New opposition leader takes aim at Miller

Arden McLean in the LA, April 2019
(CNS): In his first public statement as opposition leader, Arden McLean took aim at his predecessor, Ezzard Miller, accusing him of staying on the job too long and reneging on a commitment made during the post-election closed-door talks two years ago. As the ink was drying on the instruments of his appointment, McLean’s office issued a press release stating that Miller should have stepped down five months ago “as he had originally agreed to do”. But Miller has persistently denied making any formal deal to resign as opposition leader before the end of the current administration.
The new opposition leader and member for East End, which is now the constituency with the fewest voters on Grand Cayman, also implied that he was ready for a fight with the current government.
“I am humbled that my fellow independent members have honoured the succession plan we agreed some 23 months ago,” he stated in the release. “I look forward to working with them all to ensure that Cayman’s success story is shared by everyone. I know this won’t be an easy task as regrettably, we have individuals in the system that are hell bent on preserving Cayman Islands’ prosperity for a select few. However, as I have learned from my time at sea ‘a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor’, so I am battle ready.”
Alva Suckoo (Newlands), who has now been reappointed as deputy leader, having stepped down from that job during the row with Miller over the leadership role, also made a dig at Miller’s “five extra months at the helm”, as he thanked the North Side member for his contribution as the opposition leader.
“I am now however encouraged that we have a person, in Mr McLean, who has served this country well and who spent many years at sea and truly understands the rising tide that will be required to lift all ships. Arden has proven that he has the fortitude required to stand up for Caymanians. He also has the legislative and leadership experience required to move us forward, and we look forward to working with him and supporting him in his new role.”
Suckoo added that the opposition members, while still seeing themselves as having individual mandates, would be united in the fight to ensure that all Caymanians share in the success of the Cayman Islands, reduce the cost of living, improve standards in schools, provide better pension for retirees, re-establish free healthcare for children, ensure prosperity for all Caymanians and uphold the democratic principles of the Constitution.
“Together we stand ready to give the Cayman Islands the leadership we need to take our country forwards in the face of all the challenges we face and will face,” Suckoo added.
While MLA Anthony Eden was not present at the swearing-in ceremony, CNS understands that he gave McLean his backing as the new opposition leader, ensuring the majority support he needed. It is also understood, however, that Miller, who leaves the office formally next week, was not consulted on the appointment of McLean.
Kenneth Bryan (GTC) told CNS that even though he is not a member of the official opposition at this stage, “I give my full support to Mr McLean.”
Category: Politics
These comments are pure gold! Feet up, snacks all laid out and taking it all in LOL.
I am now hearing that Big Mac and Arden are in heavy talks to form some type of alliance/grouping. That must be why of the break up of the opposition as Ezzard would not be a part of that. And boy are they out there spreading all kinds of lies on Ezzard. They cant get their story straight. Every time they speak with someone it is a different story of why the breakup.
Can you fathom that Arden and Big Mac would be teaming up? The same Arden that said he hope Big Mac went to jail?
Story has it that both Alva and Chris has gone back with Big Mac.
I am hearing that other members on the Govt bench are also having discussions with the backstabbers.
clean your ears, that would be a good start to “hearing”
Say what you want about politics but I like how Arden, Al and Chris operate! They were not afraid to make a tough decision and dump Ezzard when they saw his leadership becoming a personal goal rather than what was best for the country. We need leaders who can make tough decisions even when it means putting personal friendship aside! We didn’t elect them to go into the house to play friend friend we elected them to represent us!
8.43am What is more likely the case is thst Al wants power and Ezzard was in his way. Why else did he lsave UDP to join PPM then leave PPM because Moss waslooking like the next leader of that party.
You need younger politicians. My grandpa’s view of the world is quite different from mine.
Young Caymanians need to wake up and start organizing politically, as their older generation is selling out their birthright. The time for a Green Party led by the younger generation of Caymanians has come.
