Dart explores art at Hyatt and grows Camana Bay

(CNS): A spokesperson for the Dart Group said it is exploring the possibility of using some of the old Hyatt structures for an art installation. CNS made enquiries after readers spotted activity going on at the former hotel site, which was destroyed by Hurricane Ivan some 15 years ago. The island’s largest developer is also planning a new office block and its first 10-storey residential building at Camana Bay.
Responding to CNS about what was happening at the old Hyatt site, the company gave little away, stating that there was no definitive timeline on the potential art project. But officials stressed that unauthorised people are not allowed on the site.
Dart acquired the functioning beach side as well as the abandoned hotel site in March 2016. While it has converted the Beach Suites into a new boutique hotel and restaurant, the company has so far not revealed its intentions regarding the abandoned side of the property.
However, shortly after buying the hotel Dart closed the Britannia Golf Course which came with it. Since then, it has been engaged in a legal dispute with the owners’ strata at the related condo development over what residents say is their loss of access to amenities that came with the homes they bought.
As a question mark hangs over the former Hyatt site, the developer is continuing to expand Camana Bay. A press release published on its website last week indicated that Dart has submitted planning applications for the development of a new commercial office building and residential apartment building there.
Executive VP Asset Management and Development Planning, Justin Howe, said it was the next phase of growth for the master planned community.
“The town centre’s Class A office space is almost at capacity and The Terraces have been fully leased since opening a decade ago. Demand for residential and commercial space at Camana Bay remains strong,” he said.
The plans for a five-storey office building to the west of Dart’s headquarters on Nexus Way and a 10-storey 89-unit residential building at Bismarckia Way were submitted last week. If approved, this would be the first 10-storey building to the east of the Esterley Tibbets Highway.
“Taller buildings at Camana Bay reduce sprawl, increase energy savings and conserve resources by enabling more residents to live closer to where they work, shop, play and learn,” Howe said. “Building up instead of out allows Dart to maximise density while keeping development footprints small.”
Following the revelations by the premier at the start of this year that Dart had proposed the idea of a very tall hotel and commercial building at Camana Bay, Dart executives said that was still under consideration but the group was focused on the new residential and commercial developments.
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Category: development, Local News
Sure, host an art exhibit if you want, but none of the DART proxy companies should receive planning approval until they have paid the 15 years x 365 days x $25,000 per day = KYD$136,875,000 due in respect to derelict fines due to the public purse. Auditor General should ask why that isn’t a rolling receivable – and refer to ACC if necessary. Clearly something stinks.
And it’s called John Gray. Also, Dart bought that property about three years ago so best of luck with your court battle.
First you need someone in the “neighborhood” to officially complain. Maybe you could do that. Then there has to be a decision that it is disturbing the amenity of the neighborhood. Good luck with that. Then a reasonable fine could be assessed. Top end of that – $1000/day from date of complaint. Have a nice day.
Maybe the art idea is to turn the Hyatt building into a tourist attraction, the Colosseum or Parthenon of Grand Cayman.
I like most of what Dart does, except the prices of course..however how on earth did they manage to take what was one of the best run, tastiest and more reasonably priced restaurants (Hemmingways) and turn it into the pile of crap it is now? Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. OK, I get you could not have the same numbers of people going with an expensive hotel there, but a modest price increase for quality would have been better. I know a few people who will go for drinks there (the unhappiest happy hour i have been too) but I have not heard one positive comment on the food. Same goes for the new bar next to Royal Palms…what are you thinking of? Seriously? Give it to the pros to manage, because your people have no idea.
They collecting rent on them two BoBo.
Oh so even if that’s true, it makes it OK to have a crap restaurant?
Certain that if Dart is collecting rent they are not concerned about the restaurants cuisine. That’s not their business. They have far bigger fish to fry. Hopefully word will get out and the restaurant will go under. The market in that area is very competitive. Be sure to make comments on Trip Advisor.
a 10-storey 89-unit residential building at Bismarckia Way were submitted last week. If approved, this would be the first 10-storey building to the east of the Esterley Tibbets Highway.
