77 road smashes in 10 days

(CNS): Crashes and traffic offences continue to plague Cayman’s roads, with 77 reported smashes in the first ten days of July, according to the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service. The RCIPS Traffic and Roads Policing Unit said it is doing its best to enforce the law to maintain safety, but after 270 speeding tickets were issued and 15 drunk drivers arrested last month, July is already shaping up to be even worse. In addition to the collisions, so far 75 traffic tickets have been given out and seven people caught behind the wheel drunk.
Last month, the unit issued 568 traffic tickets during targeted enforcement operations, with speeding the top concern after a spike in this offence last year, which has continued to get worse this year. Police said speeding violations are happening across all three islands, but the largest number of tickets were handed out along Esterley Tibbetts Highway, Yacht Drive and South Sound Road, followed by roads in the Eastern Districts on the weekends.
With 15 people arrested on suspicion of DUI in June and another seven so far this month, police are also concerned about the number of people driving after consuming alcohol and the impact that has on the number of smashes. Five people arrested for drinking and driving this month had been involved in collisions, and one was caught speeding.
“Preventing traffic collisions is a main objective of all of our enforcement, because prosecution and fines are a main deterrent for the road offences and reckless behaviour behind the wheel that cause deaths on our roads,” said Inspector Dwayne Jones, the new head of the Traffic and Roads Policing Unit. “But we know that enforcement alone cannot make our roads safer, so educating the public with our partners is also an important activity for us.”
He said officers were also clamping down on excessive tint, carrying unsafe load, goods or passengers, and illegally parking in disabled spots. So far this month officers have issued some 218 traffic tickets.
The TRPU conducted another traffic operation today (Thursday, 11 July) targeting heavy equipment vehicles. The police said that speeding by these vehicles has been a major concern voiced by Eastern District residents, especially when they appear to be carrying unsafe loads.
Inspector Courtney Myles, head of the Community Policing Department, said that at the Bodden Town Community Clinics last week, traffic violations by dump trucks and speeding along narrow streets was a major issue.
“This is especially worrying because the heavier the vehicle, the longer is required to come to a stop,” Myles added.
The RCIPS reminded drivers that when carrying a load of construction material, the load must be covered and secured so that it does not fall into the road and create a danger to other road users or litter. Overhanging loads must have a red flag to alert other road users to travel at a safe distance. Passengers are not allowed to travel on the back of flatbed trucks, or any vehicles.
Not long now before the first pedestrian is killed at one of the new Frogger pedestrian crossings (did the NRA have some extra stock of white paint or something?)
My gardener cant read or write but he got his drivers licence. Lol. He dont even know how to put my car in gear. I asked him how the hell you get licence. Me buy it he said. All me had to do was get me picture.
So there is your problem!!
My gardener is a billionaire in disguise who’s using that job to conceal his true identity
– another random anonymous untrustworthy person on the internet.
I don’t believe your story. Prior to Licencing taking a person’s photo for their licence, the person must have passed a written test and a driving test. You can get a short-term provisional licence with an out-of-country drivers licence.
7.46am.. yes and there are many out there like him. Can’t read, can’t write, can’t drive and don’t care. The police are selling us out. When are we going to learn that some of them are the root of our problems.
Absolute zero enforcement has caused this issue to be out of control. I never see any cops on the road ever! One day I was overtaken by a car on a blind curve and then 4 miles up a car decided they would just turn in front of me. I don’t know how many times I get into the car thinking is this going to be the time that someone kills me and my family due to their incompetent driving.
Also, most drivers do not respect the rules of a 4-way stop, i.e. “first come, first served”. A line of cars from one direction will pass through some 4-way stops ignoring other cars which were at the junction before them. “Give Way” means give way (yield) to the car at the junction – that is the one which has right-of-way!
In addition to poor driving habits observed on Cayman’s roads, the design and conditions of the roads is also a major factor contributing to accidents. Roads have lumps, bumps dips cause by poor repairs, hardened concrete droppings from cement trucks, poorly radiused turns, protruding curbs, poor and missing signage and markings, etc., etc. These are all caused by the road designers and those charged with up-keeping the roads. Directly cause by incompetent Government employees!!
Then the fact that the driving inspectors and testers don’t know the road codes and pass people to get their driving licence, thus adding to the number of incompetent drivers on the roads! Again caused by incompetent Government employees!!
