Landlords asked to be patient

| 08/04/2020 | 119 Comments

(CNS): The government has no power to prevent landlords in the private sector from evicting tenants who cannot pay their rent, Premier Alden McLaughlin said at Tuesday’s press briefing. There is a growing number of people stuck in costly apartments, following a surge in rent prices last year, who are now on reduced pay or jobless. But some landlords are losing patience with tenants who cannot pay the rent and are threatening them with eviction, which, during this current health crisis, is putting the entire community at risk.

Not for the first time, the premier urged landlords not to evict people and to be patient for a few more weeks, but also discouraged tenants from using this time as an excuse to not pay rent. However, he did not say what government would do, if those evictions take place, with the resulting homeless people, who would pose a risk of spreading COVID-19 if they are forced to hunt for a place to stay.

After the lockdown began the police assisted the Department of Children and Family Services in tracking down the homeless in Cayman, who were sleeping on the beach, in cars and outdoors, and all of them were found places to stay.

But there are public concerns that there will be a new wave of evictions as more people get laid off or see their wages cut even further, and expatriates are unable to leave.

McLaughlin said Tuesday that government does not have the legal power to stop landlords from evicting tenants for not paying rent. He said he was receiving messages from landlords complaining that tenants are not making the effort to seek assistance from the Needs Assessment Unit or anywhere else so that they could pay.

“I see this problem starting to bubble up,” he said. “Each case is different and the circumstances are often different, so it’s very difficult to make a judgement about whether all landlords are behaving unreasonably or tenants are behaving unreasonably.”

He urged both landlords and tenants to be reasonable for the coming weeks.

“If we can soldier on through this time that we are in for the next few weeks and we don’t wind up with widespread community transmission of the virus, a whole lot of things will be able to change as far as the economy is concerned. At this stage, I just exhort everyone to be as patient as you can.”

CNS has received numerous messages from readers who are worried about paying their rent and where they will go if they get evicted, or how they can move during this current health crisis even if they do have somewhere else to go. We are also receiving complaints from landlords who are blaming tenants, who they say are using the health crisis as an excuse not to pay.

Prices surged last year as many private landlords switched from long-term residential rentals to the more lucrative market offered by short-term rental platforms like Airbnb, which was welcomed and encouraged by the tourism department.

No controls or limits were placed on this new market, which created a massive shortage of affordable homes for low paid workers, an issue that local employers and the Chamber of Commerce had begun to raise.

However, with Cayman’s tourism sector likely closed or extremely limited until next year, many Airbnb landlords will likely now be seeking long-term residential tenants again, which will push rental rates back down.

The premier has already warned landlords about the impeding surfeit of rental properties and advised that it would be sensible to keep tenants struggling to pay rent now because they may return to a job and be able to pay in the post-coronavirus local economy.

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Comments (119)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank God I left my previous apartment when I did. My landlord was a complete ******* and I’m sure he’d be hassling me right now. Thankfully my new landlord is patient and kind. ^_^

  2. Anonymous says:

    If you’re a landlord it’s likely you’ve been here a while. Probably have friends in all areas of employment, some making a lot, some not so much. If I’m giving free rent to anyone that isn’t working with me to pay something reasonable, I’d rather let a less fortunate friend move in.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Maybe is time to regulate the rents cause last year I knew that a land lord raises from 1000$ to 1800 $ from one day to another then this lead to many people to live together and this is no good neither for the landlord or the tenants. Cayman is the only place in the world when thereā€™s a crisis the land lord make profit, just remember when the Ivan the ones who got place suddenly raised the rent. This under their eyes was wise, but you know that if you raise the rent the things that you buy too ,so at the very end the Caymanians were affected. I just said that in others places when a crisis arrives the solidarity takes place.

  4. Anonymous says:

    So what happens when my tenant doesnā€™t pay the rent, then the power bill and then the water bill? When that person uses up all their money in a place they canā€™t afford or who just doesnā€™t want to pay the rent? I get stuck with these bills. I have to pay anything outstanding when the expat (I am one) decides to up and leave and leave me with the outstanding bills. This is going to devastate me financially as I work in the tourism industry also. It is better to have no one in my apartments than to have to pay outstanding power and water bills added onto the existing mortgage

    My rents have always been reasonable and kept reasonable as I donā€™t believe in gouging. I have negotiated ā€œpay what you canā€ rents but I know that my expat tenants can pay. They are still employed and working in good jobs. I havenā€™t had problems at all with the Caymanian families who rent from me, itā€™s now the expats who are not paying. If you canā€™t afford to live here do yourself and me a favor and go home. I donā€™t make money off my properties. I still have a mortgage! I will work with you but be reasonable and respectful. Your inaction will affect others. Help someone who is trying to help you. Iā€™m not trying to be mean Iā€™m just realistic

  5. Anonymous says:

    The MLA’s also need to consider that COMMERCIAL property means that it provides the ability to conduct COMMERCE! Why is why people pay a lot of of money to operate in COMMERCIAL properties and zoning.

