Gov’t MLAs facing backlash over port

| 28/10/2019 | 90 Comments
Cayman News Service
Finance Minister Roy McTaggart

(CNS): Several ministers and backbench government MLAs could be facing serious political backlash if they do not act today during the debate to amend legislation for the people-initiated referendum to make it more fair. Cruise Port Referendum campaigners have revealed details of the number of voters signing the petition in all 19 single-member constituencies, and for George Town members in particular, more people signed the public document than voted for the representatives in last election.

In the 2017 election, Finance Minister Roy McTaggart was elected to office in George Town East with 410 votes, more than 45% of the turnout in the constituency. But 472 voters in GTE, or 37% of all registered voters, signed the petition. The premier is facing similar issues in Red Bay, where he was elected by 478 voters, but 430 people signed the petition, which is 36% of all voters in that constituency.

Opponents of the port project need to secure a ‘no’ vote from 50% of all elected voters in every constituency plus one more to halt the current proposal. Given the number of voters wiling to sign a public petition, it is likely that, given the privacy of the ballot box, voters in the constituencies represented by the premier and the finance minister will be coming out in force.

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The Elections Office is planning a central count, which will not reveal the percentage of the vote or turnout in individual constituencies. But several government representatives, including Barbara Connolly and Tara Rivers, go into Monday’s debate knowing that around a third of their constituents signed the public petition and what that means for the upcoming referendum, itself.

With such clear indications in some of the districts that public opposition to this project is such that it cannot be ignored, the campaigners are hoping this will make them think twice during Monday’s debate.

“We hope that members of the Legislative Assembly will demonstrate true representation of their constituents’ concerns over the course of the debate,” campaigners said ahead of the Legislative Assembly meeting.

They are also hoping that the barrage of emails MLAs are receiving, which are expected to continue during the course of today’s meeting, might make them reconsider accepting the bill as is and suggest some amendments to address the flaws that the campaigners’ legal advisors have identified.

Breakdown of petition signatures by district

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Comments (90)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Barbara is a real disappointment. She is a mouthpiece for the PPM which is very sad. The people in GTS have heard nothing from her as to how we feel about the port issue so I’ve NO idea why she claims to have support. Don’t worry…2021 soon come!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    OMG, John John is making a complete ass of himself…Making up words and insulting people for getting college degrees..McKeeva just had to tell him to stop insulting people..

    He wants us Bodden Towners to hold hands with him and got to the polls and vote yes..The only vote I going to do for him is to vote him out…So ashamed at his behavior tonight..Ridiculous!

  3. Anonymous says:

    You guys have it quite wrong. There are tons of people in support of this project but if you dare say so in public the environmentalists and liberals crucify you saying the world is coming to an end. several of my family actually didn’t vote in 2017, silly as it sounds but you can rest assured we will be voting PPM after this.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Can someone please tell me with all these arguments about the Port, on both sides ,do we even have a new Port Director ??? Has Government secured a qualified Caymanian for this position as this new Port is all about hiring Caymanian’s correct ? If so who is the New Director?? If not isn’t all this the cart before the horse??

    • Anonymous says:

      The Port Authority has barely been involved in this entire process another huge issue

      This is all being pushed by the Min of Tourism and the Premier
      as Ezzard pointed out in his debate yesterday, the numbers reported by the PACI don’t come to the same conclusion that the elected ministers are pushing about the desperate need for this project

    • Anonymous says:

      They have another Joey lined up…lol..

    • Anonymous says:

      Here I think it’s Dart before the horse…

  5. Anonymous says:

    and there I was thinking that the CPR petition was all about a referendum, not an anti port vote. silly me.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe you can remind your PPM MLAs that since they are the ones using up all their time defending the port instead of talking about the actual Referendum Bill!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      8:12am then you haven’t been paying attention at all.
      I, for one, am completely ANTI-port. That means, NO PORT AT ALL. And I am not the only one.
      And the cargo section should be moved out of GT anyway. It has ruined any night time businesses on the waterfront. You cannot sit on the balcony of any venue without having to stop talking as the container trucks roar past.

