No briefing as gov’t works on ‘new rules’

| 30/04/2020 | 108 Comments
Premier Alden McLaughlin holds up The Cayman Islands Economic Assessment and Stimulus Plan, which is not yet public, at Wednesday’s press briefing

(CNS): What has become Cayman’s top daily show in recent weeks, the COVID-19 briefing, was cancelled Thursday as Cabinet worked on the new rules for the next curfew phase coming into effect Monday. Premier Alden McLaughlin is expected to announce a number of changes to the shelter-in-place order (the soft curfew) on Friday, but it is understood that the evening and Sunday hard curfew will not change for another two weeks.

The expected daily briefing, which had been set to air at 3pm on 30 April, was cancelled at the last minute because Cabinet needed more time to finish the regulations that will support the changes being made to the soft curfew, government officials said.

The premier has not yet detailed what will change but hinted that we will see the delivery of goods expanded.

However, the changes are dependent on the level of positive samples emerging this week as the expanded COVID-19 testing programme continues. Following the cancellation of the briefing, CNS requested details of the results that Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee would have revealed Thursday. But we were informed that no results would be revealed, as directed by the premier’s office. The country will have to wait until Friday to find out if there have been any more positive results and whether or not any were community transmissions.

Although both the soft and hard curfews both expire Friday, 1 May, the premier said Wednesday that the rules surrounding the shelter-in-place order will remain in effect exactly as they are now for Friday and Saturday. And with no expected changes to the hard-curfew, Sunday will remain a full lock-down day.

Many people will be disappointed that the ban on Sunday exercising is unlikely to be lifted. While some things will be changing on Monday, the beaches will remain closed and it appears there are no plans to lift the ban on driving to a place to exercise.

But there will be some easing of restrictions when it comes to access to goods and services, with an expansion of delivery services beyond food and drink. Some businesses not considered essential service may be allowed to re-open, such as money transfer services and pool maintenance.

McLaughlin said that the thinking behind the phased re-opening, if the test results continue in the right direction, will focus firstly on those services and businesses not considered essential until now but which, by their nature, pose a lower risk of person to person contact.

“These will be services that can be delivered rather than people going in and congregating in an enclosed area to get whatever it is they’re after,” he said, adding that government was aware people need access to many things, such as car parts and getting vehicles repaired.

“The first phase of the re-opening is not to allow the re-opening of places such as… hardware stores… which of course would put more people together again. That is phase two,” the premier said, noting that this was dependent on the test results coming in over the next few weeks and how phase one goes.

At that point, the wearing of masks will be mandated, and the premier said it was necessary to get enough masks for everyone because that second phase will increase risk of transmission.

While the risk of person to person contact and the potential to spread the virus is lower with the expansion of delivery services rather than opening stores, it is not without some risk. McLaughlin said it would increase the amount of people on the road by around 6,000.

Office supplies, tyres, flowers for Mother’s Day and hardware items are just some of the things that the public is expected to get access to as a result of the expansion in deliveries. However, the full list has not yet been confirmed and the premier is expected to detail phase one on Friday.

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  1. Worldlashout says:

    Alden you’re doing a good job.some people don’t stop and realize came to my mind look at New York and all other places that approved that gay.never mock the word of God NEVER.BELIEVE you me if that had happen)(I which case it did but was over turned by the majority.cause majority rule anyway u take it.god would have turned this place upsided down.two of that same kind with that same mindset will never work here got that?that why the most high is lashing.and today the mashing of teeth is happening.all over the world have gays (etc)yes but we don’t that have been and will remain a christian community will remain that way like it or not

  2. Anonymous says:

    Open the beaches man!!! One incident involving a handful of amoeba brained imbeciles has scuppered the rest of us. Not everyone can walk, run or cycle. Some of us need the support of the water to exercise. So get a grip, get the police to hammer the real culprits and fire Seymour as well and save $180k a year.

  3. Anonymous says:

    You should listen to Kayleigh at 2.00 much better. On Fox.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Why cant we just have a car ban on Sunday?

