Two robberies in heart of tourist district

| 08/02/2020 | 84 Comments
Cayman News Service
Tortuga liquor store in Governor’s Square

(CNS): A liquor store at Governor’s Square was robbed at knifepoint Friday night and a man was mugged on the West Bay Road in the early hours of Saturday morning, as criminals struck in the heart of Grand Cayman’s tourist district. A member of staff at the Tortuga Liquor store was assaulted by robbers after two masked men burst into the shop at around 9pm brandishing knives and demanding money. The men fled on foot with an undisclosed quantity of cash towards the rear of Cost-U-Less off Lime Tree Ave. Emergency services attended the scene and the employee was taken to hospital for treatment and later discharged.

The suspects were said to be dressed in all black clothing, long pants, long-sleeved shirts and gloves, with their faces covered.

Then less than six hours later, at about 2:30 Saturday morning (8 February), a man walking along the West Bay Road just south of Gecko Link was mugged by two men dressed in dark clothing who robbed him of cash and personal items before fleeing the scene in a dark pickup truck, headed towards West Bay. No weapons were used in the incident and the victim was said to be uninjured.

Police have not said if they believe the incidents were linked and no arrests have yet been made. Both of the robberies are under investigation by George Town CID and anyone in either area around the time of the robberies who may have seen anything suspicious or has any other information is asked to call detectives at 949-4222.

Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the police website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously via the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (84)

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  1. Rick Hall says:

    I logged on to CNS for the first time in a very long time. My wife and I used to be frequent visitors but now that we are getting older, we are refraining from going places where thugs are present. Stop blaming the schools and lawmakers. The behavior of the subculture is inherent in their inferior DNA and can only be controlled via strict measures with whatever it takes.

  2. Tired says:

    As a 21 year old Caymanian, with no further education, it is HARD…

    CNS: The rest of this comment is a featured comment here.

  3. What did you expect would happen? says:

    Well Caymanians, what did you expect? You let your politicians spend their collective efforts and our tax dollars on cruise piers, while completely ignoring the abysmal state of public education. Let me do the break it down for you: Middle and lower income Caymanians put their children in public schools. The public schools fail to educate Caymanian children to even the basic standards of math and English. These Caymanians are then “graduated” out into the world, unprepared and undereducated. They have to compete with imported labor that is better educated and will work for less. They cannot get into universities because their secondary education is sub-standard. The become discouraged and angry and in some cases, addicted and violent. The lose hope and some turn to crime. Then the entire society becomes affected, even the people at the very top of society. The wealthy residents, the business owners, the tourists, the well educated Caymanians. We are ALL affected by it. And it all started with a lack of will by Caymanians to hold our political leaders accountable for the poor state of public education. We allow our politicians to waste our money and their political will on cruise piers , and waste time disparaging gays when they should be planning our country better. What do we expect to happen when we allow our political leaders to do nothing to better educate the least advantaged in our society? What, do we expect that these people will miraculously become good, well adjusted citizens when we ignore their needs and instead focus on the needs of the Darts and the Kirks of this country?

    This is a wealthy country with an abundance of resources. Fix public education and we fix crime, we fix broken families, and we fix apathy and discontent.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Shit families, strike again

  5. Elvis says:

    It’s a fact that most crimes are committed by caymanians however, many many undesirables also live here from other countries, too many to list but we all know where they are from,
    I ask this,
    What do those people peddling around on broken down bikes, standing on Eastern Avenue, hitching rides and crying hard up every time u speak to them off this island? Why are they here? How do they get to stay?
    Like I alway say, somebody somewhere isn’t doing their job.

  6. Sherry Cowell says:

    And to think…..I used to walked the streets of Cayman and never worry about anything. Don’t think I want to visit anymore. Sad…

    • Angie says:

      I am a new here and one would think a place so small would be relatively free of pests such as this. 😡 I have to be more cautious when walking. I do evening walks. Never late into the night or very early in the morning.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Can anyone recall this happening before 2004? Thanks Mac.

    • BeaumontZodecloun says:

      I think some of this can be laid at Mac’s door, however what I witnessed was that after Hurricane Ivan, the thugs discovered they could commit armed robberies with impunity; there was no consequence. I think that times changed us all and changed the perception of vulnerability of GC in the mind of the criminals.

      I think it’s well past time for us, the people, to take Cayman back. My Daddy always carried a walking stick. I carry a walking stick when I walk, nothing fancy. It helps. I wonder how our world might change if we all did.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Have the RCIPS JMU/Coast Guard run the identities of those residing on sailboats anchored in Governor’s Harbour and Mitchell’s Creek? Have they cleared MRCU, CBC and Port Authority? None of those boats are supposed to be outside the port authority anchorage without permission from port director.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Here’s a free spin to use Aldart & Mo$e$ –

    ‘100,000 more people coming from the new cruise pier hugely dilutes anyone being a victim’

    Vote No

    • Anonymous says:

      The quality of life on Grand Cayman goes down on a daily basis in so many ways. By the time we have over 100,000 people and 50 storey buildings there will be many people packing this place in for good. In fact last year many people left and will not be coming back.