      I hope that clears that up for you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Now we see what all the opposition is about…those entitled people want George Town for themselves just like Camana Bay. They want restaurants and townhouses and no port at all on the waterfront. All that prime realestate to grab up and sell. Bet it will all benefit foreigners here, the real movers and shakers.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Ezzard had a great speech tonight. It made me really think of the consequences that could happen if this port is built..I appreciate his candidness and it was a breath of fresh air to hear the passion in his voice as he delivered it tonight.

    The only two that spoke for the Port was Barbara and Alden…Neither was credible and Barbara was reading her prepared speech and looked like she was scared to speak…Alden on the other hand has perfected his smugness and his facial expressions show of a man full of hate and disdain for anyone that gets in his way…

    People we need to get out and vote NO! If we do as the Premier says and stay home we will regret it.

    • Anonymous says:

      So disappointed in Barbara 😕

      • Anonymous says:

        I would have had to expect something different from her to be disappointed. Instead, I’m getting exactly what I expected. Barbara has never been more, politically speaking, than a cog in the PPM machine. As a representative for the people of George Town South, she’s useless.

      • Anonymous says:

        Someone who very few people expected to win going into the 2017 election turns out to just be another mindless PPM vote for whatever the dear leader declares to be the best option

        Is this the part where I act surprised?

        I mean seriously, we have been telling you people about the PPM for years, they are a party that exist only to serve the interests of those connected to them, they don’t serve the electorate, they certainly are not concerned about what popular opinion is unless it regards something they think they can use cynically to win more votes without actually doing anything like gay marriage or ‘standing up to the UK’

        The PPM only exist because it is the most convenient way for the higher ups to hold onto power

      • Anonymous says:

        Barbarabots in action here!

  7. Anonymous says:

    After listening to the debate today it would appear that the Premier and gang are a bit worried and will pull out all the stops to ensure they get the yes votes…This is going to be a dirty one folks. It’s not about the People anymore..Lots of egos and BS and based on the numbers it looks like Red Bayers are not happy..

  8. Anonymous says:

    Not one of them will be elected unless they fix the damn dump!

    • Anonymous says:

      That leaves…..expats.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not today or never bobo 9:59, say a loud NO to expats running for elections.

        • Anonymous says:

          We have the greatest leadership in the Caribbean. McKeeva and Alden are geniuses. On par with Donald Trump. Keep expats in their holes.

          Looking forward to my new refrigerator and turkey next month.

  9. Anonymous says:

    The elected need to be held accountable…not sure if its in the constitution….cross the line and pay the price…

    • Anonymous says:

      So many (fake) thumbs down! “The elected need to be held accountable.” Is that really a controversial statement?

      • Anonymous says:

        Or it puts into perspective how many involved in corruption check the comments here on CNS. Only a corrupt individual would be against accountability. Something that CIG has never seen in it’s existence.

  10. Anonymous says:

    The real shocker here is that the premier and finance minister of one of the worlds largest financial centers and home to 75,000 people were elected by receiving less than 500 votes total. You could probably buy your way into office here for less than the cost of a 1 bed condo.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dumbest system ever. We deserve whatever we get for pursuing this OMOV single member constituency crap

    • Anonymous says:

      Aaahh, the shocker. My favorite move.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not only is that very undemocratic it is absolutely inevitable that it will lead to cronyism and corruption. It explains a lot about this Island. That’s the only reason they’ve gotten off their backsides and tried to fix the traffic problems from the east. Those commuters are mostly locals and they are the only people they give a damn about. The rest of you could be on fire and their only concern would be to make sure you don’t get close enough to melt their CIG credit card.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well, that still more than doubles the 201 votes that our former Leader of the Opposition received!

  11. Port User says:

    Wait a minute………..
    The petition asked for a referendum on whether the docks should or should not be built.
    That is all!
    You cannot assume that everyone who signed the petition is against the port, it may well be that some people simply believe that everyone should vote on the matter.
    So, only 25% of the electorate want everyone to have a vote; of those how many are against the port anyway? Obviously, therefore, the number of people actually against the port is way less than 25% of the electorate so the whole exercise is a waste of time and money.

    • Anonymous says:

      7:24 they are hoping and praying that ever one that signed the petition will a NO !

    • Anonymous says:

      they have the referendum the wrong way round, it should be “do you want the new port: yes or No.

      If they port supporters are so sure the majority want the port then will easily surpass the 51% of the electorate voting yes.