The stretch of road leading from Locale to the tunnel is horrendous. A botched repair job that must be a nightmare for cyclists too. A real cowboy job. The NRA should be embarrassed by it. But they won’t be.
As a cyclist going north through the stoplight you have two options:
Go off roading
Go in the middle of the road
How can ANYONE down vote that comment? Have you ever driven that piece of road? The boss in charge of that ‘repair’ should be furious. You must be an NRA ‘worker’ if you think that is decent workmanship.
Replace all roundabouts with traffic lights!! I wonder why the govt. keeps adding new roundabouts when the people don’t know how to use even the existing roundabouts!
AL T roundabout, the lane to turn to industrial park is a hazard! People try to go through instead of turning when they are in the one that must exit and then the car on the inside wants to exit and almost smashes into the side of the idiot who is trying to continue around. I’ve had to lay on my horn too many times right there. While I don’t think the roundabouts should be lights, I do think you’re right that no one can bloody drive them!
Stop lights would work wonders, I tried to suggest that one be installed at the Newlands/Savannah intersection.
It is (way beyond) time that Cayman has a comprehensive and ongoing road safety campaign. It needs to be 52 weeks a year, not just a few weeks here or there. With some simple initiatives we could easily cut the amount of ‘accidents’ in half (or better).
We don’t seem to hear much from organizations such as MattSafe or the CI Road Safety Advisory Council these days. A few times a year the police make a big appeal and have a crackdown for a couple of weeks then it all seems to go back to “normal”.
We need the Police (especially traffic department), NRA, bars & restaurants, schools & colleges, media outlets, non-profit organizations, government leaders, taxi & bus drivers, DOT, and the general public ALL working together on a sustainable, continuous road safety campaign.
Also… The rainy season is upon us… Drivers need to reduce speed, increase distance between cars and to use low-beam headlights during rain squalls to enhance visibility. Often, during rain squalls, it seems that half of the cars have no lights on and are often still driving way too close for comfort.
And another thing… These new ‘mini-cars’ are an accident waiting to happen. First of all they are very small and will be hard to see at times. They also appear to offer little (if any) protection to the driver. And if they are riding around at slow speeds you know that impatient drivers will be rushing to overtake them. I fear this will one day end in disaster.
And one more thing… these companies that rent bicycles to tourists don’t seem to be properly instructing them to ride on the left side of the road. I see so many tourists with these rental bicycles riding on the right… er, I mean wrong!
I witness very poor and inconsiderate driving habits daily. Zipping between lanes at speed, without indicating, incorrect use of roundabouts….the list goes on.
But, I am yet to see a cop actually pull one of these bad drivers over and make an example of them.
Standing on the roadside with a speed camera is not the only way to deal with the problem.
I recently witnessed the governors official car driven by an RCIPS office, with His Excellency inside, use a roundabout without using any indication.
What hope do we have for enforcement???????????
happens every day….police do not use indicators 95% of the time…
I wonder how many of these smashes are caused by the fact people can drive cars, vans, trucks or whatever on the roads here that in most First World countries would only be fit for the crusher? I attended a tipper truck rollover a while back and the rear tires on the vehicle were either completely bald, flat or in one case both – it was a complete wreck.
One way to improve this situation is EDUCATION. There should be campaigns on the Radio, TV, Facebook, newspapers etc. over a long period. Anyone who gets a traffic ticket must follow a short training. When there are less accidents the insurance companies save a lot of money which should be spent on prevention by educating the public.
There is no fear that poor driving habits will result in a ticket. It’s nice to see the occasional radar set up on Linford Pearson, but Police need to pull people over and ticket them if they break the law when they see them. I see plenty of infractions everyday, so I know they MUST witness them also.
Start with black out license plates.
Over tinted windows
Passing and speeding on West Bay Road (mostly buses and taxis)
The four way “stop” on Hospital Road
The U turn in front of the Humane Society
I wonder how many of those crashes are due to people thinking they can use the left lane to turn right on roundabouts…. if you cause a crash that’s dangerous driving and should warrant a driving ban
and indicate left all the way around as well, what is going through their heads?
With one solitary exception(who shall remain unnamed), nobody on this rock can drive worth shit!
Thanks for noticing me.
1/2 them accidents is scared Philipino women.
Speed cameras all over the island!! And then actually do something with that footage!!!!
