Curfew extended, changes to exercise exemption

(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin admitted on Thursday that government was giving with one hand and taking with the other when he revealed that the only changes to the curfews, which have been extended for another two weeks, relate to the exercise exemption.
Having listened to pleas about the increasing heat, he said that exercising will now be allowed from 5:15am to 6:45pm, but people can no longer drive to where they want to exercise.
He said people will now have to set out on “shanks’ mare” (by foot) or by bicycle to exercise because too many people in their cars, dressed in jeans, have been stopped by the police and claimed they were going to exercise.
The premier said that government had tried as far as possible not to tinker too much with the soft curfew regulations or the ‘shelter in place order” and this revision was confined to how people get their exercise, cutting traffic on the roads and helping police enforce the curfews.
Police Commissioner Derek Byrne said he believed that only a small number of people have breached curfew over the last month. And while crime remains stable in general, he raised concerns about some George Town burglaries and asked commercial owners to contact police so they could find ways to help them secure their premises.
The commissioner also admitted that there have been some issues with his own officers not practicing proper social distancing, handling documents and other issues, but he said that things were improving and the message had got through. He said he was reinforcing the message to officers that everyone can exercise every day except Sunday and that collecting food is also allowed every day but Sunday with no alphabetical split.
The main concern for the commissioner, resulting in the need to extend the curfews across all three islands, was that too many people are still on the road, posing a risk for spreading the virus.
See the full press briefing on CIGTV below:
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Category: Local News
I agree it is the Jamaican police officers who are harassing people- the Commissioner need to review this and sort this out- look at which police officers are arresting people and the reason given-
This is abuse of power-
Which one of the panel members would like to provide the public with the rationale and justification for paying the Civil Service a week early(again)?
It we can’t drive anywhere to exercise why can’t we have exercise time on Sunday?
Aldens ego
You guys need to have a petty party along with your pity party.
Sorry to hurt your feelings, Alden. Shouldn’t you be figuring out how to open the economy enough for us to get basic supplies for our homes so we can make the most of our imprisonment?
God doesn’t like it.
You can still drive to exercise, just tell them you are going to Burger King.
I disagree with the too harsh exercise restrictions. Families cannot properly safely exercise on the streets so non public beach exercise and swimming should be allowed! 90 mins per day, We are going stir crazy occupying children in the house and yard! families live together so should be allowed on beach and in sea together!
This will end badly. Everyone will get covid. Try and keep us hiding to prolong the inevitable or just let us get on with it. I say, get on with it.
Vast majority believes what you do? I’m sorry to say, but you’re delusional. Seek professional help because you’re cracking up.
You just said why yourself ‘…… thousands of people’
Makes sense. I hope businesses consider a new paradigm in the future. I think a good part of the traffic issues could be alleviated if businesses become more flexible with employee hours and working from home. The traffic issues were affecting productivity, stress, attitude and health in, as you point out, not having time to exercise. Now that many businesses have the infrastructure and experience in working from home, and the technology is also there, maybe this could be one of those #silverlinings.
Not going to be a silver lining for support staff – receptionists, office managers, admin assistants – or commercial property landlords and all their staff.
You never know. The people who lose jobs might end up doing something more important, more satisfying and more lucrative. The power of positive thinking is much better than the opposite during this crisis. You don’t have to believe me – ask a psychologist or read. The main thing right now is survival – let’s call it survival of the smartest – and there is hope on the other end. We aren’t the first people who have gone through something like this
I used to go to the beach when it was quiet to exercise which is often a mental release as much as a physical one. It was safe and quiet. When they took that right away from us I went back to walking in Camana Bay which was quiet and no traffic in the pedestrian areas. I seldom came close to anyone else.
This is where it gets farcical and their new restrictions actually cause more harm than good. Last night I worked till 5pm and decided to go for a walk along South Church Street. I was shocked by the number of walkers, joggers and cyclists all coming within the 6 foot social distancing guidance. To be fair its not their fault because the delivery cars were zooming along the road and everyone is trying to fit into a small space on the side of the road. There must have been over 50 people I passed relatively close to last night. How can that be good? Am I supposed to that every day for the next 2 weeks because the police can’t deal with a few people who obviously aren’t going to exercise?
Alden, we have had enough of these restrictions which unreasonably stop us doing reasonable activities. Enough!!! You have gone too far when the restrictions you and the Governor put in place remove our basic freedoms and actually make the problem worse! It is clear that the tide has now turned in public opinion and you need to start listening to the vast majority of people who are helping you all with these restrictions. Good leaders listen and find ways of making things happen when the requests are reasonable. They don’t just keep telling you no, no, no and by the way here’s something else I am going to take away from you. If we are in this together then start acting like you actually care please and listen.
Where can we go for a release these days? Any exemptions you know of?
