Bush agrees to ‘temporary’ leave

| 26/02/2020 | 174 Comments
Cayman News Service
Speaker McKeeva Bush in the Legislative Assembly

(CNS): Speaker McKeeva Bush is expected to formally announce that he is taking a leave of absence from his job presiding over the Legislative Assembly in the wake of allegations of assault against him last weekend. Bush has not yet released a statement but CNS has learned he is planning to “take an immediate leave of absence” in his role as speaker of the LA to take the grief counselling and emotional stress management that he spoke about in the statement he released Monday.

However, Bush is expected to retain his West Bay West constituency seat as he goes about dealing with his now admitted alcohol and mental health issues.

There is no indication how long Bush is expected to be out of the speaker’s seat, but with the ongoing police investigation into the assault and enormous public pressure, it appears Bush had few options.

It is not yet clear who will replace McKeeva Bush as speaker, though Bernie Bush is currently deputy speaker.

Check back to CNS for more on this story later.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    McKeeva should not have a choice.
    His ‘fall’ was cushioned again, with a slap on his hand.
    Let him hit his Rock Bottom (facing consequences with no way out) – it is the only way an Addict may seriously address their addiction/s.
    McKeeva is dually Addicted.
    Alcohol and Gambling.

  2. Anonymous says:

    ok…so we can now forget that do-nothing ppm and alden will do anything.
    time to ramp up scrutiny on the spineless governor and the police farce……

    what a god damn joke this place is!!!!…………

    • Anonymous says:

      Nothing more than a Banana Republic with a Governor terrified to take any action. Not sure what useful function the Governor serves?

  3. Anonymous says:

    mckeeva decoded: i’m going on a full leave/vacation till this all blows over.
    just another day in wonderland……………zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  4. Anonymous says:

    an all-time low for cayman…

  5. Say it like it is says:

    Now I have another concern, if Bush resigns and his Deputy is appointed, are we any better off?.

  6. Wishing only the best for 🇰🇾 says:

    This is a dangerous example to our future would be leaders. Failing to make an example out of this rogue minister condones his type of behaviour and creates greater divisions in our electorate.
    Respect for the rule of law in Cayman is being increasingly eroded without this happening, so inaction makes this acceptable. The repercussions of this, if not properly and swiftly dealt with, will only fuel more anarchy within our society and in the ranks of our leaders and the unethical privileged.

    • Anonymous says:

      Bush has so much power and so many IOU’s that others are terrified to take action against him. That is why no action is taken against him. Like Trump, he is above the law.

  7. Anonymous says:

    So he keeps his role as speaker, he keeps his seat in the LA, he keeps his salary, his pension, his eternally honorable title, his driver, his govt credit card and his status and power as a senior politician. All that happens is he takes a short, fully paid, leave to get counselling for a ridiculous condition he made up to get out of trouble.

    Do they really think we will stand for this??

    If heard from many sources this is a pattern of behaviour that been going on for years. I’ve heard of one other victim of his violence and many of the butt-grabbing variety.

    What we urgently need is forum where those women can come forward and tell their story so everyone get a clear sense of what a monster this man is, and so that Alden can’t hide under his desk any longer.

    • Anonymous says:

      We will stand for this. Just look at what we stood for with him in the past. West Bayers still love the guy which probably says something about the voters in West Bay.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Deportation order?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Piece of 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

  10. Anonymous says:

    Criminal suspects don’t get to decide the tempo of what comes next. Where is Derek Byrne with an update on the process we all expect at this point?!?

  11. Anonymous says:

    The only regret I have in all of this is that he wasn’t wearing his speakers wig when he rocked up to Coral Beach.

  12. Anonymous says:

    We’ve all seen the video Alden, kick him out for good or you’re next.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Please don’t tell me Bernie Bush is going to be Speaker. I’ve heard a rumor Mary Lawrence may be called back. Both these possibilities demonstrate how desperately short of real substantive talent we suffer from in Cayman. Something has to change to get rid of these intellectually mediocre and in some cases female beating MLAs. Have we not progressed from the days when we had bus drivers and failed civil servants as our MLAs?

