Tour bus and taxi drivers get $600

(CNS): Government has announced it is giving out more free money this month as the economic reality for Caymanians in the tourism sector begins to look increasingly bleak. Tour bus drivers and taxi operators with related watersports ventures who are licensed with government will all get a one-off payment of $600 to help with the difficult times they face, given the tourism shutdown.
Speaking at the daily COVID-19 press briefing Wednesday, Premier Alden McLaughlin said that other groups may be included in future announcements for cash payments, as government continues to grapple with the major challenge of keeping the local economy afloat and Caymanians in business during this unprecedented time. He said that the tourism transport sector is being, and will continue to be, hit very hard during this “protracted period of crisis” and others in related fields could be added on the basis of need.
Commerce Minister Joey Hew said that his ministry was offering resources and support to help small businesses reshape or re-tool during this period. But at this stage, he said, there are no plans for direct cash payments to small business in general. The ministry has opened a virtual business centre that can be accessed by phone or online to help steer small and micro businesses through the challenges ahead.
Hew said one of the main goals is to transition businesses. By way of example, taxi and tour bus drivers as well as courier services are the types of businesses that could temporarily transition to the emerging delivery business that is likely to be in demand over the coming weeks.
CNS asked about a reader’s concern regarding vehicle insurance restrictions on food delivery and problems extending cover so that restaurants can move to a delivery service. Minister Hew said his department would look into how they can help streamline cover as new operators move into this space. Deliveries are expected to become an important part of the economy in the short term.
Hew said government is working with the Chamber of Commerce and the Small Business Association to help local businesses take advantage of what new opportunities will emerge and change their business models.
See the full press briefing below:
- Fascinated
- Happy
- Sad
- Angry
- Bored
- Afraid
Are unemployed bus and taxi drivers on work permits expected to leave?
I give credit to our government for proposing stipends to tourism based employees but they haven’t considered all industries, only Taxi drivers, tour operators. What about so many other tourism employees? Housekeepers and support staff in all the hotels and condos, they have been earning minimum wage plus a small percentage of grat pools, not near the amount the taxi drivers and tour operators have been earning in the lean times over the last few years. If we are going to help tourism employees it needs to be a fair playing field.
Because housekeepers and support staff aren’t nearly as likely to be on the voters register
Problem: Landfill
Government: LIGHT IT UP
Problem: Traffic
Problem: Pandemic
Problem: gay Caymanian equality
Gowernment: Gaypril! Lewiticus! Oh we were told to actually give them rights? Soon come lol I na risking my church wotes
Will government be providing government pensioners extra funds too?
There are persons living off no more than $700 a month pension.
What about those in the waterspouts industry who have no income at all now? Many of these are Caymanians. Any plans to help them?
I’ve noticed the water is cleaner with you lot gone. I say we take a look at that and reconsider all these licenses when this passes.
Can we just give caymanians money every month tax the trillions every day.
Alden give it to the old people and taxi and bus drivers.
Some of the worst drivers for eco growth.
Lol the logic is unbelievable.
release our pension alden this isnt gonna be sny better 14 april. they r predicting 18 months r u that stupid to think americans are ginna cruise? and as far as patriation why cant it be used ? its our money given for that. its criminal what u r doing
Pensions should absolutely NOT be released. The market has crashed. That money needs to be kept there for the eventual rise and people’s retirement.
Simple solution:
Everyone wp or not, (not businesses) who can present a letter from there boss that they are fired due to the virus with a copy of passports, should receive 1000 a month.
Put the information in a database for future check of abuse.
Businesses in Cayman have been ripping off people here for decades, they have the reserves.
But as usual money receives money and poverty receives poverty.
Typical cayman christianity.
Whatever….but it’s good to see a picture of the old airport.
I think this is the most realistic solution. If you aren’t working, you get a stipend for paying your bills+food. Otherwise people will start robbing and murdering in the streets. I’m surprised the government hasn’t said anything yet about a stimulus plan.
You really have to be joking me! Most don’t even deserve a diver’s licence, let alone a payout to promote their god-awful driving techniques! Outrageous!