How old is Arden McLean?
What are his educational qualifications?
Does anybody know?
I’d like to know too. I don’t want people in their 70-80s and in a wheelchair after a brain surgery (this is not an insult to ill people) to vote on crucial issues, for their cognitive abilities are most certainly compromised.
9:33 pm: Interesting question — they broke up because Ezzard had promised that the younger ones could take over in 18 months, yet we have the oldest one replacing Ezzard. Boggles my mind.
He is 18 with the disposition of Moses when he sees his people worshipping Issac.
He does not live in EE.
EE doesn’t have an MLA
9:33 Where does Arden hide? Does he ever go to EE, he does not even live there?
Expats and gay supporters may oppose you, Arden because you don’t think like them. But we Caymanians as a minority in our own country, will do our best to ignore them and keep you in power. Always look out for your people.
Blessings from me and my family

7:26 am: Contrary to what you say, it has been know that Arden supports civil unions. It was his idea to include Cayman common law marriages in civil unions to give this group the same rights as gay unions. So when did he change his mind? Was it the same time that he decided to stab Ezzard in the back? Or is it just convenient now to be against all gay unions right?
Well Arden, Alva and Chris has been having quite a charade at Ezzard expense, telling their side of the story but you can bet Ezzard is going to respond and as usual it will be well researched and documented.
Come on Ezzard time to come clean, all three of them stabbed you in the back and I am sure they are not telling your side of the story. Do not let them paint you for what you are not, forget loyalty they have non for you.
Strange that Tony Eden has not made an appearance in public with them three maybe he is demonstrating his appreciation for Ezzard leadership and how he has promoted the role of the Opposition by not showing up in public with them.
Tony has told me on several occasions what a good job Ezzard wad doing and how he admired his patience with Arden.
Correction on some of the misinformation:
1. As far as discussing the Cayman Islands People’s Alliance, the plan to form a political group to contest the next election was first raised in January 2018 at the regular Tuesday meeting of all members of the-then Opposition. It was raised again in July when two names for the political group were discussed, and it was agreed that it would be Cayman People’s Alliance. It was raised again in August 2018, when Mr. Miller presented draft preliminary mission, vision, and aims, about which Mr. McLean called for an expansion of the mission and aims. Mr. Miller subsequently organized a number of focus groups, which expanded the vision and aims and recommend the name change to “Cayman Islands People’s Alliance”. This revision was emailed to the group and a meeting called to discuss it in September 2018. At the meeting it was decided to do an all-day retreat to discuss, to which only Mr. Eden showed up.
2. Similarly, there is no truth to the claim that the former opposition group did not discuss civil unions. When the whole group met with the former Governor Anwar Choudhury, the former governor raised the concern of the UK Government about changing our laws to allow LGBT marriage. At that meeting, in the presence of all the members of the opposition group, Mr. McLean proposed civil union legislation as a solution and the inclusion of common law marriage in that legislation. Mr. Miller at that meeting supported civil unions and no one in the group opposed it.
Subsequently, when the issue became a major public issue, Mr. Eden attended a meeting that Mr. Miller had called to discuss current issues and future plans. Mr. Miller then discussed his support of civil unions as an alternative to changing our marriage law and the Constitution.
The question is: with such a major issue facing the Cayman community, why is it that all the other opposition members did not make it their business to attend meetings called by Mr. Miller to discuss current issues and to make future plans? The onus is on everybody in the group to attend meetings and raise and settle current issues and to make future plans.
3. Regarding the 18-month issue, Mr. Miller has published the letter that was signed by the then-five members of the opposition appointing Mr. Miller for four years (and which was clearly stated in the letter).
In any case, given that the new group has now failed to appoint any of the younger members, but instead has appointed Mr. McLean, who has actually served six months longer in the Legislature than Mr. Miller, this argument cannot logically be advanced as a reason to explain the break-up. They had obviously concluded that the younger ones were not up to the job at the end of the 23 months (which actually gave them five more months of experience). This nullifies the entire argument.