“Taller buildings at Camana Bay reduce sprawl, increase energy savings and conserve resources by enabling more residents to live closer to where they work, shop, play and learn,”
so here’s my question: Does the artist rendering of this 10-storey residential building come with the realistic drawing of the DUMP that’s just as tall, if not taller? 360 Dump Views for all residents! Yeaaahhh!
WTF man, when is Dart going to fill that dump and build more schools on top? SMH
The dump is a problem…. haven’t had an update on the status of the consortium in a long time *eyes CNS*
CNS: Check back later today.
Dart isn’t going to be the saviour of the trash problem.
He may (may not) only relocate it, for his OWN interests, NOT the interest of Cayman.
Thanks for the obligatory Dart story so that we can bring in all the hate on Dart. But a story about installation art of derelict buildings seems to be clutching at straws to mention Dart.
9:19: Guess you are a big fan of the new 50 storey building coming next year from Dart. And you wonder why there is hate towards Dart? Bet you work for Dart.
You are so predictable and full of hate. Sad.
You are correct. I hate the idea of a 50 storey building built on the Seven Mile Beach Corridor. Hope a lot of other people start hating the idea too.
9.19am How about they bring Banksy in, that will draw hordes of tourists and who will care about derelict buildings?.
How do you know that Ken isn’t Banksy?
Who is Ken?
Please show some respect. It’s Kenneth.
Kenneth Bryant.
Isn’t there some environmental law or something whereby derelict buildings must be knocked down after X years? Even if that doesn’t exist, is there not any sense of outrage (moral or otherwise) within the Dart group that leaves the total eyesore of the old Hyatt hotel buildings standing for all Cruise and Overnight tourists to pass by daily, never mind the residents of Britannia who must have to pass them multiple times each day. For a developer who prides themselves on beautiful developments, there is no other inference to be drawn than the leaving of the derelict eyesores is nothing but a giant F-You to Britannia residents, Caymanians in general, and the tourists. There is no question that Dart will ever redevelop these buildings, they are likely beyond repair for purpose, but even if not, they are of low ceiling heights, etc, that simply would not be tolerated in any new urban development. The lack of interest in removing these buildings is borderline scandalous, along with the fact they’ve built a school and now homes next to a Dump. Does anyone in Dart ever step outside the bubble and just for a moment think, wtf are we doing?
Joey Hew – what do you say? Do you want to tell your masters they’re in breach of the law and subject to $25k a day fines
They’d have to fine themselves for John Gray, amongst others.
Joey has a conflict. Think about it next time you need a new fridge.
Joey has taken up cycling to raise money for luxury Cayman flagged yacht owners who have gone bankrupt.
That law does indeed exist. Dev & Planning Law Revision 2017, Land Adversely Affecting Amenity of Neighbourhood, Section 29 and all its sub-sections. Jail and $25K per day fines can be imposed. Off you go!
CNS Can you please do a story about this and why this isn’t being enforced.
CNS: I’m sure this is on Wendy’s list, but there’s plenty of skulduggery to keep her busy, so I can’t say when she’ll get to it, I’m afraid.
So we need to lock up just about everyone down Swamp then.
8.19, thanks however you are probably thinking of that other place where laws apply and are enforced, equally to all. That would not be here.
I am not sure I understand what exactly the purpose of “using some of the old Hyatt structures for an art installation” is? To blow smoke in one’s eyes?
Spraying a pile of $hit with a spruce smelling air-freshener achieves little, if anything.
Everything that is near the Dump, no matter how you present it, an Art or a luxury condominium, touches that $hit, aka The Dump, literally.
Millions of rotting iguana corpses and now thousands tons of sargassum seaweed create serious problems for human health, environment and wildlife. Both constitute organic waste and should never be mixed with household waste.
Organic waste significantly contributes to the production of methane and leachate. Leachate contaminates water sources, and methane contributes to global climate change and landfill fires.
Seaweed invasion created disposal problem on this 2 x 4 rock. CIG should be already working on what to do with the endless piles of rotting vegetation. Hauling tons of seaweed off beaches for disposal with few, if any access points for trucks would be a problem in the long run, if not already.