      But they didn’t, why?

      because they know they would not get the votes

  12. Anonymous says:

    Can I ask where John John stands on this? This Bodden Towner won’t be fooled anymore. So sick of these people telling you one thing to get a vote and then becoming completely different once they get elected…

    • Anonymous says:

      He is useless but time longer than rope..Looking forward to next election..

    • Anonymous says:

      Government ministers are bound by collective responsibility in other words once the government decides an action in cabinet ministers are bound to support it even if they are actually opposed to the project

      So at the end of the day even if he is opposed to the project, he probably doesn’t want to risk giving up his ministerial salary or position to voice that which would likely be the result if a minister came out against the project this late into the game

      • JJTA says:

        So what you are talking about is not ‘collective responsibility’ at all. It is a cabal of self interested, collectively mindless collusion. It is a gang mentality, and that in itself is very telling. The ‘collective responsibility’ is to act in the best interests of the Cayman Islands and her people. How many of us actually believe that this is what is happening and/or has happened here?

        Your point boils down to this; The system is set so that it encourages greed and the undeserved retention of power and influence in the name of a self interested political expedience. Is this not the very definition of a heinous dereliction of duty at the hands of repeated bouts of maladministration? The system is designed to disallow any real accountability.

        Where is SIPL? It is where they want it. Is this not indicative of the widespread presence of multiple disingenuous stool pigeons who, for nothing more than their own myopic interests and at the expense of all and sundry, would and will continue to collude with the ‘party in power’ at any given time. Is that not the definition of a charlatan? Is that what leadership has come to mean in this realm of insanity which the Cayman Islands have been forced to endure?

        God only knows what 29/10/2019 2:19am is thinking with their statement. One would think that, after all of this time, his position is and has been obvious, as is the thirst for political power and influence constantly and consistently overriding the wellbeing of the Cayman Islands and her people. ‘Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.’ comes to mind. After the third or fourth time?!?……………. chuh.

        A paradigm shift is necessary.

        Does the electorate of this country have the intestinal fortitude and/or integrity and/or selflessness and/or wisdom to see that yet?

        • Anonymous says:

          11.41am You will still not be allowed to vote. Only locals.

          • Anonymous says:

            Clarification..only registered voters…

          • JJTA says:

            Clarification; My name is Jonathan Joseph Thomas Adam and I am a registered member of the electorate of the Cayman Islands. I hold very dear to my heart and soul the value of that privilege. I believe in democracy, real democracy. I concur with the idea that the naturalized populace of a place are those who should decide the course of their own fate, be it for better or worse. I believe that by the very nature of the flaws inherent within human nature, seen to be far more acute in some more than others, that ‘parliamentary sovereignty’ should have never be allowed to override the collective will of any given place and/or people.

            I believe that it is within the concept of ‘rule by referendum’ that real and true democracy is to be found. I believe that it is therein where real and true ‘collective responsibility’ is to be found, and that it is in the absence of which where those who would predate upon their own people as charlatanistic, sociological/sociopathic cannibals are to be found.

            I know this for a fact, due to both observing and experiencing the myriad and repeated, negative and debilitating, consequences of the woefully inadequate system of a supposedly ‘representational democracy’ which the Cayman Islands has been saddled with. This system has allowed for those guilty of 1) dereliction of duty 2) self enrichment at the expense of all and sundry 3) the perversion of justice and accountability 4) the furtherance of a now solidified institutional corruption 5) the prostitution of decision making processes to the highest semi-anonymous bidder/s 6) the creation of a welfare state in order to mollify those whose own economy has been purposefully dispossessed of them as a consequence of #2 & #5 7) a purposeful lack of transparency in the goings on of multiple bouts of governmental maladministration, to continue unhindered and unmitigated within a purposefully constructed lack of accountability. I can see, in my humble opinion, that there is a dire need for improvements and amendments which have to be made in said regard.

            While it is not necessary to throw out the proverbial baby with the bath water. One should not allow these constructs to constrict the natural progression of a viable and sustainable system of governmental administration.

            I believe that the position of ‘Premier’ is one which has to be chosen solely and singularly by the electorate, and to the exclusion of all others. I speak specifically to the unwise allowance of gang like collusion among Members of the Legislative Assembly. I believe that the proof is starkly evident as to why there is a need for a national vote as to who will hold the position of Premier, now more than ever.

