Port Authority chair retires at critical time

| 13/06/2019 | 43 Comments
Cayman News Service

Port Authority of the Cayman Islands

(CNS): Government has announced that the chairman of the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands (PACI) Board, Errol Bush, has retired for personal reasons. The octogenarian steps away from the important job at a critical time, as the government tries to steer through its cruise and cargo project. Bush will be temporarily replaced by Deputy Chairman Arek Joseph, who is also the chairman of the Public Procurement Committee (PPC), which is currently analysing the final bids for that project, something that will inevitably raise further allegations of a serious conflict of interest.

In a press release from the premier’s office announcing the retirement of Bush, officials said Cabinet will appoint his replacement, though no timeline was given. Little else was said in the release, which reviewed Bush’s career with the authority before he became the board chair.

Deputy Premier Moses Kirkconnell, who has responsibility for PACI, thanked Bush for his loyalty to the authority and the people of Cayman, who depend on the port for employment and the safe delivery of goods. “His service to the Cayman Islands has been invaluable.”

Bush joined the Port Authority in 1979 as deputy port director of finance and became port director in 1986, where he stayed until December 2001. He was appointed board chair in August 2013.

Bush said he had seen many changes since he began his career with the port, such as implementing a computer system, buying property and the development of the north and south cruise terminals.

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Comments (43)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    i not retiring here.. supporting rich and politicians…i go another country where my money go further…and i am a native…now i wait for some politician comment?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Another day in Absurdistan.

  3. Anonymous says:

    “Bush will be temporarily replaced by Deputy Chairman Arek Joseph, who is also the chairman of the Public Procurement Committee (PPC), which is currently analysing the final bids for that project”

    Lmao you cannot make this sh*t up

    • Anonymous says:

      Stop all these fake news reports, our leaders know they have good qualified people in charge so Mr. Joseph will do an excellent job on both positions. Praise our Unity Government.

      • Anonymous says:

        Please help me understand what is fake about what was reported.

        • Anonymous says:

          Just as a starter…The PPC is NOT “currently analyzing the final bids for that project” as reported by CNS.

        • Anonymous says:

          That you trouble makers are always claiming our leaders are doing something wrong. Our leaders are only trying there best for Cayman and to help our economy flourish. Your kind need to leave here.

          • Anonymous says:

            My kind were born here, son. We’re not going anywhere. This type of comment you made doesn’t help anything, but encourages a Caymanian vs. expat narrative where it isn’t relative to the conversation.

            • Anonymous says:

              Well sir, without all of the rich developers coming in, our country would not be in very good shape economically. How much have you invested in developing the country? Wake up and understand we need to do the port upgrade to keep our strong status. Thank you Premier!

              • Anonymous says:

                Mac/Alden/PPM/UDP Bot.

                You try but you fail to convince us young people, none of you are trusted to act in our future best interest .

            • Anonymous says:

              They don’t like ex-pats much do they?

          • Anonymous says:

            @1:13pm – “Your kind”? Sorry sweet cheeks, I’m a Caymanian and I ain’t going nowhere.

      • Anonymous says:

        Its not about Mr. Joseph. Its about good governance. Where a conflict of interest exists it should be removed immediately. Where there is the potential for conflict of interest or the appearance of conflict of interest it should be avoided at all cost. Government should never ever have the people on the Procurement Committee also sit on other boards… because it puts them in a conflicted position. You cant have someone scrutinize (as part of one committee) their own project (as a member of another committee).

        • Anonymous says:

          10.21 what you say is correct in principle, except that the cruise piers are not “their own project”.
          Believe it or not the Port Authority are not involved in the project which the government are undertaking.

      • Anonymous says:

        We would wish it was fake news, but regrettably it is true.

        A gross violation of government attempting to legitimise Conflict of Interest.

        Mac and Alden try as you may corruption cannot be legalised, even children recognise it.

        Arek do not let them use you and tarnish your name.

  4. Anonymous says:

    PPM is no different than the UDP

    • Anonymous says:


      PPM IS the UDP! McKeeva is still running things and Alden a mere puppet without a mind, without a plan and without any substance. Just because he wants to be able to say that he will be the first Premier to hold office for two consecutive terms.

      Just like Nero. Fiddling while Rome burns.

  5. SOS says:

    Errol Bush is literally jumping ship before things get really rough. He sees the iceberg ahead and decided he’s not going down for this as Chair of PACI

  6. Anonymous says:

    They have got to be kidding me!!! Who in their right mind does not see the ABSOLUTE Corruption in this is blind. Mr. Joseph, if I was you I would decline this offer for your on integrity and peace of mind.

    • Anonymous says:

      In 40 years they implemented a computer system, developed south and north terminals and bought land. So when do you think they will get the new port built?

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, of all the people I have concerns about being involved in potential corruption, Joseph is not one of them.

    • Anonymous says:

      PACI is only involved in running the Port, and has no say in the design or contract award of the cruise piers.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Alden has finally lost the plot.
    Time for the lame duck premier to resign and call early elections.

  8. Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      This Premier and his deputy reminds me of the great orange hope. They don’t even care about the optics any more. No shame, no conscience. Must be the sargassum fumes driving them all crazy!

      • Anonymous says:

        How can they care about the optics when they are both fronts for Mac and commercial interests?

  9. Call 911 says:

    Does Premier Alden McLaughlin and Deputy Premier Moses Kirkconnell understand the meaning of conflict of interests?

    Have they sought any advice from the Attorney General?

    Do they understand how the appointment of the Chairman of the Public Procurement Committee Arek Joseph makes them all look really suspect and complicit in allegations of corruption and public malfeasance?

    This lot are even worse than McKeeva Bush’s UDP which was riddled with scandal and ended with allegations of corruption and abuse of public office by then Premier and members of the cabinet that forced direct involvement of the FCO.

    Arrogance is a helluva thing! Call 911

    • Anonymous says:

      If Mr Joseph wants to hold on to whatever bit of integrity he should really refuse this. Thank you Mr. Bush, imagine you have been there from 1979 with a absence span of 9 years or so. You have seen a lot of water under the bridge!! Who stays on a board for 40 years, not even the owners of large corporation. You really deserve a medal!

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh please, advice from who?


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