Studies in the UK show that speed cameras only have a very limited impact on road safety. The thing RCIPS really needs is ANPR but for that to work properly you need a vehicle and driver registration system that can be accessed in real time by the cameras – I don’t ever see that happening here!
Unless they have them every few hundred metres, the island is so small that anyone can just remember their locations and slow down then speed up. I can name 90% of the cctvs in GT off the top of my head.
Welcome to The Carnage Islands!
The most common paint swap scenarios involve those that feel they’d prefer not to yield to traffic right-of-way, feel they have waited long enough and are going to go, or can’t stay in their lane. We are constantly taking evasive action to avoid those (perhaps not even licensed to drive) that seem to believe they can pull out when and wherever they’d like to. Especially when not their turn to do so.
And some of them pull out in front of you then proceed to drive down the road at 17 miles per hour! Unbelievable!
What is even considered speeding, like 45 in a 40? 50 in a 40? or are we talking lightning McQueen.
Doesnt matter. Its 20$ for every mile over the limit.
It actually does. Those radars AND speedometers have some margin of error – no instrument is 100% accurate. Adding all factors together, you need some room of uncertainty eg 40mph +/- 5 or 10 mph.
The old guideline was no more than 6 miles over the limit but if I do get to that limit, there are people passing by me like I am standing still!!!
I am honestly tired of the selfish people speeding (racing), changing lanes without indicating and generally antiganozing everyone else who has to share the roads with them.
“What is even considered speeding, like 45 in a 40? 50 in a 40?”
I can see where the schools really have an uphill battle.
Anything above the speed limit one would presume…
This is what happens when people that do not obey or know the rules/laws of the road teach someone to drive, then they go to someone for their test to get their license who just give them a pass without any consideration for other road users. Just look at the cops driving round and round, left and right the go with no indication as to where they are going.
To 12/07 2:15am – “These people” now consist of 130 different nationalities, including many from your own country no doubt! Of course there’ll be “mental issues” – not to mention the large number of drivers from far afield who have never previously “driven” anything other than a scooter, tuk-tuk, rickshaw or a donkey!
The problem is overcrowding the roads (caused by overcrowding the island), very poor driving habits by many and the lack of a proper bus system!
Absence of Public bus system.
The problem is that for our $50mln a year, there are only a handful of blind police out of a payroll >400, tasked to loosely working select elements of traffic duty, and for only a couple weeks of the year when they feel like putting on a show. There aren’t patrol cars regularly dispersed in the community at all times and so wait times are over 20 mins even in emergency response situations. This continuing permissive enforcement strategy is why we have crashes (many of which flee the scene), DUIs, wheelying dirt bikes, and high rates of opportunistic crimes. The RCIPs are officially registering maybe a quarter of what’s actually going on, hence public frustration.
We have crashes because people drive like idiots. Period.
that is a staggeringly high amount of accidents for a population of 70K. I mean, that’s ALOT. I can guarantee, that if we took ANY town in america. With a similar size. We would not even get a 1/4 of the accidents in that duration. And I blame it on the roundabouts, mostly. We are too small to be doing it the way the UK does. And you can see they are finally getting it, by editing the roud abouts by the airport. LEFT or outer lane should exit IMMEDIATELY on the first exit. The Inner lane should be for 2nd, 3rd and 4th exits. This would prevent so many accidents.
And enforce it with the same types of markers they are now putting on the new round abouts. With signage that clearly states “if you are in this lane, you MUST turn left on the first exit”.
Instead of dumbing down, and altering our road system to suit the lowest common denominator, perhaps road users could behave like adults, educate themselves in how to drive responsibly, and how to use a roundabout correctly; and then we can all just get on with it. It is sad that in this day and age, we are more inclined to treat adults as large immature children.
Perfect world doesn’t exist. There is always will be
1) teenagers who just got their license or permit = unexperienced 2) elderly = attention and decision making problems 3) people on medication 4) people on drugs 5) people who always speed=aggressive 6) tired people 7) people on the phone 8) sick people driving to a doctor 9) gawking visitors 10) visitors who used to drive on the other side of the road 11) drunk drivers.
That is why there never was and never will be a perfect driver on any road in the world.
@8:26 am I find your comment lacking wisdom and basic knowledge of the human nature.
