maybe someone will ask at the next press conference if swapsies are allowed?
Are you sure you’re not Seventh Day Whiners?
So? You don’t know of the days of the week named Tuesday and Thursday? So what you want/need on those days and pray from Sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday. Seems to me like minor changes to save your soul (and your earthly vessel while you’re at it).
Please stop being so selfish and foolish!! Nothing you do on Saturdays is opened to anyone, anyhow, i.e. Church. Shop for a little more on Thursdays for your belly to be filled on Saturdays or just go to the gas station or many mini-marts that’s open on Sundays now. You can’t speak of discrimination just because you can’t shop on Friday afternoon due to your choice of the denomination of your faith. You need to ask God to forgive you for that foolish and selfish post and write back an apology to the ppl here on this forum! God bless you and I hope you get to eat as much that’s pleasing to God!!
I am not sure what is scarier: coronavirus or you.
Under the new regulations, can someone who owns private property with beach access go onto their own beach on a Sunday? Under the previous beach “hard curfew” a clear distinction was drawn between “public beach” and private property with beach access. Private owners were only forbidden from going beyond the high water mark. So a beach front private owner could clearly be on the rest of “their” beach on any day, including Sunday. The new regulations published today do not make this public/private distinction. They simply state “no person shall exercise on a beach on a Sunday.” On the face of it this prevents a private owner of beachfront property being on any part of their beach on a Sunday. This is increasing the lock down on such persons, not reducing the lock down. Was this the intention – i.e. a homeowner with beachfront property can’t be in part of his own “yard’ on a Sunday?
Simple answer: there is no such thing as private beach. Everything from HWM down is Crown thus public
Try telling that to hotel and condos!
Never mind the condos and hotels ask the governor if he is on public property.
Read the question – poster is talking about high water mark up!
The question refers to an owner being on the “beach” land between house and HWM. That is prima facie private property (unless you subscribe to the theory that “public” begins at the “vegetation line” – wherever that is (and which is presumably rather movable depending on the owner’s gardening habits)).
I live on the beach and asked 2 policemen this morning and they said you can go in the water from your piece of land any day if you live on the beach. The restrictions are for exercising on public beaches.
Police don’t know either, nobody knows anymore, so confusing.
The Crown owns 12 feet from the water.
The crown owns whatever you give them. In my book, they own shit.
Public beaches = below the high water mark
Under Prescriptive Law, the land even within a condo/hotel/beachfront property from HWM up is private but not limited to access by the public if its beach/sand. The premier clarified very early on…weeks ago…that condo owners were permitted on the dry sand above the HWM, even though its publicly accessible, simply because its your “back yard”. Sorry if you missed that and have been confining yourselves unecessarily.
If I were you I would act under the assumption that the restrictions on beach access still apply only to the public portion of the beach (below high-water mark), even though it’s not explicitly stated.
— In separate, stark warnings, two major European leaders have bluntly told their citizens that the world needs to adapt to living with the coronavirus and cannot wait to be saved by the development of a vaccine.
’’We are facing a calculated risk, in the awareness … that the epidemiological curve could go back up,” Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said late Saturday. “We are confronting this risk, and we need to accept it, otherwise we would never be able to relaunch.”
Conte added that Italy could “not afford” to wait until a vaccine was developed. Health experts say the world could be months, if not years, away from having a vaccine available to everyone despite the scientific gold rush now on to create such a vaccine.
Conte is a globalist criminal. See the brave Italian woman politician call him out in Parliament? Where are the men?
Lol. You might want to check out the source and what she said. She is a nut. In her speech, not only did she manage to squeeze in her anti-vaccine rhetoric, she accused Bill Gates of genocide, of conspiring with Monsanto, the pharmaceutical industry and the medical community, etc. Real cheerful type.
Hmm..I am an anti-vaxxer, Monsanto and Bill Gates are certainly not humans, may be evils or aliens. Pharmaceutical industry all criminals.
