Dart dump contract on shaky ground

| 10/03/2020 | 159 Comments
Premier Alden McLaughlin at the George Town Landfill, 9 March

(CNS): The remediation of the George Town landfill is scheduled to begin next week, which may still happen if the massive fire at the dump that started this weekend is brought under control, according to the premier. This is the first phase of the total project, which includes a waste-to-energy (WTE) plant, that was awarded to a Dart-led consortium over two years ago. However, as Alden McLaughlin explained at a press briefing at the dump on Monday, the negotiations over the details of the contract, which apparently are taking place after it was signed, had stalled so they decided to break the project down into parts.

So far, only the first phase, the remediation, has been agreed.

Explaining why the process is taking so long, McLaughlin said it was “a very complex project and a very very expensive exercise”. A major part of it was designing the request for proposals, which was highly technical and required much overseas expertise, then the development of the RFP, and then the contract.

However, the premier admitted that while Dart had won the contract to do the whole project, they have been struggling to get agreement on all of its elements. “But we’re getting nothing done in the meantime so we broke it down into parts.”

He stressed that the contract and negotiations were complex and included the waste-to-energy facility, “and how they get compensated for that”. There are also aspects of the project that require an environmental impact study that they have to go through, McLaughlin said.

He said that because they had not worked out details for the next stages, they had “treated this as an early works element, separate and distinct from the rest of the contract”.

The remediation phase “is a much simpler exercise and we managed to get agreement on it”, he said. So while they are “still hammering out the final terms of the remaining aspects of the contract”, they are proceeding with the part that has been agreed, which is expected to take six months.

When asked about the possibility that no agreement will be reached with Dart over the next stages, McLaughlin admitted, “There is always a possibility of failure.” But, he said, if they abandoned the current contract, “we’d have to go back to a whole new RFP, a whole new bidding and procurement process”.

However, he said, that would be “someone else’s responsibility”, a reference to the fact that he cannot, under the Constitution, be premier for a third consecutive term.

Beginning the process over would make it much longer, he said, noting that it had taken seven years to get to this point. “And this is not the first time this has been attempted, because this is a multi-multi-million dollar undertaking. And it’s not just the capital cost of doing it, it’s the cost of operation over time. So we’ve got to have a sustainable agreement that doesn’t break government but which makes the investor feel satisfied that they are getting some returns on their money.”

He added, “Hence the long and difficult discussions over quite how the waste management is constructed because that’s where the real money is.”

However, the premier declined to reveal what the main sticking point is in the negotiations. “That would be most unhelpful,” he said.

Government’s ultimate goal is “to get a permanent fix, at least for next 25 to 30 years, for Cayman’s solid waste issues”, the premier said.

He explained that the remediation of the landfill would involve a significant amount of cover, starting with large rocks over the mound, “followed by other aggregate, compaction and then eventually the planting of vegetation, and the insertion of pipes to allow the methane gas to be pulled off”. 

He said that ultimately this is part of the broader WTE solution. The goal “is the complete abandonment of landfilling as we know it. The vast majority of waste will be burnt through the waste to energy plant and essentially only the residue will wind up in a much smaller much different kind of landfill because that is essentially ashes.”

He cautioned, “Before we get to a complete solution, if there is ever such a thing, we are still talking about three or four years.” But the immediate and long standing concern of landfill catching fire “should be resolved in six to eight months”.

See more of Premier Alden McLaughlin at the press brief below:

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Comments (159)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Of course, there are other Caymanian Billionaires and dozens of senior law/accounting SHNW multi-millionaire partners that could form a pooled investment company to finance a $60mln WTE facility and get on with it as a social enterprise…but they can’t be bothered because they are a$$hole$. It’s always somebody else’s problem, or lumped on career inept politicians. We need good monied citizens to step up, fill the vacuum of leadership, and build us a keel. Dart doesn’t have the civic chemistry for these tasks.

    • Anonymous says:

      Always easy to blame others but we generate excessive waste on this little 2×4 and then expect someone else to deal with it.

      It starts with each one of us.