Same factors apply everywhere. So why is the accident rate here higher, and why should we amend rules that work perfectly well everywhere else? Surely the problem is with the standards of driving we permit, the quality of the licensing approval system and enforcement rather than saying we need to make road rules simpler for tired drugged, senile, or just those not able to drive under a standard set of road rules.
Cooperation is one of the main traffic rules. You could be ill, tired or senile one day. Your son could be taking that first independent trip. Pray that he doesn’t encounter someone who believes in his supremacy on the road.
Not at all. I have had more than half a century of experiencing human nature. I for one do not accept the modern excuses, which just boil down to sheer laziness and inability or unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s actions. People have a tendency to live up to, or down to, the expectations you set for them. I choose to hold people to a higher standard than that which appears to be the acceptable norm here.
but it’s that is what is happening now? You are wishing that everyone drives correctly, but they do not. You cannot fix it. So dumbing it down FIXES the problem.
I do not see the problem here?!
Make the round a bouts no brainers. And the staggering amount of accidents decrease or cease.
And what ever happened to basics like indicating and not crossing a solid white line aka driving in the bike lane!!!
Not fair to compare Caymanian and Jamacian drivers with American ones. American people are brought up to think of others also.
as someone who has just driver I95 from Miami to Palm beach i strongly disagree with your statement
All or nearly all american drivers use blinkers, automatically
You have clearly never driven in Miami….indicators optional and apparently most dont know their cars have them!!
But most idiot drivers here have blinkers on and don’t know, and don’t care where the real ones are.
And stop comparing Caymanians to Jamaicans. Most if us also brought up to respect others & obey laws. Will admit most young people these days have one Jamaican or Hispanic parent so standards slipping.
Not in the state of Florida!!!
i agree generally but you are not correct regarding the roundabout…
if you are in the left lane of a roundabout….you have the option of turning left or going straight through. you must signal correctly though.
I am a female and don’t understand why roundabouts is such a problem with so many drivers.
In Dominican republic drivers are forced to slowdown by speed bumps on the approach to a roundabout. The actual roundabout has additional speed bumps. Traffic slows a bit, but keeps moving and there is no room for an error.
Fully functioning bus system would take 50% drivers off Grand Cayman roads.
And the bus drivers should dress properly and have their mouths clean (language)
you can put a thousand buses on the road, in these Cayman Islands who owns a car gonna drive that car once it is working!
A lot of it can be solved if drivers learn how to stay in their lane and the left lane is the slow lane… if passing, pass on the right. Is it that difficult for moron drivers to comprehend? So if you find someone riding your ass in the right lane as you’re bumbling along at the same pace as the car to your left it’s probably me!
Perhaps if speeders werent constantly swapping lanes, people would have a chance to move into the left lane!
you should already be in the left hand lane, unless you are overtaking
Dear me, nothing changes on this island!! These people are plagued with mental issues without a doubt!
I policed this island many years ago within the Traffic Department and it seems the same idiots are using these roads like a race track. They have no comprehension of road safety and the ‘don’t care less’ attitude is alarming. If you aren’t sure how to use roundabouts safely and competently, you slow your vehicle down not speed up! I think lessons on road use involving roundabouts should be put in place before anymore deaths are caused. There’s motor vehicle accidents every day all over the world and it’s mainly down to speed, but this island takes the biscuit in the high amount of accidents…..most incidents here shouldn’t be called accidents because they are purposely committed by idiots! It’s only 25 miles long people, you haven’t got the roads for speed. Where are you all rushing to?
Reading Traffic Cause Lists, there are a staggering number caught that never earned a driver’s license from anywhere. That should be automatic jail time, and/or adiós muchachos.
Ever seen the standard of the Cayman Islands driving instructors? Shocking comes to mind
Is there a breakdown of Caymanians vs visitors available?
50% caymanian and 50% jamaican.
Hope that answers your question.
he asked about VISITORS.
And of the Caymanians, 40% are Jamaican, 20% Honduran, and 10% North American or European.
Ever tried driving 25mph down West Bay Road I can guarantee at least one taxi will overtake you.
It was stupid to take the limit on that stretch from 40 to 25. 30 is more reasonable. Especially for a major road! NOBODY goes 25 so if you try, yes, you will be overtaken.
Doesn’t anyone remember the number of pedestrians that got mowed down when the speed limit was 40? 25 is appropriate- if you want to go faster take the highway parallel. Once you are on the old road you can do the speed limit for the short distance to your destination. Why is everyone in such a rush on this island!!?