The new opposition has to understand that repetition of false information will not change its status as a falsehood.
You really don’t know the MAN
The traditional Caymanian may have a fighting chance now. Arden knows who he is and that scares some of unna. He is the political voice that, hopefully, will open some eyes. I do not like that he does not have the courage (politically) to embrace equality under the law for all (gay caymanians). However, I firmly believe he would not sit down and watch someone abuse or malign a person because of who they are (personally). Perhaps as the role of LEADERSHIP dawn on him he will be enlightened enough and have courage enough to stand for those who are discriminated against. The right man at this time in my opinion.
Arden McLean Can NEVER stand in Ezzard Miller’s Shoes. Ezzard’s intelligence far exceeds ALL of those Johnny come lately’s including Arden’s.
Some of us can see through what has just taken place.
ALL of you Ops. KARMA never forgets an address. Remember that
9:47 pm. He is NOT the right man to lead anything.
God bless Mr. McLean.
East Ender
Fool, fool
He needs more than God’s blessings. He needs prayer for his arrogance
Congratulations Mr. McLean, but please go into your new job with your eyes wide open, because Suckoo is behind you. There has not been one team, group, or party that he has not turned on, & very few colleagues that he has not stabbed in the back, look at his history. Suckoo is for Suckoo first & foremost. I am quite shocked that you have thrown your good friend Mr. Miller under the bus in this way, but I assume that position & the ultimate goal is more important, but if you are to achieve that goal please keep one eye on your work & one eye on Suckoo. If you can do this to your long time friend Miller, then you of all people should know that the serial-betrayer can & will do it to you also, it is all about power, greed & selfishness for him in the end – your goal is also his goal, so please keep your Ayes Wyde Hopen
you do know that if you change your name on CNS but you don’t change your writing style people can tell it’s still you right? Alva has stabbed no one in the back. He went into politics to try to make real and lasting changes for his people and ran into a bunch of selfish people that would rather have the appearance of doing so while only really serving themselves. Your little group can continue your little ‘let’s put as many negative comments on CNS about him as possible’ campaign but it’s not going to work.
God bless us East Enders.
Look, since the elections, Arden is hardly seen in East End. Coincidently two consecutive days he is in East End trying to convince people that once again he will be the Premier come next elections.
OPPOSITION : More like a submarine full of seamen looking to F¥*! .. Anything up. Namely the Country.
i doubt there was any formal agreement on the 18 months but even if there were such an agreement, the other guys were depending on entitlement and forgetting they had to work to gain the necessary experience.
It doesn’t appear Chris is interested in the responsibility. Kenneth has been missing from the group for some reason for a very long time and still is. And essentially so was Alva. He never really pulled his weight—everyone knows he has been focusing on his law studies to the detriment of his political role.
Does anyone really think that either Kenneth or Alva has shown themselves to have risen to the status of a leader of the opposition who could command the respect necessary to get the job done?
That is why Alva remains the deputy and Kenneth continues in left field.
That is why Arden has become leader by default.
So arguing about handing over in 18 months has proven itself to be an argument in futility.
4:38 pm: correct. Time spent on a job is not a qualification. It is time we Caymanians realize that and jettison this entitlement attitude.
So the agreement was that one of the younger ones in 18 months would have gained the necessary experience to be the leader?
So why is the supposedly most experienced now appointed? Shouldn’t it have been either Alva, Kenneth Or Chris?
It is very stupid to argue about an “agreement” that they themselves have defied.
And this is why EzZard Miller cannot lead! ! If anyone thinks that this post was not setup if not written by him they are delusional. This man has been harping in about Alva’s Law Degree for ages now! This is why young people who better themselves can’t get anywhere! Because of people like EzZard!
