Heroes Square to get facelift

| 01/12/2019 | 28 Comments
Cayman News Service
Governor Martyn Roper participates in Heroes Day 2019

(CNS): The central square in the heart of George Town, between the courthouse and the Legislative Assembly, which was created to celebrate Cayman’s national heroes, is getting a makeover. Work began this weekend to add new features to the square ahead of the next National Heroes Day ceremony in January 2020. Plans to add new statues to the site call for the semi-circle planters currently in each corner of the square to be incorporated into the proposed monuments, a release stated. 

To prepare for this construction, a number of plants, including bull thatch palms, currently located within the project’s footprint, are being uprooted, re-potted and will eventually be relocated around Heroes Square and elsewhere.

One of the major complaints about the square is the lack of trees to create shade, but it is not clear if there are plans to add additional trees to the area during the facelift process.

Officials said that public access to Heroes Square will be closed throughout the construction. The first phase is expected to last for several weeks.  

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Category: Local News

Comments (28)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Please stick with creating shade and remove plans for more overpriced and mostly irrelevant statues.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is godawful ugly. Statues will not help (especially the kind of halfassed creations we can expect from a CIG project.)

  2. Anonymous says:

    Would it be possible to remove McKeeva Bush as a hero?

    • Anonymous says:

      And Jim Bodden – he who knocked down Fort George because he could not get his way, among other un-hero like actions.

    • Anon says:

      Rogues’ Gallery

    • Anonymous says:

      He’s no more a hero than a doctor.

    • Anonymous says:

      He isn’t one of the official National Heroes – yet! God only knows what else Alden promised him.

    • No more heros anymore! says:

      Maybe, but in our CIG where scoundrels are rewarded with promotions up the gov’t ladder for their misdeeds we should erect a “wall of shame” together with a pillory. This is the most appropriate way to truly honour some of Cayman’s finest. Charge admission for seeing the pillory in action, we surely have enough heads and rotten veg to make this a biweekly event. Might become a hot tourist attraction too!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I wonder how many millions this will cost us, and who will get those millions.

    • Anonymous says:

      Seeem to recall that statue with the ladies cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now we are going to add a whole bunch? Whilst DOE doesn’t have budget for enough drivers, and NAU can’t support all those in need? Never mind, if you can’t pay your rent or your garbage is rotting outside your house you can always trek downtown and feel better by looking at a statue.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Wonder who the statues will be……………

  5. Anonymous says:

    How about you plant some nice shade trees for people to stop and contemplate what the square means. Oh, we had those, but you chose to cut them all down.

  6. Anonymous says:

    As usual, no consultation with the public. This government is so inept and rotten. Throw it all out. Let’s see what a mess they make of this now. Not that ‘Heroes Square’ could get any worse.

    • Anonymous says:


      • Jotnar says:

        Referenda – if you are going ti use Latin, when the word is arguably incorporated into the English language already, at lest get it right.

        CNS: Referendums. It’s not a Latin noun.

        • Anonymous says:

          Not quite true, CNS, it is Latin.

          CNS: Yes, it is Latin but it is not a Latin noun. It is the gerund of the verb refero, which mean that nowhere in Latin does it have, or could it possibly have, a plural. Since it is used in English as a noun it should not use the Latin plural form of a second declension neuter noun, which people assume it is, so the best plural is referendums. ‘Referenda’ is sometimes used erroneously (often enough to be accepted by some dictionaries) but this is a result of lack of knowledge.

    • Anonymous says:

      Voice your suggestions rather than just complain.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Never been a better time to piss away a surplus.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Bull thatch!!! Seriously. Our own government department and their contractor don’t know the difference between a “bull thatch” and our national tree the silver thatch!

    I can’t wait to see them replanted if they servive the hack job I saw earlier.


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