Webb sentencing moved to 2020

| 12/09/2019 | 38 Comments
Cayman News Service
Jeff Webb with deposed FIFA president Sepp Blatter

(CNS): The sentencing hearing for Jeffrey Webb, who rose to the dizzy heights of global football management before being brought down in a massive FIFA scandal in 2015, has been put off for the tenth time. Although he was due to be sentenced this month, the former CIFA and CONCACAF president, who pleaded guilty to racketeering and other charges after he was arrested by the US authorities in Switzerland, has once again managed to delay his ultimate fate until next year.

According to reports in the football press, Webb’s lawyer secured his client’s tenth sentencing postponement by a Brooklyn Federal Court until March 2020.

While it appears that Webb is still cooperating with the US authorities on the continuing investigations into world football corruption, in particular Webb’s predecessor as CONCACAF president, Jack Warner, the delay has implications for cases here in the Cayman Islands.

Webb has not returned to his native Cayman since his arrest, and is living in the United States with his American wife and child. But he is wanted in Cayman, having been charged with corruption offences alongside his former business partner and close friend, Canover Watson, who was convicted in the hospital CarePay scandal.

While the crown has previously indicated that it wants to extradite Webb, until his case in the US is concluded, that is unlikely to happen.

Meanwhile, CNS understands that prosecutors here are also seeking to speak with Webb about another local football corruption scandal.

Watson, the former Cayman Islands Football Association treasurer, and Bruce Blake, the CIFA’s now suspended vice president, were recently charged with various offences relating to a long running Anti-Corruption Commission probe relating to financial discrepancies at the local football association, which also involves Webb, CNS has since learned.

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Category: Crime, USA, World News

Comments (38)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This appears closely related to the US extradition suit against Jack Warner of Trinidad. Warner lost his appeal in July and only has the Privy Council left. Once he is inside a US jail, the Webb case can be expected to move.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Sing baby saaaaannnnnnggggg! Jeff keeps spilling his guts to delay and reduce his prison time.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The indictment of this man is going to tear down several pillars of corruption on these islands.
    Define ‘treason’.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Bring our hero home!

  5. Gray Matter says:

    Does he still have to pay a security service and where a a security bracelet.

    • Timothy Ebanks says:

      no security bracelet

    • Anonymous says:

      You are not keeping up with the news. He is actually a free man . He works a 9-5 job . give him a call, he is dying to hear from you. He does not have to pay his own security bill, that’s long been gone.. ‘

  6. Anonymous says:

    If there’s any comfort in all of Jeff Webb’s sentencing delays it’s that he seems to be spending a whole lot to keep lawyers advocating for him, delay, delay, delay. Bet that co$t$ a big bundle! Won’t be much left for him.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Jeff boy you good. You must be singing like a canary bird, in trade for a reduced sentence, as the investigators need more time to do their research and keep postponing your sentencing. If I was you, I would stay in prison as long as I could…ā€¦.

    • Anonymous says:

      A few UDP era high fliers and hangers on should be worried that their role in all this has yet to be exposed.

      • Anonymous says:

        Who was it that was at the hotel when the arrests went down?

      • Anonymous says:

        These comments are so comical about other persons and their involvement. This investigation has been going on for years and supposedly Jeff is singing like a canary about these people, really? Who else other than Canover and Bruce has been implicated? You really think those charges are from Jeff talking? These allegations have been going on forever supposedly everyone that was close to Jeff was involved and he was going to take them down in return for a lighter sentence. It hasn’t happened, in the meantime FIFA has apparently blessed what CIFA has done since and will be releasing more money even after the supposedly significant questions about corruption in regards to the CIFA field and the administration. Time to move on people FIFA obviously has, the players have changed but the game hasn’t.

      • David S. says:

        Sharks gather wherever there’s blood. I knew It! If money is involved, you’ll find certain greedy politicians. We won’t be shocked.But it is inevitable.

    • Anonymous says:

      Donā€™t come back home thief!

    • David S. says:

      Stay in prison as long as l could? Are you warning or threatening Jeff?

  8. Anonymous says:

    Why not 2030?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Itā€™s Jack they want. We want Jeff!

  10. Anonymous says:

    He must still be very powerful, he seems to be controlling the system up there.what a hot messa,

  11. Anonymous says:


  12. Anonymous says:

    This is so ridiculous and merely a way for him to avoid an uncomfortable jail sentence as he will get credit for his in-house time. Any time left for him to serve can be done here, which means early release and a big welcome home party along with all of the congrats for paying his debt to society… lol ;o) wink wink nudge nudge ya know wha I’m sayin’..
    Crime really does pay ya’ll!

    • Anonymous says:

      Not all crime pays. This man obviously has so much information and cash that he can keep paying his lawyer to postpone his sentencing. His rainy day fund must be a really deep well.

    • Anonymous says:

      Except there is an outstanding warrant for him on the Carepay case


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