    When the goverment stop this property from being able to conduct COMMERCE, the renter of that COMMERCIAL property should not be liable to pay rent for a COMMERCIAL property that is unable to conduct COMMERCE.

    The body responsible for preventing that COMMERCIAL property from being able to conduct COMMERCE should responsible and liable for providing a means to solve that problem.

    That’s how liability works.

    • Anonymous says:

      That is a great point, renters should not have to pay for something they were legally restricted from getting the benefit of.

      The Government should also consider allowing a ā€œmoving out dayā€ where people can move their items from commercial premises they will no longer be occupying so the rental accrual can stop.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I reduced my tenant’s rent from $1200 to $800 from last month…I think we owe it to them..


  7. Anonymous says:

    Your udder disbelief is a moo-t point.

  8. Anonymous says:

    As with any business there is risk. Every year we come under the threat of hurricanes. At the time of Ivan, I owned an apartment that was rented and suffered minor damage. The foreign tenants were scared and left. The apartment was empty and I had a mortgage to pay. I had to draw on savings to pay the mortgage and the apartment was without power and water. A small family approached me willing to rent it, as their home was destroyed. My bank then offered a mortgage holiday. I could not turn a homeless family away, so I let them shelter there for free, since it was free for me too. (Well not technically, since the mortgage holiday is only a deferral). My own house was damaged but liveable. It was an anxious time for many people, a time for compassion. My hardship was short lived (a few months) and so was that of a homeless family. This is a time to show compassion, life is not normal. This is a call for all landlords to show compassion, take advantage of what banks are offering and pay it forward.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Looking forward to reading feel-good stories of foreclosures on condos, beach front and otherwise, bought using mortgages with the express intent of financing by inflated short-term AirBnB lets. Karma.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Some tenants will take this opportunity to not pay their rent even though they have not lost a job and are able to and can pay their rent. I’m aware of someone who hasn’t lost a job and is getting paid full salary (no cuts) and would like the landlord to give them 50% percent discount on their rent. This is ludicrous and the tenant reason is the government said that landlords should be lenient/patient. The landlord still has bills to pay so why should the tenant live almost for free.

    • Anonymous says:

      Shouldnā€™t be in rental business if you see tenants as crooks. You get what you focus on, wanted or unwanted. If all tenants not to be trusted, then you get an untrustworthy tenant.

      If I believe all Caymanians are nice people, life throws on my path only the nice ones.

    • Anonymous says:

      Rental prices are in freefall. I am looking at something where I can get a better apartment at less than I pay now and it would still be worth doing it even if I lost my deposit on this apartment. Landlords need to understand this will happen. We have been overpaying for years, now its time to reduce rents if you want to keep tenants.

    • Anonymous says:

      ?…the narrative is…landlords are bad…tenants are saints…
      get with the programme!

    • Anonymous says:

      Business decisions. If you donā€™t lower my rent, Iā€™ll go somewhere else. I have no duty to pay your bills but your entitlement thinks otherwise.

      • Anonymous says:

        I have a rental property so I’ll get a return on my investment. There have been lean times after 911, 2008, and lucrative times, most recently until Covid. Market dictates pricing. Do not think ill of me, if I’m able to get a better return during the good times, because that will help see me through the lean times. My rental income is for retirement, so if something catastrophic happens again in the future I’ll be prepared for it. As so many posters suggest, socking $ away for a rainy day. I’m was just being proactive, don’t fault me for being that.

        • Anonymous says:

          well said…we have a lot of born-again socialists here that have popped up recently.
          property rental follows the exact same principals of all other forms of business.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yup and some will let you go so whatever

  11. Anonymous says:

    Meanwhile CUC is making a fortune as we are now running our AC 24 hours a day

  12. Elvis says:

    True Cayman Kind

  13. john says:

    It’s easy for government workers, including politicians, on full salaries to tell other people what to do.
    Smart landlords treat their tenants like valuable repeat customers.
    Better to ask that tenant to pay half their regular rent than have an empty apartment.
    As for those who say that foreigners without a job should leave… how can they do that if the airport is closed?