3:31 pm: not sure what you are driving at in much of your post:
If Alva is so qualified and experienced, why isn’t he the new leader of the opposition?
Further, Ezzard could not be “harping” on Alva’s “law degree” as Alva doesn’t have a law degree.
I am not sure why Ezzard would be “harping” on that anyway. He appointed him his deputy and if Ezzard has said anything it has always been complimentary.
By the way, You do know that Ezzard has a bachelor’s degree in pharmacology and a master’s degree in hospital administration?
And a PHD in BS
You know I have watched this whole ‘he is focusing on his degree argument play out and it’s disgusting. First of all I lived in Newlands until recently and I can tell you that I am very happy with the representation I have. The man has been actively addressing community issues, infrastructure issues, social issues. He has been visible in the community. He has been to the schools several times. Secondly, I watched Ezzard insinuate that Mr. Suckoo studying is somehow a disservice to him in his role. So let me get this straight… a politician… whose main job is to pass laws… is being shaded for studying Law?!?!? Really?!?! But this is nothing more than good old Caymanian jealousy. We talk a good game but in the end we’re the same old crabs. Instead of attacking Mr. Suckoo we should be applauding a Caymanian in a tough and demanding job still making the time to improve himself and still take care of his family responsibilities. We should be holding him up as an example to our young people as something to aspire to. But instead, for political reasons we are testing a man down for getting a degree in a subject area that directly impacts the job he does. Smh.
9:20 am: you are taking it out of context. Everyone applauds Suckoo for his pursuit of his law degree and wish him well.
One or two posters have observed however, that his focus was divided.
Unfortunately that is what happens when you are working and studying — it is rare that one or the other does not suffer.
I am glad to hear, however, that you at least can bear testimony to his Diligence. Based on reports I was getting worried for him.
I guess everyone is in agreement then, Mr. W. Panton was a much more qualified representative for Newlands. At least he already has his law degree!
I do not care if Arden is an illiterate, uneducated, inarticulate bloke.
I do care that he is not a Freemason. There is nothing “Free” about the masons.
They are bound to oaths that no man should have to keep.
Just tell the truth and keep your heart clean.
He is a Freemason!
Well … at least he is one who will stand for morals. And bark when he sees wrong
He barks all the time. That is his problem.
The Pillars would collapse….
No he is not —- signed A Freemason
Not Worthy Sir.
And EzzardMiller is also a Lodge Member as well!
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread!
You are clearly misguided. So much rumour mongering exists about an institution that is so steeped in antiquity. Try and have a look at and it you will see it is nothing more than a great builder of society and men with a strong charitable foundation.
We would like to see Ezzard take back the hospital. He is really needed there. Far too many of one blood in there. If we can have over one hundred Nationalities on our Island then we should be able to have the same working in our hospital. Ezzard is the man for this job.
What?! Is your memory so short that you’ve forgotten the complete mess he made of the “new hospital” project 23 or do years ago?
6:45 pm: what mess? The electoral term ended with the project in progress the incoming govt scotched it. That is par for the course for new govts. They terminate and overturn what the previous govt started.
Arden can you tell the country how you will deal with being surrounded by lodge men, when you Arden McLean have been heard on numerous occasions at Mango Tree, and I dare say elsewhere, to lament, chastise and degrade men who are in the lodge fraternity. Are you aware Arden that the 2 nimkumpoops that are posing with you in the picture are lodge guys. Are you aware Arden that on the government bench there are a number of lodge men there as well. All I am trying to show you Mr. Loudmouth is that you will have zero effect being Leader of Opposition. I give this union 6 months and it will implode.
Sounds like Arden was rejected by this lodge friends when he asked to join.
Arden is a Lodge Member!
Proves that the lodge is not this all controlling entity everyone thinks it is
I am glad I am not a Caymanian. This is pathetic and embarrassing.
10:07 ,so you so glad you na caymanians ,,,,what are you doing here then ? Something is very beneficial here for you ,,,sick a unna now ,cha .Go home then.
