DoE: Barefoot Beach project won’t need EIA

| 19/06/2019 | 47 Comments
Cayman News Service
Barefoot Beach

(CNS): Experts from the Department of Environment have concluded that a proposed hotel development on Barefoot Beach off the Queen’s Highway in East End, land now owned by one of Dart’s network of companies, will not need to do an environmental impact assessment. The DoE said the developer already has plans to install turtle friendly lighting, will not be touching the beachrock along the shoreline of the proposed location and will be using only native plants for landscaping, as well as preserving a critically endangered plant in the area.

Despite the ongoing criticisms by developers about the National Conservation Law and claims by government that the legislation is hindering development, the DoE has shown, once again, with its recommendation to the National Conservation Council that this is simply not the case. While it has outlined a number of issues to be considered, the environmental experts found that there is no need for the developer to undertake a full-scale EIA.

“The proposed development does not require an EIA as there are no adverse significant effects considered likely,” the department stated in its screening report, which will be discussed at the NCC meeting, today. “The proposed development has included embedded mitigation and enhancement measures to reduce the environmental impact of the development.”

The DoE even suggested there may be significant beneficial effects of the project with the generation of jobs and spending within the Eastern Districts as well as the removal of an invasive plant and plans to conserve the native inkberry. The implementation of a no-pet policy will also protect the lion lizards and blue iguanas, which may use the site.

The proposed project, which will be on Dart-owned property, is being described as an eco-resort, including 89 low-rise cottages. The developer remains a mystery, though NCB is said to be constructing the resort, which has not yet secured planning permission.

The site was once earmarked for a Mandarin Oriental resort which never happened, and in 2015 Sparrow Hawk Ltd, a subsidiary of the Dart conglomerate, bought the land for $10 million.

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Category: development, Local News

Comments (47)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    so much anti-dart comments….?
    cayman greatest ever developer in terms of expenditure, quality and and environmental protection

  2. Anonymous says:

    89 cottages don’t require an EIA? Really….. hmmmm…. sounds like apathy has struck the DoE.

    Toodalooooooooooo Cayman Islands. It was real nice while it lasted.

  3. Anonymous says:

    “The DoE even suggested there may be significant beneficial effects of the project with the generation of jobs and spending within the Eastern Districts as well as the removal of an invasive plant and plans to conserve the native inkberry. The implementation of a no-pet policy will also protect the lion lizards and blue iguanas, which may use the site.”

    Thank you DoE.

  4. Anonymous says:

    He was instrumental in preventing thst developer from cutting a Harbour through the urinshire in the blowhole area of East End. Way to go!,

  5. Anonymous says:

    Any bets the sargassum on that beach is cleared quicker than along south sound (some removed but more still coming in)? None removed east of Prospect Point community centre.

    • Anonymous says:

      Remember the beach “does not belong to us” normally we are not allowed to set foot on it so how will it get clean pray tell?

      • Anonymous says:

        You can walk on all our beaches as long as you access using the Public Access points (brown sign with swimmer).
        Pray tell what you are actually trying to say

      • Anonymous says:

        Who is “us”? Pray tell. I set my feet on it all the time with no problems. Why did you get kicked off? Were you one of the Caymanian robbers?

    • Anonymous says:

      None removed on Brac.

  6. Born Caymanian says:

    Barefoot Beach is a great place for swimming, relaxation, and quiet times … Now, it is a shame the government couldn’t capture the land, and make a public beach for both locals and visiters to enjoy. I am sadden…


  7. Anonymous says:

    Dart must be trying to make Grand Cayman be like new York City!

    • Anonymous says:

      Right. Now theres some rational thinking.

      • Anonymous says:

        No EIA study will be needed because he doesn’t plan to touch wha God put. Sounds like Uncle Dart learning.
        Let’s make our pro port Government bow to us now too..

  8. Anonymous says:

    As an East Ender, I am delighted that the DoE has given its blessings to this project. Development of this sort once friendly to our environment and provides jobs for our people is always welcome. To the developers, I do hope that you will consider our East End Contractors, tradesmen during the construction phase and other requisite staff that would also be required after completion.

    • Anonymous says:

      There’s a brilliant contractor that lives across the street. I hope they plan on giving him a lot of work!

    • Anonymous says:

      @11:01 I agree with you. However if that MLA you all have decides to lay down in front of the construction equipment nothing going to get built.

    • Anonymous says:

      Great now the DOE is to commerce and financing, jobs verses the envorinment? Bo Bo once you throw concrete down, increase foot traffic, sewage systems and parking lots you are destroying the envorinment. Pretty up as much as you want but we still having traffic problems and clearing the wetlands to put the bypass is not the solution.

  9. Anonymous says:

    In Dart I trust…

    • Anonymous says:

      I trust them more than I trust the politicians!!

    • Johnny Rotten says:

      Ashes to ashes, Dart to dust, or that’s what I’m hoping the un-jaded younger generation realise and quit selling out to megalomaniacs.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Why would Dart (the effective government) need approval from itself?

    • Anonymous says:


      “Experts from the Department of the Environment have concluded…..

      If you knew anything at all 10:28am, you would know that the “experts” in that Department says and does as they wish….

      SIPL on Barefoot Beach please.

      Shine the light!

      • Anonymous says:

        Well if you knew anything 10:52 you would know how to match plural subjects with appropriate vowel forms.

        • Anonymous says:

          Ouch! That hurts…

          Pedantic 10:52am appears not.

          10:52am just has an effective way of communicating thus the raw nerve the post hit in you, 2:49pm.

          You are not only an “environmental expert” but also an English grammar expert. Bravo!

          Make sure that your files are in order. SIPL.. shine the light!

        • Anonymous says:

          2.49pm ‘ appropriate vowel forms’. Didn’t you mean ‘match plural subjects with plural verbs’?

    • Anonymous says:

      yawn….cheap anti-dart sound-bite…

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s anti-government not anti-Dart. What business man would control the government if he could. Do you have guilty conscience?

    • Anonymous says:

      Any concern for red shanks and soldier crabs?

    • Anonymous says:

      Why would a some one allude that their own government is run by Dart? Is it because Dart knows how to run a successful business unlike most of the wanna be businesses here and most definitely the Cayman government. The only way CIG could make a million dollars is to start with a hundred million.

      • Anonymous says:

        Let them make noise. Like it or not, Dart have injected significant amount of money in this economy. Make no bones about it, Dart like any business person does business to make a profit. However they have also contributed back to the various communities across the island.

        We. Complain that he is buying up everything, so we the hell dont we get together and do the same? You want to know what stops us??? The Crab in a barrel mentally.

        • Anonymous says:

          No. It is more fundamental than that. It is a lack of wealth and a lack of vision from CIG. Point of Sand should never have been sold to Dart, and government should have purchased Barefoot Beach and other properties as national parks.

          Oh, you say, but what if Dart offers more money for the properties? Well, that’s the problem isn’t it? He can and will buy all three islands eventually, and we will continue to enjoy the scraps from his table.

      • Anonymous says:

        Really? WTFU

      • Anonymous says:

        You just described the Dart business model. He’s doesn’t seem too concerned about making money right now. Once he has the leverage of a virtual monopoly across multiple business sectors, watch out. He’s all about leverage.

    • Anonymous says:

      Stop being an ass.

    • Anonymous says:

      Did you make the same dumb comment when Dart was, quite rightly, refused permission to move the beach rock adjacent to the Kaaboo ground?


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