Home delivery. As long as they bring some fast food with them.
And wear a mask.
God, I hope so
And rubber gloves.
This is what happens when the powers that be have let too many unneeded economic immigrants into this island. We had no problem until this influx came on us. A lot of Caymanians have been crying and miserable for years. Crying to Government to put a stop to this madness. We didn’t ask for this and are suffering even more at the moment.
Well God knows best – time to clean up the mess.
And so many countries have built up an economy on remittances from these workers they are refusing to accept them back home, even when the host countries cannot provide for them any longer. Hopefully this is a lesson for the CIG to rethink it’s foreign minded concept.
I love when the ignorant chime in.
On Batabano Rd yesterday a Jamaican police stopped my next door neighbor for walking his grand daughter 5 or 6 yr old down the road and he does this on a regular basis even before Covid. He also walks 2 gran children with him sometimes.
The police was questioning the fact that he was not appearing to be exercising
Well we do not all sweat to death to consider that exercising.
Some at 65 yrs old will just walk slowly and a small child the same.
So now police are willing to arrest an adult with a young child that is on a WALK to exercise???
And the clothing crap is crazy.
The police need to not take their PIG POWER to the next level the times are hard enough.
Soft curfew is our time to be on a short walk etc
Leave people alone.
I also will use my phone to video for my protection if I get pulled over (especially if Jam police) They are the worst bullies.
I wish all people video when pulled over.
How do you know the police was Jamaican? I dont see the relevancy of you mentioning the police assumed nationality. You could have just made your post and that’s it. This is why the hate will continue to spread between us and them. As a generational caymanian I’m sick of how we treat and speak about other national. If someone is a bully, dont attribute it to their nationality, that’s just how they are.
Cut the virtue signaling and semantics. Jamaican officers have been known to abuse their power and to bully the people. Caymanian officers are known to be corrupt in terms of canceling tickets for family members and etc. This isn’t racism, these are facts. I’ve seen officers pull my sister over (Jamaican) just to tell her “I pulled you over to get your number”.
My coworker was involved in an accident, someone hit him in the back, but just because the officer (Caymanian) knew the person he was let off. These aren’t secrets, maybe you’re sheltered and privileged enough to not have had these experiences, but many of us have a TON of stories like the one above. Obviously just because someone is Jamaican doesn’t mean they’re genetically predisposed to being this way, but this has been a case of a few bad apples spoiling the bunch.
Save the social justice for people who actually need and deserve it.
Because I saw what took place and Jamaican police are very aggressive its true and well known and I hope we get rid of all of them
Maybe you are a Jamaican police.
I am not a cop hater I have lots of police friends and I have Jamaican family too
Respect is what police want and so they should be respectful in return
Before quarantine nobody got off the couch, but as soon as you say we can’t exercise everybody turns into a world class marathon runner.
Lol – it’s true! I walk regularly and I have never seen so many people out walking, jogging and cycling. I hope people continue to do this after lockdown ends – it is good for everyone’s physical, emotional and psychological health. Silver linings!
Many of us didn’t have the time due to commuting and physically going into work. Now that we do, we do!
Exactly! They probably work 3 hrs a day and spend the rest in the gym and running. Us regular folk are finally getting the time to do something to better ourselves, and now they’re crapping on us for doing so.
Why must even this be an us versus them thing? Go look at yourself in the mirror and know that ugliness isn’t what you see, but what you say.
– People whine that they’re more people exercising now than before.
– The new exercisers defend themselves with solid points.
Take the sensitivity and semantics somewhere that someone may actually show you some sympathy.
Really how do you know this? Prior to COVID my running times were a 3am. At that time I would see groups of cyclist 6+ and other runners/walkers out and about. With the new restrictions everyone is forced to exercise for a few hours in the AM as curfew closes or in the afternoon just before curfew to take advantage of no sun/cooler temperatures.
12.18am – you got that right. They should use this time to do something beneficial in their homes and yards. Lots of stuff to do there. If you have children teach them something – most of them need it. Can’t believe we have so many idiots on this island.
all imported.
You sir, are a racist.
A bigot not a racist. I know because I am a pedant.
Muppet @3:37
Have you considered the fact that before COVID everyone was working? Some people have jobs that either drain them by the time they get home, or take up most of their day. More free time means more people doing things they’ve always wanted to do. You’re lying if you say you’ve never wanted to do something to better yourself but never had the time or energy to do it. With no work going on those two things are in supply more than ever.
If you are a Canadian from Manitoba or Saskatchewan jeans are pretty standard workout attire. Have you ever heard of the Canadian tuxedo?
Which Caymanian cares??? About your Canadian jeans!!!
The ones married to Canadians.
I am married to a Canadian and I don’t care about his jeans. Seriously, the comment was lame.
Are you saying Caymanians only care about Caymanians?
