Policy expert to take up UK-EU job

(CNS): André Ebanks, the deputy chief officer in the community affairs ministry, known for his policy expertise, has a new appointment. The senior civil servant is moving from tackling the ingrained social problems of Cayman’s community to representing the territory in the UK and Europe at a particularly challenging time. Ebanks will take up the post of the Cayman Islands’ representative in London next month for a three-year term, taking over from Eric Bush, who is back home as chief officer in the premier’s new international trade portfolio.
As Cayman’s most senior official in the United Kingdom, Ebanks will promote the welfare of Caymanians there and develop the interests of the Cayman Islands Government in the UK and Europe, just as a likely no-deal Brexit looms on the horizon. As well as delivering consular services to Caymanians, including students, he will assist stakeholders by supporting government in the United Kingdom and Europe relating to its ongoing economic, political and socio-cultural interests.
In a press release announcing the new posting officials said that, as head of the office, Ebanks will be in charge of collecting and distributing data, as well as fostering and strengthening strategic links. He will be expected to promote and facilitate inward investment and represent the Cayman Islands in the United Kingdom Overseas Territories Association, the EU Overseas Countries and Territories Association, and at other official or ceremonial events.
Speaking of Ebanks’ move, Deputy Governor Franz Manderson said he was delighted to have found such a dynamic candidate to build on Bush’s progress.
“Great strides have been made in supporting professional development within the civil service. Mr Ebanks’ posting comes on the back of the civil service’s strong track record of secondments, succession plan consideration, performance tracking, and training both locally and aboard,” Manderson said.
Premier Alden McLaughlin, in whose ministry Ebanks works, said the job he was taking was “a vital role in maintaining and enhancing our relationship with the governments of the United Kingdom and throughout Europe”.
He added, “I have every confidence that André will do an excellent job in his secondment and continue to build on the excellent work done by Eric Bush over the last 3 years. As the UK continues to wrestle with the issues presented by Brexit and as we continue ourselves to deal with the complexities and challenges to our financial services industry as a result of initiatives largely driven by the European Union, it is vital we have a capable and willing Caymanian on the ground to represent our islands. I believe André will ably fulfill this role on our behalf.”
In preparing for his move and new job at the London office, Ebanks said he was excited about the role, its challenges and his priorities.
“The London office sits in the heart of the city, one of the political and economic capitals of the world and one whose country we share a constitutional link with,” he said. “As such, it serves at ground zero on the international frontline to protect and advance the interests of the Cayman Islands and all its residents. In view of Brexit, the UK faces its most complex and polarising political crisis since the Second World War,” he noted.
Ebanks said it will be critical for the Cayman Islands to closely monitor and determine how best to position itself in a post-Brexit world. “An immediate priority will be to assist Cayman map its strategic objectives in this potentially new global landscape. Brexit provides an opportunity to not only recreate our relationship with the UK as part of a revitalised Global Britain, but with the rest of the world,” he stated.
As the Cayman Islands’ representative, one of his first official engagements will be attending both Labour and the Conservative parties’ conferences in September, at a time of great change in British politics.
Bush, now chief officer for the ministry responsible for the London office said, “André Ebanks has the qualities needed to continue to raise Cayman’s positive profile in the UK and in Europe. During his familiarisation trips earlier this year I saw first-hand that André is capable and eager to continue and enhance the programme of political, commercial and cultural engagement on behalf of the Cayman Islands.”
Ebanks will be supported by Deputy Representative Charles Parchment, as well as two assistant representatives and a business manager. The Cayman Islands Government Office in the UK and Europe also houses representatives from the Department of Tourism and the Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands.
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Category: Government Administration, Jobs, Local News, Politics
First article ever with not a single rude comment about the subject! CNS should print it out and post it on the fridge.
Congratulations Andre. Having worked with you, I know how smart you are – book smart, people smart, culturally smart. Lovely chap, well deserved!!
Congratulations Andre!! Well done.
Congratulations André! I have no doubt you will do the position justice! Very proud of you!
Mr. Gil
Goodluck. Over there. You will need it my dear.
Big improvement.
Can we pray for Anon.
I am happy for his appointment to the UK Office, he is the most qualified person for the job after being in Financial Services. But, what a blow to the Ministry of Community Affairs. Finally someone of Chief Officer caliber comes along and they lose him. I have heard he was stronger than the present Chief Officer. Someone needs to ask why people don’t remain in this Ministry. Why are there so many issues with NAU?
