Doctors Hospital boosts COVID-19 testing

| 30/04/2020 | 14 Comments
  • Cayman News Service
  • Cayman News Service

(CNS): The CTMH Doctors Hospital has now been testing for COVID-19 for a week, helping to boost the test results and support the wider screening underway. The need to test as many healthcare and other essential front-line workers as possible is critical in determining the prevalence of this coronavirus in Cayman, given that these people are the ones who are in the greatest contact with the public.

The Doctors Hospital has also opened a drive-thru facility so that all workers who have been invited for testing as part of the screening programme can get the test in the safest way possible.

The hospital is already helping to boost the number of results that are starting to come in as part of government’s ramped up testing project. Dr Yaron Rado, chairman of the hospital’s board, said they are able to do around 100 tests per day but that is likely to increase next week to hundreds every day.

Although the hospital is testing in line with the Health Services Authority guidelines, essential workers can call the hospital to register and set up a testing appointment for the drive-thru facility.

Meanwhile, next week the hospital will be opening back up for elective procedures. Like most other healthcare facilities, it closed for all but emergency treatment last month, but given the safety procedures now in place and the downward trend in the Covid-19 illnesses throughout the Cayman Islands, Dr rado said the hospital was in a good position to re-start these services.

“Doctors Hospital will take every precaution to ensure patients and staff remain safe. In addition to having adequate PPE supplies, robust sanitation protocols, and following public health guidelines on social distancing, all elective surgical patients will be screened for potential symptoms of Covid-19 24 to 48 hours prior to their surgery,” the doctor said in an email to CNS.

“Our Surgical Department will be considered a “’non-Covid Care (NCC) zone’.  Staff working in these NCC zones will be limited to working in these areas and not rotate into ‘Covid-19 Care zones’. Staff and patients entering these zones will first be tested for Covid-19.”

He said that patients are also being asked to wear a cloth face covering that can be bought or made at home if they do not already possess surgical masks.

Elective procedures will in the first instance take place just three days a week on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays, but the doctor said it was an evolving process under re-evaluation daily for what is the safest possible practice.

“As always, we are available for emergencies. Patients requiring these emergency surgical procedures will also be tested pre-operatively for Covid-19,” Dr Rado added.

Covid-19 testing is coordinated through the Care Centre.
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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (14)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Question is what does it cost if you don’t have insurance?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Dr. Rado and Doctors Hospital. Cayman is very lucky to have this alternate facility for testing. I believe now we will see more testing happening in significant numbers. We have only been able to test about 1500 cases at the HSA in 5 weeks. We should be doing that amount in 3 days..500 per pay. We have only been testing people that present with symptoms and the asymptomatic ones continue to spread it within the community.
    I don’t know about anyone else but I would love to see the testing ramped up to at least get all the front line staff done so that we can feel comfortable and can get out of our homes.

  3. Anonymous says:

    How much?

  4. Anonymous says:

    You may still get a bill although public health would have paid for it.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Bravo Dr. Rado and Doctors Hospital. The story of the testing lab is an entrepreneurial inspiration. How lucky we in Grand Cayman are to have three great hospitals in such a small population. We are blessed.

  6. Anonymous says:

    No doubt they will bill you for it 18 months later as usual.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, seems to be their standard MO.
      I refuse to pay if I get a bill 6 months later. Actually I refuse to go there if I have other options.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I’m still not getting tested.


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