Decomposing vegetation, if left on beaches, generates toxic concentrations of bacteria and fungi in the sand, where sea turtles bury its eggs. The eggs would rot biologists say.
CIG focus must be on 3 major problems the country is facing today: TheDump, Traffic congestion and Education. Noting else should take priority over these 3 areas. They would cripple the country’s economy if not addressed ASAP.
Don’t forget Crime.
Brilliant! Such a good comment!!!!!! I agree with you 100%. Keep on keeping on!
Thank you Mr. Dart for everything you are doing! You know you’re doing something right when CNS and it’s haters are throwing shit as usual.
That’s a bit harsh considering how Dart rode roughshod over the condo owners. Do you rubberstamp everything he does? Are you on payroll?
No hatred. Just a genuine and well founded fear of our entire community becoming a company store, with too few participating in the profits. Every well run capitalist society prevents monopolies from developing. For some reason we choose to do nothing.
What my mind refuses to understand how ART can exist next to the dump? Has everyone gone bonkers? How anything, including a SCHOOL!!! can be built at the foot of the Dump?
Parents! Have you lost your freaking minds?
Why is it so hard for some to accept progress.
As of this morning, the dumbest comment.
I do not view a 50 storey building being built on a dinky tropical island as progress.
This culture has no concept of the future. Progress is bad. Third world is survivable. Back to third world.
Obviously you have been asleep the past 10 years if you have not seen the concept of the future. You ain’t seen nothing yet as Mount Trashmore becomes the biggest mountain in the region. You are right, progress is bad. I say that everyday I drive by Trashmore.
CIS should never have been built so close to the dump.
The only person that can fix the dump in this country is DART. The government can’t get anything done.
Wouldn’t be surprised if he put the school their on purpose to force the issue.
Let’s also not forget about the waste water leach fields right next to the dump…which are equally if not more toxic.
Maybe Cayman will be the first Caribbean destination over ridden with the bubonic plague?
Yes, it exists still.
Yes, you should be worried.
Add cholera and typhoid. Both spread through contaminated food and water.
Why is the dump not front and center in the news more often ? Surely this is the biggest threat to our islands (and children that somehow go to school right next door!)
The dump has been an issue for the AT LEAST last 3 decades. Dart bought it two years ago. Let the man sort it out as he’s the ONLY ONE here that can. Meanwhile, you can just continue to complain about it.
Development is good.
Caymanian owned construction companies employing Caymanian labourers get lots of business. Caymanian architects and draftsmen get lots of work. Caymanian owned real estate companies and Caymanian realtors make lots of sales. Government gets stamp duty every time something is sold.
Oh wait, shit…
At least we get full import duty on the construction materials, right?
You got a 5 million dollar six lane bypass, amongst many, many other things, as well as millions upon millions of import duty dollars. Go ahead, send the FOI. Bet you won’t. And yes, there was and is quid pro quo.
So Bobo, who we developing for? If not for Caymanians, why should we bother.
As for your highway, it doesn’t help Caymanians to work, live and play, does it? They have been exiled out east. Out of sight, and out of mind.
You have the Governments you elected to thank for all of that. No one else.
No, we have some current boards as well. They keep granting permissions that do not seem to be in the long term interests of Cayman or Caymanians. Even if laws were broken, there is no enforcement. Further, I like most people who make Cayman home, did not elect any of the characters responsible.
In which case, you don’t get to have an opinion. Also, don’t let the airplane door hit you…
11.08 You don’t need any help to live and play, but you need help to work.
Nobody needs to file an FOI to read the NRA Agreement. But, there is no provision in any version that allows or offsets for the dereliction to continue indefinitely. I challenge you to name the chapter and verse that spells it differently.
Interesting to see that a group from DART accompanied our politicians on their trip to Monaco.Shows how ingrained they are.
The fact that these projects keep getting approved and yet we are STILL waiting on a proper waste-handling facility should say it all. Getting as much money as he can, destroying the island in the process, before he dips and goes into a bunker.