So let me get this straight. The only expats you want to live here are those who want to become Caymanians? That’s a novel viewpoint.
You must realize that not everyone commenting on CNS is living in the Cayman Islands, right?
Truth be told, Mr. Miller is and was the only politicians willing to do the right thing, and ask the difficult questions, even if that meant being unpopular. No self-interest, just love for country. At least for now, the Cayman Islands have lost a political giant.
Arden did the same in parliament…his delivery just distracts from the message.
As an East Ender I am so ashamed of this start. When I heard he would have been appointed Leader of the Opposition I said I’d give him a chance. Now I know that would have made a mistake.
I’ve just gotten home from getting some food and it is embarrassing some of the comments I’ve heard on this man….
Leader??? Yeah, right!!
Total idiot. I’m sorry for you guys out there seriously.
5:40 pm, u r right
Arden and Bernie too anger persons in PAC. At least Arden can ask a question.
So as they maintain “their individual mandates” as independents, is the group now disposed to allowing Arden to speak for members? And what will happen the day that Arden expresses his personal views that may conflict with those of the constituents of the others?
OK young people of Cayman. Get off your asses and start getting political before the older generation of Caymanian politicians sells out your Islands. Only the young can save this place.
This is so sad being negative “Battle Ready” and telling lies about Ezzard’s leadership while being disingenuous to Ezzard by thanking him for his services. Chris you are the worst while thanking Ezzard for saving your life you are stabbing him in the back to take his life and boxing corn out of his children mouth for your political gain. Karma is a bitch hope you don’t need Ezzard to save your life again.
Arden we don’t expect any better from Ezzard now knows why Alden would not appoint him deputy Leader of the Opposition and would not entertain forming a Government with him in any capacity.
Alva is a the most dangerous of the lot he was busy undermining Ezzard even while he was his deputy, so far he has stabbed Mac, Alden and now Ezzard. Arden you better buy a turtle back form one of them East Endeners.
Ezzard we told you so.
Hope E E and B T voters learn some sense come next elections
So according to you, Ezzards version of the truth carries more weight that Eden, Mclean, Bryan, Saunders and Suckoo?
As for your assessment of the other members, you missed out Ezzard! why not assess his performance?
Promised to had over to a younger member in 18 months – never happened
Told that he no longer had majority support – refused to accept it
Announced his new party and said the other members were joining it – total fantasy
announced support for same sex unions – other members caught off guard and unaware that he was making the statement
Told other members that if they didn’t join his party he was going to run someone against them – total dictator
Seems to me you missed out the one factor that destroyed the Opposition – The leader!
Remember Ezzard has the letter they all signed.
Where is their proof of their version.
12:43 pm: not only does he have the letter, he drafted it. Would someone who was reluctant to take the job sign himself up for four years hard labor? Obviously he had decided to take the job for the entire period and that is what the guys signed on for when they affixed their signatures to the terms.
where is his letter? i haven’t seen it!
It was published on CNS. Should be on CNS library.
Its on this very web site, your inability to use basic search functions does not mean it does not exists.
Its in safe hands in Cuba
Grumpy cat lives!
Has anyone ever watched an LA session when Arden is speaking? I am a born Caymanian and I cannot understand a word he says. Always showboating and sounding like an idiot. Not the kind of leadership Cayman needs. Ezzard hurry up and bring on your new party please!!!
You all should hear some of the things they are calling the idiot out at Brazley’s Bar….
I am not a particular admirer of Arden, but please don’t call him an idiot. He is a bright man. He has some failings and I wish he would work on them, but so do we all, and it is unfair for people who are really not in a position to assess him to label him in such an unfounded and unkind way.
He is going to represent us on a national scale whether we like it or not, so stop tearing him down like this.
Everyone has an opinion about everyone else, unfortunately. It would shock some of us to know what other people think about us.
