Minister ducks family curfew breach query

| 28/04/2020 | 242 Comments
Health Minister Dwayne Seymour at Monday’s press briefing

(CNS): Health Minister Dwayne Seymour gave a bizarre response on Monday to a question from CNS about a possible breach of curfew at his family home but failed to answer the question. A video posted on social media over the weekend appeared to show his wife working out with a personal trainer, which was potentially in contravention of government’s shelter-in-place order to protect the community for COVID-19.

The Instagram post was picked up by Cayman Marl Road. Publisher Sandy Hill told CNS that, in addition to the fact that the trainer was wearing a mask, she was certain the footage was recent because the comment accompanying the post indicated that the workout happened this weekend, and because of other technical protocols relating to the social media platform as well as her own research.

As a result Hill opted to feature the incident in the site’s ‘Jackass of the Day’ slot, where people doing what might be considered stupid or dangerous things during the curfew are ‘named and shamed’.

The post was picked up on social media and shared extensively. People expressed outrage that the health minister’s own family was potentially breaching curfew and wanted to know if the post was accurate. If it was, the question arose as to why the trainer or the minister’s wife had not received a ticket like dozens of members of the public.

Consequently, after receiving dozens of requests from readers for the question to be put to the minister, Wendy Ledger, the CNS reporter who joins the press briefings via Zoom each day, asked the minister if he wanted to comment on the truth of the CMR report and the potential breach of curfew at his house.

However, the minister proceeded to suggest that Ledger was somehow “brave” or “stupid” to ask the question, adopting a deflecting tactic that increasing numbers of politicians around the world are doing when asked awkward questions by the media. But not satisfied with attempting to undermine or bully the journalist on this occasion, the minister went on to remind people of two well known Bible stories from Christmas and Easter that appeared to have no relevance to the question at hand.

When the minister asked Ledger if that answered her question she pointed out that it did not. He did not deny, however, that there may have been a breach of curfew at his home.

CNS has contacted the police to see if any tickets have been issued regarding the allegation and we are still awaiting a response. But in the meantime, the minister’s assertion that the question was stupid or silly appears to have struck a chord with the public.

In an explosion of messages and social media postings, the Cayman community is now demanding that the minister answer the question given the circumstances. Many people point to the minister’s own pleadings, often in an array of foreign languages at the daily briefings, for people to stay at home and follow social distancing protocols, and they want an explanation.

However, many people were also disturbed by his approach, the bizarre response, the refusal to answer the pertinent and reasonable question and the implications that the minister was refusing to be accountable.

“Getting bullied or berated by politicians is nothing new; it’s part of the job and certainly on the increase these days as a result of the way the president of the United States has opted to engage with the media there,” Ledger said in the wake of the incident, noting that it was a pertinent question about curfew breaching.

“But there are few ways to get a response from this minister in particular because since his appointment he has not answered a single inquiry from CNS,” she added.

Regular readers will recall many issues surrounding Seymour’s ministry in particular, and while on occasion we have been able to get a response to our questions from some of his civil servants, the minister continually opts not to respond to this media house.

It may be that on this occasion that there was no breach, if the trainer lives on site or is an exempted worker or the Seymour family has been given some other lawful permission for a trainer to visit the home. However, so far the minister has not offered any explanation about the allegation.

See the question by CNS and the minister’s response at Monday’s press briefing on CIGTV below:

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Comments (242)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    We only get told half a story and it’s not until difficult questions (and rightly so) are posed (usually by CNS) do we get any answers (sometimes no answer in the present case from the MoH). Anyone remember when the US seized our goods, they weren’t even going to mention such a significant development until Wendy questioned it, anyone remember the revelation that those with COVID-19 who are meant to stay at home can actually wonder around without being policed, again wouldn’t know if not asked by Wendy. Anyone remember the BS about ramping up testing, but we knew about the shortage of swabs but despite that still sold swabs to other nations that we weren’t going to be told about. People will never agree with all decisions that’s life, but if those in charge act with integrity, credibility and transparency at least we can deal with that!!

    CNS: It was actually Felicia Rankin of Radio Cayman who asked about the US seizing our stuff.