You’ll call me a nut, however I am not much different from you. Certified and licensed professional, lots of friends, loving family. Lived and worked in several countries, speak 4 languages. Not a fanatic of anything. I grew up in a country where propaganda didn’t exist, people used their brains to sort things out and respected wisdom of ages. My brain developed without influence of TV or other media. I think differently.
To think differently is one thing, to believe all conspiracy theories floating out there is an entirely different thing (ie. Bill Gates; pharmaceutical industry; vaccinations; etc.) The pharmaceutical industry is not perfect, but it’s come a long way, and has solved many problems that would have killed millions a hundred years ago (diabetes; infections; malaria; cardiovascular disease; polio; measles; Hep B; to name a few). What country did you grow up where propaganda did not exist?
Well thanks for adding to the propaganda here. Much appreciated.
10.02am. Thank you. Well said!
Good for you!
Tron, are you being paid to spew this bile?
It’s only for 14 more days.It appears that people on this island don’t fully grasp the significance of what this government has been able to accomplish. Everyone here should be thanking Jesus that their families are all here and healthy. I’m sure that most of you are doing that. It’s obvious from the success that the majority of folks around here have been complying appropriately. Good work.
It started with “Only three days” then, “Just two weeks”, then it was another two weeks… then another…. then another…then another…. it’s not just 14 more days
It’s called “learning” and “adapting to new information”. Normally, this is a sign of intelligence. But stupid people don’t seem to understand that.
And yet we haven’t learned that a vaccine is unlikely and we cannot close our borders waiting for a vaccine.
And yet you have no idea whether your statement is true, so until we get some more information in a few months’ time, stop your whining and act like an adult. Or go see your mommy, and maybe she’ll straighten you out.
There’s a long history where vaccines and coronavirus/sars are concerned, so yeah I have a pretty good idea that my statement is true. Where are you getting your blind faith from? Is corona lockdown your new religion? You should probably keep locking down even when the all clear is given.
Not that long – 15 years – and not consistently after SARS disappeared. But the important work done back then is why this time vaccine development can proceed much more quickly.
Blind faith? Lol. Some of the many promising developments. And there are others.
Corona lockdown my new religion? Umm, nope. I like getting out and I do – often, and when I need to. Do I mind it as much as all of you whiners. Nope. All I need is some food, a good book…internet is great.
And best of all, I don’t go whaaaa whaaaa whaaa like you.
Where did the money come from for your food and internet? Nevermind, selfishness clearly doesn’t afford you the ability to see past your nose.
Tron, I cannot imagine that your handlers want you to play your hand so ostentatiously. We get it. You just arrived on the plane.
Well according to your previous statement, he’ll be coming out of lockdown the same time as everyone else…enjoy yourself in isolation Tron, don’t be the fool and push your luck just to get locked up in HMPS in real confinement for months!! I don’t know why unnah ppl so anxious to get back out there to live a part of your days in traffic and just to be able to eat up all this unhealthy food in restaurants and drink up alcohol in bars for, while you can do all of that in the comfort of your own homes now still…unless that’s just it; it’s unnah homes y’all don’t want to be in!!
You’re one of those recovering alcoholics, found Jesus types, aren’t you?
Dear Tron….hope they find a vaccine for SARs1 while theyre at it…though 16 years later and magically no cases since 2004, may no longer be necessary.
You and I both know that in a few months time, the narrative will be totally changed. Stop it.
Well yes, we can, you might not like it, I’m sure many won’t. I don’t. But it is to be I think.
LOL. World is full of stupid people. And about a quarter of them seem to be on CNN.
Coming from a Fox viewer REALLY? Thanks for the good laugh today dude.
Lol, look over your shoulder. Yep, it’s Tron. You guys are having a laugh, right?
You are stupid. We see through your psyop.
No – in that approach you start off by saying that you will review in 2 weeks, but not say it’s just another 2 weeks – it’s two weeks before I review again, no promises. And no claiming that anyone who disagrees is indifferent to the the deaths of others to try and demonize criticism.
This virus critically affects a very small percentage of the population yet economies around the world have been crippled…what aren’t they telling us?
Getting you ready to be chipped. Don’t worry, it won’t be long now.