      It’s like the roads – build as much as you can – there will always be excessive traffic unless we change our ways.

      The future of this planet is in our hands.

    • Anonymous says:

      Like you are making it their problem? Always nice to see how people love to spend other peoples money and then blame them if they can’t get away with it…seriously?

    • Anonymous says:

      What is a SHNW? A Sort-Of High Net Worth Person?

  2. Anonymous says:

    They plan to keep burning the toxic waste where it is at for waste to energy ? Is that true ?

    Why don’t they do that away from us?

    People are going to get sick!

    • Anonymous says:

      Baloney. Do some research. Modern WtE plants release little to no smoke, etc. In large countries they are bring these closer to the garbage source so that the waste does not have to be transported long distances, creating additional risks.

      • Anonymous says:

        And the resulting ash and residue is exponentially more dangerous than uncombusted trash and also seeps into the environment far easier due to the small particle size. So do you prefer a large festering dump or a highly toxic waste generating plant? The WTE is ideal as long as they handle that toxic byproduct properly – and I suspect this is being glossed over for a reason – they have no plan…

      • Anonymous says:

        When things break down and pollutants are released and no one knows or is told until it is too late… which is always the case in this island … and everyone is sick … then it will be too late

    • Anonymous says:

      It is “our” rubbish, as an island and “we” are responsible for its treatment and disposal. Where do you want to send it – off-island? Why should anybody else be stuck with the end result of our primitive outlook on waste management?

      Re-cycling is a joke and nobody cares to/people are resistant to separate the rubbish into the various groups for proper treatment. We are so far behind best practices and what is standard operating procedures in advanced economies…all we have left is to “burn, baby burn”….

      Again, like everything else at major distress here – it is a failure of society, the education system and the family “unit” to change attitudes and improve behaviours (of the next generation) – to do better than what we did/are doing currently.

      Shame on us. We deserve to have a “burn factory” right in our midst.

  3. Anonymous says:

    How could a supermarket be allowed to be built downwind of our dump. Hope unnah wash your vegetables good.

  4. Anonymous says:

    people saying vote them out…but who do we vote in? Until genuine alternatives stand up, there’s going to be no change. Maybe we should allow Status Holders to stand? They can’t be any worse, and most are unlikely to be members of a lodge that has caused chaos over time for these lands

    in the meantime, just as we sat and watched the dump become unmanageable over years despite obvious fears, we now shall sit and watch the coronavirus become unmanageable in a matter of weeks. instead of an immediate refusal to allow cruise ships to dock; an immediate cessation of school (they can learn at home) and other large gatherings, we’re all continuing on….give it a few weeks, there will not be 1 hospital bed available to treat any more seriously ill older folk, and it will get worse.

    but as long as we can approve some more mangrove destruction and 50 storey towers, we’ll all be good

    • Anonymous says:

      The usual argument is that unless you are third generation you are not sufficiently Caymanian to care enough about the island and it’s people to act in their best interests other than your own. You are basically suspected of being a money grubbing carpet bagger. Unlike our home grown multi generational MLAs who – with a handful of exceptions- election cycle after election cycle demonstrate what exactly – that they are either incompetent, corrupt, stuck in the 18th century or some combination of the three. To paraphrase Roosevelt, the view seems to be they may be SOBs, but at least they are our SOBs. Just sad.

  5. Anonymous says:

    When it comes to the dump Alden’s been standing round with his thumb up his ass for years. I just can’t believe we got an actual photo of him doing it.

  6. Anonymous says:

    “and how they get compensated for that”.

    It’s simple, really. Let DART group tear down more acres of mangrove with concession so the stink smell from the swamp doesn’t devalue the property that they chose to build in the middle of a swamp.

    They love paving nature, and that’s the key to their heart.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Vote them out and take their pensions.

  8. Naya Boy says:

    Nah Boy it ain’t DART on shaky ground! its this Unity mess we call a “Gowernment” fill to the brim with numskull representatives looking to profit off every friggin deal these islands have to offer. What I want someone to explain is why in the world would the previous director ringed the side of dump facing Esterly Tibbetts highway with ignitable rotten wood and debris instead of some sort of rock or soil fill ???