  5. Anonymous says:

    It was not a complete waste of time. I learnt a lot about bulk fuel carriers.

  6. Anonymous says:

    One some international news pages there are reports that this pandemic will continue for 18 – 24 months or until 70% of the worlds population has had it. This is from some top scientific experts that have previously advised governments

    There is also reports out of the USA and UK that a vaccine is a long shot in this time and we could even be waiting till 2036.

    I hope that none of these are true BUT the scientists are advising governments to plan for this.

    I would like the Government to show some sort of contingency plan for this we cant keep the country boarders closed for years.

    There should be a dedicated team set up with the tourism industry to start a plan on how to manage and safely open that industry in the future. Other BOT Gov. are making these plans and including the private sectors to work out safe ways to do this in the future.

    • Anonymous says:

      If any of this is true and I am doubtful. Who is going to come? It may be a few regulars if they’re still rich, but none of those people buy stuff from the crappy souvenir shops and they’re not going to go on another tour so make good use of your time now get your business ready to modify your offerings, instead of whining about it later.
      And I don’t mean to be harsh, but it’s better that you accept the fact now that your tourism dollar isn’t going to be back for a VERY long time.
      Tough love, not trying to be negative.

      • Anonymous says:

        Believe me there are people itching to go to some nice warm Caribbean Is.
        And yes they don’t want to go on the ships or crappy store BUT want the nice hotel and beaches.
        In 2 years from now most of the world will have had it and we will still be sitting here with our boarders closed.

      • Anonymous says:

        Crappy is the word. Sorry but how many times will people visit?? More than once for sure. But how many times are you going to buy t shirts or shot glasses…NOT

  7. Anonymous says:

    We should all just be thankful that Alden has allowed it to rain a little these past few days.

  8. Anonymous says:

    RE: Cayman Islands Human Rights Commission March 25 statement.
    “…The HRC stands behind the Government ..”

    Initially, the lockdown imposed by the Government was a justifiable precaution to reduce the likelihood that the Covid-19 epidemic would overwhelm country’s intensive care capacity.

    On the evidence available to the Government at the time it made its decision, the lockdown was a sensible step and one that aligned with the prevailing public sentiment.

    But a lot has changed since then. What was considered necessary and justifiable in March no longer holds true. There is NO compelling evidence anymore to support extended lockdowns. It would be the right thing to do only if it saves more lives than it costs.

    CIG lost sight of the fact the lockdown is creating both short-term and long-term detrimental effects on health and wellbeing. Elective procedures have been cancelled, jeopardizing the health of many people. Impoverishment that is coming will increase deaths from cancer, heart disease and the other major diseases that afflict population.
    With a loss of wellbeing comes increase in the risk of suicide, psychosocial disorders such as alcohol abuse and the diseases of poverty.

    When the Cayman Islands public looks back on the response to Covid-19 they won’t be judging success by whether the country went ‘faster’ or ‘harder’ than other governments. Instead, they will want to know whether the Government’s response was balanced and proportionate.
    Specifically, was the response proportionate to the risks posed to people from the virus.

    • Were the short-term and long-term consequences to health and wellbeing appropriately balanced?
    • Were the impacts on younger members of society who bear the brunt of the financial consequences appropriately weighed against the interests of the elderly members who carry the highest health risks?
    • Were the impacts on low-paid wage earners and disadvantaged communities who will fall deeper into poverty appropriately considered and compensated?

  9. Anonymous says:

    In the last press conference the premier said that we do not have any other industries to offer besides financial or tourism. Maybe now is the time to allow Cannabis to become legal for cultivation and use to create another industry.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I was wondering if the government is being proactive in establishing a pre-hurricane committee. Lets not wait on a hurricane to approach, then open the hardware stores for supplies. I hope that they are considering opening companies that offer hurricane shutters. Imagine if the hurricane shelters has to be activated….. just thinking outside the box.

  11. Anonymous says:

    This is beyond what could be considered necessary under the circumstances. No justification of any kind could be applied.

    Unsubstantiated by science and common sense decisions have successfully destroyed Cayman economy and livelihood of thousands people.