  14. Anonymous says:

    As long as you havenā€™t abandoned your home,
    all of the following must take place before an eviction:

    The tenant gets a written notice to move out (vacate)
    The tenant is served with legal paperwork ā€“ a summons and complaint. The papers must be delivered by an authorized process server.
    The tenant is allowed to respond
    The court can grant or deny the eviction
    A Writ of Possession is posted if the court grants the eviction

    Illegal Actions ā€“ What Landlords Canā€™t Do

    It is illegal if your landlord tries to make you move out by:
    Shutting off your utilities (water, gas, electric)
    Changing or removing the locks on your home.
    Removing doors or windows.
    Taking your property from your home.

    A tenant can sue for if the landlord has tried to illegally evict the tenant through some sort of self-help. tenant is usually awarded court costs and attorneys’ fees and/or give the tenant the right to stay in the rental unit.

    Landlord could be arrested for illegal eviction.

    • Anonymous says:

      Afraid not so simple… They can just change the locks and take possession and post a notice on the door. Business runs this island.

      • Anonymous says:

        In this case the tenant calls the police and files a complaint. If he persists and documents everything, and it is easy to do with smart cameras, then files a claim for damages.
        Iā€™ve been there, done that. A mentally challenged property manager erroneously assumed that Iā€™ll be leavings the property when in fact I just got a roommate who already moved in. We both came from work and locks were changed. Long story short, the property manager was fired, my attorney fees and court filing fees paid by landlord and security deposit returned in full. But It wasnā€™t easy and fast, Iā€™ll tell you that.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Greedy locals soon learn the hard way when there is no one to rent their properties. Then the banks will want their money. But for sure government then will lend them a hand.

    • Anon says:

      Landlords claiming their tenants are making excuses need only check with their employers to see if they were laid off. These are the same greedy landlords who took advantage after Ivan. Most of them are quite wealthy and many in jogs that are guaranteed for life.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hmmm, hate to tell you but my Landlord is not Caymanian and doesn’t even live here. She has told us we will have to leave if we can’t come up with the rent. I have maybe a month left in my savings and then I have no clue what to do..other than lower my pride and go to NAU to beg the government.

      • Not so fast says:

        Thank you for posting your reply. There are many under the impression that the majority of landlords are CAYMANIANS. Not so. There are many of foreign nationality who are treating their own unfairly. That is a fact.

        • Anonymous says:

          I concur. But he was forced to fly to Cayman twice to attend hearings. He lost. He owed me $2000 and wanted to settle for $600. Ended up paying me $2000 plus attorney and court fees plus his own airfare.

      • Anonymous says:

        They didnt say Caymanian, they said locals.

        • Anonymous says:

          So when you hear the word “local” you think of an expat?

        • Anonymous says:

          You aren’t a local if you aren’t Caymanian. Whether it be by birth rite or by acquiring status you are only a “local” if you are legally a Caymanian so I don’t see your point?

      • Anonymous says:

        You can probably squeeze two months out of them for free by not paying.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Landlords: Ask your banks to be “patient” with paying your mortgages and send your foreclosure threats to the MLA’s and NAU.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or ask the insurance companies to waive premiums – they aren’t and will certainly not pay hurricane claims if you miss premiums payments because you’re trying to make up for mortgage or or utilities costs.

    • Anonymous says:

      U miss the point….if ur current tenant cant pay their rent do u think u will get another one? U are a fool if u do. And now u a a cruel fool as u kicked someone on the street and have a vacant property.

      As for the banks, a simple email and they will suspend ur mortgage. You are welcome.

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually it might save me money as if they can’t pay rent they can’t pay water or cuc either, so I’m out of pocket to pay those. So I’m better off having it empty for now. No headache, no broken things. And eventually things will get back to normal. My mortgage is NOT dependant on the rent I collect, not should it for anyone who had rental properties imo.

    • Anonymous says:

      Other than the mortgage holiday on offer by most, if not all, local banks… Ass.