  2. Anonymous says:

    What AllDone meant to say is: “”We’re all in this two-tiered system together””
    Give me a break….

  3. Anonymous says:

    CNS/Wendy – please on behalf of all of us…continue to ask the same question every day. Tired of this shit of CIG playing this game of dodgeball. Turn the fire up.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Dear moderator,
    It would seem that anytime I make a comment that has any criticism for the Governor or the CMO (in addition to the Premier or the MOH), the comment is not posted. My comments and opinions are always very civil and well thought out. Why am I being censored so, do you have a personal bias for the Governor?
    For example, I post I made yesterday was critical of both the Premier’s response to the so-called “firestorm” with the MOH, as well as the Governor’s reaction (or non-reaction to it), and I mentioned that I had lost respect for the Governor for sitting in between two bullies “grinning and chuckling along with them”.
    Please I would like an explanation as to why you felt my comments were not worthy of being posted.

    CNS: I don’t know about on any other comments but I think the one this refers to was posted here.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Wendy, maybe you need to find out if you can join them? might help

  6. Anonymous says:

    Why didn’t the UK just send “legislators” along with the strategic advisors. What a bunch of luny’s that we have for legislators.

    • Anonymous says:

      If a man cannot govern his household does he have the ability to govern a country?

      • Anonymous says:

        Alden was beyond belief when commenting about what was Seymour meant to do if his wife did break the curfew. It is very simple … tell the truth, apologise and state that the police should issue a ticket in accordance with the law. Alden thinks this is about control and punishing his wife, it is not …. IT IS ABOUT INTEGRITY AND RESPECT FOR THE LAW. Alden you have failed and you are, apparently, a lawyer by training and profession.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Poor Jon Jon, always seems to be a trainer getting him in trouble.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Sorry seems to be the hardest word.

  9. Anonymous says:

    When we had Cayman 27 News….we watched it at 6:00 and that was it….they took that from us and forced us to watch CNS…and that is where the trouble started. Cayman 27 could have even assisted with the control of the virus. There were thousands of people that had C27 and was stripped for unknown reasons. Reap what you sow Mr. Premier.

    • Anonymous says:

      Watched CNS? Jeez! We read it dear, read it. Also, that was when real, unbiased and honest reporting began on these islands. Thank ya CNS!

  10. Donnie says:

    Yesterday’s question from Ms Ledger was:
    “Are you able to comment on whether there is any truth to the story on Cayman Marl Road about a family member of yours managing to get there personal trainer to come and visit them?”
    Mr Seymour’s response:
    “Well, first of all, you would have to be brave enough to ask that kind of question. I don’t know who would be that stupid, but I can tell you a story of . . .”
    In today’s press briefing, among other things, Mr McLaughlin said:
    “It is just not on to do what Wendy did yesterday. The clear inference and the clear imputation was that the minister was guilty of some breach of curfew or having participated in or been party to or counselled or procured or any of those kinds of words … any breach. It’s just wrong.”
    Really McLaughlin!?!? “Are you able to comment on whether there is any truth to the story” infers and imputes all of those? You trying to put a ‘legalese mask’ on this has made it no less offensive and distasteful.
    We as a community are fortunate to have CNS and Ms Wendy Ledger performing the role that they are. They have demonstrated their commitment to seeking out the information that the public wants by making available facilities for us the public to pose questions.
    I wish to go on record as expressing my appreciation and support for CNS, and for Ms Ledger personally. I urge others to do so, preferable under your own name. Those who have been entrusted to be our leaders need to know that we do not stand with them on this matter.
    P.S. It’s also a good time to leave CNS a tip of financial support. I’d been meaning to do it and just did.

    • Anonymous says:

      If the response had been “we will look into it and if they are guilty, we will give them a ticket” then all this would have gone away and we would be satisfied that justice had been done. Now Alden has created a sh!tstorm by a bungled cover up. It is not too late to investigate these claims and maybe the public will give you a little bit of respect.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think that CNS was correct to ask for comment about the Heath Minister’s wife. We do want to know if it was true. Whilst I think he adds nothing to the briefings, I did have respect for his position and therefore did not publicly state my feelings about him creating a daily forum for what constitutes nonsense. Now he has no respect whatsoever. Freedom of the press is paramount in any democracy and this is not the first time Government has threatened the media. And no one has asked that if in fact the story was fake news (I doubt it, but still), why was it not labeled as such and charges investigated (same as when the thing about the Governor’s wife was published and it was investigated for criminal intent).

