Over 10,000 affected by morning power cut

(CNS): Around 10,000 CUC customers across George Town, West Bay and Savannah were without electricity Wednesday morning for as much as an hour. Officials from the power company said it was caused by three units being tripped, as they offered apologies to those who were impacted by the technical fault.
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Category: Local News, utilities
CUC does not have a good name when it come to reliability. I wouldn’t have a hard time paying their high prices if the service was reliable but to be provided crappy service at high prices just because you are a monopoly you can, is not right..
This company is the only one I know on island that is a monopoly and is “guaranteed” a profit by the Cayman Islands Government but is not held to any good standard..
Nice, all of Cardinal Ave in the dark on one of our busiest cruise days. Shockingly embarrassing for Cayman. Tourists think we are are a third world country with this crap. We pay insane prices for electricity services. This was and is unacceptable.
No mention of damages to people caused by the outage/surge….heard 2 people in local office store having serious issues with computers due to the outage and god knows how many people suffered damages to other equipment….never compensated by CUC
Get a good surge suppressor or mini-UPS. This could happen due to a vehicle hitting a pole near your house. Think the driver is going to compensate you?
Try living in many other Caribbean islands .. our power supply is much much better!
So because other countries suck, we should be happy with high prices and poor service?
i lived over 40 years in Europe.
Not once the power went off.
And price per kwh is a quarter of the cost compared to here.
Sure. Nuclear plants. Hydro power. Economies of scale. etc. etc. Compare like with like.
Apologies are not enough.
Bring on the whining even though this hasn’t happened in months.
More like weeks
Live somewhere better
Okay? I guess every couple of months is acceptable?
Soon to be followed by a report from CUC that it’s reliability is pushing 99.999%.
You mean to tell me their brand new solar fan couldn’t power up everyone?
Never any comp on our bills for these business interruptions.