Remember the local guys that tried to get Flex up and running but were shot down. The cartel is strong.
Taxi and bus mafia have some serious sway
Wotes my friend, wotes.!
Alden up to know you have been doing the right thing,
This has bought you right back down to your port lies.
What does the cartel have on you?
What is the virtual business Centre phone number ??????? Why say it and don’t put it in
CNS: Sorry, I cannot find it online via either the ministry or DCI websites. If anyone knows, perhaps they can send it to us, or we’ll see if we can get it from the ministry.
Giving money to the wrong people taxi drivers have ripped off tourists and residents alike for a longtime they should have enough money stashed away to see them through these tough times and the rest it would be more in line to look after the people in the food and beverage and hotel industry, cleaners childminders etc that have been working for minimum wage living paycheck to paycheck with little to no savings and now finding themselves unemployed.
They justify the high fares due to having to buy and maintain a taxi. BS! Most of us have to buy and maintain a vehicle to get to work regardless!
I will not criticize the Government for all they are doing to assist those they perceive as impacted and most vulnerable by this pandemic…
CNS: The rest of this comment is posted here.
Every day Taxi Operators spend more money at the Gas stations by fueling two to three times a day which is more than a regular vehicle owner. We spend upto CI3000.00 annually on Insurance, and CI$300.00 for Taxi License renewal all with Government then every month Airport Taxi Drivers pay and additional CI$60.00 per month to operate their. All of these monies not only Contribute by keeping the Greatest Employer of Caymanians “The Government Civil Servants” Salaries.
Two or three time’s a day
What are you putting in $5.00 a time.
More likely stopping off to buy a Pattie and a Pepsi.
Oh and one of those air fresheners that smells like your grandmother.
The air will be much cleaner with you off the roads. Well, besides the dump fires. One in the same really.
So you’re doing 1000 miles a day? HAHAHA. Firstly that’s a lie, secondly if you were, given you charge about $20 for 5 miles you must be making $1m a year. Run along, no one to rip off now!
Excellent job Premier !
That’s one trip to papa gallo for these monsters
Vote yes!
I am flabbergasted by this decision.
You must not have been here very long. This is typical, although usually happening closer to the general election.
So what I came out of from this news conference is that the government really doesn’t have a plan for the hospitality businesses.
All I got from it was we are on our own and to deal with the utility company’s, landlords by themselves and to bad if they don’t want to help.
I can tell you that these businesses don’t have insurance as there is an excision in their policies for viruses.
I’ve read that banks are stopping mortgage payments for a period, well yes Butterfield has immediately stopped all payments for three months. CNB has offered this as well BUT you must contact them and it is on case by case basis (of course they did this, the Trini owners don’t want to loose money, it now shows you their true colours, they don’t have the interest in the Cayman Islands customers)
CUC has offered a credit, a very small one, I know that restaurants electric bills can be up to $8,000 pm or more. So there’s no real help for them to survive.
Certain commercial landlords are refusing to help and give a break. I give cudos out to the Dart organisation as they are helping all their tenants, staff absolutely amazing. In fact once this all dies down, I will be contacting them to see if there is space for our business which has been in its current location for over 30yrs. I’d happily pay the extra rent as you know in a crisis Dart cares.
Sewage fees again commercial properties pay a fees, there has been no word as to any discount.
I would like to see government doing
1) insist CUC reduce all fees or come up with a payment plan to be paid off over the next 12 months
2) residential and commercial landlords not allowed to remove and tenants who can’t afford to pay (the UK government has said that no landlord can remove any tenant for three months) and assist these landlords with payments
3) speak to insurance companys to allow with immediate effect car policies for restaurants staff be allowed to do business from their staffs personal car insurance.
4) A holiday on all pensions – I can’t beleive the Premier basically said there was no plan at this time.
Just a few ideas.
I can’t beleive Joeys statement about salons and barbers, you just have to adjust and we encourage them to go out and sell the products they have in their stores, does he not realise these products are there really as an upsell.
I’d like to know, if salons and barbers will be allow to go to private homes to provide their services?