  9. Anonymous says:

    They can’t burn toxic garbage for waste to energy right next to a school and right in the middle of where most people live. They need to cap it and set up new facilities elsewhere away from most people. Cayman is largely unpopulated in most areas why endanger most of the population with cancer and various other ailments? It makes no sense ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Ask not what the country can do for u. But ask what you can do for the country. Govt. Elected did a lot for the country. but the country did a lot more for them

    • Anonymous says:

      Where do you get all your information from? Have you ever been off Cayman?

      • Anonymous says:

        Where do you get yours?
        You can resist with all your might, but new 21century facility must be built on the outskirts of Grand Cayman.
        Done right, along with recycling, very little would remain for burying in a proper landfill and burning.
        Remember that combustibles and incombustibles must be separated.
        Fly ash and bottom ash must also be safely disposed.

        • Anonymous says:

          I suggest that you research the various reports on the proposed solution on the GOV website. Then comment.

    • Bad Gamble says:

      He knowingly decided to build a school and high end homes next to a dump that has been sitting there for years. That’s on him, he significantly underestimated the impacts.

      • Anonymous says:

        Working out quite a bit better than it is for the suckers who bought property on Marbel Drive.

        • Anonymous says:

          The developer who developed those properties on Marbel Drive knew damn well what the situation was with the properties. Amazing he got away with it.

    • Anonymous says:

      WTE is not the blind incineration you might be imagining. Plasma arc gasification with scrubbers can be as clean, emission-wise, as burning natural gas, with modest slag (for export) and 10+MW “free” electricity as the material outputs. It’s much cleaner and safer than a disorganized mismanaged toxic “dump” or endless CUC imported diesel-fueled power generation. CIG and Dart have been bickering for 8 years over the comparatively modest $60mln price tag, while farting away many multiples of that on our health, gov’t inefficiencies, maladministration, libraries of unread consultant reports, and widespread time thefts. We need smarter people that can be held accountable, negotiate, and execute a workable plan with career professional WTE industry leaders. We don’t need the delay of dealing with sneaky banana league real estate developers with untenable senior staff turnover and no applicable knowledge or experience to apply to the problem. We need to get them all out of that room.

  10. Anonymous says:

    For once I have some sympathy for CIG as I’ve negotiated with Dart on a couple of matters and found them to be the most flakey, inept, untrustworthy, illiterate negotiators known to mankind. There is zero point talking to MVD or the Joke… just need to get Ken Dart in a room and hatch it out with him. Until that point… keep dumping the trash closer and closer to his boundary – watch him try and sell his $m dollar swamp houses with a lazy river then! That’s the only leverage CIG have on this which is now Priorty#1 for CIG – or at least it should be

    • Anonymous says:

      The public deserves and is starved of competence. Who signs a contract to be filled in later…that’s an MOU not a contract. Winter is coming for all of these crap cakes..

    • Anonymous says:

      I sure that Dart and any other business that has had to deal with CIG feels the same way. That’s why they keep suing Them. Everyone knows the Tactics of the Caymanian Government and that they don’t want to pay up. Very few business will do anything for CIG. Everyone also knows that the dump under CIG will just continue to grow and burn with no end in site.

      • Anonymous says:

        Everyone frustrated with the “pace of advancement” needs to read the NRA Agreement authored by Dart’s Campbells legal team. Every other page is embedded with a predictable time-fuse “gotcha” clawback that inures in DART’s favor. It’s further historical evidence that CIG hasn’t had any competent negotiating advisors for decades, will sign or agree to anything for a headline, and why they should have no right to negotiate on our behalf behind a thick black curtain of secrecy. It only serves to delay disclosure of their incompetence and to continue to contract and engage with bad actors only hurts all of us as a society.

  11. Anonymous says:

    All you can hear or read about is Dart Dart Dart.

