MLA plans national survey on voting day

(CNS): The representative for George Town Central, Kenneth Bryan, is organising a national voter survey on Referendum Day to gauge public opinion on three major controversial but topical subject areas. Bryan said the issues of legalising gambling, ganja use and gay marriage are all constantly discussed but Cayman has no reliable data on what registered voters actually think about any of these issues.
The independent member of the opposition said that Referendum Day, when the country goes to the polls on 19 December, presents a perfect opportunity to ask them as they leave the polling stations. He said the country needs to know whether or not the majority of the electorate supports changing the law in any of these areas.
Bryan made it clear that this national opinion survey is entirely separate from the vote on the cruise port referendum.
“This survey is separate and apart from the issue of the port and has no bearing on the position any voter takes on the cruise project,” he stated during a press conference announcing the survey and unveiling the proposed questions. “We need to have clear directions from the people on these very sensitive matters, as they come up time and time again.”
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Lamenting government’s failure to collect data on these subject areas, he said the referendum presented an excellent opportunity to go some way to finding out in which direction Cayman should move when it comes to these particularly sensitive but important matters.
Bryan also hopes it may encourage people to go out and vote on Referendum Day, especially since the premier has been encouraging those who support the cruise port to stay home. Bryan believes people should come out and vote regardless of their position. He said people will be coming out to vote ‘no’ but those who are for project should also state clearly ‘yes’.
Although the referendum rules effectively make absent voters a ‘yes’ vote, even those who die before polling day, Bryan said he believed democracy was about people voting and stating their position clearly because no one can be sure why someone did not go the polls, even if in the end that becomes a vote in favour of the port.
Bryan said this national survey will give them another reason to come out on polling day, as he dismissed the idea that it could be confusing for voters.
“I believe people are more than capable of thinking about more than one subject matter at one time,” he said, noting that “these topics are ones that many people already have strong positions on” and there are still several weeks for people to consider them before voting day.
Bryan pointed out that not only will a good turnout on Referendum Day give a clear indication to government where the people stand on its controversial cruise proposal, but if they also take part in this survey it will help the entire country see, once and for all, what the voting public really thinks about these other controversial and sensitive issues.
He pointed out that for a long time many people have made assumptions about public opinion on these particular hot topic issues in the absence of any real data.
However, Bryan said his plan for the survey was going to be a significant undertaking. He urged people to volunteer to help with the survey on polling day if they support the idea and believe that collecting data from registered voters in this way can provide a helpful guide for legislators and others.
He explained that the survey will be anonymous, and that people will only be asked to show that they are registered voters before they take the opinion survey. People will be asked to answer six questions on an iPad, which will make collating the data quick and efficient, and it should take no more than a minute or a minute and a half to complete.
The topic areas are broken down in order to better understand whether, for example, people do not support gay marriage but do support same-sex unions, or support a national lottery but not casinos, or support decriminalising ganja but not full blown legalisation. But Bryan said he remains open to feedback and there is time to refine the final questions.
He explained that on polling day volunteer surveyors will be stationed more than 300 feet away from the actual polling stations and will only approach voters about taking the national survey after they exit the polls.
Having research the matter, Bryan said there is nothing in the Elections Law that prevents the project and he has already cleared the idea with the Elections Office. And he has agreed not to release any data he collects from participants before the referendum result is announced.
Bryan is encouraging people to get in touch about volunteering or regarding any help they can provide with resources for the project because he has a very limited budget to undertake what he believes will be of benefit to the entire Cayman community.
He is encouraging feedback from voters about the questions and said there is still time to review them and maybe even consider other topics.
See the proposed questions below:

For more information or to help with the survey contact Kenneth Bryan on 924 3111 or 936 4040 via email or on social media FB Kenneth Bryan.
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Category: Politics
If the public’s opinion actually mattered to any of these MLAs, they might have a 12 year old help them publish a web portal where they could collect regular soundings on all sorts of topics. They don’t even publish a general delivery email address for their own constituents, because their policies are either self-directed, or corrupted by benefactors.
Human rights are NOT subject to a popularity contest! No matter how many bigots vote against gay marriage or gay civil unions, it won’t make the least difference because the courts will decide this matter. And sooner or later (probably, sooner) the courts will decide in favor of gays. Come on, bigots: If you can’t support gay marriage, there’s a simple solution for you: Don’t marry a same-gender partner. But leave me and my same-gender husband alone. We don’t bash you for being hetero. Why must you bash us for being gay??? (And don’t say you’re not bashing. If you won’t accord us the same rights and respect as everyone ele, then it’s bashing. Period.)