    Not sure why judicial, executive and legislative branches remain silent.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Deliveries? Well, it’s a start, but I highly doubt A L Thompson’s are going to deliver the light bulbs I need without asking me to throw in a Kitchenaid mixer. Guess it’s darkness for another two weeks.

    • Anonymous says:

      Darkness is your oldest friend

    • Mona L Meade says:

      Grocery stores carry lightbulbs. Maybe not the ones you want but hopefully the end result will be no darkness?

    • Anonymous says:

      Or maybe just go to fosters, they have a small selection of light bulbs

    • Anonymous says:

      1:49am …. what a bunch of idiots we have/attained. Grumbling about Light bulbs, garden work, pool cleaning, scorpions etc, etc…..damn I never heard more shit in my life… I know when you 6ft …. you 6ft.
      You should use this time to pray and thank God that you are blessed above and beyond. Stupid, Idiots sit down! And STFU! Better yet, when you can – catch the first flight out.

      The Premier is not God! He is doing a great job trying to keep your ass safe. Big idiots some of you are.

      • Anon says:

        10.12am I am sure every Caymanian is proud of you, but that’s it!.

      • Anonymous says:

        Always amuses me when ‘people of god’ (deliberate lower case in god) cuss everyone else out. Is that what you do when YOU pray? For f**** sake god. When the f*** are you going to f****** sort out this f****** COVID mess you useless f******* f***!

  13. Anonymous says:

    how many times have the briefings started on time?????
    tells you everything you need to know about cig and the civil service.
    any comment mr governor????

  14. Anonymous says:

    The rest of the islands in the region will take advantage in adopting all inclusive holidays! The Cayman Islands will have to follow suit or risk collapse! High end overpriced holidays are a thing of the past! The island needs to decide what they want to do!
    Good luck!

    • Anonymous says:

      low cost all inclusive is impossible in cayman. look at what you pay in the grocery store.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually the opposite. We need to further separate our island from the mass tourism and cruise ships, and solidify ourselves as the premium high-end destination. Start with getting a better nicer cleaner FBO

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, you’re right the rich will always be rich and able to travel and the ones that aren’t as rich as the uber rich will want to pretend that they are uber rich so will travel. Have to concentrate on the UBER rich and forget about the cruise ships.

      • Anonymous says:

        We should be aiming for super yachts not mega cruise ships

  15. Anonymous says:

    So whether we agree with the shelter in place or not, there has been some interpretation issues. What space is strata? Why police driving through Brittania and telling people to be off the private roads by 7 when San Sebastián behind locked gate are walking around on Sunday! Ritz owners are using gazebos when police go by on their atv, the private bar at watercolors has staff serving the tenants sitting by the pool. Let’s all be free or all be sheltered in place

  16. Anonymous says:

    He waved around the brochure their brain trust had been working on. I think today was just a temper tantrum to punish the media, who have all sided in justifiable solidarity with Wendy and CNS. Classic snit.

    • Autonomous says:

      Sparing us all the 1.5 hours of useless driveling doesn’t seem like a punishhment. They needed the time to fill in the 9 blank pages in his 10 page “”plan”.
      Now I’ve seen a lot of local arguments about the value of testing. The fact is that Alden makes decisions based on test results. So I have to ask, why are the results painfully slow and sporadic? Last week, we went 3 days with none. Then we get 200 negatives, but today there are none.
      Shutdown with a purpose, a plan, and a timeline: not great, but acceptable.

      Shutdown indefinitely while officials stumble and humble about: beyond absurd

  17. Anonymous says:

    ALDEN YOU ARE DONE! You will NEVER hold a seat again. NEVER. Now set us free, you crazy dictator.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m sorry you’re frustrated from being in isolation by yourself, it must be immensly lonely, but hang in there. Just imagine having someone you love having this illness, would you not want to do and have everyone else do everything you can to keep them safe?

  18. Anonymous says:

    If the laws haven’t been pushed through cabinet, then can’t we go to the beach from 5.01am tomorrow?