Caymanians hate each other. They tear each other down. With a smile on their face.
Isn’t that just inspiring?
I do. I have friends from Saskatchewan. Nice people. Stop being so hateful.
Yours truly,
I can’t speak for every Caymanian or permanent resident but I haven’t been to 7Mile regularly for many years because of the thousands of cruise ship tourists. Now I can envision going there more often and actually enjoying myself. However, closing the beaches is very hard to take for everyone since most people are complying with the rules and I am upset that government is punishing all of us for the sake of a few. Following these next two weeks I can only hope and pray that the beaches will be opened along with information on the plan to get Cayman’s local economy moving again. Hurricane season is fast approaching and we must start to turn our attention to that. God forbid we get an unexpected visit in June/July and we are still on lockdown.
The Cayman economy does not “move” without tourism.
Many will learn that very quickly.
Open or not open – this economy is down for a longer time than you can stay in your “primary local” business unless that is drugs, numbers, alcohol or prostitution.
It depends on how you define “move.” The financial services industry and the construction industry can keep us afloat, although I agree that without tourism we’ll be dead in the water. We will do better than most – of that I am fairly certain. And I also believe that Cayman can recover more quickly on the tourism side if we put in place measures that attract affluent travelers. The first people to travel when borders open up will be people with money and they are going to be looking for safe, sophisticated destinations. Cayman can be that place next high season – especially if cruise ships aren’t coming here. Silver linings!
Tourism is the primary driver for the construction industry.
Remember: Not for Dart
I can’t see how lock down will affect us if a hurricane comes. Except that you just might have to learn how to put up your own shutters or learn how to and sweat a little closing your accordions.
It prevents people from getting free sheets of plywood that they can later sell to contractors.
Believe me, there’ll be plenty of time to walk SMB when this is over as no one will be coming here for many, many months, if not years. Calm down and get a grip, staying safe is more important than your beach walk.
We can’t forget nor underestimate how short the memories of travellers have been historically. After 9/11 tourism stalled them ramped up again. During SARs there was a blip and then things continued. Then Hurricane Ivan (and other storms from 2002-2007 in the Caribbean), and cruise ships returned rather quickly as a show of support, and we learned there was a segment of disaster tourists who are ok with seeing a place in a less than perfect state. Then there was the financial recession of 2008-9 and its impacts.
And before you say but this is different. Yes it is different, but it too will be forgotten once people can feel safe and secure and their life returns to some sort of normal whatever that looks like. The ramp up will be a lot longer than the clamp down, but I am pretty certain it will rise steadily. The number of people who own condos or vacation homes in Cayman will cause an uptick in itself.
Yes! Cruise ship companies seeing bookings coming back already.
That’s just proof again at how stupid people are… SMH…
Hmm cruise ship passengers.
Small piece of the tourism pie.
Stay over visitors, which statistical data has proven, is the larger piece if the pie. Far more money being spent by those people. Guess what?
Airports closed buddy. No visitors in. No money coming in from that revenue stream.
Financial services – hold fast.
12.27pm.. If we get through this.
I am looking forward to that scene. We need the break! God is great.
High five!
9.44am – I am a Caymanian and I speak for myself. I have been so disgusted with the amount of people on one particular beach that dome of us practically grew up on. The days I did go there I’d came away more stressed – it was disgusting to say the least. (Thank you Mr Premier – I waiting patiently to get back on the beach and my hope is that for a long time in the future we get a peaceful break)
These are mostly the tourist from the 7mile beach and don’t even think of going there when the cruise dock at Spotts.
It’s just not fair the way our way of live has been trampled. And I pray the way forward be better for the indigenous Caymanians. We are Islanders and by no means are we selfish, but we just cannot live under the past conditions.
News flash. You do not own the beach, period.
Learn to share.
Save it for two weeks.
you mean 2 weeks plus 2 weeks plus…..etc..
wake up!
If you have a yard or East facing patio, balcony, windows, make sure you and your children utilize sun exposure the very first few hours after sunrise. It would help with depression as well.
So stupid. Kids need out
Don’t be selfish and infect others because your kids need out!
Do t be stupid and think we are infected. Paranoid android.
Kids can wear masks and gloves just like adults. Teach them, they will learn.
For asmatic kids check with your doctor first.
People called the Romans, they need the outs. Your kids can play video games – like they always do.
My kids don’t play video games. They like the beach and the pool. Sorry your kids are lazy.
“Your kids have different interests than mine therefore they’re lazy! I have a pool they can regularly practice their swimming in, and we live on the beach so every morning we do yoga and say mantras.” Jesus, you act as if your kids will die if they don’t touch the water for a couple of weeks. If so, spray them with the hose! If they don’t like video games, that doesn’t mean they’re better than other kids, that just means they were raised differently!