    Bet we bawling now for him to fix this dump mess. Well he better cause Alden or Dwayne dont give a hoot. Or any other MLA

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman people deserves what they get, remember they voted them in ,. When Dart was going fix the dump and make another first class dump in Bodden Town, Bodden Towners kicked against it and stopped it. GEORGE Towners should said. If the Dump can’t go.in Bodden Town, then Bodden Towners garbage can’t come to George Town dump

      • Anonymous says:

        “Fix the dump” for you and Dart was to put it in virgin land in other people backyards and increase your land values at the expense of others.

        Such a sick joke.

        Are you even human?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Read this then compare then decide how close we’re to solving solid waste management problem.

    Solid waste management and recycling technology of Japan.

  13. M G says:

    This government should hang its head in shame…. sadly self interest, not in my back yard and “why should I have to pay” is the root cause of this……. well the whole island is paying now, Caymanians and ex-pats alike.

    • Anonymous says:

      We are all paying from active disassociation with serial ineptitude. Where bloodline and connection trumps competency and education.

  14. Anonymous says:

    So Dart cap and grass Trashmore and then tell Alden to poke it.
    They have want they want.
    What a Muppet Alden and his Gov are.
    Ps where does all the garbage go when capping

    • Big trouble in little paradise says:

      In your backyard dumb dumb, can you read and or listen, maybe try to comprehend sometime? Another part of the current dump land will be opened up for garbage.

      Please shake the trash out of your head

  15. Anonymous says:

    Caymanians wil only be happy when some one else turns all the trash into clean water and fresh air and generate a cash flow while doing it. Not possible. It is way to complicated to burn it cleanly and you will still end up dealing with the ash. The population here will never be able to do it in your lifetime. Throw it on the pile is still the best thing Cayman can do. Dart could do better but he wants CIG to pay for it. He is not Dumb. They are not that rich. End of story.

  16. Anonymous says:

    So if the remediation project is to capped the dump and grow vegetation etc in the next 6 to 8 months… then where will the trash go in the interim? Is there information on that yet?

  17. Mervyn Cumber says:

    Perhaps, Government and Dart and Co should visit the similar small Island of Malta. I have visited there on many occasions, and their garbage dump built up over hundreds of years still survives and they have had many fires over the Centuries. The Mountain is at least 1000 feet high, but I am no Land Surveyor. Malta has a thriving tourist Industry and unlike Cayman a population of 750,000! I am only suggesting a thought.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just how many visits have politicians and civil servants had over the past 20 years around the world to visit dumps? No more studying the problem. They had an expert from Edmonton, Canada a few years ago. What happened to him? Gave up in frustration.

      We need action now no more jolly trips. We know the solutions but we need the political will to do something.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t trust Canadians

        • Anonymous says:

          No 8:33, you don’t want real experts with professional expertise. Better to use Caymanian brainpower for the dump and the airport so everybody including yourself can feed at the public trough. That’s the Cayman way.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Um, this is what they call Wagging the Dog! Slight of hand… maybe you won’t notice that Smith Cove has been cleared or that we have a member of CIG under investigation for Domestic Assault… Dunno.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Just cancelled my Grand Hyatt purchases

    • Anonymous says:

      You really did not do a good job at due diligence if you made Grand Hyatt purchases. Get smarter in future 5:00. Also try smelling the air in places you are thinking of buying even when there are no fires.

  20. Anonymous says:

    I guarantee you if this was one of Dart’s hotels it would already be in progress.

  21. Anonymous says:

    they are not called the do-nothing ppm for no reason

  22. Anonymous says:

    Forget DART and DECCO, who have zero WTE expertise, and don’t have a great history of honorable dealing.

    The CIG/DEH should instead contract a proven Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Waste to Energy (WTE) facility suppler to construct and manage a 330 TPD plasma arc gasification WTE electical plant. 330 TPD would meet 125% of our capacity needs. It should cost approx $66mln for 330 TPD, and could be subsidized by compacted 60TPD imported trash feed from around the Caribbean (or exchanged for slag exports), the power could be fed back into the grid as a Grand Cayman offset credit against monopolistic CUC consumption, lowering costs for everyone resident on this island. At our current pace of 245 TPD of MSW, we’d be running at 75% capacity and generating approx 11 MW of electrical power, over twice the amount presently generated now by Consumer Owned Renewable Energy (CORE) capacity (5,611KW). The Cayman public needs/deserves a workable solution with professional and competent negotiators, a defined timeline, and transparency.