  11. Matrix says:

    We all just got a big dose of depression today:

    I need to just drift back to the M-of-H’s blithering witch-doctor babble of ignorance to understand how ill equipped our Leaders are, and now unfortunately including our Premier, to handle these matters.

    If they will brush the obvious issues re M-of-H under the rug, what else is being manipulated? This is a serious matter of trust and by the way will the GOV please sound off to this ridiculous mess !

    This is not some Matinee afternoon movie we are watching for a laugh, but our primetime leaders who appear to be acting as if their synapses are misfiring!

    Aghast: the economy, individuals’ livelihoods and wellbeing are on the line here!

    • Anonymous says:

      But come next election the same yahoos will be elected again. So we the fools for keeping them elected!

  12. Anonymous says:

    For those of us who actually believe in God, we cannot in all good conscience support Alden McLaughlin and Seymour. Anyway, let them run to their Lodge Master, Lucifer.
    Perhaps he will help?
    This is a most beautiful day for goodness in the Cayman Islands. I am so rejoicing.

  13. Anonymous says:

    In a nutshell, Alden McLaughlin’s political career is over. Thank the Lord.

    • Anonymous says:

      He can’t legally run as Premier more than two consecutive terms, but is this going to be his magnum opus? I doubt it. Kirk Tibbitts is popping up again as “an advisor”…expect the same merry-go-round politics to continue until the candidacy rules are changed by a governing conflicted party…ie. probably never.

      • Anonymous says:

        Kurt Tibbetts is a freaking dinosaur. Worse than Joe Biden.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yep, heard he is tipped for next Premier and running against Kenneth Bryan for GTC…

        Just a year to go now…watch the characters emerge…

    • #gotstogo says:

      I HOPE YOUR RIGHT! He needs to go!!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Scary to see our Premier essentially threaten the media if they truthfully report on issues regarding public safety. Are are Wuhan south? No one is safe with these idiotic threats. The press has every right to ask these questions. The government has no reason to hide the answers.

  15. Anonymous says:

    He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command.
    Niccolò Machiavelli
    What we saw by Alden and Jon Jon was disgraceful.Talk about overestimating your support.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Rarely do you see such a devastating lack of social awareness as we did today. Alden trying to defend the indefensible and Seymour’s obvious lack of contrition (he’ll need to Google that) and his risla thin veiled attack on Wendy. And in nobody’s mind was that anything approaching an apology. He was embarrassed into it by Alden. And the scariest part is that Cayman doesn’t have anybody better than them. We truly are shafted.

    • Anonymous says:

      Worrying lack of political talent in our country. Either thick or self-serving or both.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, we do have other good people to run for office but these old seasoned dinosaurs beat them up and destroy their reputations using executive privilege so that they either drop out or don’t even bother…

  17. Anonymous says:

    For Ministers and the like in Government, their attire is atrocious. Is it open button day every damn day? My 12 year old has better fashion sense. Along with the crap that comes out of their mouths, this too is as equally embarrassing to the country.

    For Pete’s sake, somebody send them this link, please.

  18. Anon says:

    why does this man think he is a pastor? Way too many bible quotes and not enough substance. These briefings should be 15 minutes max. What a waste of time

  19. Anonymous says:

    So to summarise: Seymour is not up to this job. He’s simply not intelligent enough and his words were a bloody disgrace. To quote cod scripture was bad enough, but to threaten a member of the press was unforgivable. He needs to be sacked. It’s that simple.

    • Anonymous says:

      6.07 There was no threat. Stop trying to stir up hate. If you understood anything you would realize that he was saying that most people prefer to try to get the info in a roundabout way and not directly .What is unfortunate is that while you are allowed to come on here and call the Minister unintelligent you are certainly not brave and if I try to respond by saying you are dumb, CNS will censor me. I have copies of many comments of mine that were not allowed So no Wendy is not the saint that some of you try to portray.

