MLA worried about sea levels

(CNS): Opposition Deputy Leader Alva Suckoo, who represents Newlands, has created a WhatsApp group to help record information about the anticipated King Tides this month and next, as his constituents are likely to experience the worst of any potential flooding. Following a call from the Department of Environment this week for the public to document the high tides, Suckoo believes his constituency is on the front-line of sea-level rise and it is important residents join in the data collection.
In a statement to the press, he said that because of the predicted increase in King Tides in the coming days and the DoE’s request for data and pictures, he has created a social media group to help gather and share information, given that many of them live in low lying areas.
Suckoo has worked with Infrastructure Minister Joey Hew to address some of the sea water inundation problems in his constituency. This led to the resurfacing and raising of some roads last year, alleviating some of the flooding. However, he remains worried that this temporary relief will not address the long term threat as global sea levels continue to rise.
“This is not a local problem and I have no doubt that rising sea-levels has played a significant role in making this problem worse, and if the trend continues we need to be proactive and find ways to address the problem, because it is impacting properties in the area,” he said.
“I am also very grateful that the DoE is taking the problem seriously and that they are taking proactive steps to ensure that we find ways to deal with it. This is not just a Newlands issue, and I am inviting everyone living in coastal low-lying areas to join the group and share whatever information they can when the tides are impacting them, so that the DoE can make proper assessments and propose solutions based on real data,” he added.
Encouraging participation by as many residents as possible, he said, “Reliable data related to this problem is very much needed and I am encouraging everyone to participate so that the DOE can progress their work armed with this information.”
Members of the DoE will also be added to the group and Suckoo is suggesting that constituents post pictures and videos taken in affected areas, along with the date, time and location.
To join the group visit Suckoo’s Facebook page.
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Category: Climate Change, Science & Nature
You should see what it’s like where I come from in the UK right now. Over 10 miles inland from the sea roads and fields are flooded – nobody’s seen anything like that for the last 20 years. Right now they’re braced for Storm Brendan.
Why not dredge the oceans?
Brilliant! Are you rich? I admire you!
Already happening I’m afraid, but for a different reason, resources. The world’s major players are preparing to scrape the ocean floors for precious and strategic elements. Go find out more from the tin pot global organization who is overseeing this headquartered in Kingston Harbour, Jamaica.
One day these islands will be submerged in salt water and we will become climate refugees… One more reason independence is a horrible idea!
I got my bluff lot. Did u buy yours?
You will suffer from loneliness. And a lack of drinking water.
But the roads will be under water to your bluff. Hope you have a big boat.
Why was it not made clear in the article that the “King Tides” phenomenon has absolutely NOTHING to do with so-called-anthropogenic-climate-change?
The conflation of the issues is very disappointing to witness.
Very irresponsible and biased reporting. However, this happens to be the norm today when it comes to matters of the environment.
Long live mother Earth and her ever-changing nature over millennia and into infinity.
Does someone chew your food before you swallow it?
The Cayman Institute presented a report entitled Sea Level Rise and its implications for the Cayman Islands to then Premier McKeeva Bush in January 2009. The paper, in PDF format is available here
Yes Alva that is the answer. A whattsup group only for Newlands. My cat has more sense!!!
You clearly didn’t read the article. It’s not just for Newlands
Please re-read and try to understand. My Gramma also said it is better to keep your yabbah closed and appear to be a fool than to open ( in this instance – type) it and remove all doubt.
Di bus can swim
This planet has been evolving for millennia. Anyone who thinks that the globe will look the same in the next 1,000 years needs their head checking. The sea will come in and reclaim many islands and large parts of the continents.
Yes. That’s pretty obvious. What is not so obvious is how much our species contributes to the changes in climate.
You’re actually factually wrong. The vast amount of CO2 that’s been pumped into the atmosphere since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and especially in the last 75 years is unprecedented. Changes that happened over thousands of years in the past are now happening in decades.
John John will fix it. Not to worry. 😎
John John de man.
Mr. Suckoo why don’t you ask your learned colleagues in the LA why we don’t have a reference tidal gauge here and why one wasn’t purchased and installed 20 years ago. Be prepared for and earful of lame excuses.
While you’re at it, motion a mandate by next fiscal year to purchase a tidal gauge and have DOE manage/maintain it and post data on their public website for all to see. Something like what the Nat’l Weather Service has for their Doppler radar.
You had me until you mentioned that the MLA’S were “learned.”
The main function of any government is creating and enforcing laws to ensure order and stability within society. FAILED ✔️
Government plays a key role in shaping the transportation system. FAILED ✔️
Education is primary responsibility of the government. FAILED ✔️
Government must timely respond to the threat of sea level rise. FAILED ✔️
Dig up Peckerwood Rackly , and have him fill in the Canals and put a pumping station on the North Sound Property Front.
Bet he not worried when Cumber Ave or Randyke sloppjng away. Go sit down Al.
Can someone explained the logic to me?
We filled in a swamp….
We build a house at ground level on the swamp…..
We expect it to not flood just because we put a house there…..
Wait until Camana Bay starts to sink. all the tenants gonna run straight back to a George Town, solid ground. I finally got the bigger picture by Government. Sell the swamp land to the rich guy considering it will be worthless in a couple of years.
True dat is
Maybe this is how we logically justify things in Cayman, with inverse logic
Here’s another case:
We created a dump….
We allowed a school to be built right next to the dump….
We expected the air, soil, water to be peachy clean since we built a school there…..
Why don’t you ask the representatives in those areas if they care ? He represents Newlands and is on the Opposition Bench but seems more concerned than the Government members in those constituencies.
You can also get your Representatives to do likewise. OMOV!!
Visionary leaders would have started preparing decades ago instead of just worrying. Imbeciles lead you to a cliff. Millions into a weather station building is the latest example.
Better late than never!! Instead of trying to tear down the messenger let us hear what all you moaners plan to do.
Yes, that’s the answer. A WhatsApp group will stem the tides!
The WhatsApp group will document the information they observe so that the DOE can better address the issues. Why is the article so hard for you to comprehend.? If you live in a low lying area and observe flooding or higher than normal tides please do your part instead of criticizing. The life you save might be your own.
Yes 7.28 WhatsApp will keep us safe.
This same genius might want to take action with planning laws in low lying areas , mandating a minimum finished floor level for any new homes built there.
Unfortunately we can’t stop what is going to happen..not everything lasts forever..
All we can do now is prep ourselves for it.
This government does not give 2 hoots about flooding CNS we have people here now elected to office and employed in Government who’s only knowledge of science and of the worlds environment is the process of making and spending money and eating copious amounts food.They don’t care nor understand that clearing down the natural mangrove is basically destroying the only barrier and protection from soil erosion and flooding disasters. Their stupidity knows no bounds and foolishly believes that man made walls and cleared areas simple does not increases the probability of serious flooding disasters. The prospect of flooding or destruction is even tantalizing for their sick little minds that the pending disaster and subsequent suffering from it will deliver some how and increase or produce some form of money making opportunity and reward or social benefit and highlight their political usefulness! Do not waste your breathe alerting them of this threat cut off their source or ability to continue to ignore the pending environmental threats or disasters by simple removing them from their high office. Vote them out now! so they can wade neck high down here in their own self created dark muddy stagnant waters. Cayman Vote Them and their harmful greedy political partners and business scavengers out! before it is too late.
regarding climate change and rising sea levels…caymanian politicians do what they do best….stick their heads in the sand.
how come they never had commented on this before?????
miami has taken action but this flat sandbar has done or said nothing….zzzzzzzzzzz
but then again these issues are beyond the grasp of the average caymanian….