    • Anonymous says:

      But there’s no laws, regulations and emissions standards yet. They may construct and manage, but who will monitor it?

    • Anonymous says:

      And the magic figure of energy cost for running the plasma arc plant KWh/T? Maybe we have an undiscovered deposit of Dilithium Crystals in our midst?

    • Fact Checker says:

      Shows what you know. They have an expert with experience from in and around Toronto, dealing with far more complex facilities than what is proposed here.

      • Anonymous says:

        For the past 20 years they have had a number of experts make recommendations, however, the CIG never acts on any of the recommendations because there is simply no political will to act.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Oh dear, the existing environmental disaster requires an environmental impact study and years of negotiation, whereas the proposed Port which would be (according to experts I would put faith in) another environmental disaster does not, and can be rushed through with no issues? Only in Cayman….

    • Anonymous says:

      Talk about ‘rubbish’ nothing but pure rubbish coming from this idiot. Does he think the other Caymanians who did not vote PPM are as dim witted as he is? He can talk this foolishness and have his supportersl believe him, not us.

    • Anonymous says:

      We don’t need any more studies. The dump has been studied to death.

  24. Anonymous says:

    I may be wrong but I thought the idea of capping was to prevent rain water from filtering through the landfill and thus material leaching into the ground water. If the landfill is already in the ground water wont it still leach out. Im pretty sure in this case material is already below the water table.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Large rocks. There you have it. Not small ones. Large ones. And we’re going to put them on top of the dump. And then more stuff on top of them. By the time we’re finished, you’ll never know it’s there. As long as you ignore all the pipes, the smoke, and the smell. And the leeching. It’s going to be as good as new and the homeowners and schoolchildren and business people of Camana Bay will all be fine and will not have any respiratory problems or 3rd nipples. Viva cayman. Now, who’s with me as i build a cruise port for an industry that’s about to collapse? And then, how about bringing back coal?

    • Anonymous says:

      How far large rocks are going to fly when it explodes? It did happen already. Mexico garbage dump explosion in 2010 damaged 100 homes.

    • Anonymous says:

      Trashridge Mountains of Grand Cayman.
      Dart can grow Coffee Beans🤷🏼‍♀️

  26. Anonymous says:

    I seem to recall that the last UDP Government was proposing contract negotiations with Dart to remediate the dump about 8 -10 years ago. That was around the time re-location to an area behind Bodden Town was being considered.

    If I recall, it was the PPM (then the Opposition) under the “leadership” of Alden McLaughlin and Kurt Tibbetts which blocked every move of dealing with Dart on the issue.

    So it seems to me that Alden and his party are directly to blame for the fact that nothing has been done! Cut to the present and the dump still hasn’t been fixed and it’s catching fire often and choking the community with toxic fumes. All under Alden’s watch!!

    That enough is sufficient cause to VOTE OUT all PPM politicians and any independents who formed the Unity with them!!!

  27. Anonymous says:

    Completely useless self serving self preserving politicians running the country and not getting anything done that is in the interests of the people of these islands.

    Alden is so fixated on his legacy of getting the port in place he has completely neglected the real issues facing these islands and that will now be his legacy.

    Please can we have some new people running in the next elections ?

  28. Anonymous says:

    I, too, would wear black to the dump site knowing damn well I am responsible for the mess this whole country is in.

  29. Anonymous says:

    darts original plan was the best. buy the dump, remediate it and buy cig land for new facility out the back of bodden town where there is little or no development.
    caymains in their infinite wisdom….said no to this.

  30. Anonymous says:

    What a coincidence! The dump was just in the headlines due to being on fire again, and people were suggesting Alden was doing absolutely nothing about it. Then this. Wow. Almost too good to be true. Almost like the announcement was hastily organised on Sunday afternoon! Almost.

