NAU receives 81 new applications

(CNS): The Needs Assessment Unit, which deals with welfare support, has received 81 new applications from families since the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Cayman, Premier Alden McLaughlin said Tuesday. Following what appears to be some concern in the community that local people who are making new applications are not being helped, the premier said that the process takes time.
Those already registered have received an additional stipend on top of their regular payments of $435. Government is also helping over 1,600 families with other services, such as vouchers and rent. But the premier was unable to say Tuesday if any of the new applicants had yet been approved and granted any cash two weeks after the island began to close down.
In a press release on Tuesday, government said that on top of the near CI$3 million extra cash approved by Cabinet to assist the most vulnerable, elderly and disabled Caymanians, more emergency supplementary funding has been secured for temporary food assistance to non-Caymanians.
These are largely work permit holders who were unable to leave the Cayman Islands or, because of the sudden shutdown here and in their own home countries, find themselves out of work and unable to get home.
Work permit holders who urgently require food supplies and who have insufficient income or savings to sustain themselves could, if they qualify, be eligible for a $150 food voucher, effective Wednesday, 1 April. The voucher will provide interim support over a two-week period to those who qualify until the airport reopens or they can resume their jobs.
However, the premier has said that the airport is unlikely to open anytime soon, nor is it likely that many permit holders will be going back to work in the short term. However, government is examining other ways to help the people to go home with the help of Cayman Airways.
McLaughlin has also urged these workers’ former bosses to help because the government will not be able to assist them indefinitely. Landlords are also asked to be flexible with their tenants.
The premier is encouraging people to leave if the opportunity is offered to them, either on next week’s British Airways flight or on any future Cayman Airways airlifts that government is hoping to organise around the region.
“But in the interim, if they do not have a job… the government will do whatever we can to ensure they have a roof over their heads, food to eat and access to healthcare,” he said.
Despite the humanitarian crisis that COVID-19 has created, there has still been a significant backlash against government giving money to permit holders who have been stranded here because some people believe that locals are not being assisted and they should take priority.
Those who qualify for assistance can apply by downloading the Non-Caymanian COVID-19 Support application form.
Forms can also be collected from various supermarkets and gas stations in Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac.
Completed forms should be emailed to or left in the drop box outside the Customs and Border Control Offices (formerly the CI Immigration Headquarters) on Elgin Avenue.
For further information call 244-8000 between 10am and 4pm (Mondays to Fridays).
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Category: Local News
NAU needs Government Lawyers to research the laws regarding Status holders, PR etc.. and start processing their application appropriately. If the need the help of Government they must go. It will be only a matter of time before self -sufficient people will Start walking off of their jobs – no way we are going to keep working to maintain them. There is only so much we can do.
11:43am. – AMEN – thank you!
To April 1, 2020 (12:16 PM). Good question. We are all in a time of crisis. What about the non-essential Civil Servants getting a pay cut for now with an agreement that C.I.G pay the difference not paid to them now at a future date? Example, the man that earns $5,000.00 per month, pay him $3,200.00 now and the difference when the economy bounces back. It is no way it is going to be sustainable if C.I.G. tries to pay non-essential Civil Servants (full salary), that are at home, along with every other bills when nothing is coming in for anybody. Presently there is nothing for the Public Sector or the Private Sector. Time to unite so that everyone can eat and fight Mr. and Mrs. Carona.
Where have all the mandatory repatriation fees disappeared to? Employers pay them with the work permit fee, some pass it on to the employee. Where are they?
Start on JA repatriation flights asap. Then work on the other countries. I heard their Prime Minister say they can’t shut out returning citizens. It’s only 40 mins away. That’ll ease up half our burden.
Hey Caymnian landlords, look forward to zero rent for a good while, and good luck getting your back rent!
And expat tenants, good luck getting your deposit back. Too many landlords like ducking that one too!
When should we expect the MLAs to be taking a voluntary pay cut?
Not until they lose the next election or they and their spouse reach heaven.
More like zero pay, precisely what they are expecting other to do.
MLAs are currently giving away their salry to consituents to buy groceries medicine and other essential items, You may not see it but I know my MLA is almost broke giving away what he makes so please dont start bashing the leaders of this country, they are earning every penny.
11:38pm – your MLA should have done his job. Remember they are our representatives – and they all should have been doing their jobs. And that would be processing these people properly, instead of being the$25 hero. He is not going broke – pay day soon come again. Ritz Carlton empty tell him to hide out there.
It’s not that simple for landlords to give tenants a break. Some landlords depend on the rent money to live on themselves.
I hope they only help the most vulnerable.
A lot of those people who are doing all of this bulk shopping, will probably be asking NAU for help as well, when their money run out.
Crap situation, you get flak for helping, then you get flak because the help isn’t “enough”. Can’t win at all. I don’t see any resolve to this in the near future. It’s going to be fire on both sides of the fence up until the day this all ends.
Waiting on my $1200 Usd for filing my taxes…. Cash not coupons!
Maybe CIG can take the example and go down the voter register and divid half of the 100 million surplus and just write the cheque.
That would be a welcome approach and a breath of fresh air. Totally different and economically way more sensible at jump starting an economy that has no incoming. Money sitting in CIGs bank account isn’t going to help.
Double dipping are we?
Ever thought, that is why some are in the mess the are now? Spending like drunken sailors on leave, never thinking of a rainy day.
Heard a lady on the radio this morning, regarding getting help to pay her school fee for a local institution. This is going to be seen as a free for all. NAU will have a tsunami of “gimi gimi” to deal with.
SUSPEND PENSION!!! not right to have added expense now
Thanks Mac , your woter status grants now need to feed their kids and grandkids.
3:39pm… yes Mac your mass status grant Was/is a big injustice to Cayman… The day has come!!!’ What are you going to do!!!!
Newsflash: As it stands now, most of you will lose you jobs and income.
It cost 60$ by taxi to get to nau.
Then 60 ahaon to pick up the cheque.
And Then no money to go to the bank.
You’d be stupid to spend your only money on Taxi services. Walk or catch a public bus. Hitch a ride. You want them to deliver the cheque as well? Would you like a coke with that?
There is no bus.
Walking from eastend or northside is not doable.
Nobody picks up anybody.
means test them all.
cig will have to get used to handing out more and recieving less.
thanks alden.
Guess your not a family member of a caymanian seaman, or even caymanian?
9.15pm A lot of these seamen and vets and/or their spouses seem to live forever.
That’s a lot of information to receive just $150 in total.. Exactly what do you need for seamen or vets allowances which are are more than 3 times as much and paid monthly indefinitely, regardless of income.
It is insane, and what when many hundreds of construction workers join these ranks? People need to be helped, and helped to get home, as soon as possible.
cig hasn’t got the money…even to payout basic amounts like $150…that’s why they are making it difficult.
So why are Civil Servants on full salary, even if they are at home with no work to do?
12.16pm They sorely need a rest from all their labours.
They are used to getting full pay for doing nothing
12:16 As a civil servant I take offence to that. We have plenty of work to get on with thanks. Stop spreading lies and unrest. Do you actually know anyone who works in the civil service personally!? So much hate in a time when there are so many other things to be worried about.
Civil Service is not Civil its a Mafia