  14. Anonymous says:

    Protest on Friday yes but don’t forget to keep your signs and take them to A Walk In Her Shoes in support of the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre next Thursday as well.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Anyone here in the late 90s remember Mckeeva’s candle in the wind march in West Bay? Can’t make this stuff up..l

  16. Anonymous says:

    Immediate resignation is the only option.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Let’s meet him at the airport when he comes back and protest his continuance in the Legislative Assembly.

  18. WTF really says:

    WTF! Leave of absence, I also just read another news article with a statement from Mac stating he will be back as speaker soon! I’ve said it before and will say it again, he has no sympathy or regrets towards his actions.

    Its time to stand up, let’s effect his pocket and boycott Coral Beach which he is an owner.

    & what a waste of funds to fly to the UK to get this sort of results. Alden, you and your PPM are done!

  19. Unison says:


    If McKeeva Bush would learn from the mother of King Lemuel, what should told him more than 3000 years ago. If all the male leaders of the land would just consider golden words from the Hebrew scriptures:

    “The words of Lemuel, king of Massa, which his mother taught him: What, my son? What, son of my womb? What, son of my vows?

    Give not your strength to women, your ways to those who destroy kings.

    It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine, or for rulers to desire strong drink; lest they drink and FORGET what has been decreed, and PERVERT the rights of all the afflicted.

    Give strong drink to him who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty, and remember their misery no more.

    Open your mouth for the dumb, for the rights of all who are left desolate. Open your mouth, judge RIGHTEOUSLY, maintain the rights of the poor and needy.”

    Proverbs 31:1‭-‬9, RSV

    It scares me that even after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake, a wake up call, we have leaders in high position, professing to reverence God, yey would drink themselves at places they are not suppose to be, and commit serious sins.

    And if our leaders fall in morality, this entire island will be spiritually affected.


  20. Anonymous says:

    every time there’s an update, this louse disgusts me even more. Besides a self evaluation of grief and work related stress to justify assaulting a woman as per his first statement, I’m assuming until this next one comes out he’s also the one dictating a leave of absence.


    • Wilma Ebanks says:

      Has he at least been arrested on “suspicion” of the Assault since he said he dont remember it?

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re absolutely right, and for the reasons you give, the police are doing their work, and then the DPP will make its decision whether or not to charge him. If he doesn’t want to resign and the government won’t force him, then we have to leave the matter in the hands of the criminal justice system.

    • Anonymous says:

      Arrest him!
      Now this is really BS
      There is NO excuse now to coddle him.
      McKeeva IS drunk with Power😡

    • Anonymous says:

      Ted Hastings, is it really you?

    • Anonymous says:

      This time everyone is watching and waiting for investigators to produce a report and Director of Public Prosecution to make a decision to formally charge him..
      I don’t think, this time, unlike other times, RCIPS would be able and allowed to drag its feet for too long.

      I hope the victim is also “working” on filing compensation claims against Mr.Bush as a person, against her employer, and workcomp or its equivalent.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Anyone wanna bet the investigation goes no where?

  22. Anonymous says:

    I imagine this is an attempt to try and get out of the public eye and avoid criminal conviction. Lets not forget, assault and bodily harm is a criminal offense and not a civil one. A ticket to northward needs to be the order, not a “temporary” leave of his duties.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wait and see how our RCIPS will handle the next assault case. Will it be handled with kid gloves? Now is the time to make a difference, and show your true colours, because no one is above the LAW.

  23. No, BoBo. You shamed the Chair says:

    Leave of absence means you can come back to the position. No; the People want him to resign from the Chair. If his people want to vote him back as their MP in the next election, it is up to them.

  24. Anonymous says:

    They couldn’t decide this over Skype? I wonder if there scoping good rehabilitation centers in the UK. Two birds one stone.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe “the powers that be” hauled him in for a meeting in the UK. I don’t mean Alden either! This was a black-eye to the government and I’m sure the FCO wasn’t tickled about it.

      One thing is CERTAIN, a “temporary leave of absence” is not appropriate and that better be his spin on losing his job!

      Time to rein him in once and for all!

    • Sara says:

      Ans who will pay for his accommodation at what hotel

    • Anonymous says:

      Drinking and Gambling across the pond?
      Why did Alden not return to meet with the Governor, members of the MLA and McKeeva here???
      Wuts up with that?

      • Anonymous says:

        Does anyone know how long the Premiers visit is to Europe? Is he going to Monaco again too? Smarter to go to Brussels instead.