  17. Anonymous says:


    Clause 55 provides that a landlord shall be entitled to compensation for the use and occupation of premises after the tenancy has expired or been terminated in accordance with Part IV and the tenant has neglected or refused to give up possession of the premises.

    Clause 56 provides that a person shall not, except in accordance with an order or warrant of a court enter residential premises or any part of such premises of which another person has possession-
    (a) under a tenancy agreement; or
    (b) as a former tenant holding over after termination of a residential
    tenancy agreement,
    for the purpose of recovering possession of the premises or part of the premises.

    Clause 57 provides that an order granting possession-
    (a) shall direct the tenant to deliver up possession of the premises to the landlord by a specified date or within a specified time after service of the order on the tenant; and
    (b) shall state that if the order is not obeyed by the specified date or within the specified time a warrant of possession will issue under clause 58 without any further order.

    Clause 58 provides that where an order for possession under this legislation is not obeyed by the date or within the time therein specified, upon proof of service of the order, the landlord shall be entitled, without any further order, to sue out a warrant directing the bailiff to evict the tenant from the premises.

    Clause 59 provides that proceedings in respect of a claim for arrears of rent or compensation may continue to judgment notwithstanding that the tenant delivers up possession of or vacates the premises.

    An order or warrant of a court is required to enter residential premises. (Clause 56)

  18. Anonymous says:

    as a landlord i’ll say to my caymanian tenants what alden and cig are saying to expats:
    ‘if you can’t afford to be here…leave.’

  19. Concerned Landlord says:

    I’ve been a landlord for 16 years and can’t help but wonder what extenuating circumstances have taken place for a tenant to be evicted before the 8th day of the month?

    To me, there definitely has to be more to these stories because Landlords don’t typically evict tenants without just cause. Is the tenant up-to-date with their rent, if not, how many months behind are they? Is the tenant creating problems in the complex? damaging property? creating unnecessary stress for the landlord or other tenants?

    There are always 2 sides to every story, so when you hear an eviction story ask the tenant what actions lead up to the eviction. Landlords can only foot the bill for so long before their personal obligations are affected. We have tremendous responsibility, and expenses of our own to meet. That rental income could be our only source of income, and our family may be depending on it. You never know! Asking Government to blanket a solution across the board is not a solution at all.

    Perhaps now would be a good time to initiate an effective Landlord/Tenant Association for the Cayman Islands, where both parties can come together and discuss issues, and create legislation to protect everyone involved.

    • Anonymous says:

      1:48 Well put! Not all landlords are greedy. I know allot of landlords often include utilities in the rent cost. The problem they are now facing is if people don’t pay the rent they are still having to pay the utilities of some else on top of that. This is not right. I agree that landlords should work with their tenants to find a solution. At the same time renters cant expect to live in a place completely free. Landlords often have mortgages strata, insurance and other bills to pay. Everyone is suffering at this time. Not just tenants.

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree with at 6;03 pm. I have tenants in an apartment with the utilities included in the rent. The tenants are all w/p holders and have lost their jobs. I asked them to please be careful with the water and electricity as I could help with the rent, but still have to pay the utilities. During the last two weeks, they have had friends visiting (yes, they pay no attention to the curfew) and some sleeping over some nights! Sometimes they have the A/C on and the windows and doors wide open! With so little respect for my wishes, to conserve energy etc., I’ve told them they should make plans to find other accommodations. I’ve been very fair and understanding so have not done anything more, like evicting them. I can relate to some landlords who are trying their best to help only to have their kindness ignored. Yes, we are being Caymankind and thank God for the upbringing that taught us these values..

        • Anonymous says:

          They really kicked a gift horse in the mouth huh? They’ll be homeless now as they won’t have money for deposit or rent anywhere else. They must have already decided to leave the island, cause surely no one is THAT STUPID.

  20. Anonymous says:

    All those permit holders who wont have any work in the forseable future and will bedepending on govt,financial support and who,s work permit depends on the tourism industry should leave the island,to free up rental property and rental prices will and must plummeled.

    • Anonymous says:

      You speak Gibberish very well!

    • john says:

      How when the airport is closed?

    • Anon says:

      1.42pm You can’t swim to the Philippines any more than you can fly there right now.As for depending on Govt support how far will a one off $150 food voucher get them in paying their rent, utilities etc., while Govt makes vague promises about making arrangements through Cayman Airways and others to get these people home sometime before Christmas.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually ALL WP holders without employment due to their place if employment being closed should be made to leave until things get sorted out and if they don’t they won’t get a WP renewal, because if they don’t go to government for help they “may” help themselves in other ways.
      Some of these people are living off of others which puts a further burden on everyone.