    • Anonymous says:

      It makes no sense that we can go to busy grocery stores etc. but not utilize the beach, a huge space that is so integral to the mental health of living in a Tropical climate. It was my experience that people were staying at least 20 feet away and not in large gatherings, where as at the grocery store people are less than 6 feet away. This is clearly an issue that has other political agendas behind it. The Police commissioner clearly doesn’t want to use his resources to monitor the beach.

      Everyone shouldn’t be punished due to the actions of just a few. People should be penalized individually if they are violating the safety measures. And I think “our Punishment” of being grounded and not able to go has very likely sunk in to the losers who ruined this for everyone. At least give us a chance to show that people are able to follow the rules.

      Enough is Enough!

  19. Anonymous says:

    He can’t face the nation after his attack in the free press.

  20. Anonymous says: the Premier aware that ultraviolet rays (the sun) mixed with salt air (the sea) reduces the virus by a significant percentage. Why don’t Dr. Lee advise him of this? I’ve seen three police cars full of officers at Fosters…there is no need for that amount of officers at supermarkets…I go to Fosters once a week and I think that the public is functioning very well with the assistance of the staff…why is there police officers there checking IDs…the security does a fantastic job of this…the point that I am making, is to patrol the public beaches.

  21. Anonymous says:

    This may get a lot of flak but I think the plan is far from polished and ready to go. They are holding back to release the news that might further infuriate the public that until we get to the vaccine stage, the lockdown is here to stay and businesses such as construction and sales will not see a restart until Q1 2021.British Airwais keeps bumping back reservations for all non evacuation flights is a telltale sign that we are not returning to Business As Usual anytime soon in the near future.Let us face it we are only just looking at the start of a long journey that might leave the island worse for wear in the long run.

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re right to be skeptical but I don’t think you’re right about what you think is going on. British Airways has its own problems, their site isn’t going to reflect what it does based on what Cayman government is supposedly secretly telling them. They do have a plan, but it is much easier to simply pursue the plan than it is to explain in detail and then explain in detail every deviation from it. Let’s just trust what they’re doing. They really haven’t led us astray yet.

    • Anonymous says:

      We’re not Canada and we shouldn’t need to take that route if we’re careful now.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t believe it’s all doom and gloom. I think construction will commence in the coming weeks if not sooner and some retail that can do delivery will continue and expand. It WON”T be NORMAL by any stretch. Any retail that doesn’t really have an essential component to it will likely be done for a good long time. Sorry I’m not going to go spend my money in a shop for some new shorts except to replace the ones I have that are too small due to my overfeeding. I might get my hair cut if someone in my household hasn’t taken care of it for me, but I won’t be getting a massage or spa treatment for who knows how long.
      Restaurant delivery is going to be the only “treat” I’ll allow myself to have, but even that isn’t a great as being IN the restaurant as the food isn’t as hot as it should be to properly enjoy it.
      If you can offer things that will make my home more comfortable that would be of interest to me, or offer something online to assist me.
      I’ll have to clean my own house, but will be happy to have the pool and garden tended to.
      Not sure what else I’m missing in this list, hopefully alot as I would love to get people back at work.

  22. Anonymous says:

    their incompetence regarding todays press conference was staggering but not surprising….and the fools think they can come up with an economic plan to save cayman??????

  23. Anonymous says:

    Office supplies are all ready open. Kirk Office wanted to deliver to my condo today. WTF? Connection?

  24. Anon says:

    That “Plan” he keeps holding up, to show they do have one, is all blank pages apart from the cover, that’s why we were all made fools of waiting for today’s briefing.

  25. Anonymous says:

    I see people here still quoting that b.s. fear tactic death projection of 1000 for Cayman, as if it’s still pertinent. The trouble with that absurd projection is that we have real data now, to verify the claim. Let’s do a little math shall we!? If the worst countries affected have 600ish deaths per million people, how can Cayman with barely 60,000 people, have potentially 1000 deaths? Now, you don’t have to be an MIT grad to count that out. It’s also greatly dependent on demographics and based on Cayman’s, a horribly bad result would be almost none at all, given the few elderly here when compared to Italy as one example. Is Covid 19 dangerous for some? Yes… so let them shelter in place, test caregivers and set the rest of us free. The hospitals are empty for a reason. BTW, the calculation I used is: (600 x 60,000) / 1,000,000 (factored by the percentage of people over 70 by comparison to countries with the highest deaths per million).