And then randomly stop without signal a quarter mile ahead.
easy, free, money making solution:
treble all speeding fines
fit police cars with dash cams to record all offences and fine people in the post.
How about just enforcing the law? When there is more accidents then there is enforcement the problem should be obvious. Local drivers (especially the bus drivers)treat the traffic laws as if they are just guidelines with no problems for them if they don’t follow them. Drive accordingly.
Local bus drivers, for the most part, are not local, if you suggest that means originally from here.
Yawn……………….what else is new, utter lack of enforcement has created a Mad Max attitude on our roads.
Sounds about right.
Been on the road since 1977 and here in Cayman since 1981. I have a near-miss daily , often two to three. Worst offenders are non compliance with lane selection on round-about’s by far . Just no idea of how to merge into & out of the lanes , people doing a 270 degree passage on the circle in the OUTSIDE lane , cutting off all other motorists who are both in the correct lane and indicating. Next: Lane chopping in the busy periods mornings and evening , cutting you off to gain a one-car advantage . Next; Speeding with no comprehension of safety and the outcome of what happens when all that mass hits something, hopefully not another motorist or cyclist/ pedestrian. Shocking road etiquette to other drivers . The only saving grace is this one facet is offset by mostly regular road etiquette by other more conscientious drivers . Where are all the maniacs going at such high speed , island 20 mile long ?
It’s a free for all around here for sure.
The road code is insane as it allows cars in the outside lane to travel right around roundabouts. Cars entering roundabouts on the outside line should be exiting on the first exit.
Drunk driving is only part of the problem with the added danger adding of sober drivers that have blatant disregard for road rules and disrespect of fellow drivers.
Like Death Race 2019 out there.
So right: too often I have seen vehicles making a right turn on a roundabout and they are in the left lane all the way. Stupid is as stupid does: there is no cure.
8:50 a round about is circle of 360 degrees that’s not against the law!
But it’s terribly reckless!!
The Road Code does not allow what you state in your first paragraph.
Outer lane = 1st or 2nd exit.
Inner lane = 2nd exit or greater.
Indicating ALL the time.
Entering into a roundabout in the outer lane and exiting beyond the first exit should be an offence. This how it works in Europe.
And how many people do you see using indicators on roundabouts. Counting cars that don’t use indicators you’d quickly run out of fingers and toes!
Incorrect. Exiting beyond the first exit is NOT an offence “in Europe”. You may go straight ahead from either the right or left hand lanes, but the “inside lane” has right of way at the exit if there are fewer lanes on the exit road (so, in the UK, the left-hand lane would have precedence and the right-hand lane would have to give way.
I am currently in the UK and have driven extensively in France and Spain as well as occasional driving elsewhere. They all have the same rules (though the opposite way around, as most drive on the other side of the the road, of course).
is stopping and then reversing on a roundabout because you went passed your junction illegal, seen that 4 times in 2 years.
Start arresting idiots for dangerous driving who use the left lane to turn right on roundabouts!
and do it while signaling left all the way around. and they think that is he way they are meant to do it.
keep up the good work RCIP…when it start hitting their wallets…maybe they learn…excelkent jobs!!!!
and yes i am a native…
12 month ban for anyone using a phone whilst driving
And that’s without snow…
Common issues on our roads…
– speeding (or driving to slowly)
– overtaking in turn lane
– tailgating
– weaving in and out of traffic
– not using indicators
– children not secured properly
– running stop signs
– changing lanes in the middle of a roundabout
– texting while driving
– riding bicycles on wrong side of road
– bicycles at night with no lights
– vehicles with no visible plates
– parking on double yellow lines
I could go on…
You forgot to mention a certain Caribbean country who produces drivers who tick all the boxes you’ve listed.
8.06pm – Racist!.
9:09am Truth, imagine is racist now, wow.
Truth don’t care about your feelings.
5.58pm You included one of the most common errors ( not using indicators) but not another equally common and more dangerous problem, running traffic lights on red.
Yes the mindset is, if the light is on red and the vehicle in front of you goes through, follow him. Jacques Scott cross roads is famous for this.
50% of drivers from JA where rules are made to be broken. 25% would never own a car if they weren’t in Cayman. 25% of us left that try to drive properly.
failing to look right when going onto a roundabout – especially the roundabout at Kings Gym/lions Centre