      Ultimately, the developers are going to destroy this place in their ruthless pursuit of the almighty $$$$.

  10. Anonymous says:

    If only there was more outrage over the piss poor driving standards and all the crime as there is over two consenting adults who want to marry. Ffs

  11. Anonymous says:

    These two aren’t retiring on their split of the cash take from Tortuga, even on a Friday night. This was sport. That’s how confident burglars are in their expectation of a hassle-free robbery. They know from experience, that even on a payday Friday night, RCIPS are parked down at the clubhouse 25 minutes away. They know that Hamaty hasn’t installed cameras, measurement strips, or training. Bodden’s as Gov Mall landlord have insufficient lighting, no cameras or mall security for tenants or the many tourists that walk there from the hotel. CIG doesn’t even service or illuminate Lime Tree Bay Ave as a Gazetted road.

    • Anonymous says:

      A third of the take goes to the driver. How can the police think these aren’t related? Are there that many robber trios operating that one can’t be cross-implicated in the other? I hate to say, but that’s part the legal hazard of being dressed as wanted criminals!

    • Anonymous says:

      Sounds like you did it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Small time jobs make sense if you are starving. Time to raise the minimum wage.

      • Anonymous says:

        A pickup truck as a getaway vehicle does not suggest starvation (or even minimum wage) is the issue here.

      • Anonymous says:

        economically speaking minimum wage increases tend to result in a larger portion of the population being worse off. Giving someone more disposable income monthly doesn’t result in them making smarter financial decisions or stop them from blaming the system.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do these business have security and specifically a panic button? It would be nice to hear that RCIPS actually got on site whilst the crime was being committed.

    • Anonymous says:

      Governors Square has 32 high definition cameras and have furnished the police with the footage of the robbery. They have also helped the police identify other criminals in the area which have led to arrests and convictions. I’m not sure where you are getting your information, but you are clearly misinformed.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Don’t worry our million dollar CcTV and million dollar monitoring station will catch these cooks before the weekend is over. Wait until Monday morning, you are going to see the thieves fast all over CNS, Cayman Compass and Cayman Marl Road.

  13. Anonymous says:

    With population increase comes more crime. Cayman’s population is well over 75,000 now. The Census in October might even show that we’re almost at 80,000. The more people come, especially people from poorer countries, comes more crime.
    What we need to do is start paying people living wages, because what also comes with population growth is inflation in prices, so the cost of living here is going to keep rising, but the wages won’t until cig makes a change! Fast!

    • Anonymous says:

      The Grand Court Cause Lists demonstrate that far more often, these are entitled Caymanians, born and questionably raised, and finally apprehended (many for a second or third appearance) for a fraction of their true offense library. They are the product of generations of absentee/deadbeat dads. MLAs want to restrict lawful LGBQ equality, but do nothing to address and punish all of the irresponsible men that are seeding random children they never wanted, and orphaned to the fellowship of gangs and drug-rats. Birth control education, family planning, and support payment enforcement just doesn’t exist, and that is directly the consequence of the religious right, who profess to want to preserve the sanctimony and cultural legacy of the broken family units of Cayman! You do it to yourselves!

  14. Anonymous says:

    I tell you wha they haven’t try me yet and pretty sure a lot of us Caymanian’s will agree we need to arm ourselves cause if they ever try to endanger me of me family I going H.M.P hotel. on a long vacation. the police is never there when its happening only after the fact. that’s why they get no help with any crimes cause they have no use.

    • Anonymous says:

      Which is the same the world over. Population 60,000+, as well as hundreds/thousands visitors at various times of the day. You suggesting we match the population number with a personal police officer each, to stop crime as it happens? Great!

      • Anonymous says:

        Population is 75,000+ including a large number of imported security guards who are not paid enough to adequately support their children who they are producing in increasing number. The poverty breeds criminality which requires more security guards to come at lower salaries and produce more children.

        See how it works?

        • Anonymous says:

          4:42 this criminal behaviour is not “imported”… it be Caymanians who are doing these crimes. And before you call me a racist I am Caymanian.

          • Anonymous says:

            We are going the way of Jamaica in our tourist districts. Beginning of the end for our quality tourist product.

          • Anonymous says:

            It is substantially imported, or is the spawn of persons who were imported. Either way it could be substantially curtailed by enforcing our laws.

      • Anonymous says:

        Permanent population is no where near 60,000. As the other comment says, 75,000 is more of an accurate number as of this month

        • Anonymous says:

          Based on which census?
          Or were you adding the recent announcement of 6000+ cars imported in 2019 to the population?
          Or is 75K your ‘best guess’ or ‘feeling’ you had?
          I’ll buy it once I see the data to support it.

          • Anonymous says:

            The population as of spring 2019 was 68,076. And before you ask me to prove it to you, go to the ESO website and it’ll be there.
            If the population was on the tip of 70,000 from spring last year, then it must be well over 70,000 now, probably not passed 75,000, but it must be close to it.