    • Anonymous says:

      He was scheduled to go…wasn’t called because of “the incident”. The incident being of course his drunkenly and publicly physically ASSAULTING a young woman.

      • Anonymous says:

        He shouldn’t have been permitted to go. He should have been arrested, as any expat would have been.

  25. Anonymous says:

    ‘Hello, my Nama is Mckeeva and I have issues.’
    There that’s the counselling done, can I go back to my job now?

    • Anonymous says:

      “I suggest you don’t try to help me”

    • 🙄 says:

      And if you disagree with me I’ll slap ya!

      How can we the public expect to get justice for his victim(s) and make this a permanent leave of absence.

      The voting public and the rest who still support and have supported this idiot need a serious reality check if he ever gets to sit his lard ass down on the Speaker’s chair ever again. Those who do are no better than he is.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is in no way trying to take the light from what from Mr Bush infact him and his actions discuss me, the only sympathy he gets from me is the embarrassment he has caused to his immediate family especially his wife, children and grandchildren. However, this would be a great time to clean the LA, as I challenge ALL the men presently in the LA who have abused (physical/mentally) their wife’s and/or significant other to follow Mr Bush. We need real honest gentlemen to lead this country.

  26. Anonymous says:

    It’s all about him and his “emotional” and “stress” problems.
    No shame , no remorse, it’s back to business as usual as no one has the guts to get rid of this repeat offender .

  27. Anonymous says:

    Straight out of “crisis/negative publicity management 101″……….

  28. Anonymous says:

    R e s i g n !

  29. Anonymous says:

    Step one is completed.

    Now take the next step and RESIGN FROM THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. The good people of West Bay deserve much better than this.


    • Anonymous says:

      But the good people of West Bay are not capable, after all these years, and incidents, to see what is going on with their elected representative. A sad reflection on West Bay.

      • Anonymous says:

        If this is a representation of the people of West Bay, what does this say about the people of Prospect. Their representatives was convicted in the Courts for abuse of a woman before he was selected as their MLA.
        No less of the people of Red Bay

  30. Anonymous says:


  31. Anonymous says:

    If he thinks that will quiet the people, he is sadly mistaken. No mention of his alcohol problem.

  32. John Smith says:

    This should be PERMANENT! Not temporary. Nuf said.

  33. JezCuz says:

    All constituents should petition for his PERMANENT resignation of McKeeva Bush. His continual disregard for the law has been and iconti ues to be dispicable, dishonest and disrespectful.
    PPM should ‘man-up’ and set an example for Government’s moral, ethical and behavorial standards!!
    Certainly, as Caymanians we deserve at least that!!

  34. Anonymous says:

    Not good enough!

  35. Anonymous says:

    Not enough woman beater.

  36. Elvis says:

    Temporary? Lmao only in cayman

  37. The Constitutional Critic - The time to act is now, Mckeeva needs to go says:

    Couple points I was thinking as I read this

    -They will want to put in someone who is pro port as the temporary speaker which rules out Bernie Bush and any members of the opposition, it will either be one of the PPM backbenchers or someone from outside of the house who is loyal to the PPM, because elevating an anti port member of the opposition to the role while not having the votes to remove him if necessary would be the peak of stupidity for this government

    Also It is clear now if it comes down to it, Alden is not willing to jeopardize his majority even on a matter as cut and dry as this
    this is less than a slap on the wrist, at least a slap on the wrist is final, this non-action leaves the door wide open for Mckeeva to wait a couple months till after the summer when this is no longer at the forefront of people’s minds and step back up into the role, people will still be angry but by that point it will be the sort of residual anger that is normal for Cayman

    – I also wouldn’t expect any criminal charges seeing as Alden has probably been liaising directly with the DPP and Governor over the past 5 days figuring out just how bad this is
    If there were any large prospects of a serious charge I think they wouldn’t have bothered with this temporary measure

    This is temporary measure meant as damage control for the short term, plain as day

    So in all likelihood Mckeeva will get away with this sort of behavior again, and will be left to run for reelection in 2021

    As a warning, if you actually care about law and order in this country, or the protection of women or even basic standards of ethics and civility for members of public office
    Now is the time to fight, the PPM are now complicit and clearly have no interest in seeing this issue handled
    They had days to respond publicly, they waited to see what the public reaction to Mckeeva’s story would be and now they have decided to be on letting this blow over in a couple months
    If this happens persons in power will never be accountable to us again

    We have to Protest, write letters or emails, show up to your MLAs office, call your MLAs, call them out in public, do whatever it takes
    If Mckeeva gets away with this any MLAs in the government’s good graces are officially above the law, understand that
    Do any of us for a second think that if Kenneth Bryan had gone out gone drunk and assaulted someone in public that the PPM would for a second sit back and let this be a small issue (as an example)?