      CNS: Wendy doesn’t moderate the comments and never has so your last sentence is just babble. I don’t understand how on earth people think that she has the time to do that. You can call Anonymous dumb if you like but it would strengthen your case if you made sense. I delete about 5% of comments for a variety of reasons. You’re welcome to publish them elsewhere if I reject them.

  20. Anonymous says:

    All present journalist should demand an apology from this bully or otherwise stay away from the briefing.
    That will show the power of the people.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m not watching it anymore – all bs. So few cases in any event, shutting the country down has all been bs. We can now see that it is all bs because the Govt ministers and their families don’t adhere to the curfew. So done with Alden and his cronies, especially Seymour

  21. Anonymous says:

    All he had to say it that he did not realize it as he was not home and he has had a word about it. For him to assume that we wanted to see her punished or flogged is like he is a child and we are children all in a nursery school.

  22. Sick and tired. says:

    The press here are always respectful. The treatment they get from most of the panel (except the Governor and Dr. Lee) is not. They are lucky that the press are not like those in the UK and the US, although I would quite like to see them all squirming in their seats when they are called out on lots of issues. The lesson I learned from today’s sermon is that our leaders and their families can do what they like and get away with it, and even get praised and thanked for it. The rest of us are guilty even when innocent. In fact the more innocent you are, the more you get treated like you are guilty. Disgusting and despicable but not at all surprising. Thank you Wendy for your courage and integrity and trying to call them out when they think they are above the Law. To the panel we are watching your disgusting, unfair behavior. This should be looked at. It was posted by the lady in question herself. I’m pretty sure even our Police could figure out when the video was made. If its true, she should be fined like the rest of us would be.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Can we ask tomorrow for the MoH to explain what Jon Jon means please?

  24. Anonymous says:

    Sheesh. The correct (and obvious) response to the question should be sorry, we all make mistakes, including me and my family, wont happen again, now let’s move on.

    That Seymour did not respond like this tells you all you need to know about him.

    And Alden’s comments today were simply as offensive as they were stupid – attacking the press for asking legitimate questions is the action of a charlatan.

  25. Elvis says:

    We all need to concentrate on getting better not bringing people down no matter how stupid they may seem

    • Anonymous says:

      Elvis, when you stop questioning those in power you become easily controlled and your rights are stripped. Don’t ever let this insane treatment of us and the press be forgotten.

    • Anonymous says:

      @4:45pm is your comment aimed at Minister Seymour?

  26. REL says:

    Well, it’s obvious this territory of the UK (not a country) is generations away from true independence and self governance. They don’t yet have enough understanding of the responsibilities of self governance in a secular society and just because someone is elected doesn’t mean they are capable or qualified to manage a national portfolio, especially during a global crisis. It’s time the Governor intervenes and puts some competencies in-place to ensure the people are protected from the mediocrity.

  27. Anonymous says:

    The MOH gloating as he thanked the Premier made me vomit in my mouth.

    He didn’t apologise to us the public.
    He didn’t apologise to Wendy for his nasty bullying response to her question yesterday.

    She was well within her right to ask that question on behalf of us the public. She didn’t accuse him of anything but simply asked for a comment.

    I noticed that RCIPS O’Byrne wasn’t there yesterday or today too. How convenient!

    What a sham. They should all be ashamed of themselves.

    • Anonymous says:

      O’Byrne will have lost my respect if there’s no follow up to this incident. You can’t expect respect if you don’t earn it.

    • Anonymous says:

      What did you really expect; Alden needs all of them to keep his power so that means if we have Alden then we have all of his wannabees. Of course he had to protect his minister as that’s his boy; best part is he said he is proud of the job that Seymour is doing. They could care less about anything or businesses as long as they have for themselves and their cronies! Watch what happens to the pension money now after he said that he feels it should all go into a goverment managed account. What genius will he promote to take care of that piggy bank?