The fact a ton of people downvoted this is so telling about why there is issues with the youth here.
Too many Caymanians (which you can’t arrest) not following the laws (normal) what can you do? Arrest some expats and make the rest stay home from work until they run out of money and have to leave. Caymanian leadership is smarter than you think. In the short run.
Driving is necessary to keep car batteries charged. Imagine 10,000 cars won’t start because its batteries has died.
Also, US auto insurance companies refunding 15% of premiums paid.
Coronavirus Car Care: How to Keep Your Unused Car Healthy During a Stay-at-Home Order
Drive to Foster’s or Kirk.
Start your car in its parking spot and drive to the supermarket once a week – even if you don’t go in because you don’t absolutely need to.
I agree. Start it every day or every other day.
People leave their cars in long term parking at airports sometimes for weeks.
It’s just your brain making excuses to leave home.
Disconnect it and put it somewhere cool. Jeez, you idiots!
Not everyone is an auto-mechanic. These days even some men don’t know what you are talking about. Cool place? Where would it be? I remember from my childhood that bringing batteries indoor to charge was considered a health hazard.
Omg – I can hardly take it anymore! Are you serious???!
I suffer from chronic rheumatoid arthritis and a soak in the sea and a swim is one of the few things that helps to ease the pain. Please can we have access to the beaches? The pain is unbearable!
Sorry. Until the police are trained in recognizing the difference between people exercising alone and far from anyone else and people standing around in groups we all must suffer the fools and follow the rules. Welcome to third world.
I think they’re trying to keep the peace.
I agree with that, always.
The world needs a whole lot of love and peace and certainly less hate.
Cannabis helps
Are they delivering CBD oil?
Get the MRCU plane to spray it over the whole island, that should calm things down for a while. Might also need fogger trucks for West Bay though, they’re a more rowdy that the rest.
Hear that Jon Jon!
LOL – I’ll wote for that!
They should add it to the water supply!
I wouldn’t even water down my scotch with tap water.
Only those willing to break the laws can use it here. Bummer. Legal in over half of the United States. At least Aldin drinks alcohol and rides his bike so we can.
Maybe it’s time for drug dealer exemption
no…all because the policw won’t/can’t do their jobs.
No, because the retarded, uneducated and the plain ignorant can’t keep to simple rules or use common sense.
Does nanny need to wipe your stupid ass as well?
Put salt in your tub water and soak in the F——— thing
Wtf? They may not have a tub you entitled POS.
Get a salt water pool or convert your existing.
8.57am. Lots of people are suffering – for God sake find an alternative! Look on google to find anti inflammatory alternative. Get in your tub with some Epsom salts etc. try to help yourself.
Exactly. You are lucky that for 47+ weeks you’ve had the ocean. Lots in the rest of the world cope without. Check your doc & physiotherapist for temporary alternatives.
My pool. Oh, wait….
We are so blessed here that sometimes we take what we have for granted – and become petty as a result. Hopefully, when it’s safe and we are all let out again, we will appreciate what we have almost all of the time even more. As it is said, absence makes the heart grow fonder, so there’s a chance. Silver linings!
I’m sure everyone will agree that we must aim for zero infection on the Island.
However, when the Government decides to open our border, what does it actually mean?
When workers and tourist return, will they need to be quarantined?
We all understand this virus has no borders and is still being described with new information every day and going forward for the time until a vaccine is found.
So what guarantee do we need that people who return to the Island will not be infected or have been infected?
The whole world is struggling with this question and the risks of allowing people to go back to work and start to resume a normal life, as it is happening in Europe and Asia.
And yes we will have the risk that individuals will get sick and some eventually die, as we do with flu symptoms, terminal diseases, accidents etc.
But at some point we will need to come to grips with the reality that this virus will still be present for a long period of time.
Question is, when do we start and join the rest of the world??
Yes, we all want to be safe and protect our families and businesses, but the economic destruction will allow only a few (wealthy) people to clean up on the misfortune of so many Caymanians and residents.
To keep in mind the island at present is run by a medical doctor, supported by a Premier who refused to close the port when it was due, but rather allowed another high risk 20000 cruise ship passengers on land.
No one’s coming for a very long time unless they have alot of money so there’s Hope in that. Forget cruise pax, can’t blame them who in their right mind would go on a cruise EVER again?
It’ll be 2 years imo before we get tourists back in numbers that matter.
Cruise ship reservations already up!
Sure. Some will pay 200 for an all inclusive trip on a ship that is as diseased as the pools on island.
Is this the kind of tourists we want – Low-class White Trash?
God no
at 8:26 am – have you noticed the rest of the world is also shut down… SMH
Fine for Alden who is a bike rider with all of the riding cloths to match. What’s wrong if one has to drive a km or 2 to get to a quite place to walk even in jeans?