    • Anonymous says:

      Kenneth Bryan don’t drink. Alcohol that is .

    • Anonymous says:

      They would have arrested Kenneth in the blink of an eye, for more reason than one. They have no respect for him because he is the youngest MLA and he does not play “Simon says”. He always come back to us, his people, to hear our views on important matters before he makes serious decision. so, the first chance they get to kick him out the LA they would take it.

      And then they expect us to believe in the Justice system? what a joke!!

      But yes, Kenneth hardly ever drinks and gets drunk, especially for the past few years…

  38. Anonymous says:

    How pathetic from the rest of them. Letting him make the moves publicly in an attempt to save face.

    I’ll register to vote tomorrow just to have a chance of being on the jury that finally puts his sorry ass where it belongs.


    • Case will be dismissed in court says:

      It appears that you have already formed an opinion about his guilt prior to judicial proceedings commencing.

      If called as a potential juror, you will be disqualified.

      • Anonymous says:

        You assume I’ll declare that. I won’t. Ps. I don’t fear your bible so I’ll swear whatever the hell you want me to on it.

  39. Anonymous says:

    They think we will be placated with the barest bare minimum of repercussions for his actions? Hell no!

  40. Anonymous says:

    Woe is me, shame and scandal in de family…

  41. Anonymous says:

    What BS. Grief counselling after 9 years. Mental health. And now not touching alcohol. The Islands are not stupid. Unlike the RCIPS command team that dealt with this at the weekend. When are they going to arrest and interview him?

    • Wiilma says:

      A woman was left with bruises, marks etc has an arrest been made or they cant because they looking for the perpetrator????

  42. Anonymous says:

    Good on you Mac for seeking help. May God richly bless and remember you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh after the attack and numerous other instances of his lewd, un-diplomatic like behaviour, god must richly bless him. You people are the worst.

    • Anon says:

      5.37pm It’s West Bay pawns like you who got us into this mess.

    • Anonymous says:

      “May God richly bless and remember you.” – said a Christian to a woman beater, but protests against two gay Caymanians who found love because “biblical morals”.

      What a joke

    • Anonymous says:

      Are these people serious?

  43. Anonymous says:

    So wait, he gets to make the call…?????

  44. Anonymous says:

    Temporary!?? What the actual $&#%!?!

  45. Anonymous says:

    The “leave” from the Speakers Chair, MUST be for good. He has tarnished the Speakers Office and must not be allowed to ever return. And I suggest that the Speaker now be someone from outside the current composition of LA members.

  46. Chris Johnson says:

    This is not good enough. He must resign. Along with the Port Project the majority of the Cayman people do not want them. Neither bring anything constructive to Cayman.

    • Roger Davies says:

      Chris, I completely agree, like you and almost every voter outside of West Bay, I feel he has to resign, never to hold that office again. I also trust that our laws will prevail and he is prosecuted for his attack on that defenceless lady.

  47. Anonymous says:

    Another backroom deal in the hopes that this will blow over and he will be able to go back in as speaker and say “all is well”

    Not good enough Alden
    Not nearly good enough

    He should have been forced to get help in 2017 with that Casino incident
    This is a bridge too far, you don’t just get to get piss drunk and attack someone and say “my bad”

    He needs to go, full stop

  48. Kurt Christian says:

    Vote No

  49. Anonymous says:

    This is not enough Alden! Temporary leave is unacceptable where are the criminal charges?

  50. MI6 in Paradise says:

    McKeeva Bush should never have even had a choice in this matter. The Unity government members failed to act and do the right thing.

    How much more evidence does the RCIPS need to charge for assault and battery plus drunk and disorderly behavior?

    Alden McLaughlin has again cut another sweetheart deal with McKeeva and proves they will do anything to retain power. Big Mac is the tail that wags the dog!

    VOTE THEM ALL OUT in 2021 for a Better Cayman


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