    • Anonymous says:

      Add Alden to your post cause he don’t care either

    • Anonymous says:

      The rcips will only be there once a week for police updates. This was stated last week. Maybe you should listen more attentively.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Alden along with Jon Jon is an absolute disgrace. Can we remove them by referendum?

  29. JG says:

    I can not bear to watch the Presser anymore without convulsing over the incompetency and the behaviour of the MH, and now the Premier re his laughable excuse and praise of the MH! Seriously Cayman, don’t we all deserve better from our leaders?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, he lost alot of the respect I had for him for the handling of this pandemic. SMH, I get he might need to portray a united front, but to state that he thought the MOH was doing a good job had to be a blatant lie, as if he actually thought that then I really have lost all respect for him.
      Most could have been forgiven if the MOH would have been man enough to apologize, but alas he’s made the matter worse and has extended the negativity that has been following him since the onset of his “lack” of breifings, or useless breifings.

      • Anonymous says:

        Alden and Seymour need to step down. I had respect for the Premier until today. First McKeeva and no comment from Alden and now this shambles. National embarrassment.

    • Anonymous says:

      And we are paying their salaries

  30. Julia says:

    Please … he is not performing a coherent job as Minister of Health at all. Stop talking about the Savior and do your job! Cayman expects much more!!! He cannot speak without clinging to the papers in front of him. He spends the whole conference time praying and translating “stay home” into languages ​​that absolutely no one is interested in hearing / learning. What is the credibility of a government that does not even present a recovery plan after weeks and weeks? I did not know that the Cayman Islands had this weak politicians board. The posture in front of the camera is mocking and weak!

  31. Unbelievable response says:

    I beleive yesterday and today after the conference both men gave each other big high fives and laughed this off.

    That was a laugh of an appoligy.


    Mr Premier, let me make this very clear, you and cronies family are held accountable for your actions when you are leaders of this country.

    What BS about I can’t control your wife, well firstly I know for a fact your wife wouldn’t hire a personal trainer during these times as she knows its against the law (her being a lawyer herself).

    The way Seymour acted yesterday calls for his resignation or dismissal immediately (as in other countries) have some b@lls Premier!

    This issue may go away and only if.

    If Seymour asked the commissioner to investigate this incident and if guilty, prosecute, if not no charges
    Of course this won’t happen, I’m the big man and above the law!

    I want to hear from other members of government and their thoughts on this issue.

    Just an fyi, there are several public figures that have been dismissed by their government heads for breach of curfew and Mr. Premier today in the press Boris Johnsons draught even made the press for buying Prada products during these time.

    So guess what all you politicians families are open game and we can question anytime we want for their actions, get your f@cking house in order now.

    Just an fyi elections are around the corner and your party is looking becuase of this and a few other hatred commentsade by your cronies over the last few years, your party will loose. I for one if you run, will not vote for you in Red Bay, if you’d don’t start addressing these sorts of issues and corruption!

    please don’t let this story die.

  32. Anonymous says:

    All of this because of Cayman Marl Road! What a shame?!

    Wendy, you shouldn’t have asked because of what Sandra said she saw or “heard.” She is yet is post actual proof. An instagram story means nothing- I can post a picture with a UK location, am I in UK? No. If Mrs. Seymour was live on that day and Sandra got a screenshot, oh certainly!

    CMR is cancelled and CNS is next!

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s the imbeciles like this commenter that ensures bad governance and scummy politicians. You get the government you often deserve. The fact that anyone would vote for this imbecile is evidence of that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hence why the question was asked, if he gave a straight up answer all of this would have been settled by now but because we have morons in the government now we have to deal with this. Is within their news reporters right to investigate and ask questions especially when its a public figure, one especially from the Gov.

    • Anonymous says:

      Its easy to analyze metadata in posted instagram files to determine the origin of a video or photo. Even if the metadata was altered, software exists to confirm these sort of things. This can be done for almost anything posted on the internet unless the file is scrubbed first. I doubt Jon-Jon’s wife scrubbed her post first. Just google what is metadata.

    • Anonymous says:

      And if all that was true then the simple answer to the question would be to say it was fake – or even I dont know – and to invite the police to investigate.

