Man jailed for 10 months for touching teenage boy

(CNS): Henry Dagala Jabines (35), who pleaded guilty in July to one count of indecent assault, was jailed for ten months on Thursday. The Filipino national was arrested after he touched a teenage boy in a hotel public bathroom in Cayman Brac earlier this year. The 15-year-old boy was known to him in passing as a result of a local sport connection, and the teenager reported and identified Jabines immediately after the assault to police, facilitating the arrest.
During a sentencing hearing last week, Jabines, who was said to have no previous convictions, wept as the crown and his own defence attorney set out the facts of the case, along with the aggravating and mitigating circumstances.
On a February afternoon the boy was at the resort when he went to the bathroom area to avoid mosquitoes and play on his device. Jabines went to the stall where the boy was and closed the door behind him. He showed the teenager pornographic images, and when he tried to leave, Jabines grabbed his genitals.
Despite being arrested on scene, Jabines initially denied the allegation but came clean a few days ahead of his trial. The court heard that since he was charged Jabines has ‘found God’. He has been baptised and attends the HMP Northward chapel daily. His attorney said he has also taken courses dealing with self-control.
After weighing up the circumstances, Justice Marlene Carter handed down a ten-month sentence and recommended deportation after his sentence has been served. This means the Filipino national will be leaving shortly as he has been on remand since his arrest and has now served some seven months in custody.
Went to church right after molesting. I thought that’s what the church is for??
@CNS. You often publish pictures of Caymanians accused/convicted of crimes. Please afford expatriate convicts the same level of public exposure and scrutiny. Thanks!
CNS: Whether or not we post pictures of suspects or those convicted has nothing to do with their nationality. It is dependent on whether we have or can get hold of one.
Wish I had seen this comment before. I would have taken a picture of him for you. The little pervert was at the airport today.
Found God. They all know how to work the system. Ever notice how foreigners run to churches right away. In Cayman Brac that’s how they get jobs and eventually status.
Good on you Henry for admitting your behavour. I wish you well in your life and walk with God.
You religious people are what’s wrong with the world. Do what you want and all is forgiven because you find God. If a grown man touched my child, I would make it very easy for him to “find God” and it doesn’t involve prayer either.
You misunderstand the message of God’s grace. We commit grave sins. If we come to God in humility and repent, and stop the sin, God who is Ever Merciful, will forgive that person. It doesn’t mean that person although forgiven should not still pay for his sins, or, he free to continue sinning or go back to his old ways without consequences. If you do wrong, God may forgive you, but you still must pay for the wrong you do. And the road to salvation requires you continue walk with God and not repeating the grave sin. Yes, many believers will not be saved because they have backslide and took God’s free grace for granted.
What a crock of sh*t.
There is a difference between being genuine and finding God and trying to get people to believe that you are remorseful when it’s really a ploy.
This is why people don’t believe criminals when they ‘find God’ usually it’s just to have the judges feel sorry for them and get their sentences reduced.
I understand your frustration but the OP never advocated doing what you want or avoiding the consequences of it.