            I see wisdom in the words of Sir Winston Churchill who said; “Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time……..”.

            The relatively diminutive size of the population and/or more importantly, the electorate, allows for the possibility of a real democracy to work and to flourish. There are those who would and will fight tooth and nail against this. Those people have for far too long entrenched themselves within the darkened and secretive halls of said system, and they have used it to further their own cabal’s greed induced agendas for far too long. They have done this at the expense of all and sundry.

            The lack of the implementation of SIPL is proof positive of the overriding issues within the ‘good governance’ and/or ‘governmental administration’ and/or the lack thereof as it relates to the Cayman Islands. There is no panacea, but it is one step of many which are necessary. The timing of this is lack of implementation of SIPL is critically important, and it is damning to those who have not implemented said law for their own political expedience, agendas and perceived prerogatives.

            In regards to Referendum, Referendum Law, and the lack of thereof; The very concept that one who does not choose to avail themselves of their right to vote could be considered anything other than null and void in any given decision making process is indicative of a system which is designed to thwart democracy and it’s core principles. Within this issue alone, there is evidence of disingenuous architects and a lack of integrity and/or moral compass, let alone a championing of democratic principles and/or process.

            That has to change. Therein be the need for the paradigm shift.

            The CBF debacle is indicative of the symptomatic effect of overriding issues. These issues need to be addressed both head on and forthwith. It is necessary for the future success on any and all ‘issues of national importance’ and/or ‘capital projects’. To continue to ignore these issues, inequalities, incongruities and inequities is an act which the Cayman Islands will do at it’s/our continued and somewhat avoidable peril. The Cayman Islands, and her people, deserve far better, and should demand as such.

  13. Anonymous says:

    CNS you have just pointed out that these Government MLAs are probably better supported today than during the last election.
    Using your figures and interpretation of the results Roy McTaggart received 45% of the turnout. That means that his opponents received 55%. If only 37% signed the petition and we assume that they are opposed to Government and the CBF, that still leaves 67% of registered voters that could possibly be supporting McTaggart which would be an almost 50% increase over his May 2017 support. Alden received 56% of the votes and now has potentially 64% of the registered voters. So using the figures you provided it looks like the MLAs are not hurting too much.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are bad at maths (67% + 37% = 104%) and you’re bad at analysis (“could possibly” isn’t a strong ground to draw a conclusion). Bottom line: your post is rubbish.

      • Anonymous says:

        8.55am My bad . Should have read 63%. Meaning that 63% of registered voters in his district “Did not sign the petition.” If you choose to treat 63% as rubbish and insignificant then that’s on you.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone know who Francis Ebanks is? Alden read a letter in the legislative assembly from her that was in the Compost this morning but it seems very convenient that he already had it in his speech..I have googled this name but can’t find this person…seems fishy!!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Here nor there to me. I do not want ANY docking, even the cargo part, in any way. Cargo needs to be moved out of GT. And way fewer ships on a daily basis.
    Our infrastructure is already struggling. You can’t even run a quick errand on your lunch hour and when staff must collect school children, it takes an additional hour to get back to the office.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Simple question that nobody on either side seems to have addressed – ‘What is going to happen to things like cruise arrivals and traffic management in GT while the dock is being built?’

    We’re not talking about something that’s going to spring up overnight, this is a major construction project that will take (assuming it all goes to schedule) about two years to complete. If these issues aren’t being factored in properly what else is conveniently being ignored?

  17. Anonymous says:

    CNS please don’t forget to highlight the fact that the petition garnered more signatures total than the ppm got votes in 2017, very pertinent point

    Kinda hard for the PPM to discredit something that has more popular support than they had in the last GE

  18. Anonymous says:

    How many people have gone on one of these oasis class ships? They are designed so the passengers don’t need to get off. It is a floating shopping
    Mall. Take a cruise in one and your stance will be very anti port, my viewpoint was changed

  19. Anonymous says:

    The petition was deliberately neutral in the wording, but that does not mean losing credibility. CPR has questions as do more than 25% of the voting population. The government continues to dismiss the referendum and thereby dismissing 25% of the voting population. They are elected to serve and they have not provided answers, which means that they are not doing what they were elected to do. If anyone has lost credibility it is the government.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Really!! Do you really think MLA’S believe this?