11.03am Our Great Leader has avowed his intent is not to allow a single death from Covid-19, but this may well lead to someone dying from starvation, alcoholic poisoning or suicide, but of course these won’t count.
Jesus? If Jesus didn’t want us to have this virus he would not have sent it.
The LA county jail immates are purposely trying to get infected with coronavirus so they can be let out of lockdown. The ultimate irony.
You’ll all be happy to know that I’ve decided to ignore all your whining and ungrateful comments. I’ve decided not to engage in any of these immature tirades, well after this one. I hope you all stay safe and come out of this relatively unscathed.
Are you passive aggressive by any chance?
Immature…? Let’s see …. our government has removed fundamental freedoms from us for the last 8 weeks. When people start pushing back on the extent of these restrictions and questioning both their proportionality and relevance to the task at hand, suppression of the virus, the Premier went on a complete tirade about lawyers and buff 35 year olds thinking they are invulnerable. So please tell me who is acting in an immature manner?
When it comes to staying safe I have only heard very few comments against the need of having a reasonable lock down with effective social distancing. Most people see this as common sense. People are not up in arms about any restrictions they are increasingly angry about the way these restrictions were created, the fact that they often seem to be arbitary and the rationale behind them.
In terms of coming out of this relatively unscathed the latest information from John Hopkins University indicates that if Cayman had the same per capita deaths as the USA we would have had 16. Very few people are advocating we follow the US model and we have the luxury of being able to close our borders and isolate effectively. We were never going to track anything close to the US here but the powers that be keep bringing them up simply to scare us. You should be asking yourself the question – why?
Few of the governments knew what they were facing, especially once Italy got hit so hard. Stop your sissy little whining for having had to close your doors for a month. The economy would have been affected regardless; the world shut down…
“You should be asking yourself the question – why?” Let me guess, your answers to this are one of the following, or all of them together:
1. It’s the Bilderberg Group
2. It’s a Jewish Conspiracy
3. It’s the Reptile Aliens among us commanding our world leaders to do so
4. Space Aliens commanded it so that they could come as “saviours” to subjugate us
5. World Leaders wanted to bankrupt the world economy so that we become more dependent on government
If your theory is different than one of these, kindly enlighten the Ignorant & Uninformed. I’d love to hear your “WHY”. Enlighten us please!
Wow did you come up with all those by yourself? Clever Human.
Sorry but no, nothing so creative. Politicians have been working for decades (and probably centuries) with much simpler manipulation of human traits. The first one is fear. Was it a coincidence that Uncle Alden decided to start his monologues at the beginning of the lockdown with all those wonderful scary numbers from very large countries? No. He knew what he was doing and wanted everyone to hear them to make them aware of the spread of the virus and also to instill a little fear. It’s much easier to make people do what you want when they are afraid. When he mentions the USA he always does so in a wide eyed way to infer they are particularly bad. I grant you in many ways they have not handled the crisis well, but when you actually look at the numbers they are not the worst country per capita by a long shot. They are in the middle of the pack behind countries like Spain and the UK. Obviously many states are now opening up their economies and the next month will be telling in terms of whether the virus increases or decreases in prevalence. So is it the reality of the USA that Alden is trying to refer to here or what he wants your perception of the USA to be?
The second manipulation politicians like to engage in is the “distract / deflect” technique. A common example of this is when politicians blame foreigners for something or launch a military raid against an old enemy.
Here fear is certainly being used as one distraction but to what? No clear winner yet but I do find it very interesting that Cayman has still not outlined its objectives for post peak virus time. This is unlike many other Caribbean islands and overseas territories. Right now there is no stated endgame that we are moving towards. The charitable amongst us would say this is simply because the government wants to wait to see how this all plays out. Unfortunately governments job isn’t to wait, it is to plan and prepare and a major part of this is in the communication of the overall strategy so the country knows what it is doing apart from sitting at home.
Okay, so you’re far more rational than most. I was hoping for a good alien story.
Sure, so everyone, including government manipulates, to a degree. And everyone deflects, again, to a degree. Everyone, including Alden started off with big scary numbers, because that’s what they thought may happen; and there was the distinct possibility that those numbers could be correct. We now know better. Hindsight is wonderful, isn’t it.