      Its not the question that is the problem. Its threatening the journalist that asks it. And the Premier then doubling down by saying questions about politicians family are off limits – and doing so eliminates the whole purpose of a register of personal interests and the risks of abuse of position on behalf of family members.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Wow is all i can say at the press conference today, I agree with some of what the premier said about keeping on track/focused, but disagree with the majority of it with him insinuating this was some how an attack on the MOH, it was a simple question for comment nothing more

    And to prove the entire point of the firestorm out there as the the real issue the seems to to have eluded the Premier, did everyone realize the selective scripture that arrogant man choose to bring in today’s service? it was basically a “go F your self” version of what he did yesterday!

    He did not even have the guts to look into the camera with his fake apology, looked at the direction of his shield, the Honorable Premier, then whipped out his scripture with the same smug look and sharp hair cut.


  34. Anonymous says:

    What is Alden blaming the media for? this is politics, you get criticism, deal with it!! This is why its so important to have proper education and training in leadership thats why its a requirement for management positions. Imagine Seymour was your boss, getting angry every time he’s challenged which is the classic cry of an inexperienced man. Heres what I have seen so far from the TOP officials in this country from the first meeting. Meetings start 20 minutes late steady (complete lack of respect with no apology), people on their phone while addressing the public!!! (in what profession is that appropriate never mind a premier), A minister breaking down in tears for being challenged, threatening to arrest people!!!, bumbling languages, calling people stupid, mixing religion with politics (completely marginalizing a large piece of the population) people apologizing for other grown men who make six figures a year!!!….. imagine this happening in your work place!!! It would fail indefinitely….. Nevermind that !!! These people are leading a country !!!!! Its beyond comprehension … I literally can’t comprehend

    • Anonymous says:

      When Governor warned on his first day that “cockroach has no business in a rooster fight”, when sexual assault charges against Speaker (then) filed by Seminole Police, when Members of the Legislative Assembly all seemed highly amused by the health minister’s “Gaypril” joke
      not a word of condemnation came out of Premier’s mouth, such indifference has clearly demonstrated that such behaviour is customary and accepted as NORMAL here.

      Premier’s inaction has paved the way for escalation of bizarre behaviour by MLA members.

      It could have been nipped in the bud. In a truly civil society repercussions could have been serious.

    • Anonymous says:

      @3.29 Don’t have to imagine it happens in the workplace,
      it still does happen in the private sector workplace! Disgusting!

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re spot on!
      Sadly as I was reading that it reminded me of my work environment. Lots of places are still boys clubs believe it or not. It seems to be educated (well in most cases) men who come from decent hard working families but have no BALLS. Why is that?

  35. firstman_SeeNoEvilHearNoEvil says:

    I need a gardener – if he is relieved of duty, I would love to employ him. Caymanians first..I can draw a picture of my house and garden so he knows what/where my garden is.

  36. Anonymous says:

    The Premier’s response today to the obvious disgusting behaviour of the Health Minister is just another example of what a XXXX piece of $&*€ he is. It isn’t just his bizarre Tom Jones attire that shows what an outdated backward thinker he is. For the Governor to be forced to sit and nod like a bobble head, as these uncivilized idiots babble on endlessly, like asylum cases out for their recreation, it must be so frustrating for an educated classy man like him. Cayman deserves so much better than small minded back woods idiots in charge.

    • Anonymous says:

      Holy crap. What an awesome comment!
      I love the Tom Jones bit. Same skanky behaviour although I do not remember Tom Jones being accused of “wiolens”.

    • Anonymous says:

      More El Chapo or Tony Montana than Tom Jones, which is on brand with this regime’s behavior.

    • Anonymous says:

      To be fair, and like it or not, Alden did the right thing in stepping up in support of a member of his cabinet.

      • Call 911 says:

        Alden proves yet again he is a complete knob!
        His arrogance and detachment from reality is limitless.
        Just when we thought he had changed the real Alden showed up today talking pure bollocks!

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah, but he shouldn’t have gone overboard with telling us that he thought Jon Jon was doing a great job…come on now…let’s not overdue the lies.