A true Leader would have come out with more inclusive and less abusive remarks..When you start out like this it sets the tone for your leadership style and how you will handle your position…I am not impressed!!!
I AM impressed – but MOST unfavourably!!
To be a true leader you’ve to know how to lead
If he say, “a night”, convince him, say, “a day”
Never admit to a word what he say
And if he claim a yuh, tell him, “Ezzie, no way!”
Arden is not as articulate as we would like, but he is no fool. If he tells you something you can believe he is telling you the truth. You might not like what he has to say but he will tell the facts. It used to be that most people would be honest and up front but not anymore. Some will make a promise to get you to buy in to their idea, knowing full well that they have no intention of fulfilling the promise. When you promise something but it is not written down that does not negate the promise. One’s word should still be their bond. It is just a small group in the Opposition so why make misleading statements to the group. They had every right to ask him to step down. That is not the way to build consensus. Do not use others for your own purpose and benefit.
Arden is a big braying backstabbing ass.
You lost me at “he is no fool”
4:38 pm you says he tells the truth, like he was making $5 000.oo pm as third engineer
I think Arden has good native ability but he just seems to have something eating away at him. He tends to me anti-everyone and everything.
Needs some serious psychotherapy.
HE served the Country well, like he said he was making $ 5,000. oo p m as 3rd Engineer, when in truth is was just $500
the media wanted some sensational headlines and Arden’s reputation gave it to them. if you read the statement he made there was nothing so agressive and divisive said.
Today, on Days of our Lives….
Days of our lies.
Same old same OLD.
Will the new 3rd Party please stand up.
Seems like Ezzard wasn’t exactly truthful in his statements concerning this situation.
1:18 pm: all we have in this article is the report of an allegation—that is their story and they are sticking to it. I see nothing here to prove the allegation.
What happened is this: originally, post-election Ezzard did not want the job. He wanted to concentrate on his constituency and spend more time with his family.
However, from what I could gather, essentially none of them wanted Arden to take the leadership.
As an inducement to Ezzard to take the job, they told him that one of younger ones could take over in 18 months when they had become more experienced. So he could feel comfortable that he need not serve the four years.
However, when Ezzard discussed it with his family that night they gave him the green light and he returned and said he would take the job.
They then signed a letter appointing him for four years, with no formal agreement that the 18-month suggestion would still apply.
Obviously they are not putting the discussion in the proper context and the whole thing now just sounds like a school yard tale among squabbling children.
Even if the 18 months was formally agreed, however, it was originally contingent upon one of the younger ones gaining the relevant experience.
That has not happened.
The two years have been marked by lack of cooperation and effort, resulting in none of the younger ones gaining the maturity to take the leadership, hence this week’s appointment of Arden. So now they have to sup it up and put a good face on it.
And as for Arden, he has simply not grown into the statesman he should be today with all his time in the legislature.
That my friends is what happened, and we will in due course see how it plays out.
So how do you know so much about what happened? EIther you are one and the same or perhaps you have had a front row seat to the inner workings of the Opposition! What happened to confidentiality?
“And as for Arden, he has simply not grown into the statesman he should be today with all his time in the legislature.”
this has to be the key to Arden’s limited effectiveness in opposition. other than that he has shown his diligence and intelligence in doing the work to understand the issues and matters at hand. He is seasoned in parliamentary protocols and has the average Caymanian at heart.
his heart is full of love for his country and his people. it is just his delivery and disposition that have turned people off. on numerous occasions he has hit at the heart of the matter in the LA. again just the delivery that distracts from his effectiveness.
had he learned to censor his inner beast he could have been a viable alternative for premier years ago.
4:29 pm: one of the fairest comments I have seen. Good assessment.