  26. Anonymous says:

    Most of these comments are so unneccessary. Please! Consider all of our wellbeings and not just your own selfish ignorant ideals. It was selfish arrogant people who caused our beaches to close.I do agree hardware stores could open if only for deliveries and people could pay with their debit or credit card by phone or online.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Open up outdoor construction, landscaping. And while at it, end Sunday hard curfew ( get arrested for going for a walk by yourself).

    One person going to dictate

    • Anonymous says:

      Fishermen should be allowed out. No more than one or two. Pool guys, gardeners and anyone who who works alone and away from people, just as they’re doing in the UK. Far more risk going gas station, supermarkets and banks.

  28. Father Time says:

    We have never had a press briefing held on time, sometimes hours late, but we never know, having to sit quietly like North Koreans politely awaiting the appearance of their Great Leader. Today we went one step further, a few minutes after the scheduled start time seeing a caption advising the meeting had been postponed (not cancelled) but no mention of postponed to when.
    This farcical lack of timeliness places us firmly in the third world, maybe when our distinguished panel next appears (don’t ask me exactly when), they should all be munching a banana.

  29. Anonymous says:

    I’ve gone from being gradually disappointed in the Premier to despising him with a passion as a failed leader. He’s intellectually deaf and dumb, which means that he’ll flounder, no matter what. He just can’t reason his way through This issue beyond his small-minded view of the world around him. I suppose when your echo chamber includes the likes of Seymour, it’s no wonder. But, expect nothing of value on Friday, despite a mountain of evidence that this bizarre power trip lockdown is unwarranted and excessive. Expect nothing but more of the thuggish ego trip we’ve all become accustomed to. Third world stuff…

    • Anonymous says:

      Won’t be long now. His Cabinet has also lost faith in him.

    • Anonymous says:

      How are we to get tires changed in our vehicle or a battery if we don’t go to Larrys on Eastern Avenue. Smh. Pathetic to say the least.

  30. Anonymous says:

    “Dictatorship naturally arises out of Democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery arises out of the most extreme liberty” —Plato

    “Experience has shewn, that even under the best forms of government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” —Thomas Jefferson

  31. Anonymous says:

    The Premier’s recreational drug of choice is the absolute power and control he just cannot give up. You are making your people sicker than the virus with your harsh and illogical decisions. Opening money transfers but not hardware stores so we can maintain our homes and be safer and more comfortable? Closing the beach and coast indefinitely? Enough is enough. You are crushing our spirit.

    • Anonymous says:

      If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.

      James Madison

    • Anonymous says:

      I see no sense of opening money transfer places if they are sending unemployed expatriates home, let them keep their money and go home to their family. Simple.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not all people whom are unemployed send money home to feed their kids. Stop being so freaking rude.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Too ashamed to face the people today.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are wrong. Shame is not something he feels and that’s exactly why we should be worried. He and he alone built the white elephant schools despite his closest advisors telling him not to. Perhaps that’s is why he defends Mr. Seymour. Mr. Seymour is likely to agree with everything he says.

  33. Anonymous says:

    COVID-19: A Human Rights Checklist

    • Are restrictions such as mandatory quarantine or isolation of symptomatic people carried out in accordance with the law?
    Are these restrictions based on scientific evidence, neither arbitrary nor discriminatory in application, of limited duration, respectful of human dignity, and subject to review?

    • Are broad quarantines and lockdowns of indeterminate length carried out in accordance with the law?

    • Freedom of movement under international human rights law protects the right of everyone to leave any country, to enter their own country of nationality, and the right of everyone lawfully in a country to move freely in the whole territory of the country.
    Are imposed restrictions of movement lawful, for a legitimate purpose, and proportionate considering their impact?