10:52 stop listening to marl road nonsense. Andre and the present CO was a great team. In fact I congratulate the current CO for appointing Andre.
I am concerned that this is Andre 3rd job in a relatively short period. Hopefully he will settle in London and implement what he has learned from his past CO’s and continue to learn from Eric Bush.
So happy to see succession planning paying dividends in the civil service.
Intimidated much? Which past CO is this? Sounds like the last one who did not appoint him to the DCO role.
10:52. Such nonsense. Focus on the positive. A Caymanian has been promoted once again to head up our London Office. Remember that was not always the case.
I wish my private sector employer would promote Caymanians. I am seriously thinking of joining the civil service.
If it’s such nonsense, let’s do a poll on all Chief Officers? One just got moved to the Deputy Governor’s Office. One got moved to Of Reg. One was retired. Not saying all are bad, but Mr. Franz those who aren’t performing need to go. Otherwise excellent job.
Congratulation Andre. I am very proud of your achievement and I am confident that you will do a great job. Will keep you in my prayers and may God always be your guide.
Well done Andre,
It is a pleasure to have seen you grow from your early days at Ogier to where you are now.
Be proud and stand tall.
– Maximus
Very proud of you André. We know you will represent the interests of the Cayman Islands best.
Should not be too hard to find scotch bonnet up there bro.
Congratulations Andre and all the best in your new role. I will be praying for your protection and prosperity in the UK.
I have very fond memories of how very smart and talented you were from your very first job in the financial industry and I am confident that you will do us proud in the UK.
Congratulations again. Well deserved.
No mention of his qualifications for thisposition apart from being Caymanian. Following civil service protocol, I note he will gave a Deputy, and the Deputy will have two sub Deputies, allowing the boss to concentrate on socializing. Should any technical issues arise there will also be a “business manager” to do the dirty work.
To the Anon
Andre is a fully qualified lawyer, who I have have had the privilege of working with in the past he is a dedicated person with a vast amount of experience. I am sure Andre will represent Cayman with dignity and will work hard to promote Cayman in the UK. in the future please do not attempt to deface someone without knowing all the facts.
And please refrain from the anti Caymanian rhetoric
Doubt it is anti-Caymanian, more crab in the bucket stuff.
Whatever it was meant to be it was just plain stupid.. Andre is miles ahead of the person who held the post before him .
From all the comments, I have no doubt that this is a fine professional and will do a great job.
And I don’t give any credence to the implication that he will apply himself only to socializing, but all the same including his qualifications was a no-brainer — why not? I am sure he must be impressively qualified.
Well done, young man, wish you all the success you obviously deserve.
Yeah the qualifications part of the press release was weird. Problem is it was probably issued by his current Ministry of social services who didn’t want to talk about his real background (financial services) that makes him a good fit for this post.
So we get “tackling the ingrained social problems of Cayman’s community”. Which no policy analyst did, ever. Its not their Job Description. The job of the Ministry and Departments, maybe, but not the Policy Officers. But the improper breakdown of active-intervention and policy-support roles in Ministries like this one is a whole other topic.
I’m sure Andre did as good a job as possible when he got posted to that Ministry, but I can see why his previous experiences would be a better CV for his new post.
Anon I am so happy I don’t live in your negative world. Try not to comment without the facts.
I was reading the comments and waiting for it and you didn’t disappoint me with your jealousy and stupidity.
Perhaps you should have taken the time and researched his qualifications, listed in other articles when he was appointed as Deputy CO and his achievements and milestones in the financial and law industries before deciding to type this idiotic comment.
Delighted for him – but very sad to loose Andre from the Cayman Islands.
He was absolutely fantastic with Minister Panton in the Ministry of Financial Services. He truly got the commercial needs and the current reality of Cayman’s much beaten up international financial services industry. He knew the details and he knew people – a great asset to have!
You’ll do us proud, no doubt Andre!
You’ll do great, Andre. Congratulations!
Another capable appointment in our civil service. I am so proud of what I see happening in our civil service. Never before have I seen so many capable Caymanians being promoted. The operative work being capable.
What a loss for that Ministry as he was the person that was trying to make positive changes for the people of the Cayman Islands. Should have been a Chief Officer as he is a strategic person and a leader. Congratulations all the same.
Congratulations Andre. You will do Cayman proud.