Are we allowed to wear jeans to the supermarket , gas station & pharmacy ? Is Denim banned , or Gabardine?
Will Jeans be prohibited being worn when driving motor vehicles ?
COP Byrne.. please clarify so we may be ‘Lawful’ ..To be sure….
Man, this lockdown has affected your brain. If your last name begins with the letters A through K, then you can wear whatever you want – even a tuxedo – to the supermarket, gas station and pharmacy on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. If your last name begins with the letters L through Z, then you can wear whatever you want – even an evening gown – to the supermarket, gas station and pharmacy on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. If you have any last name at all, you can drive to pick up food from a drive-thru restaurant wearing anything you want – including just a Speedo – Mondays through Saturdays (though I wish they’d stop this). And on Sundays, no matter what you are wearing, you have to stay in your yard. But at home, you can wear a track suit, a bike riding suit or even your birthday suit and no one will complain. Well… maybe they would if you’re just wearing your birthday suit.
You made me laugh. Thank you.
9.37pm-// I hope those planes hurry get here and take these expats and Also take with them the most of these whining Caymanians. My God I cannot believe there are so many idiots.
So just leave you behind with your parrot then?
Hope you registered that bird.
Maybe another way to reduce the number of cars on the road is to split the shopping days to two rather than three days a week, by alphabet. I passed a supermarket on Wednesday and it looked like a regular Saturday shopping day. I didn’t see a single free parking spot!
CNS: Note to commenter: If you leave the ‘name’ block blank it will just show up as ‘anonymous’ (you could also use a pseudonym). If you don’t want your name to be shown, just don’t leave your name.
less shopping days = more people congregating on those days.
More people congregating = more chance of the disease spreading.
Not if they split the names 3 ways. However, the whole policy Alden has going is just dumb.
It’s been just under 4wks of lockdown in the U.K. and people are going mad and deliberately flouting the safety rules. This is why we are on lockdown because people never listen! We are fast approaching 20,000 deaths in the U.K. including care homes and the community. I’ve never seen so many people staring they are “exercising.” After all this is over and we get back to “normal” whatever normal will be ever again, I can guarantee we will never see these super fit joggers exercising again! Perhaps this will show people how similar to this prison is. Hopefully, this will put these criminals off all they do…..I doubt it though. So, Cayman, as hard as it is, we are all in the same boat all over the world. The more you flout the curfew, the longer it’s going to be. Use your heads and comply and stay safe. It attacks the very young to the very old….no one is immune to this horrendous virus.
Good decision regarding exercise times in morning/evening due to more daylight and warmer weather! Thanks!
Should not have been necessary,it was a bad decision to reduce it by 2 hrs in the first place.
Yeah – I have to agree. BUT – they listened and corrected it. On a scale of mistakes though, this one wasn’t that bad.
Thank you to the Cayman Islands Government and the Governor and to Commissioner Byrne and all the front line workers for leading us and being decisive during this difficult time
Oh yes, so much hard work with that 1 patient.
Keep up the good work….but please allow the fishermen to go and check their fish pots…rumour has it that there has been fish pots found floating with an abundance of dead fish….
“The public is reminded that the Marine Conservation Law states, “Any person who has a fish pot in his possession in the Islands or takes any marine life with the aid of a fish pot in Cayman waters is guilty of an offence unless licensed by the Board…”
Tell us how many are licensed, I dare you.
9:11am Tell us now many marine police have gone rotten rich? From what? And how many poor Caymanians they have ruined. Think about it!!!
BTW. I fully support the lock down.
Interesting because in the UK they’ve just clarified the lockdown rules to allow driving to an area to get exercise. The update reads, ‘Driving to countryside and walking (where far more time is spent walking than driving).’
Maybe you should have taken the BA flight back to the UK?
get lost..with that attitude. address the issue or shut up
Alden, please let us exercise on Seven Mile Beach. Seven Mile Beach is the ONLY respite for thousands of people! The police have those new 4 wheeled ATVs. Make them patrol Seven Mile Beach to keep large groups from gathering. There is no need to close the entire Seven Mile Beach Sir.
200 people jogging on WB Road is no different from 200 people walking on Seven Mile Beach. So why is jogging on WB Road allowed, but walking or running on Seven Mile Beach is not? Seven Mile is the one thing that we have that keeps us all sane! New York, London, Hong Kong, Paris, none of them have that beautiful 7 miles of sand that WE have! Please keep it open to us!
Is there research on humidity, water, perspiration, and transmission? You wearing hazmat boots while you exercise on the beach?
You can, just not below the high water mark.
Try that at public beach and see how far you get. Police have been stopping people way beyond the high water mark.
It’s hard living on the ocean now. Because it’s just a huge temptation everyday and you can’t go near it.