  31. Pill too big to swallow whole says:

    Alden is copping out of agreeing to the total plan, here are a few possible reasons why:

    1. Stall and agree to a piecemeal approach so this extends beyond his term. Slap the next cabinet with it.
    2. The overwhelming cost of the whole project is too much to bear and will undermine the Port Project.

    3. He fears another referendum on accepting the whole plan.

    4. For the whole plan to work all the waste going into the facility will have to be mechanically sorted or require the general public to segregate all waste types for kerbside pickup.

    5. Duties will need to be increased and/or significant tipping fees will need to be collected to fund the upkeep of the facilities.

    6. Dart wants massive concessions upon acceptance of the whole plan, something that might be too hard for the public to swallow.

    • Anonymous says:

      You have good points many simply don’t understand.
      It is CIG that got itself into the corner. Why would anyone including Dart bear the cost?

  32. Anonymous says:

    So just for shits and giggles, I watched the interview. He said nothing of the sort.

    CNS: Good grief. I’m guessing you have at least heard of video editing. What you watched is the CIG report. It did not include the questions and answers from the media present after his statement. Instead of shits and giggles, try critical thinking.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get a grip, I was watching live and heard quite clearly your deliberately leading questions.

      CNS: Sorry, I had assumed you hadn’t seen the whole thing as it was the only way to explain your comment. If you watched the whole thing and still think that’s not what the premier said, I have nothing to add.

    • Anonymous says:

      I saw the interview live pre editing and the premier said exactly what CNS reported. what happens if negotiations breakdown with dart, his idiotic shocking answer was “it won’t be my problem.” Who says that regardless of whether you will be in power or not. This is his and his families home, his country regardless of position and he should always care. His attitude sums up problems with the dump, local education, environmental issues, over development and the port. He is shameful and the entire party need to be voted out.

      • Anonymous says:

        5.40pm If you watched the whole unedited thing then why did you leave out the part where he corrected himself . His answer was “That’d be somebody else’s problem, not mine. Well, I shouldn’t say that wouldn’t be my problem. I would hope to be alive and be here, but it wouldn’t be my responsibility,” he added. And as CNS reported that was because he will have served 2 consecutive terms as Premier and cannot be Premier for 3 straight terms. Just a bit biased are you.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Downsides of WTE

    Air pollution can increase as scrubbing technologies are very expensive.
    Releases carbon from non-biodegradables which would otherwise be stored in landfill
    Ash and flue gas cleaning residues from incineration can also cause leachate problems if not properly disposed of
    Generating electricity from incineration releases more CO2, SO2, NOx and mercury than natural gas or renewables.

    Waste incineration is an expensive method of electricity generation and has environmental trade-offs. Recycling systems in the waste management chain prior to incineration adds even more cost.

    • You're a downer! says:

      We welcome your informed post but do you have a better plan, no didn’t think so.
      Go and check how many successful WtE and small “clean” burn plants there are around the world then come back to us with a better solution that serves our current population and for many more years to come. I’m not holding my breath for you to deliver though.

      • Anonymous says:

        ..successful WtE and small “clean” burn plants ….

        You’ll need an army of experts from oversea to built, run and monitor it. Do you have a billion to spare?

    • Anonymous says:

      Downsides of the dump: It’s on fire.

  34. Anonymous says:

    What a joke !

    Cap it and set up the new facilities burning garbage elsewhere.

    You cannot burn garbage right next to a school in the most populous area of the island! Everyone is going to get sick when the filtration systems stop working and yes they will not work !!!

    That is insanity !!!

    • Anonymous says:

      It can and is working in many countries all over the world. But yes your right. an entity that cannot run a garbage pick up most likely would fail at burning it with a working filtration system.

    • JDIAEB says:

      I know, I mean who on earth allowed the dump to be placed alongside the existing CIS. Oh wait..

  35. Anon says:

    They say a photograph is worth a 1,000 words.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Yes it was a proper waste management facility but Government has it in its mind that waste to energy will somehow be profitable and that the dump is a goldmine!

