Opposition leader says better days are ahead

| 27/12/2019 | 17 Comments
Cayman News Service
Opposition Leader and East End MLA Arden McLean’s Christmas 2019 message

(CNS): Arden McLean, the opposition leader and member for East End, has said that 2019 was a “pivotal year for citizen engagement”. He said it gave him hope that Caymanians and residents were committed to standing up for Cayman, even in the face of fierce criticism, and suggested that there were better days still to come. Delivering a Christmas message to the country, he said the committed citizens deserved everyone’s gratitude.

Meanwhile, the speaker also delivered a Christmas message, in which he told the community that the people of Cayman should already be very grateful for everything we have.

See the opposition leader’s address below and go to CIGTV to see all of the MLAs’ seasonal messages.

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  1. SMH says:

    Arden McLean’s union with McKeeva Bush cannot be any worse than the current Unity Govt marriage between Alden McLaughlin and McKeeva Bush can it? SMH

  2. Anonymous says:

    Q. Who in the LA is loudly and repeatedly calling for enactment of SIPL law? Oh right, basically nobody across the imaginary aisle. They are all the same. Arden acts like he’s a 10 minute phone call away from rejoining the ashes of UDP/CDP. We need section 117 of the Constitution enacted to clean out that room and re-hire with honorable and capable lawmakers, not those consumed with avaricious dreams, propelled by their own hot air. Voters need to be doing more right now, ahead of next election.

    • Levon Bodden says:

      Better days ahead, let me tell you Indigenous that better days should be here today!

      That is their job, so I don’t want to hear any more promises, We want all you to do your jobs. We will not accept ‘Incremental Freedom’, for one is either Free or not!

      All you highly paid Civil/Public/Politicians servants got to do is effect change through Policy, and if is not done, you all are have not done your work, so just like the rest of us, you should be be fired for not earning your pay!

      Less noise, and egos from you all please. More Policy changes please; please do your jobs or be fired.

      We have had it with you all, and Enough is Enough.

      Get to work come 2020, then we thank you for your good and not before. We want to no more BS from Yea, get to work 💼.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Until all these people are gone there will not be better days

  4. Anonymous says:

    What better times if he and his cronies get into power? What a joke as it will just be business as usual.

    • Anonymous says:

      So who you voting for ? It either more of the same or out the Oppositon in power. I would prefer to put them in over getting 4 more years if the Dis-unity jokers

      • Anonymous says:

        Vote them all out.They have proven themselves, a when man tells you who he is, believe him. You either run yourself or chose who you would want to represent you, let us not wait for anyone to come knocking on the door for a Vote. We must become more proactive in decisions for they are out to destroy us and our home. All of um.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The leader of the losers speaks

  6. Anonymous says:

    How can you say better days are ahead when the recent work permit tally is over $40,000? It may be much revenue for the public coffers. However has any of you in government consider the ramifications to the future generations of this country? The implications to the environment? The social impact? Sorry to burst your bubble Mr. Leader of the Opposition, cayman has seen its better days even when it was smoke pot and mosquitoes years!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Better days are ahead when all the old boys and girls pack it in with politics and let the younger generation take over. A new Green Party is really needed too in Cayman led by the youth not the old boys and girls.

    • Anonymous says:

      Will never happen because the money is behind the old boys’ and don’t you ever forget it. Money talks and bulls%$t walks!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Politicians are impervious to the struggles of the people who elected them.
    The system is broken.


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