Why is WB road different from the beach? Because you can exercise on either. But people are not just exercising on SMB. They are sunbathing and socializing. The chances of people doing that on WB Road are minimal, so allowing exercise on the road means it’s more likely to be used for exercise and not just an excuse.
10,07am you and your friends need to go ASAP. Damn you are some idiots. I know when you dead you won’t need any exercise. Stop putting the good people at risk.
CNS – could you please ask the CIG panel at the next meeting the following?
“Is there some other reason for this new restriction other people wearing jeans and using driving to exercise as an excuse to break the shelter in place rules?”
Obviously anyone who intends to break the rules tomorrow and happens to be wearing jeans will offer any other valid excuse, such as “I’m driving to the grocery store/pharmacy/hospital/gas station/Burger King” – in other words this new restriction seems pointless and solves nothing other than restricting people from going to a safe place with their family to exercise. I prefer to take my kids for exercise in a area with less vehicular traffic for obvious safety reasons and where there is less chance of interaction with other people.
Here are few a solutions that can be offered to the panel for reducing vehicular traffic and a deterrent to those seeking to break the shelter in place rules:
1. If there are situations where people are known to be congregating at popular locations while they are ‘exercising’, then the COP should set a beat officer at such locations and/or patrol those locations.
2. Restrict exercising similar to the designated shopping days (ie. Essential missions are only allowed on your designated day). This way we limit the amount of people on the roads running missions and those who would potentially break the shelter in place rules on a given day. A medical emergency would be the only exemption to this restriction.
“Is there some other reason for this new restriction…”
Is also helps to limit the potential vectors for any infections to spread beyond their general cluster areas and improve the ability to undertake comprehensive tracing of cases. While not perfect (encounters can happen at grocery stores, pharmacies, etc.) it can still assist in those public health efforts significantly. Every little bit matters in helping to reach an end point where the restrictions can begin to lift.
The reasonable solutions offered in the previous comment covers this point you are making.
My road is too narrow and doesn’t have any sidewalks!!! If I get run over and don’t die I am going to sue!!!!!
Who is Sue?
Stacy Mitchhart Band knows a girl named Sue.
I know a boy named Sue.
Sue to you, Suze to me.
She will be at home most days , is the one wearing Jeans , usually Denim. Just knock on the door .
My my how quickly the sheep have been rounded by the wolf.
By not being able to drive to a SAFE place to exercise and/or walk a dog is dangerous! Some people live on busy, narrow roads that have no sidewalks or little to no shoulder to be off the road. Some Dogs get spooked by cars and could get hit, not to mention an adult or child could be hit. Mark my words someone is going to get hit! This is a very bad decision to not let people go to a SAFE area to walk. I tried walking on my busy road after work and had a close call with a car coming too close! So angry about this decision by government. Just penalize the people wearing jeans that said they were going to exercise!!!!!!!!!!!
“ Police Commissioner Derek Byrne said he believed that only a small number of people have breached curfew over the last month.”
So why the hell are the beaches closed for the next 2 weeks? Byrne needs to do his job and stop punishing everyone for a handful of breaches
Those same liars will now just say they are on the road to get food. And again, those following the rules are penalized.
people in cars is not the problem….get over this.
sorry alden….no-one believes the ‘two more weeks’ nonsense.
when the people do get their lives and liberty back…you are finished.
Yes we need a plan not 2 more weeks. 2 weeks then what?
Then we get to declare the Islands virus-free and reopen in our bubble. I like the idea. It is the best plan available. You have an different one, that doesn’t cost lives?
And then we’ll ride our unicorn over the rainbow bridge to jelly bean land and all the children will sing.
Are you eating mushrooms from your yard again?
then 2 more weeks….
politricks from no-plan-alden.
Exactly! He said we are “weeks” away from lifting curfew, which means more than 2!!
Sigh. Then another 2 weeks. Or 3. Hard lockdown if Alden gets scared by the number of positives. Over and over again. Because he has no other plan.
another day…more restrictions and no plan to mitigate the economic disaster facing the people of cayman. typical from no-plan-alden.
Is it lonely at your pity party?
Not really. Many people feel the same way.
Love how they all started getting flack for having coffee delivered but we couldn’t get pool supplies delivered so now they have coffee cups that make it seem like they brewed it themselves. Zzzz cig, we are done with you.
Pool guy – thanks for being done!
Have fun with your mosquito borne illness.
1.40pmTo all you losers who dont have pools ask our Leader if Jamaica, the Bahamas, Barbados and all the other islands have all closed all their pools.
Thought you were done Pool Guy?
Well done again Alden. You and your team are doing an excellent job. All those criticizing Jack——- should be grateful they live here instead of wherever they came from. Imagine if you were doing what that nut case in the US is doing. Half the Island would be dead already. Get over your greed for the almighty dollar people and get behind The Premier and his Team. Save our lives, save our elderly and Children. Keep up the good work Guys and lock them down hard curfew if you have to.