      • Anonymous says:

        The right thing was to speak with Jon-Jon off camera and explain to him that his wife broke curfew and as a public figure, the MOH no effing less, he needs to apologize and make up for it in the next conference.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is our Kakistocracy at its best!

  37. Anonymous says:

    Look I completely disagree with the Premier’s view that the question from CNS was in appropriate and that Government persons cannot be held accountable for their family members actions. As public fingers they are held to a higher standard – full stop. And any suggestion of impropriety must be dealt with forthwith.

    Having said that, I respect the Premier decision given the circumstances particularly in these exceptional circumstances. But he should well note that this is the second Health Minister in his cabinet that has caused this shit storm.

    By the way – the Health Minister apology to the premier (evidently as it was addresses to him only) was fake assed and I as the Cayman public do not accept the apology. And, his choice of spiritual quotes and in general other comments were such in bad taste that he did not heed the Premier’ request. Your God will judge you accordingly.

  38. Anonymous says:

    So right now only GovtTV is asking questions, one that she admits have been asked before. If no-one else can ask is this meant to hide shutting out Wendy?

  39. Anonymous says:

    Lame assed mumbled apology in Spanish directed at the Premier, followed by two quotes from the bible attacking his detractors! What an arse!

  40. Anonymous says:

    Aldens response was disgraceful at best at the conference just now. He is behind the silencing of media.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Alden has just screwed himself over! Why in the hell should I comply with his unnecessary and crippling restrictions when his own government does not!?

    I will do as I please from now on. Catch me if you can RCIPS!

  42. Ignorant donkey says:

    Respectfully Mr Premier, the spouse of a political figure is held to the same standards.

    WTF, Spanish now and that is not an appoligy, Seymour doesn’t mean it.

    Listen to what he said right after, WTF was that another indirect shut up Press, I’m above the law.

    He should simply come out and say I have asked that the police should investigate and clear my wife’s name.



    • Anonymous says:

      OMG!!!!! This was a horrific and blatant abuse of power!! Disgraceful!!! It was like a teenage all boys club (The Governor NOT included). I was waiting for a bro hug and slaps to the back

      The Premier is completely wrong with his assessment of the situation. When you enter into office it is understood that your spouse is as accountable as you are. Look at the Royal Family for instance. You are a whole package.

      Wendy ONLY asked for a comment she did not accuse. Do not deflect onto others because you are an a@$

      Dwayne Seymour thinks he’s above the law. He gloated and didn’t even apologize. It was backhanded. How can you respect such a disgusting individual who thinks he and his family are above the law. Yah you go First Lady and Mr Ego.

    • Anonymous says:

      It was Latin actually, predictably mispronounced of course , not an apology but an admission of guilt , ask any Catholic.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your name seems to be well deserved Ignorant Donkey.

  43. Anonymous says:

    M of H is now spitefully putting Wendy down. ‘Evil’, ‘Satan’? This man is manic. Disgusting!

  44. Anonymous says:

    Anyone else notice that this is the first time that the Governor did not start off by saying his usual “I agree with what the Premier just said…”? Speaks volumes! However, the Gov should have voiced his distaste!

  45. Anonymous says:

    Alden’s response today is a disgrace.

  46. Anonymous says:

    That’s it!!!! ALDEN does not get it! His statement was also outrageous! Enough of this Government. Enough! Livid.

  47. Anonymous says:

    Actually kind of surprised anyone wants the trainer job after the last guy from the states. Anwyay as it says in the good book..”you don’t see nuttin” Wendy.

  48. Cayman Mon says:

    Wow, Cayman Mon have certainly stirred up the vocal minority! God, Family and Country. Love my beloved Isle Cayman. More power to the MoH, may God bless him, the Premier, the Governor and all on the frontlines in their fight against this Pandemic. May the PRC and the WHO be held to account for this crime against HUMANITY. God bless and protect the Orange Haired Man up North in his fight against the anarchy of the NWO Globalist Liberal agenda; greatest POTUS ever.
    Suspect I would be a couple of dollar richer if I was really the MoH; any of you haters want to contribute to me?