Better to ask forgiveness than permission.
regarding CUC, if they pass the Oil Surcharge to customers that will be great help, especially oil is under 25$ per barrel. This was brought in when Oil reached over $100 per barrel..
don’t have to do something extraordinary, just do the rightful..
Amazing that the Oil Surcharge is still in place with the price of oil being its lowest in decades. How does CUC justify this charge?
Joey means well, but he isn’t very bright. I am no fan of this government and even signed the petition against the port, but it’s hard to criticise the government’s plan, or lack thereof, when this is an unprecedented situation. Most governments around the world don’t have a plan for this. I think they’re doing the right things – mostly. I could easily argue that Cayman’s plan so far has been a heck of a lot more cogent and consistent that our neighbour’s up north!
Don’t knock Joey, he has singlehandedly resolved our Islands traffic woes.
Joey Who? What traffic woes? There must be some miscommunication!
nit everyone has dart money
How is giving them the equivalent of one fare from the airport to seven mile beach going to get them through the month?
Don’t exaggerate! You could get 3 people and a suitcase to Papagallos!
each and suitcase would have to pay
8.36am so much a pound for the suitcases. No change given. Extra for pregnant mothers and surcharge after 6.00pm.
why would you shell out cash to bus and taxi drivers..what about everyone else? why has the government not come out with a stimulus package like other countries?
because they spent it all already
Most of the persons getting help is paper Cayman people, what happening with the born Cayman people, I cant go to there countries and drive taxi or bus , if I try that o boy what would happen to me.
I’m sure you could. This is the only place in the world where being a taxi driver is more lucrative than being a doctor.
Well, besides Cuba but that’s a whole other reason.
I just want to say thank god Alden McLaughlin is in charge. Otherwise we’d be F’ckd
What about the other cayman people who is working in the different tourist business, please mr Premier don’t be buyus at this time , give one give all or don’t give none at all .
If the thieving taxi cartel had a reasonable fare they wouldn’t need to rely on ripping off tourists.
This is just a vote buying exercise by Alden who in every press conference has been shown up to be incompetent and a racist, the sooner he is out and I pray a new younger generation take control the better.
rewarding the sector that tourists most complain about….. classic wonderland stuff.
Just look at Trip Adviser. By far the most complaints about the Caymanian tourism industry here is about rip off taxi drivers.
Cmon lets end this nonsense once and for all and have UBER and LYFT. Every tourist that comes here from the U.S. and Canada has this app on their phones.
Delivery drivers are paid $6 per hour plus tips, and are usally young adults
Delivery drivers don’t get that amount. The operators get it.
I hope they make sure the drivers get it and not the taxi company operators. Maybe they can spend it going to driving school!
at a time like this we all need to laugh … driving school indeed
All of these drivers can still work delivering groceries and other supplies to the hundreds of households in voluntary isolation.
Not at the current high mandated rates. Rates should reduced.
No, this whole lockdown thing for me is a chance to vacation and relax.
Get ready for one hell of a long vacation.
Is this selective Caymanian vote buy in lieu of election appliances, or in addition to?
Second most significant voting block, check.
Should there not be some subsidy from the government whose nationality dominates that sector?
This is trying to keep food on peoples tables you idjit. Its also trying to stop people being so desperate that they will not rob your house
yep the old veiled threat of robbery….classic caymankind
Be a lot more cost effective to pay the airfare home for all those WP holders that have lost their jobs altogether and have zero means of paying their bills but cant leave. But I guess they dont vote so….
release our pensions
and why not release pension ? and put a free,e on payments
Your pension is probably gone…
something better thsn nothing
Pension is gone. Markets have collapsed.
Too late. When market crashes, pensions evaporate. Today You could probably buy a pair of socks with your pension money. Check your February statement.
6.28am Talk about scaremongering, don’t be ridiculous! – TWO pairs of socks at least!.
So you have assisted a sector that can possibly transition to a different customer base, but have ignored other sectors that can not… Hmnnn…
The Government have let the taxi mafia rip us off for years, no surprise that they get the first handouts too