What is “the nutcase” in the US doing that cayman has not already done! They are the same policies and Trump lead the way! Cannot help if it alden has gone crazy with power! Hate just because your TV told you to hate Trump gets us nowhere.
At least Trump has a plan. Not hearing one here except 2 more weeks. Then what 2 more?
Trump’s “plan” is political campaigning. It’s not going to be followed by governors in the time period suggested. The initial approach is very similar what we’re doing now, and what Alden has suggested would happen if we get through these next two weeks without significant community transmission.
And thanks for allowing us to stay home and still get a pay check unlike non government workers.
Yeah!! All you greedy people and your evil dollar. Probably want to go out buy groceries and pay your rent and buy your medicines with your evil greedy dollars. Imbecile (look it up).
must be good to work in the civil service
Nope it’s great like frosted flakes
I think you mean, be a part of the civil service.
I expect all you Alden worshippers are Civil Servants, Caymanians who have jobs for life.
Nothing short of lunacy
Let the whining begin. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Too many people on the road? Stop the indiscriminate food collection!
LOL – “indiscriminate” food collection. I like that.
omg….enforce mandatory confinement for those tested positive or do nothing!
The changes to the exercise rules are pointless. Anyone in jeans can instead just say they are legitimately going to collect take-out from a restaurant.
It won’t stop one journey by anyone who is determined enough to break the rules in the first place.
The difference is you could essentially be anywhere (i.e. on the way to illegally gather with friends) and say you were on the way to exercise. Now if you are stopped and not in between your house and a restaurant it looks like you are breaking curfew. Don’t underestimate how dumb most people are. Even with these existing excuses many many people have still been caught breaching soft curfew.
Its been a while since you posted. Have you figured out the flaw to your logic yet?
I believe we all now understand that the reason for the tightening of the noose / curfew in Cayman is to make the life of our police force so much easier.
Get rid of people using the beach for exercise, get rid of cars on the road & allow us to focus on supermarket entrances such that we can fine people $500 for not distancing.
I was astounded to hear that the group of people on the beach a couple of days ago, who were obviously not there for exercising, were not ‘cautioned for prosecution’. But, 99% of law abiding citizens were punished for their inability to prosecute these few louts.
The policing of this curfew has, sadly, been an utter disgrace- led from the top.
What liberties will next be taken from us in order for the CI Police force to do its job? Frankly, obscene – quite shocking.
One final comment- we have many Caymanians & expats now suffering great hardships ( & the longer this goes on even greater hardships) – how about Government Ministers & Civil Servants donating a portion of their monthly salaries, since they are fully employed, to the less fortunate who no longer have jobs?
“how about Government Ministers & Civil Servants donating a portion of their monthly salaries, since they are fully employed, to the less fortunate who no longer have jobs?”
Do you believe that the less fortunate are only in need of assistance during a pandemic? Instead of thinking of all the people who might be able to alleviate their plight, have you ever asked yourself “what can I do to help?”
Yes that would be good. 50 percent to start with.
And 50% of everyone else’s salary too?
well said. it’s all about making life easier for the already overstaffed, underworked, under performing police force.
after 5 pm mosquitoes come out? plus jamaican police abusing power? and yes i am a black caymanian…english police are much more understanding and not abusing power…ya all listening?
And the Jamaican police are rude. It’s a sad situation, because some of the nicest people I know are also from Jamaica….
I had a really nice jamaican officer one day going through the check point. Only wish I could remember his badge number or name to make it known. He was mannerly, he had a mask and gloves on and he did his job which was all that was needed.
However, contrary to the above I had an English officer one day who I thought was on the verge of dragging me out of my car. He was aggressive and rude. I was shocked. As most times this is not the case for the English officers.
Important for officers to acknowledge civilians are human beings with levels of stress and anxiety just as some officers have as well. They are not meant to intimidate people as their motto so bravely states: we care, we act.
wearing a badge is a power trip for folks who could not get a real job elsewhere
Of course it is. They all got bullied at school. Had their lunch money taken by the big bad bully who probably stole their chick too. But unlikely they had a chick as they were too socially inadequate to speak to women. Get a grip peabrain!
Seriously? Too many people spreading the virus in their cars? Do you hear yourselves? I’m beside myself. Who elected these fools? I’d laugh if it wasn’t so stupid.
You completely miss the point. Its all the people the police are stopping saying they are ‘on exercise’ when they are clearly not. This is also why we have a beach ban. What part of stop mocing around Island don’t you get.
No, it’s because there are too many people using implausible alibis when stopped. Glad they did this.
So now those people dressed in jeans who get stopped at police stops will instead just say they are going to pick up takeout food instead, which somehow is permitted 6 days per week even though delivery is an option.