    • Anonymous says:

      POTUS is an idiot buffoon. He (the orangutang) in a short three years has destroyed what America has built in global status and reputation over 200 years! Now it will take generations to restore this, if it’s even possible. An empire in chaos!

      • Cayman Mon says:

        Anon @ 4pm suspect that you sniffing too much lie-sol or watching too much CNN. FOUR more years…for the GOAT DJT. come morning of Nov 4 you can thank me for telling you so. By the way, going to set up my Go Fund Me COVAID page. all contributions will be used to feed the needy.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your trolling skills need improvement…. but then again this is Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Today was disgraceful for the premier and MOH, Mr Seymour should have been made to apologize and there was no need for the premier to back him up quite so vigorously seeing as he is incompetent. Just because he is available 7 days a week does not mean he is producing any work of quality, luckily he has intelligent Dr Lee to do that for him. What he is spending time on is writing his daily press briefings ramblings which offer no insight and provide a few stories as if he was reading to his children before bedtime. These are supposed to be public informative briefings please remove him from the panel and put an educated person up there with some sense of understanding of the situation. He is an utter disgrace and his contempt for anyone that questions him is palpable. How dare he threaten a free member of the press, the premier today just confirmed that every MLA is above the law. I have no idea how the governor is sitting there listening to this and doing nothing. MOH needs to be relieved of his duties as all other government ministers have been in the world who either they themselves or their wives broke the stay at home curfew laws. This protection of ministers needs to stop cayman deserves much better.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mr. Seymour please get off the internet and go do something useful

  49. Anonymous says:

    Say wha? I post this on behalf of the intelligent black people!,

  50. Anonymous says:

    How can Alden sit there with a straight face??

    • Anonymous says:

      I thought he looked pissed.

      • Anonymous says:

        Which meaning of the word ‘pissed’ are you using in this context?

        • Hypocrisy Reigns! says:

          Wow, just WOW!! Hypocrisy reigns supreme, with arrogance perched on one shoulder and condescension on the other. Had a feeling this presser was going to go badly as soon as I saw the MOH sitting in his usual spot with a smug look on his face. But to have the Premier of The Cayman Islands sit there and give us all a lecture for 20mins like we are a bunch of ignorant little children with no right what-so-ever to ask to fairness and accountability, even as these same things are demanded from us at the same time as our civil liberties have been stripped away, is way way “beyond the pale”. Shame on you sir! The next election date cannot come soon enough for me, you have lost the script completely. To say that the MOH is not his wife’s keeper and has no responsibility to her actions, in his so-called position of authority and his role in keeping the rest of us accountable, is pure HYPOCRISY! To think that the rest of us would buy into this BS is not only asinine, but unbelievably arrogant. Only a Grade A Narcissist who honestly believes that he is truly smarter than the rest of us dumb sheep would try to pull that one off. Sorry slick.
          And that pathetic attempt at an apology by Seymour just added to the bile already festering in my throat. Enough comments about this gentleman, nothing more to add.
          But lastly, and maybe the greatest disappointment of all, concerns His Excellency Governor Roper of the Cayman Islands (representative of the Queen herself). Up until today (well maybe yesterday), I, (and I believe most of us serfs), had the utmost respect and admiration for the job he was doing in this time of crisis. But to see him, perched like a small scared child between two schoolyard bullies, smiling and giggling along to their snarky remarks and their endless barrage of insults, has drained off all vestiges of respect (left over from yesterday when he was doing the same) and changed my opinion of him completely. He is showing himself to be no better than the premier and his crony. Wendy deserved a true, heart-felt apology and we all deserve better than to be insulted, admonished, threatened, and/or lied to in these difficult times. And this is a time when a Governor should be stepping in and setting things right when an overseas territories’ elected officials start to veer so dangerously off the tracks. I fear that Alden did nothing but stoke the flames to this self-purported firestorm.
          Today was the last straw, will no longer tune in to these daily briefings. Have lost all trust.

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m pissed thanks to Aldens lock up and home delivery of booze

    • Anonymous says:

      I wondered that too. He was too busy painting John-John as a victim of circumstance instead of referring the matter to the RCIPS for prosecution.

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