Crown accepts plea from man who attacked mother

| 04/06/2019 | 13 Comments
Cayman News Service

Jeffrey William Powery

(CNS): Prosecutors have accepted an admission by Jeffrey William Powery (33) that he seriously assaulted his mother with intent to do her harm in a violent incident in December at her West Bay home. The crown had originally charged Powery with attempted murder but he had denied trying to kill Jolene Powery, while admitting GBH with intent, which carries a similar tariff. His mother was left in a coma after she sustained a serious head injury from a rock, and is now understood to be going through lengthy rehabilitation in the United States.

Prosecutors said they would need a medical status update on the victim ahead of Powery’s sentencing, which will take place later this year. In the interim, Powery, who has been in jail since his arrest in December, was remanded back into custody.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This punk beat his mother on a regular basis for the little money she had so he could buy drugs!. The West Bay Police know this. One morning I assisted her on the side of the road after she’d run from her home; her mouth and one eye were bloody and swollen. The Police were in attendance. On the afternoon that she was almost fatally battered I saw her on the side of the road near her home, clutching her handbag. I also saw Jeffrey leaving the house and crossing the road to the beach. I can’t but help wonder if he was then going to get the rock to batter her senseless!

    “Cool guy and kind-hearted” – my ass!! I hope the Courts will get consider prior Police reports from WB Police Station when they get ready to sentence him!!

    • Anonymous says:

      THUMBS UP!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      There is another one that beats and sexually molest his mother whom now has mental issues , and physically abusing his handicap brother to the point he is in and out of the hospital regularly and trys to run away.

  2. Anonymous says:

    How about make it mandatory for teachers to report students to the mental health unit when they see that these children need help. Rather than ignoring it and allowing them into society and the children become adults that never get help.

    Or instead of putting that pressure on the teachers. Every single school aged child must undergo mental health checks every single year while a student in the Cayman Islands whether attending private or public school.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Not Just him, but there are many people here with mental, physiological issues, who can’t access the treatment they need. Ever increasing and seemingly manufactured pressures from life contribute to the disfunction of families and it continues to grow. Which one of us can access health care without first wondering how the bill will affect the ability to purchase other things like food, water and shelter etc. Thats just one example of added pressure.

    I hope he gets help as well as many who need it. Hope his mom recovers.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Very sad all around. I pray for him and his Mother.

  5. Schoolteacher says:

    His mother XXXX No, I do not condone what he did to his mother but I do not think he got the proper help he needed when he was young. So he harboured serious issues with his mother. I do hope gets the help he needs and I do hope his mother recovers fully. Mental health plus drug usage is a serious problem in Cayman

    • Anonymous says:

      Mother use to take him to drug dens to purchase crack and consume and leave him in a filthy mess for hours with soiled pampers etc when he was young and this has stuck with him and that is why he is all mental. I’m not defending what he did to his mother but she contributed a lot to his behavior today. ” Children live what they learn”. this situation goes a long way back….

  6. Anonymous says:

    Another good Caymanian let down by the system. Hopefully he gets help before he is released.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I’ve known Jeffrey for a number of years. Cool guy and very kind hearted, but I always thought something was seriously wrong upstairs. It was very evident in his eyes.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Lock him up for 30 yrsrs for what he did to his mother and what he did to tax payers. For we know we have to foot her overseas medical bill.


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