George Town dump will open Monday

| 29/02/2020 | 40 Comments
Cayman Islands Fire Services at the George Town dump (file photo)

(CNS) UPDATED 2:34pm Sunday: The landfill on Grand Cayman will be reopened to traffic from 7am Monday morning, 2 March, officials said Sunday evening, although they indicated that the deep-seated fire at the George Town dump that was detected Saturday morning has been minimised but is still not completely extinguished.

Earlier Sunday afternoon officials said that Cayman Islands Fire Service crews and staff from the Department of Environmental Health are continuing to excavate and damp down an area in order to extinguish a deep pocket of fire, though there is currently no visible smoke.

A small surface fire was extinguished Saturday afternoon. At that time, officials said the ongoing fire was giving off minimal smoke and posed no threat to the public. The landfill was closed to traffic on Saturday but it is unclear if it will reopen Monday.

Fire crews were called about the fire at 6:50am on Saturday and arrived at the surface fire area at two minutes past seven this morning. At that time, the CIFS and DEH teams set up water monitors and started damping down this area.

Coverage by CIFS on Grand Cayman has been maintained in the event of any other calls for service.

Further updates will be issued as additional information becomes available.

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Comments (40)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Kenny Dart spent $120,000 lobbying against a proposed styrofoam bill in the US. Ask yourself: If he had “nothing” to do with his family’s business as he claims he does, then why would he do such a thing?
    All eyes on Joey and John John to go through with their SUP ban.

    • Anonymous says:

      The article says that Dart – the corporation not Ken Dart personally – paid $120K. Also a matter of public record that Bob Dart, Kens brother, is the CEO. Try reading the article carefully.

      • Anonymous says:

        Just remember 3:43, Dart is a totally privately owned corporation not a public company. Decisions are made by the family. Try understanding how business works in family owned companies.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are a blatant fool if you think Kenny has nothing to do with his million dollar family business. Him and Bob are best of buds, ask their other brother Tom. “The Poison Dart” strikes again.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I am so glad its opening again. I mean what else would our tourists do if it was closed. Mid season too…

  3. BTC is King says:

    Your politicians are criminals and idiots to boot – either they think that they’re immune from the toxic fumes of the dump or they’re just too stupid to know better… The truth lies somewhere in the middle. Either way, they’re responsible for what comes of it. And if there’s one thing that is certain, breathing in these toxic fumes, week in and week out, can’t be good for anyone.

  4. Anonymous says:

    1968, the Crazy World Of Arthur Brown ‘Fire!’ –

    I am the god of hell fire and I bring you
    I’ll take you to burn
    I’ll take you to learn
    I’ll see you burn!
    You fought hard and you saved and learned
    but all of it’s going to burn
    And your mind
    Your tiny mind
    You know you’ve really been so blind
    Now’s your time burn your mind
    You’re falling far too far behind
    Oh no
    Oh no
    Oh no
    You gonna burn!

    Says it all doesn’t it?

  5. Anonymous says:

    The leaders of Cayman have more important things to do, like strut about and tell us what God thinks of gay people. Actually taking responsibility for a critical piece of public sanitation infrastructure is beyond the capability of these men and women of God.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think they all are waiting for Jesus to come back and fix everything including the mess they put us in.

    • Anonymous says:

      11.597 Can you please stop obsessing about homosexual marriage. There are other more important matters requiring attention yet you want to con entrate on one thing.

    • Anonymous says:

      Anthony Eden does not have a public position on the DUMP. Only issue is gay marriage and that’s why he gets paid the big bucks.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Only mismanaged landfills catch on fire, but as CNS correctly points out, this is a dump. Either we fix this waste management problem or we will continue to burn the budgets with short term patches as we cycle from one chaotic emergency to the next. The Minister and Cabinet should be held to answer for the problem they ignore. At this stage there should be a public inquest.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Since arriving here 20 years ago when a report was released that the dump was critical still nothing has been done. Each successive government has continued to kick the can down the road and now I can only try to imagine the damage to the environment and to the overall health of the Island and it’s people that has taken place over these past 20 years. Any viable suggestions on what we as citizens can do to light a fire (pun intended) under the minister responsible because at this point I am ready to sue. What happened to the promise that work would begin in the first part of this year or was that just an empty promise before the aborted referendum vote in December?

    • Anonymous says:

      9.05am You have stayed for 20 years so obviouzly you have not seen the dump as
      a threat to your health. Or things are so much better here, even with the dump threat, that you would rather stay here than go back home. Since you were patient enough to wait 20 yrs to complain, just hold on for few mote months until the contract to fix the dump is finalised .

    • Say it like it is says:

      9.05am I arrived here 50 years ago and have lost count of how many of our “successive governments” have conveniently left this deep seated problem to the next lot. The process is called procrastination.

  8. Anonymous says:

    You know what is funny, all these silly people, including Governor, marching to bring attention to one disease or another, but do absolutely nothing to address the causes of those diseases and illnesses, from cancer to congenital to mental. Only, how to put it nicely ….really confused people would spend time and energy and money on, allegorically speaking, replacing burned out bulbs when the wiring is faulty.
    Feels good, accomplishes nothing.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Such ironic timing, given John John and Joey’s recent smooth over in announcing SUP ban.

  10. Jose Bodden says:

    Sub contractor
    Island recycling site again

  11. Anonymous says:

    Mmmmmm more toxic fumes weekly

  12. Anonymous says:

    Screw the Port FIX THE DUMP and Fire McKeeva

  13. Anonymous says:

    Stop outing it and just let it all burn and we get ride of it all. Then Dart can do his thing…

  14. Anonymous says:

    What does the major projects office have to say?

  15. Anonymous says:

    Vote No

  16. Anonymous says:

    Send everyone to the Brac for a week, close the borders and let that mother burn. Save us millions.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Let it burn!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Ok enough is enough it’s 2020, lets just stop paying the corrupted politicians for not doing there job.

  19. Swivel Servants says:

    Deep-seated, just like the public’s distrust of CIG’s mishandling of Cayman’s solid and liquid waste predicament.

    • Anonymous says:

      You really mean the mishandling of just about everything they are responsible for. The list is very long across most ministries.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Just fix the damn dump allready.


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