Construction worker fell 20ft feet

| 07/08/2019 | 6 Comments
Cayman News Service
Vela Condos construction site, phase 2

(CNS): The Inspections Unit of the Department of Labour and Pensions has confirmed that it is investigating how a construction worker fell some 20 feet at a construction site in South Sound on Monday. At around 10:30am the man fell from one of the partially constructed buildings at the Vela Condos phase 2 location off South Sound Road. The man sustained a head injury but was still conscious when he was rushed to hospital by the emergency services.

No other details have been provide by officials about the incident but CNS has learned from other workers that the man had been pulling equipment on the second floor when he slipped off the edge of the building he was working in.


Category: Health, Medical Health

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  1. Anonymous says:

    You need to ask yourself this question, Who’s responsible for your safety at work? 99% will say the employer (wrong) you’re responsible for your own safety.

  2. Anonymous says:

    You fools need to shut up, al those stupid rules do is run up the operatingng costs and cut into profits. Open and unregulated markets are free enterprise. This is why we have a huge building boom going on now. We have a government that knows how to take care of business. Praise the unity team

  3. Anonymous says:

    Think this is Phase 3 as 1 & 2 already occupied.
    Sorry to hear & hope they are ok, but surprised we don’t hear about more such accidents. Rarely see workers here using safety harnesses.

  4. Anonymous says:

    health and safety in construction is a big joke around here
    a few big law suits will sort things out…
    including law suits against cig for failing to enforce their laws & regulations

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed but the damn law thats in existence is useless. Until the.Law contains fines that are levied when infractions are found then there will always be flaunting.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Looking at the photo-concrete invasion at full force. Mother nature is weeping.
    I hope worker’s compensation exists in the Cayman Island. This man has a long road to recovery.


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