    Iditots – give Dart the Dump Land and get him to cap it and set up the waste facilities elsewhere and problem solved. It is really not that hard !

  37. Amager Bakke, anyone? says:

    In Copenhagen, Denmark I was astounded to see their waste-to-energy plant, Amager Bakke. It is so successful (it even doubles as a ski slope in winter!), that other countries PAY Denmark to take their waste, which is then converted to energy to power Copenhagen.


    So Cayman’s trash problem CAN be easily solved! All we gotta do is…..oh yeah, that’s right, government would never do this because it’d put CUC out of business. SMH.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Yawn, build our damn port!

  39. Anonymous says:

    If the covering if the dump is broken out if the whole contract, and Dart is allowed to complete the covering of the dump without contracting to build the rest of the Waste Facility, then they WILL just pull out and leave the Government (and us) holding the bag.

    The former Chief Officer Jennifer Ahearn was removed because the project was being held up. IT IS STILL being held up, when will Jon Jon be removed?

    The admission by Alden of the possibility of failure (while true) does not instill confidence in this project going any further than the covering of the current dump.

    If Alden or Dwayne Seymour had anything to lose if the WTE Facility wasnt built, the facility would have been built and up and running a year ago.

    Totally useless leadership on display.

  40. Anonymous says:

    So after 20 years of expensive technical analysis the solution is to “drop big rocks on it” and figure out the next steps later?

    We are living in a Monty Python sketch.

  41. Anonymous says:

    A cynic might think that after the blacklisting, Mac Attack, cruise port, and other disasters Alden made a few panic calls when the dump caught fire again and finally got things moving after a decade of ignoring it, because otherwise he could have had an actual revolt on his hands.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Alden should do us all a favor and stand down wind of it for a few hours.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Tail wags dog. Dart just wants to cap the dump, they don’t want the WTE, etc., and never did as it wasn’t their plan or in their financial interest. So they get the contract, then drag out the negotiations until they can talk the CIG into paying Dart to cap the dump, then its the next government’s problem when the Dump can’t take any more material so we have to look to somewhere else for a new, temporary, dump until we can get the whole Integrated Waste Management System (reducing waste generation, composting, recycling, waste-to-energy and landfilling the ash, for all three islands) that this RFP was supposed to produce.

  44. Anonymous says:

    1. Bush is not arrested and charged yet
    2. Coronavirus preparedness is non existent
    3. Not sure if it is true, but someone had said they’re digging Smith Cove
    4. Kids are back to heavily contaminated (by smoke and fire toxic byproducts) schools without even a thought given to it.
    5. Traffic issues remain unresolved. Not a pip about public transportation.

    Let start new thread here to which nobody gives a flying you know what.

    • Anonymous says:

      and gov’t spending it’s time and our money on fighting it’s people and judiciary over controversial and nefarious port deal.

    • Chris Johnson says:

      Add in the Black List problem.

    • Anonymous says:

      They are definitely digging beach bay 🤬

    • Anonymous says:

      * Government spending public money fighting judicial review process x 2and the public on the port.

    • Anonymous says:

      12.57pm @. Outright lie.3. Possibly a lie but repeated anyway.5. lots of talk on traffic and transportation on Radio Cayman’s ” For the record” show. Guess you were sleeping.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Translation – we have no idea what we are doing and have just been putting garbage in a pile for 50 years with no end in sight. We don’t want to be embarrassed by accepting terms that make us look like idiots.

  46. Anonymous says:

    The cost of building and most importantly running WtE plant is astronomical. 70% of the cost is in emissions control.
    In either case, It should never ever be built in a heavily populated area.
    Dart knows that. That is why GIG must accept the cost, but it would bankrupt the country.
    With proper waste management you wouldn’t need WtE, 90% of waste would be recycled.

    • Anonymous says:

      And you are an expert because? This will get built. It is the best option for us. Simple as that.

      • Anonymous says:

        No, it won’t. Trust me.
        You think you would just start burning everything that is now being dumped. Nope, this not how it works.