  21. Anonymous says:

    LOL! I didn’t even bother to read the article.. More likely ask landlords where they will get their next tenant(s)?? LOL!

    Already some of my neighbors were trying to get tenants in their empty unit and the neighbors (owners) wouldn’t let them because they didn’t want new people in the complex!! So now they have to cover 2 mortgages… Selfish people if you ask me. (The neighbors that wouldn’t let them rent out their place I mean…)

    • Anonymous says:

      How did they ‘not let’ their neighbours rent out their property?

      • Anonymous says:

        They wouldn’t let them show it. Said it wasn’t social distancing… Wrote a letter to the strata. I was outnumbered.
        These are educated people too!!

  22. Anonymous says:

    The rent hikes last year by SOME landlords were nothing short of daylight robbery. Maybe a sustained period of austerity might remind them to treat their tenants with a bit of respect and compassion. I stress again, not ALL landlords, just the greedy ones.

    • Anonymous says:

      My rent went from $1500 a month to $2200. Needless to say, I had to move out . Unfortunately, my landlord was a very wealthy developer . I was shocked and quite frankly, lost a lot of faith in humanity over that one. He did not need the money . I always paid my rent on time, for 5 years.

      • Anonymous says:

        It appears we may have had the same wealthy developer landlord. That’s been his style for years. My only hope is that KARMA remembers his address.

  23. Anonymous says:

    During the same period this regime was spending millions on stupid things, there were many CIG departments that received full-funding for infrastructure projects yet to manifest. For starters, I hope part of the economic stimulus includes work crews to delineate, paint and cordon off proper safe bike lanes so nobody has to have a car, or die without one.

  24. Anonymous says:

    As a local landlord, I understand the frustration that can come with tenants not paying their rent but I suggest having a little compassion and empathy during these unprecedented times will go a long way.

    I have had the privilege to have my apartments rented for more than two and a half decades. The majority of my tenants have always paid on time and have shown me much respect and patience when I needed it most particularly when it came to repairs etc.

    I believe whole heartedly, please remember to be careful how you treat people. Karma is a bitch. What goes around does come around.

    Do the right thing and be a little patience, compassionate and empathetic right now with your tenants.

    These are qualities that every single human being throughout the world need to possess now more than ever including us here in the Cayman Islands.

  25. Anonymous says:

    considering the lack of cig support for the private sector…i recommedn all business withhold all government and permit fees.

    • Anonymous says:

      What a stupid comment. What exactly do you think the government can do? Money does not grow on trees. They are trying to stop a persistent virus from infecting everyone and all you can think about is money.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Landlords can’t just lock you out, even if you are behind on rent. They must get a court judgment first.
    Following receipt of a termination notice, if you haven’t moved out or fixed the lease or rental agreement violation, the landlord must properly serve you with a summons and complaint for eviction in order to proceed with the eviction.
    The court will set a date and time for a hearing or trial before a judge. You must show up to this hearing. If you don’t, the judge will likely rule against you, even if you have a possible defense to the eviction.
    Even if the landlord wins the eviction lawsuit, the landlord can’t just move you and your things out onto the sidewalk. Landlords must give the court judgment to a local law enforcement office, along with a fee. A sheriff or marshal gives you a notice that the officer will be back within a few days to escort you off the property. At that point, it’s best to acknowledge defeat and leave on your own steam.

    • Anonymous says:

      But in cayman…

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you lost? The 1998 law is so out of date it says I can seize your fruit and cattle if you get in arrears.

    • Anonymous says:

      If a landlord goes into their tenants rented unit to “evict” them (ie: Removing their clothes/goods) without going through the steps listed above, the landlord could end up in handcuffs.

      Also if the landlord just changes the locks on a tenant, that tenant has the right to take necessary means, within reason, to re-gain access to their property. IE: Kicking in door, breaking lock etc.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sounds like Florida law to me

    • Anonymous says:

      This was what is on the bill. This bill has never been gazettes into Law.

      Stop creating problems by encouraging tenants to break the law that is in place today.

      You are not helping either side of this discussion.

  27. Anonymous says:

    as a landlord…I’ll charge no rent and forgoe any profit if the government pays my mortgage and my strata expenses.