Ongoing poor form. As with Unity Cabinet, none of the Opposition have been very forthcoming with the public about the particulars of their varying secret power-sharing agreements amongst themselves. Not looking good for transparency, or respectful of the democratic process – from any camp right now.
the opposition …busy making the government look responsible and hard working
How can Arden lead, when he is always angry at something or someone
For the sake of the youth, Cayman need positive leadership-
Not the kind of leadership Arden portrays.
I will tell you what Arden you have big shoes to fill my friend. Say what you like about Ezzard but to date he was the best leader of the opposition this Island have had. Then what concerns me is your tone in that of being ready to fighting the Government, I’d rather you say I look forward to working with the Government. This is the sort of arrogance that you bring to the table then I have major concerns. None of you on the opposition could have done a better job.
I couldn’t have said it better..and I don’t like Ezzard personally but I think he did a great job as Opposition Leader and this country suffered a great loss when he stepped down..
12:18 pm, you are right he has big shoes to fill, but we all know he does not have what it takes to fill the shoes of the best ever L O shoes.
The whole lot of them are power hungry
first thing new opposition leader does is attack the opposition.
But he is right, Ezzard did make that promise. He also made the same promise to upcoming young politicians in North Side if they supported him and he also reneged on that, but next election he going have to come up with more lies or go into retirement. He thinks this New Party stuff is a distraction to what he promised.
Where is the agreement? Where is the PPM/CDP agreement for that matter? All the same.
Anon 12:10 obviously you are a supporter of either Jay or Justin as Ed never supported Ezzard, but you are misinformed by someone. I am sure Ezzard never promised either Jay or Justin to step down for either of them. Ezzard is an educated person who values education he would never support either Jay or Justin. Jay quit high school to drive bobcat for his father so he never finished high school and while Justin finished high school that is his level of education. I have heard Ezzard speak to both these young men and told then if they want to be the representative for North Side they need to go back to school. Ezzard has many well educated North Siders with post graduate qualifications that he can endorse when he is ready.
4:10, I couldn’t say it any better! Signed: Educated North Sider.
There’s an oxymoron if there ever was one.
FYI 4.10pm, before the 2013 Electìon Ezzard did Not promise Justin that he would retire in 2017 however He did make that promise to Stanley & Jay in return for their supporting him for “one FINAL term”.
7:04 am where you living Jay nor Stanley did not support Ezzard in 1013 Jay supported the Joey who was soon after sent to Jail for stealing to buy drugs wonder if there is any connection.
Stanley supported PPM
Ezzard has published the letter they all signed appointing him as Leader of the Opposition for the period 2017 to 2021. You mean the four of them signed that letter with an understanding that Ezzard would step down in 18 months what imbeciles They should have only signed a letter appointing him for 18 months DAH
or maybe they thought he was being honest!
True because Ezzard can’t be trusted to keep his word
Well 12:10, Ezzard HAD to run!!! None of the other candidates could hold a candle to Ezzard. Facts!!
So it’s ok for Ezzard to be deceptive and trick young politicians but it’s wrong for him to be called out for it ?
12.10pm It doesn’t work that way. If you want the title then beat the champ and take it. Don’t expect him to hand it to you.
Yeah seems they are going to be much resistance to the coalition that’s flagrantly abusing their power for self-wealth.
Yep. When you are in a minority, first thing to do is alienate one of the votes you desperately need to actually achieve anything. It’s all about petty vendettas and having the position to carve out deals by threatening to be difficult on PAC, not about challenging the government. Sad.
You know Ezzard would not support anything the Opposition bring any way. He would rather do what he did during the last session of the LA when some of them were speaking. He walked out? So much for statesmanship.
For everyone to share in the success of Cayman then each Caymanian needs to ensure that they succeed at gaining as much education & skills as they can. That removes the major obstacle.
The older ones also need to mentor the younger.ones, be honest and don’t mislead them.
4:52 pm: if the younger ones wish to be mentored they must be prepared to work hard, cooperate, and pull their weight. Entitlement will not cut it. Never has and never will.