No times six. Fix the dump that is more important. Bryan needs to go and work at the dump.
Decriminalizing or legalization of cannabis will no way stop the black market sales. The reality of it is nothing has changed in the USA ; the black market is thriving just as it did before legalization . Overhead expenses feed the black market; go research yourselves..
Because there is black market sales of tabacco all over the island right? As much as I hate regulation by the mafia aka the government it would damper the black market but not over night.
Thank you. I wonder if they seriously think Caymanians would stop smoking tobacco if we made its importation illegal.. Lol.
There’s many that would be happy to profit from a tobacco black market anyway.
There are black market cigarette smugglers and sales…is this a joke?
No. Not a joke.
Same thing in Canada. The drug dealers don’t just roll over and die. They also have no qualms about killing to retain 100+yrs of market share.
Toronto-area gang shootings in this one year since legalization, are on par with Chicago. Over 50% of pothead Cdns are still buying their weed from their drug dealer. Southwest Ontario has become the Moly capital of North America, and Fentanyl deaths are surging at Cdn ERs. We need to dispel the myth that drug gangs are only dealing in marijuana, or that legalization of “soft drugs” makes the bad guys wither away.
Thank you for asking for my opinion.
How old are you?
YES x6 – 30 years old
Yes X6. 46 years old and Caymanian.
10:39 ,that’s what the survey is for,
Encourage those in favor of the port not to vote so they know anyone who turns up to vote is voting against the port. Whats next death squads targeting anyone seen approaching a ballot station? I will now be voting against the port because of this dictatorship approach.
Like I always warned, they set this up to victimize civil servants from attending the polling booths. Obviously anyone seen out voting is voting NO.
Too little too late. Interesting guy. All those issues he has questioned already exist tho..and none would add to our national fabric.
How about polling on educational standards, cost of living or family planning?
Because a poll on education standards or family planning would impart information that can be utilized by the government?
If you don’t have something smart to say, just keep your mouth shut, its not a difficult concept
The results might be skewed slightly due to the demographic that is likely to come out to vote on referendum day (mostly those against it) but still a worthwhile idea
Is this even legal? I thought any sort of canvassing near the polling stations was banned.
Hence them being more than 300ft from the polling station.
I don’t think decriminalisation is a better alternative than legalising Cannabis. If it is decrimalised, Caymanians still can’t produce their own medicine and will still need to have it imported by big pharma or the drug lords.
If we legalised it like Canada and Mexico, not only will Caymanians be able to grow their own plants and conduct legal, taxable sales, but it will kill the drug lord’s cash cow and remove incentive to smuggle it. This in turn reduces the economic incentive to bring guns in also with shipments, reducing crime and strain on police!!
Do not let the lazy people who revolve their lives around drinking and smoking all day ruin the image of this miracle plant. I make $6,300 KYD a month enjoy the herb regularly on my own property instead of drinking at a bar and driving home.
Genesis 1.29. And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth…
Nothing about legalization makes the drug lord roll over. The opposite happens, because suddenly they can legitimately access the payment system.
Since “legalization” in Canada police have seized 71,500 cannabis plants,161 kgs of cannabis, More laws more penalties more law enforcement more violations of peoples rights. Dont use Canada as an example to follow. Jamaica is way ahead
The illicit producers have reduced prices to $5/g vs gov’t store’s $10/g (and supply shortages). They are thriving.
Drug testing at jobs have significantly increased as well as people being fired in Canada. It may be legal, but employers still don’t want employees that are drug abusers.
The provision for civil unions, and same sex rights, are civil and human rights obligations the Cayman Islands are already in breach of. The matter is active and ongoing in the courts. The public’s (often misguided) opinion does not hold any currency in that regard. Knock yourself out on the other stuff.
How about making american spelling illegal, legalise not legalize.
Gots to recognise it.
You need a license to say that!
yo kenneth….what about the 50% of residents that have no voting rights?
They don’t count
They should work on becoming Caymanian if they want a say. Otherwise, transients in any country around the world are not allowed to vote.
yes to all. the first world has already discussed, debated and settled on these issues (mostly).
decent idea….but the survey will be little more than a glorified opinion poll with no substance behind it.
the real idea is to have voters fill out this ‘opinion card’ as part of the referendum. then you will know public senitiment.
Gambling – Yes
Ganja – Yes
Gay Marriage * – No !
* Why would you read into our Constitution, “rights” that deals with sexual behavior XXXX
CNS: I know you have strong feelings on this but sometimes you drift into hate speech.