    • Anonymous says:

      BS ! I live in a City in Iowa that has had WTE plant for over 20 years and it is next to the retail shops. They do cost a lot to make safe but our electricity costs now are the lowest in the country.

      • Anonymous says:


        Direct federal regulation of facilities and federal oversight of state regulation are primarily the responsibility of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), whose authority arises under the Clean Air Act (CAA) (42 USC §7412), the Clean Water Act (CWA) (42 USC § 1365), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (42 USC §§ 6901-6992k), the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) (15 USC §2601), and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), referred to as Superfund (42 USC §9601).

        NONE in Cayman.

    • who cares? I do! says:

      Blame it on the former MLA from Bodden Town, one of those who just left the PPM. You all know who I’m talking.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why not blame it on you and people like you for continually voting on personality and favour rather than integrity?

    • Anonymous says:

      There is a large WTE plant in West Palm Beach. Population there is significantly larger than Grand Cayman’s.

      • Anonymous says:

        You’re talking apples and oranges. The list of rules and regulations to run WtE plant in the US is several pages long and starts with Clean Air Act.
        Highly qualified and experienced expertise to run a plant and monitor emissions is available in the US and other civilized countries.

        And here in Cayman:

        “While the DEH has provisions in place to monitor the construction and operation of incinerators, the official explained that the regulations do not include the “guidelines indicating what pollutants one should test for”. In addition, the DEH does not have the “necessary equipment to allow for adequate monitoring of such emissions at this time”.” https://cnslocallife.com/2018/09/emissions-incinerators/

        Isn’t it f@$&g hysterical?

    • Silent majority says:

      Best solution!

      Cap the entire Cayman Islands population at 55,000!

      Reduce work permits by 15,000!

      Keep our beloved Cayman Islands for Caymanians!

      Keep national costs down, income glows steady!

      Restrict certain types of businesses for Caymanians only!

      Live in peace and harmony and stop the “rat race”!

  47. Jotnar says:

    Am I the only one to see the analogy to sweeping matters under a the rug? Dump looks hideous, keeps catching fire. But its too complicated to sort the cause, so lets just cover it up with marl and grass and forget about it. All the urgency to resolve the cause – how we manage waste – forgotten, and we just set about building Trashmore 2 next door. As Alden says, wont be his problem so he doesn’t care just as long as he doesn’t have dump fires in the run up to the next election or so he can claim that he “fixed” the dump whilst he was Premier.

  48. Anonymous says:

    Didn’t Dart offer a great solution some years ago to move the waste away from 7 mile ?

    Why is Government taking so long to solve what should be a straight forward issue ?

    It isn’t complex. What a load of BS!

    • Anonymous says:

      The Dart “solution” was to provide some land & dig a few holes with a liner. That is, more the landfill elsewhere. That is not a proper solution. We have to eradicate as much waste as possible. That is burn it, and use the released energy to create electricity.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because Dart didn’t offer a great solution, though it did move the dump away from where they plan to develop, lowering someone else’s property value and raising theirs.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thank you. It’s all going to plan too it seems. Sounds to me like there’s an ulterior motive here to facilitate a facelift to the dump (remediation) after which ooh dear, it all falls apart again and them who moved next to the dump are looking for ways to dump it on someone else. Again. At our expense (again and again) for the last 30 years).

  49. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like he doesn’t know what going on……I think the public should be aware of what the contact includes and what Dart is also asking for.

    • Anonymous says:

      yes, because dart is in the business of giving. He is a business man. He will fix the problem. But he wants something in return.

      You gonna spend one thousand of your money, to help your neighbours yard. But expect nothing in return. Nope..you just wouldn’t do anything.

  50. Anonymous says:

    So CIG still owns the dump so the community can sue all the POLTRICKS that let this madness be witness by the community people of Cayman for 30 years

    Alden you gonna pay back the 9 million for port and help people( me) at lakeside for the damages and people all the way to the water front and the business that had to close?

    Because you knew the dump is a hazard and should have been closed years ago.



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