  28. Anonymous says:

    alden…the solution is economic stimulus and a plan to revive the economy. that is what the chamber has been asking for weeks now…
    we get no anwers from you every day accept some soon come plan….
    btw joey’s initiatives will do nothing

  29. Anonymous says:

    The Government should probably consider creating a separate fund to assist renters. The banks have offered persons with mortgages some relief and as the government canā€™t offer tenants any protection, except for asking landlords to be patient (which is just wishful thinking btw) then this is an option.

    * Assist two income households where one party is now out of work with half rent payments for 3-6 months up front.

    * Offer 75% of rent payment capped at $2000.00 for 3 months to work permit holders who can show where things might actually pick up for them when this subsides. Even if itā€™s to be repaid at little to no interest.

    I do agree ppl who really have no means to live here and will become fully reliant on our government should actually leave for the time being. We do not know when this will be over and return to any kind of normalcy.

    • Anonymous says:

      Everyone should have at least 6 months worth of expenses saved! People expect to spend their money on whatever they want and then have people/government bail them out when things get tough. Ridiculous!

      Without a doubt, the repatriation flights for unemployed work permit holders need to happen…..and VERY quickly!

      • Anonymous says:

        Letā€™s see if I have this straight – we will kick these irresponsible expats off the island for spending all their money, but with the Caymanians who were equally as irresponsible in their spending and not saving for a rainy day, we will give them six months of free money so they can keep on spending? Which church do you go to, by the way?

      • Anonymous says:

        Absolutely! If they are on permit they have an option to begin plans to leave and many will not. They will wait it out and have zero funds. Government has to make it clear that they MUST leave. They are willing to stay at all costs.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Years past if Government had enacted the Residential Tenancies Law, 2009, Law 6 of 2009, a lot of the problems people are having with landlords would not exist. But too many MLA’s; with their hands in property rentals, their family and friends prevented the law from being passed.

  31. Anonymous says:

    It cannot be free rent, there are still expenses the landlord has but pay something

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly- both sides need to come together, be reasonable and agree something that works for both parties.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Three messages, firstly, tenants do not abuse this if you are working. Secondly, Landlords, some people just cannot pay now through no fault of their own, cut them some slack. That is the christian thing to do. You got no one else to rent to now anyway, so you will have zero income for a while. Thirdly, Stick with these people, when the economy reopens, they will be here already and get jobs first. The chances of Cayman going from zero vacation occupancy to 100% occupancy in the next 12 months are pretty remote anyway, and prices will fall.

  33. Madeleine Watler-Rowell says:

    ā€œPeople who write laws gently ask those who hoard essential resources to provide human rightsā€

  34. Anonymous says:

    Government does have the power to require employers to pay employees all money due to them. If that were being done, renters could contribute something to their landlord, and arrangements could be made to help people. Unfortunately government is (as usual) not enforcing the law and many hundreds are being laid off with no notice and no payments. How is this allowed in a country of our sophistication?

    • Anonymous says:

      I have read, and reread the Labour Law. What amount should you pay hourly employees? Average of the past year? It is not that clear.

      Also if you lay-off employees with a recall date of less than 30 days, are you liable if government forces the closure of your business in excess of 30 days. It is murky.

      I have paid my employees through the end of the month, at their average wages. Not sure if this is right, but given that lack of anything more than threats, it was the best I could come up with.

      • Anonymous says:

        Also not waiting in line for hours to pay pension at the bank. It is insane that we should be expected to do so on wages that were not even earned!

      • Anonymous says:

        You seem to be a decent employer, but should ask a lawyer to advise you. The law is actually quite clear.

  35. Anonymous says:

    In many cases, many are simply greedy landlords without any human compassion. I have a friend who has one of these! God will judge them yet!

    • Anonymous says:

      You wrote: “in many cases”, yet you cited one friend and one landlord? How many landlords do you think there are in Cayman? More than 1 my friend, and we’re not all “greedy landlords without any human compassion”. Try learning both sides of the story before you blat out such foolishness.

      • Anon says:

        1.58pm Here’s one example a landlord, a lady from the Brac who worked in GT XXXX. She rented a tiny wooden hut to our helper and charged her an extra $20 a day when her young son came from Jamaica to stay for a week. He slept on the floor. She also charged $30 a week for water and electricity.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Oh hell no, they the NAU’s problem now, not mine. Alden created the problem, he can deal with the fallout.


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