            • Anonymous says:

              The eso does not count anyone on a Temporary Work Permit or their dependents, so they grossly under report the actual numbers.

      • Anonymous says:

        60,000 people is less than attends a man united football match, get a grip on reality.

    • Anonymous says:

      2:54 YOU stupid ASS where in the world there is a POLICE for every CRIMINAL!

    • Anonymous says:

      Do something about the problem. Focus on schools and family!

    • Anonymous says:

      That is absolutely the last thing this country needs. Armed up halfwits.

      • Anonymous says:

        The halfwits are aleady armed to the teeth. It’s us fullwits who would like to be armed now.

  15. Anonymous says:

    This is why we need most job opportunities for unemployment Caymanians. Idle young men aren’t any good for society.

    • BeaumontZodecloun says:

      Crooks who would mug or steal or assault aren’t often folk who would seek regular employment. There are jobs if a person wants to start at the bottom and work up.

      Is there any situation that would cause you to steal or mug someone? There isn’t for me.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes. Try missing 3 days of meals then get back to me.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah, Big Beau you try living and getting ahead on the current minimum wage. Get your head out of the Seven Mile Beach sand and see economic reality.

        • BeaumontZodecloun says:

          Who is steering your ship, if not you? Do you make your own choices? If so, who is then responsible for your living condition? Me? Other payers of duties? The government?

          You think it might be you? I do. You have no idea the perils I’ve survived to be grateful to be sitting her in this small house. Not oceanfront, but it’s still Paradise.

          • Anonymous says:

            Yes, many young Caymanians have made their choices and so many have immigrated to the U.K., Canada and the U.S. They see no long term future here for themselves and their families.

          • Anonymous says:

            Big Beau, When you are young and in the public / public high school system here you do not steer the ship that gives you a terrible education.

            Are young people responsible for their third rate public educational system?

            • BeaumontZodecloun says:

              I gave you a thumbs up, because I hear you and understand how things are different for our youth today.

              I grew up differently, though. I was encouraged to work hard for what I wanted, to be be creative, to be ambitious. I didn’t have an allowance. I stumbled when I was young and fresh out of the nest.

              We learn by experience, which is taught mostly by making bad choices. We learn by changing our ways, and sticking to a self-made plan. Self-made rules, even. It’s not an easy world these days.

              I could stand to give a hand up more than I do, and I will work on that.

            • Anonymous says:

              Stop making excuses! As a product of public school (CIHS as it was called then) I absolutely steered my ship. I paid attention in school, did well and graduated. My CIHS education has served me well both in college and the workforce.

        • Anonymous says:

          Getaway pickup truck is not a minimum wage purchase.

    • Anonymous says:

      Now we have an army… national service for all 18yr olds that are not in full time education or doing apprenticeships

    • Anonymous says:

      Raise the minimum wage. No one can possibly live decently on island at the current minimum wage. The wage is a disgrace by any standard in a place that consistently claims to be Christian.

      • BeaumontZodecloun says:

        Agree. Yes, raising the minimum wage will raise the COL. It’s a given. Still, $6/hour is far from a living wage. Not many can make it work. We will and should all pay more for our groceries and petrol and bills, but we should raise the minimum wage to at least $10.00.

        Could any of you live on less?

      • Anonymous says:

        Minimum wage isn’t meant to be lived on forever. We all start there but work hard so we could move up.

        • Anonymous says:

          Except there is nowhere to work up to because we continue to bring in large numbers of highly skilled and experienced foreign nationals at minimum wage. It is an experiment which is bound to fail.

  16. Anonymous says:

    When will our MLAs take their fingers out their asses and come together and amend whatever Law or Laws that needs to be amended that will make robberies/burglaries and violent crimes punishable on conviction to life in prison????? What say you Mr. Premier? What say you Mr. Opposition Leader?

    • Anonymous says:

      And may I add, sentence should be 2 life sentences if the crime is committed with a weapon, be it a knife, machete or gun.

    • Anonymous says:

      2:01 As long as its not your brother!

    • Anonymous says:

      None of our MLAs are going to lock up their cousin’s nephew for that long. Not after they get the SMS from Little Johnny’s distraught mother, or the other SMS from his district’s gang boss.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Complexion? Accents? Height? CCTV and Security camera footage? You guys actually want our help or wha?

    • Anonymous says:

      Taking professional descriptions would only matter if officers were pretending to intend to try.

    • Anonymous says:

      That would make too much sense.

    • Anonymous says:

      “headed towards west bay” lol

      • Anonymous says:

        So 4:07 numb nuts- are you implying that criminals only come from and reside in West Bay? I live in Savannah and I have more security at my house than I care to have. Point is- this island, every district is infested with some sort of criminal activity so to single out one district is grossly unfair.

        • Anonymous says:

          It is just that West Bay has a higher proportion of criminals and sacred cow politicians than the rest of the island.


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