    • Is your government supporting women who are likely to bear a disproportionate share of childcare due to school closures and movement restrictions?
    With students out of school, additional care work falls on women who already performed three times as much unpaid care work as men.

    • Is your government making mental health services available to its population, considering the psychological toll of social isolation

    • If your government has closed schools, is it taking steps to ensure all children can study from home?

    • Is your government mobilizing resources to support victims of violence at home?

    • Anonymous says:

      So, the question begs, on and island filled with high priced lawyers, why has there been no legal challenge to any of this? Because it’s leagal… that’s why. Your so-called Bill of Rights isn’t worth the paper it’s written on apparently

      • Anonymous says:

        Lawyers need clients.

      • Anonymous says:

        These aren’t “lawyers”, they are financial service paper pushers who would never dare stand up against anything or up for anyone because all they care about is their get rich quick scheme.

      • Anonymous says:

        You have human rights commission here. You can make a complaint online.

        Confidential Email:

        Not sure what exactly 5 members are doing in Cayman and why not a word in regards to lockdowns, mandatory isolation of healthy people, mandatory quarantine past 14 days without scientific basis, restriction of movement etc.

        The Commission is a wholly independent body that is not subject to the direction or control of any person or authority.

        CNS: The HRC has already issued a statement, which is in the CNS Library here (scroll down to the curfew section).

  34. Anonymous says:

    Seems odd that there could not have even been a communication regarding the latest test results.

    • Anonymous says:

      Im wondering if yesterdays meeting took longer to create 2 plans or options. One less restricted for no positive test results and another more restricted based on more positive results?

      Or maybe just as theyd finalized the first plan easing up restrictions as foretold, they got bad news on test results too close to the briefing time and needed more time for a rewrite!

  35. Anonymous says:

    ” CNS requested details of the results that Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee would have revealed Thursday. But we were informed that no results would be revealed as directed by the premier’s office.”

    And there you have Alden politicizing test results.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe there aren’t any – the “machine is down for essential maintenance” again. Or maybe they don’t say what Alden wants them to say. Or maybe Alden just doesnt want us to have plain facts without him being there to put a spin on it. Whatever it is, just shows that rumour and speculation expand to fill an information vacuum.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Can I ask very politely to all workers remaining on our islands, please do not remit every last cent you have to relatives abroad when the money service companies reopen. Remember, you have to survive too and that you can not expect that the government, community, friends, neighbours and the generosity of ‘the stranger’ can or must continue. Each and everyone of us have our own plight to deal with and need not forget some of us are handling it better than others.

    • Anonymous says:

      They should go home if they are unemployed and shouldn’t remain on island to be a burden to Govt or Caymanians. Go home. Simple

      • Anonymous says:

        Nah. Think I’ll stay and try and claw back some of the money that I’ve paid into the government’s coffers buying overpriced food, fuel, vehicle ‘disposal fee’, utilities….etc….etc….

      • Anonymous says:

        And how do they do that when they own countries won’t allow they citizens back?,

  37. Anonymous says:

    Just ignore them.

  38. We are slowly and deliberately walking into unnecessary mess.

  39. Anonymous says:

    Surely we could have had the results of testing posted!

  40. Conspiracy theory master says:

    Buying more time with not having the meeting today only to throw out a high number of positive cases tomorrow to buy more time because he doesn’t have a plan

  41. Anonymous says:

    Alden, you seriously refuse to let us know the latest test results? I thought we were in this together, you were in effect policing us by consent, and that you were trying to be transparent? We have a right to know that information independent on whether you are available to hold a press briefing. What is it?

  42. Anonymous says:

    Actually enjoying the Sunday and nighttime curfew. Now I get a reprieve from listening to the boom boom cars and the noisy s×*t Hondas flying past my house.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Yeah yeah yeah……open the damn beaches!

  44. Anonymous says:

    Just because he says it does not make it enforceable where is the signed documents to extend the Curfews? the Clerk of the Cabinet need so sign them as well.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Fake plan.

  46. Anonymous says:

    thank you for taking your time to get it right


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