Unison I’ve always hated your stance on gay marriage but I respect your right to an opinion.
However I must virtually shake your hand for not buying into the failed war on cannabis. Mexico is set to also legalize in a few days. It is about time we reap the benefits of this medical God given plant.
Smoking is bad and not the only route of administration. I myself now enjoy a cup of brewed cannabis about once a week when I’m feeling depressed as I just lost a family member a few months ago and it has helped cope a lot. Funny enough I always berated my nephew for smoking it but one day he found me crying and offered to brew me a cup (i quit smoking cigs so)
The tourism tax money is to drool for also.
“Sometimes you drift into hate speech”
MLA Kenneth Bryan. Where is the question for the public to answer on the survey. If thère should be an a immediate moneturium or a stop on all work permits in the cayman islands. Because Mr. Bryan you are always talking that your people need work because they are suffering. MLA Bryan the survey will be of great help because it sames if you cannot reach anywhere in the legislative assembly with the now know all cayman islands tag team government.
This is a very sensible idea. Of course, if there were a scrap of honesty or integrity in the Government, these questions would be being asked ‘officially’ to help boost turnout, but our oh so honourable Premier doesn’t believe in democracy.
Someone wants some manifesto ideas it seems.
and if it’s based on what the people want, what’s wrong with that?
I like this idea, and at the least, see no harm to it. It’s certainly much better than creating a commission to study these ideas, and while not binding in any way, should result in data that is indicative of the elector’s views.
Good decision Kenneth and I believe Cayman should follow Switzerland’s system that allows 4 crucial Referendums per year, yet voting is done on Sunday. Of course the religious people will oppose to this and scream “atheist” and prefer a Monday holiday instead.
Legalising gambling, ganja, universal insurance and the dump should be the main topics. A Vision 2030 Initiative should also be proposed as the continual development will be destructive to our natural environment and culture.
This is how bad Alden and current crew are: They make Kenny look smart.
Pretty soon the uk will show it down our throats like every thing else, so my stance is no on all ,,,,,I cant speak for anyone else.
And drag this island kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Throw away your wompers folks!
Oh dear, what a mass of confusion!
It is people who are as easily confused as you why the govt takes it upon themselves to make bad decisions for us. If you dont understand some of words used, theres google or the old fashioned dictionary!!!
Fix the darn Dump.
Perfume on a pig doth a pig not make.
You cannot be that dull?
What a load of crap. What is he doing about the quality of life for his constituents stuck in traffic for hours each day?
George Town Central? Not sure his constituents are stuck in traffic. They have a bunch of issues, but traffic isn’t at the top of the list.
I wasn’t asking you, I was telling you.
Unless Kenneth fixes what he has allowed them to do to Crewe Road, before the end of November, he will get none of the 47 votes which I control in GTC. Fact.
Tell him what is wrong with the road. Im sure he would talk to joey hew who is in charge of roads. What is wrong with it anyways?
I must tell him what’s wrong with it? Wrong. He must get off his ass and take a drive on it. Suggest he attempts to get around the end of the runway at 5:30pm on a Tuesday and head to Kings. Maybe he could pick Joey up and bring him along, they’d have plenty of time to share pleasantries.
The people of Crewe Road will rise up against this atrocity and travesty of justice!
The 47 votes you control? So, one man, 47 votes? Democracy in the Cayman Islands, alive and well.
You must be new here
So you control 47 votes? Sound like a right Ahole. You’re admitting you force people to vote the way you decide?
This is actually a very good idea to possibly help circumvent (but probably not), the ridiculous date of the referendum, and to get more voters out. Perhaps these issues will draw more ambiguous voter out. Hope so.
He is one vote of 19 and in the opposition what exactly do you want him to do?
Traffic is not an issue that gets voted on in the LA (do you think he can just snap his fingers and pass a “no traffic” bill or something?)
Traffic is a matter for the civil service, the NRA, central Gov that approves road plans, Customs for letting this many cars in etc etc
There are alot of issues that can be laid at the feet of the LA, traffic isn’t one of them
Its scary how little people here understand about our government, at least learn the basics before spouting bullshit
Wrong. Kenneth was elected to serve the interests of the people of his enclave, GTC. National issues have nothing to do with him and never will. Fix the roads Kenny!
I would guess that he is creating a straw poll for the whole of The Cayman Islands, as opposed to addressing only a few of his constituents’ selfish concerns.
Not to say that he can’t do both, however this story is about one of those things.