So if it’s not the aliens, the Bilderberg Group, etc. to what purpose (other than the one to protect the public)? Surely there has to be some purpose if not that….
It boils down to money and power.
Most of us know why and its to keep us safe
Safe from what or rather who?
“Safe from what or rather who?”
Why, Aldart, of course!
That would be nice!
Keep us safe? It’s more like keep us under control.
I heard they started building the port while we were on lockdown! Also, they’ve cleared all the remaining mangroves in West Bay Road and have opened a new landfill in Breakers.
We should never have let them trample on our freedoms so they could do these evil acts under our noses.
We should have never listened to the public health advice. God Bless America and their stand for freedom. Corona is a hoax.
Keeping the beach closed on Sunday to be fair? Why not just on even number dates, one group, on odd number dates, another group? Instead, your solution is to close for everyone on Sunday?
Because we can’t be trusted to do the right thing unless we have a way to measure it (surname dates). When there is a consequence for noncompliance, we do much better. I know, I know. I don’t like it any better than you, but it’s the way it is. A certain percentage of us are noncompliant.
Are you government-programmed AI? You never seem to miss a beat.
Maybe Al is money programmed.
Question…………. Can the virus live in salt water?
It doesn’t matter. Do as you are told.
Dumb Dumb got 1 question at yesterday’s press conference. When will hospital open up for regular procedures? Something the MoH should be on top of right? He was like a deer in the headlights. Couldn’t even string together a half assed reply. Had to hand it over to the Dr right away. Would be funny if it weren’t so serious.
If I remember correctly he said: “I wouldn’t want to guess” What a colossal fool.
Serious question. How did he find himself in MoH position? Can someone with good understanding of Cayman politics please explain.
It might be part of the “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” agreement they all seem to have.
Exactly. And I’m meant to take this MoH seriously? WTF is really going on?!
Wish the reporters would ask him more questions! It amazes me what little he knows for MOH and that he’s getting away with it in his high salary.
10.22pm Ask him why the GT hospital of all places does not give priority to senior citizens at the Pharmacy.
12.29pm A deer in the headlights has the sense to get out of the way.
Not all of them.
Can we go kite surfing again from Tuesday?
I would say YES!!! They didn’t say no, so go for it!! It is a solitary sport even if there are more than one out there.
That is one sport I love to watch and wish I had the wherewithal to do it!
What a bunch of self absorbed spoiled brats. Instead of whining on social media why don’t you use your time to cook a meal or make an online donation to the organisations feeding people?!
who said people don’t cook meals or make donations? NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING.
So SINGLE people that work Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm and in the A to K range can’t enjoy a little swim on their day off on Saturday??
Neither can married people – except you can if you go before or after work!
11:12 You really telling me that you cant go to the beach at all either Monday, Wednesday or Friday? The average person works 9-5. Go before work FFS. You have from 5:15 until 7:00. It might mean you have to wake up a bit earlier to do it (shock, horror) but you could still go. Stop being a whiney little prince/princess. Wake up bit earlier you spoiled brat. If you really care so much about the beach you can do it!
Clearly you are L to Z or an unemployed P O S.
9:59 nope I am A-L I’m just not but hurt about it. Beach will still be there come Wednesday and I will be diving into that water like an overenthusiastic seal. I just wish people would chill. Yes we have had to give up some rights and pleasures but at least we are in a better place than the UK and USA.
Ohh and 9:59 not only am I in the A-K bracket I also work 8:30 till 5:00 so I am fully employed. I’m just able to organize myself to go to the shops before work and the beach right after I finish work. It’s called “organization”. Maybe you should try it?
Not only single people
Good one! I’m in the same situation! Those in the A to K group that work Monday to Friday got the shaft!! I can’t wait to get my weekends back!
I propose they switch it up! Why not give A to K the Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and L to Z the Monday, Wednesday and Friday!
