Trust members back court case

| 13/01/2020 | 17 Comments
National Trust of the Cayman Islands
Nadia Hardie, NT Executive Director

(CNS): Members of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands have overwhelmingly backed the non-profit organisation’s decision to take legal action against government over its proposed cruise port project. The Trust held its first ever extraordinary general meeting in its 33-year history last week to discuss the case. Executive Director Nadia Hardie told members that the Trust is the intervener in Shirley Roulstone’s judicial review, which will be heard next week.

The Trust has called for full disclosure on the potential environmental impacts of the port project and for meaningful consultation with the public about the design changes. The aim is to ensure that voters can make an informed decision when voting in the people-initiated referendum.

The NPO, which receives a small grant from government each year, had originally taken a neutral stance on the project in anticipation that the information would be provided, but when it became clear this would not be the case, the Trust opted to take legal action.

Trust officials said the EGM was well attended by members and over 65 proxies were also submitted. A resolution was passed unanimously, enabling the National Trust to formally oppose any development of a cruise berthing port in George Town Harbour that would jeopardise endangered and protected species of coral and marine life.

Hardie said the Trust is determined to carry out its mandate to protect and preserve the historic, natural and maritime heritage of the Islands, as defined in section 4 of the National Trust Law as well as the provision in the Constitution that states the Cayman Islands “will be a country that respects, protects and defends its environment and natural resources as the basis of its existence”.

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Category: Marine Environment, Science & Nature

Comments (17)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Just another roadblock in the way of progress ensuring the future of these Islands.

  2. Anon says:

    I TRUST the N.T. will win their case and have their costs paid by the defendant.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Great news. Bit late to the party but hey, better late than never.

    • Anonymous says:

      How are they late to the party? They have been calling on CIG for more information since 2015. They filed a Judicial Review the same time as CPR. How is this all late?

  4. Anonymous says:

    I am happy the NT is making some positive headway with this, but hope the funding that comes from government is not reduced any further.

  5. Anonymous says:

    So proud of the Trust! Standing up for the democratic way of protecting the true essence of one’s home in spite of the opposition to it is making the Cayman Islands a more desirable place to be.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Yes! Great job. So glad to be a member and to vote in support.

  7. Concerned Diver says:

    Well done National Trust membership for your unanimous support of this effort to stop the government from destroying our environment and promoting over-tourism which will crush our uniqueness. Well done for being brave enough to stick your necks out and being true to your mandate to protect our beautiful islands. Thank you one hundred times over.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Well done National Trust – standing up and being counted for the very thing that they are mandated to do – protect the islands’ heritage and environment. Let’s hope CIG take heed at the overwhelming vote for the Trust to push for more information and for the environment to be protected.


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