Archive for July 1st, 2019

Cops reel in another drug canoe
(CNS) Two local men and one Jamaican are currently in custody after police came across what they suspected was a drug-loaded canoe while on patrol on the beach around Prospect Point early Friday morning. According to the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, the officers spotted two men near a beached white canoe with several bags […]

Regulator approves CUC hike
(CNS): The Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg) has approved CUC’s application for a base rate increase, beginning with power used last month, in accordance with the monopoly power provider’s licence. CUC said its customers would “see a marginal increase in the energy charge component of their bills” for the electricity they had already used […]

Petition verification begins in NS and EE
(CNS): The Elections Office said Friday that it had begun the door-to-door verification of the signatures on the Cruise Port Referendum petition in the districts of North Side and East End. While its decision to verify every single one of the 5,300 names on the document submitted last month has sparked an increasingly polarizing debate, […]

Thieves make off with Honda from Dump Rd bar
(CNS): A white Honda Civic was stolen from outside Vic’s Bar on Seymour Drive, also known as the Dump Road, in George Town sometime between 11:30am Sunday, when it was parked there, and 3:15am Monday, when the owner discovered it was missing. Police are now looking for the 1998 model registration# 124 120. Anyone who […]