And all the people who live in neighborhoods without infrastructure (most of them) for pedestrians and cyclists will be put at risk every time they set off to exercise from their homes. And waking their dogs through neighbourhoods full of free roaming aggressive dogs will also be loads of fun.
I see what you’re trying to do here, but your algorithm seems to be way off. I’ve been supportive of your efforts up to this point, but now you’re putting the safety of people who are trying to stay healthy at risk while doing nothing about the liars who will just change their alibi from exercise to restaurants.
I go to BK every day, sometimes twice.
If this is true, you better make a doctor’s appointment as soon as you can. Didn’t you every see the story on the guy who ate fast food every day for a month?
He’s being sarcastic. He means he is using it as an excuse if he’s caught driving around.
Don’t be so sure. There a bachelors who haven’t the foggiest idea how to cook for themselves, nor the funds for fancy food deliveries from restaurants. This guy was probably being sarcastic, but I know a guy who is really struggling on the eating side of this. I don’t think he even owns pots and pans!
i have had the pleasure of being questioned by english policemen, they are polite..understanding and wonderful to talk to…however, the jamaican police in my view are arrogant…ignorant and wont even listen???why is that so? next time i get questioned by a jamaican police i will have my telephone recording them.. so i can play it back to the chief or premier ….so sad!
Sounds like you are getting stopped a lot, maybe that’s the problem.
Barbados policemen here are also aggressive and rude…..seems that no matter where you come from you find assholes. People who just spread hate and aggression on others. Ironically you can’t say too many caymanian officers are anything at all. They hardly exist. It’s so strange.
Maybe the Cayman policeman from Jamaica knows you’re full of it? Where as the Cayman policeman from England thinks there’s no way you can fool him?
I am not the Premiers best fan, but on this I agree. If you are truly exercising there is no reason it can’t start and end at your front door. You cannot say with the reduced traffic levels that you need to travel to find a spot to walk safely, you cant say you need to get to the beach now, and the existing exemption for exercise is a licence for anyone to travel on a non name day for any purpose at all.
Exercising cannot start or end at my front door because there are too many dogs in my neighbourhood waiting to chase me down. For the better part of the last 20 years I have been driving to my exercise start point. Thanks Alden for the extra 10 lbs resulting.
10lbs in twenty years is pretty good going!
I understand your frustration (I find the dog problem caused by irresponsible owners maddening myself) but it’s only two weeks. Eat less when you’re not exercising and you won’t gain 10 pounds in two weeks. Everyone has to make sacrifices. As long as you live through this, you’ll be fine in the long run. Seriously… you’ll be ok – let the government do what it thinks best right now. They really just want to save lives. Peace.
Only two weeks? I bet he extends it again! Sick of this now!
Bet you’d lose the 10 lbs in a week if you last those dogs chase you!
The exemption for take-out provides equal licence for anyone to travel on a non name day. Stopping people driving to exercise will not stop one illegitimate journey.
Your comment also makes me think you regard “exercise” as something that is only for fit and healthy adults. Forcing parents to try to supervise young children exercising on the roads in town rather than somewhere more suitable is madness (and much more likely to result in an inability to maintain social distance when you come across someone walking / running the opposite direction).
You are right. They should ban fast food trips except on name days too.
I disagree with your statement.There are many reasons excercise can’t start on your doorstep. I have two young kids. Exercise for them doesn’t involve leaving my house and going for a walk or run. They don’t care about the calories they’re burning or their fitness levels. They need to play, to explore, to be adventurous. I can no longer take them to the beach which is across the road from our house. Our neighbourhood isn’t suitable for me to take them out in. I’m not going to take them for a walk or bikeride up the bypass. The best part of our days has been my ability to take them for a walk or ride somewhere new and secluded in our district.
This isn’t a complaint, just an example of a reason why excercise can’t start and stop at my front door. I’m sure there are other people with similar situations.
I don’t disagree with what the Premier has done. If he feels he needs to because people are taking the piss, then so be it. Those that are compliant are getting punished because of the few that aren’t.
He who does not exercise at all is the one person that needs to tell all excercisers how to. And It’s only a licence to break the law if the law is so lazy and lax that they need to make it illegal for all of us to go out and exercise so they don’t have to work too hard. I windsurf, paddle,swim,and fish. All impossible to do from my front door. All easy to keep social distance while doing. Keeping yourself and others safe is not the reason.
Maybe you can give the police a class in what is exercising and what is standing around in a crowd?
And, yet again, those that are conforming are penalised.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Like it or not, we are a community, and have to throw-in with the lowest common denominator. Quite low in many cases.
Absolutely correct, even if the truth of your statement is frustrating to law-abiding residents. We just have to suck it up and accept that these are extraordinary times and sacrifices have to be made.
And yet again those that are compliant are penalised.