    • Anonymous says:

      What is there not to believe, significant numbers of their constituents signed the petition, these people are not in areas separated by thousand vote margins, any one of these seats could flip if they piss off too many people

      We saw in the last election 3 sitting ministers lose their seats and that was before the PPM blatantly went against the will of the people

      2021 could be a bloodbath for the PPM if they continue to act like tyrants

  21. Anonymous says:

    It appears that the people of the Cayman islands are of no importance to our government leaders. The people do not matter anymore. It’s all about money! The politicians are more interested in money than the well-being of the citizens or the environment. They have no consideration for the citizens of the Cayman Islands, and apparently none for their own children and grand children.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Praying for a miracle that we get the NO votes that we need to shut the port project down. These politicians need to listen to the people who put them in. I say NO to the port. And lets vote there ass out on 2021

  23. Anonymous says:

    Build the port

  24. Voter 345 says:

    VOTE NO on Referendum Day

    Then VOTE THEM ALL OUT in 2021

  25. Anonymous says:

    2021 soon come and run all dem out, this referendum is just the beginning.

  26. Anonymous says:

    I challenge ALL Ministers and back benchers to ask to be released from collective responsibility for this debate so they can give the public a true and reasonable comment on whether they do or don’t support the dock. STOP hiding being the curtain of collective responsibility.

  27. Anonymous says:

    I must say Barbara has done some good and been one of the more worth while MLA’s this term. However, she has gone and shot herself in the foot by backing the port. She’ll never be re-elected. Pity.

    • Anonymous says:

      OMG I just listened to Barbara on TV debating the Port issue, and what an embarrassment. Using Norman Bodden to justify her position…Sorry but she is gone next election. Sad because I thought she would be one that could stand on her own two feet but like sheep to the slaughter she has drank the PPM Kool Aid and loving every drop..

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, reading from a prepared script and then tried to go off script to accuse Ezzard of saying something he didn’t and he had to put her in her place…She says her GTS constituents are behind her. I hate to tell you this Barbara, they are behind you yes, but look out because they are pushing you off the edge…Ask Capt. Paul what he thinks when she discounts what he has to say and listens to someone paid to tell her something else…Pure embarrassment!!!

        • Anonymous says:

          So true. GTS majority is not behind the Port. We are so disappointed in our representative. We need to get out and vote No!

          • Anonymous says:

            I live in GTS and was shocked to hear her say that the majority of her people were behind..She never asked me and I am sure that there are a lot of people in my same position..Barbara, you are letting me down and unfortunately, last night’s performance was appalling!

            • alaw says:

              9:26 If the Officer in charge of a Battalion, require the opinion of every soldier, the battle would never be won !

        • Anonymous says:

          She was reading her speech which is not permissible in a debate and the Speaker didn’t call her out on it. Why is she always sounding so angry all the time? Is it lack of knowledge on the subject or nervousness?

  28. Anonymous says:

    I think they forget who is in control here. A lot of them are going to be looking for jobs next election 🙂

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately she has not listened or even asked how her constituents feel about the Port. (like most MLA’s)She is suppose to be representing her people with her opinion. The GTS majority signed the referendum. This is her PPM option not her peoples. Very sad . People who voted her in are very disappointed. Vote No

  29. Anonymous says:

    Thank you CPR for your efforts and sharing factual information.

    Any MLA that supports this project must be voted out in 2021

  30. Anonymous says:

    Roy lost all credibility when he started praising record work permit and pr fee driven financial surplus ignoring the economic effect on the people…..guess he doesn’t want any of these young Caymanians to have the opportunity he had.

    • Anonymous says:

      Roy is nice but weak his support for this project alone means he cannot be re-elected. His failure to listen to his constituents means he must be voted out in 2021 along with the Premier and ministers Rivers, Hew, Seymour and the other spineless mlas

      • Anonymous says:

        Voters have short attention spans. What is your plan to keep this thread top of mind for voters in the next General Election? Your answer will be key to whether your prediction has any hope of coming to fruition in 2021.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ya undastand ! Glad to see caymanians opening their eyes calling it like it is.


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