Yeah! You know what! I am in the A to K group and I work hard all week so I will be going for a swim next Saturday and if I get caught and warned for prosecution I will FIGHT it! I’m pretty sure they will have “bigger fish to fry!”
Translation: I don’t agree with the law so I’m entitled to break it because it’s not convenient for me personally.
What a mentality.
Have fun in court.
Single or not can’t go in the beach on Saturday. Alden could work out how to split the population between Saturday and Sunday – guess the idea of simply allowing A- K on the beach on Sunday ( and banning everyone in Minday if he was that worried about equal access number of days) didn’t occur to him. Because grown adults can’t deal with a different schedule for the beach to the those for shopping. ).
Why couldnt the beach open for Monday? The A-Ks just got screwed out of a day yet the basis for Sunday closure is to make it eeual/fair? (3days a week each) Who actually cares about a public holiday right now when weve been sitting around with out thumbs up our a$$es for 8 weeks!! If they can cut into the gazetted law to amend CB and LC curfew, they couldve cut into the current gazette ending 8pm on May 18th too.
10:49 The whole reason they closed it down in the first place is becuase people couldn’t control themselves over a long weekend.. So hence this long weekend is a no go for everyone. I am in the same name bracket as you but I think I can survive until Wednesday. SMH
This whole thing is becoming a farce. It’s almost a desperate show of power rather than a common sense approach to lifting the arbitrary restrictions. I get they don’t want too many people on the beaches but coming to a press conference without a full list of activities that people can and can’t do is just amateurish. So you can go snorkelling but you can’t go diving. Can you go snorkelling? Depends how far from shore you are apparently. You can go paddle boarding but can you go surfing? It’s a chaotic way to approach this.
Everyone has their own thing they want to do. If you can do it and be respectful of social distancing then let them do it. Create restrictions which make sense rather than pander to certain groups. Restrict people to 2 people to a boat and let them do what they want. If you don’t want them meeting up then ban boats from specific areas like rum point for the next 3 months, ban boats from rafting up and restrict boats from anchoring within 50 yards of another boat in any other location. There are always ways of doing this but they are being reactive rather than proactive and petty rather than being open minded that people can do things with some common sense restrictions. You want to ban specific things because there is a legitimate reason then ban them and state the reason.
We are 8 weeks in and we are still focused on the small stuff. We should have had full presentations from both the minister of tourism and the minister of finance by now telling us governments initial plans for the next 6 months to a year. They need to step up their game and start moving from suppression to effective communication of government strategy regarding the economic impact and how they are going to manage it. It’s time to move into another gear rather than worrying about which watersports people can and can’t do.
You can’t communicate a strategy if you don’t have one or it’s based on wait and see what others do.
Id like to see them ban boats from being less than 50 feet of each other forever.
Seriously. People complain about everything.
“But I didn’t take my husband’s last name so we can’t go to the beach together! Waaaaah!”
“But They should have opened the beach on Sunday, too! Waaaaah!”
“But they should have opened the beaches for the long weekend and make us wait until Tuesday! Waaaaah!”
Self entitlement is a bigger disease than Corona virus on this island. Quit whining abd complaining and focus on the positives, people!
Ugh. Just because it doesn’t affect you doesn’t mean it’s not a valid complaint. Get over yourself.
9:07 Exactly. It’s impossible to please these people… Do you have to go to the beach with your husband/wife? Might be healthy to have a break from them if you are locked up in a house together. Just be damn grateful that we can not go to the beach! SMH
Some of actually like our partners and enjoy spending time with them, pandemic or not.
Sadly, you’re a rarity here.
Self entitlement? It’s you people who are self entitled and selfish. The only thing you cowards have to do is stay home and follow protocols. We are destroying the economy and peoples lives to satisfy the entitlement desires and irrational fear of you and people like you. Nobody is forcing you to do anything that you don’t agree with. Who’s entitled?
So agreeing with the gov orders to stay in place due to a concern for the general welfare of the population is cowardice? Or might it be that you are just expressing your own selfishness? I am assuming that “you” are brave and don’t have any concerns about this disease. Let me guess, you’re a 30 or 40 something with no underlying issues, therefore, you think you should be ok? There shouldn’t be a problem? If this your kind of thinking then,lamentably, it’s flawed. 1) There are many healthy younger people in hospitals across America and Europe right now fighting for their lives. That initial assumption about covid19 is being proven wrong. 2) This is not just a matter of you getting infected. It’s also about who you spread it to. Covid19 is shown to be highly infectious even if you don’t display any symptoms. So while you go about “bravely”, you could be spreading it to other people who may be themselves vulnerable to this disease or have family members who are.
Yes, agreeing with the measures to protect yourself while destroying others is selfish. Let me guess, you are not in any financial distress or can’t see outside of your own situation far enough to understand the long term devastation this is causing others. And for what? To open the airport in September with the virus still present? Or, keeping borders closed until such time as the virus is no longer present which make take years? If that’s not selfish then it’s insanity, take your pick. On the flip side, you are no more likely to get infected if you stay *voluntarily* in a lockdown posture. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Id say spreading the virus and possibly killing someone for money is pretty selfish
So don’t get near us crazies that believe killing the economy will lead to worse consequences. Stay locked down. Nobody will complain if you do. Or is it you are the selfish one?
Here here get a grip.
These cries of human rights this Nd that jeesas calm down people. You could be living in America
Letting me going to the beach doesn’t put money in my pocket.
I got none either but I am bouncing off the walls here Longing to just see the sea and calm my soul. A walk on the beach eases the stress for me. We don’t all deal with it the same way you do.
Beach on name days? This is so stupid. Just open it up and socially distance.
We tried this but some idiots ruined it for everyone. Just be grateful it’s open at all!
Only people ruining it were the police – all you had to do would have been enforce the rules. Gov’t could have used the ticket revenue and the refrain of it was too difficult or we don’t have resources is frankly complete and utter foolishness.
There is no evidence of any ‘idiots’. If there were, the police would have made arrests.
3:10 I don’t need other peoples evidence. I saw it first hand when i went to the beach over eater weekend. People in groups with beers and coolers. These numb skulls are the reason theres an alphabetical system. If you cant act like adults and follow laws that keep everyone safe than tough
S£%t. 3 days of beach is better than none. Quit the whining you idiots and start acting like considerate adults.
Good job Premier Alden McLaughlin, Good job people on Cayman! It wasn’t easy and the price is yet to be paid but it appears that we are in control of the virus instead of the other way around. Please keep up the social distancing and any measures to make sure you do not get infected. Lets keep this going. Getting back to a more normal life is the reward.
I saw a waverunner in N. Sound a couple of days ago. I quickly put my mask on just in case he came anywhere near shore.
Exactly how does not anchoring a boat at starfish point suppress the virus? It seems to be more about behaviour control.
Boats have only been allowed for fishing not leisure cruises so there’s that…
Exactly. No partying & forgetting social distancing.
It’s the gathering that will happen, fueled by booze and then… Well you know…
The dictator continues exercising his power over the island. Attending beaches in alpha order? For a limited duration? At specific time for specific activities? No snorkeling? Starting Tuesday?
The draconian, arbitrary restrictions have nothing to do with public health. It seems like this prison guard takes pleasure in controlling others. Percy Wetmore, do you agree?
You can snorkel from Tuesday.
He said no diving. More research needs to be done on damage to lungs by this virus, even if you were a symptomatic. It’s possible diving after covid19 might kill you. Once we’ve had testing to find out if you’ve had it, you will be aware of the potential risk. Who wants the headline – diver dies after surviving virus?
Jeeeeeeeez!!!! Get a life, Pleaaaaaase! Premier cares about my lungs, but not about my sanity?
So your thesis is I got the virus, I was so asymptomatic that i didn’t even know I had it, but my lungs are now irretrievably damaged and I will die when diving? I can get why Boris Johnson might want a physician to check him out before diving, me, not so much. And isn’t it my choice? Because if it isn’t we should also ban selling cigarettes to anyone who hasn’t had a clear test. Even better, a cardio exam before exercise for anyone who has been stuffing their face on take away food for the last 6 weeks.
Percy Wetmore is a character from The Green Mile.
Why can’t they do A-K every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month and L-Z every 2nd and 4th? Months where there are 5 Sundays, like the month of May, nobody goes on the 5th. Seems simple enough.
Just open the beaches everyday. So stupid.
A day off from the beaches is helping the environment. Good idea in my view as Sunday’s are usually very busy with barbecues parties etc.
These measures will hopefully only be in place for two weeks so that wouldn’t really be practical. It would become a moot point
Beach/sea water is not only for exercise and pleasure/fun. There are persons who use it as therapy for certain medical/physical conditions.
It’s ALL about health, isn’t it?
Whaaaaaaaaw! I want my jet ski and brewski! Whaaaaaaaaa! Bad Alden!
This pitty paty u k POLICE state soon get what its looking for…no return. But we still hope more colonial junks go back home though.
Yeah then everyone is going to have a medical condition.
It would be nice if I could walk the beach or swim with my husband like I used to, we are effectively being punished because I didn’t take his name.
Same problem here. Ridiculous. Thinking we might go on my day and take our marriage certificate. Hopefully if we did get stopped, which I doubt anyway as the police don’t want to get out of there ac vehicles, that they we be sympathetic.
Have fun in court!
Take a copy of your marriage certificate in your car. I am sure you will be fine. Wendy – this is a great question to ask!
This is NOT a good question for anybody to ask. It is a waste of time. If you chose to not to change your name after marriage, than your name is what it has always been. Bringing a copy of your marriage license with you will prove nothing but your ignorance. And by the way, my wife did not take my name!
You have a good point. It highlights the fact that the one size fits all approach puts some people at a disadvantage. Unfortunately, it would be very difficult to enforce every possible exception to the restrictions that have been put in place. Maybe a positive from your situation is that fact that, despite the restrictions, one of you can be out most days of the week.
Except we both are still working so the only time we can get to the shops is on a Saturday due to restricted shopping hours on weekdays so not a bonus there. It also means he will miss out on the beach until restrictions are lifted because he can’t go on a Saturday.
You work 5am to 8pm? Get real. You can go to the beach before or after work. I know a lot of people go to get their groceries at the opening of the supermarkets. Of get them delivered. I’ve had mine delivered for 2 months. Yes you pay but you’ve said that you are both working so $20 every 2 weeks shouldn’t bankrupt you.
It takes me an hour to walk to the shop, I then have to wait to be allowed in because I’m not a senior, then shop, then walk an hour back home… can’t be done before I start work at 8am…same for after work as I finish at 5 so by the time I get to the shop after 6 they’re not letting anyone in. Not everyone has a car or lives close enough to stores or beaches to make your argument work and not everyone has spare cash for delivery, just because we’re working doesn’t mean we’re not struggling.
Good point!
Alternate. Store one day shop the other. You don’t have to shop on all 3 letter days do you?
Some of us are limited to shopping on Saturdays due to work hours.
@9.42am Both working, two incomes, health coverage….. And still complaining!
Really! I posted about getting groceries delivered & I only have my $1,000 a month pension. If I can figure out things I can do without to get my groceries delivered then I’m sure that two workers can figure it out! Working full days on (even in minimum wage x 2) gives them a lot more than me.
$20 is a lot of groceries in my house, I won’t waste that on a delivery fee every week.
I didn’t say every week. Every two weeks should be ok for you & should be affordable by the working couple who are complaining.
I’m managing the extra cost of $10 per week on $1,000 per month pension. Less meat more frozen veg.
We are currently living on potatoes, rice and frozen veg but thanks for your suggestion. We look after his mother abroad and my mother here as well as our children. Not everyone is able to afford to throw money at a delivery service.
@10.49pm Are you serious? Get over yourself! That’s all you concerned about?
It’s amazing that some of us can be concerned about more than one thing at the same time. I guess multitasking isn’t your deal?
At this point there’s not really a lot to be concerned about, I want a democracy back not the current dictatorship.
Marriage certificate solves tgat problem.
So I should take that to the beach and leave it there? Really? Also how does that identify me, I would still need to have ID with me and we’re back to the surname issue.
quit whining already. FFS get a grip
It does not. Have fun in court.
I am in the same situation and very disappointed.
How about just one of you take you ID with you. In the highly unlikely event you are stopped, you’ll be just fine. Wear your wedding rings.
Not a solution, still breaking the “law”
There are no laws.
Depends who you are
It’s not for ever. Get over it …..many people in the same situation. Just be glad that we are able to open the beaches.
And half the population that work Monday-Friday can’t go on their day off, that’s fair.
You are allowed for 2 hours. Go before or after work. Best times of the day anyway.
Not everyone has a car or lives close enough to a beach to make that a feasible solution.
1:35 Sounds like a you problem. Get over it.
This is Cayman. How far from the ocean can you possibly be?! Did you take the bus every weekend to the beach before this?
To be fair to the poster, I live off Northward Rd. Nearest beach is Beach Bay. It’s a good 45 minute walk if you don’t have a car or bicycle, so quick dip and catch your breath is all you would have time for.
You might not know Cayman very well if you can’t answer that yourself. I suggest you get out of the seven mile corridor for some geography lessons.
We are also in the same situation and very disappointed.
Yes it’s unfair. Life is unfair. I wish I was 4 inches taller and 20 lbs lighter. But such is life, I’m in the most beautiful and safest place in the world.
You are in the same household and you are married. It is highly unlikely that the police are on the beach checking everyone’s id. I’m thinking common sense should prevail in these matters. However, all everyone on here does is complain. Look at the bigger picture. At least you are healthy enough to walk on the beach, some people don’t have that luxury. Husband or not.
Common sense or not it would still be considered breaking the law
You’ll be okay, enjoy the time apart.
We actually like each other…
But you haven’t got to spend all your ‘social’ beach time together. Drive to Camana Bay instead & exercise – walking around. Then go home & shower together….
10:49 For God’s sake woman! Get a life and stop chatting pure s.h.i.t !
I know neither of you will leave the house without of your phones.snap a photo of it and if anyone stops you just show it to them..Stop making this to be more than it is..Be grateful that you can at least can get on the beach..
We don’t take our phones to the beach, one more thing to worry about being stolen whole we swim.
the no beach on sunday is a joke…but othrwise the new measures are welcomed.
i now urge the people to re-double their efforts in regaining other basic human rights…
Get a grip.
Ah yes, beach access.. the most fundamental of human rights
We don’t need you clogging up the beach in order to get a tan.
What would you propose? A-K from 6am to midday, then L-Z midday to 6pm? How exactly do you expect them to split day 7 or are you suggesting a free for all on the beaches after we’ve come so far over 8 weeks?
Give A- K Sunday. No one goes on Monday. Beach gets a day off, everyone gets 3 days including one weekend day. Not rocket science.
The beaches have not been closed 8 weeks. All the way up to Easter they were open to us all, and every single press conference the COP reported no problems, quiet, everyone social distancing. Then came Easter, the one time in the whole year that EVERYONE goes camping. It was inevitable. Easter is done and now the whole island is still being punished for the actions of those idiots, and now just in case any other idiots want to have a go, likely on SMB. Police it.
Happy to close stingray city, etc. and even the beach on Sunday. I just wish they would make beach days like exercise days, and for 3 hours for those who have long walks to get there.
A traffic officer pulled INTO my private property in attempt to enforce the traffic law on last Sunday hard curfew – of all the days I wish to enjoy my front yard. I demanded he leave on the grounds that he can’t tell people to slow down at Breakers.
A complaint has been filed with Ombudsman for infringing on my right to private property, however the hated officer has since refused to offer a simple apology, because according to them, the police have a right to come onto private property to give healthcare advice.
I na hear more BS in my life. This exactly why the RCIPS should be Caymanians only because some of them foreign officers have no consideration for our local rights. This curfew power gone to their heads!
I’m sure he wasn’t from the UK
I was understanding, but dubious with your first paragraph. I think I smell your true agenda with the last paragraph.