Denver decriminalises ‘magic mushrooms’
(CNS): The people of Denver, Colorado, have voted to decriminalise ‘magic mushrooms’ by a slim margin. While the natural hallucinogen remains illegal, the vote shifts law enforcement resources away from pursuing people using it. Campaigners for decriminalisation say psilocybin, the psychedelic compound found in some species of mushroom, is safe, non-addictive and has therapeutic benefits for illnesses ranging from depression to end-of-life anxiety. Supporters gathered more than 9,000 signatures to place the question before voters, which passed by just over 50%.
The proposal does not legalise the sale or purchase of psilocybin mushrooms but it establishes a task force to examine the impact of decriminalisation over the coming years. The vote is also seen by supporters as a signal to the rest of the United States that the Mile High City wants to remove some substances from the controlled list and stop the city from jailing people for what they put into their own bodies.
Colorado was one of the first states to legalise the use of ganja. But the initiative does not allow the mushrooms to be sold by marijuana businesses.
Magic mushrooms have been used for thousands of years but they were classified as a Schedule 1 controlled substance in 1970 by the US federal government. Around the world there are mixed approaches but most countries have made magic mushrooms illegal. However, in Jamaica they have never been restricted.
Category: Crime, Health, Medical Health, Mental Health, UK, World News
Let’s hangout at the psychedelic shack babe. It’s a natural drug and has many great benefits, never tried it but sure beats pharmaceutical products.
God gave us these plants for a reason.
Meanwhile Cayman criminalizes homosexuality.
Let’s please frame the issue properly: Cayman’s CMA-backed political regime continues to demonize homosexuality (esp male on male), and seeks to impair the civil rights of LGBTQ (and allies), contrary to the repeal of sodomy prohibition by Orders in Council in 2000. Same sex marriage and/or civil partnership are not (yet) recognized and continues it’s slow litigation for justice.
Cuba this week cancelled it’s 12th annual running of a “Gay Pride” Conga parade, citing, “new tensions in the regional context”:
In the USA, the fraction of fatal accidents in which at least one driver tested positive for THC has increased nationwide by an average of 10 percent from 2013 to 2016. In contrast, for Colorado and Washington, both of which legalized in 2014, these increases were 92 percent and 28 percent, respectively (and only measures those instances where they tested for blood THC levels). 14 percent of those drivers under the influence of pot also chose to have a child join them in the vehicle.
You can test positive for THC weeks to a month after smoking.. of course more will test positive for it once legalized!
Rubbish article fueled by big pharma, paper, tobacco and alcohol lobbying against legalization.
“The new reports do not prove there’s a direct risk caused by the use of marijuana among motorists”
Rubbish article? Pick another one. There are dozens of them, all using published gov’t agency stats (NHTSA, RMHIDTSA, GHSA).
Marijuana-related traffic deaths increased 66% in the four-year average (2013- 2016) since Colorado legalized recreational marijuana compared to the four-year average (2009-2012) prior to legalization.
During the same time period, all traffic deaths increased 16%. In 2009, 9% of traffic fatalities involved drivers who tested positive for marijuana. By 2016, that number more than doubled to 21% (RMHIDTA, 2017).
In surveys, almost all regular marijuana users believed that marijuana didn’t impair their driving and some believed that marijuana improved their driving (CDOT, 2014; PIRE, 2014; Hartman and Huestis, 2013).
A rise in cheese sales also saw an increase in divorce rates.
With your logic, cheese must contribute to the increase in divorces.
Correlation does not imply causation. You fail to understand that the media knows you don’t understand this and creates perfect clickbait articles for you.
Again, the first article you linked was titled “legal marijuana linked to” but in the same article they admit ““The new reports do not prove there’s a direct risk caused by the use of marijuana”.
You can test positive for it even when you’re no longer high.
I’m willing to bet that its still a fraction of a fraction of the number of alcohol related accidents…
NHTSB stats show that 80% of DUI road fatalities (where testing was done) also showed elevated THC as a contributing impairment factor. The synergistic effect between both Alcohol and THC is really deadly in a traffic scenario. They also distinguish between Road Collisions with other vehicles and Damage to Property collisions (ie. hitting stationary immovable objects like trees, light poles, and walls), with the later being much more common with THC-related impairment. Theses studies rarely differentiate between sativa, invicta, and hybrid strains. I suspect some strains on their own, might be okay for some, but better to test one’s physiology on a sofa with a good album, than out on the road with kids in the backseat. Neither recreation being legal in the Cayman Islands.
Well how about we just make alcohol illegal then?
How’d that work out last time?
In Canada, there was no increase in drivers tested positive after legalization. The figure is a fraction of those testing positive for alcohol, opiates and sleeping medication.
“Studies show that cannabis can have a negative impact on driving, including reduced concentration and attention span, slower reaction time, and an altered perception of time and distance. Driving studies (simulated and on-road) showed drivers had increased variability in lane position, following distance and speed following cannabis use. Cannabis also affected driver ability to react to unexpected events, such as a pedestrian darting out onto the roadway.”
“Mixing cannabis with alcohol greatly increased the negative impact on driving skills. A recent study comparing British Columbia roadside survey results with post-mortem data on fatally-injured drivers reported that cannabis use alone increased the risk of a fatal crash fivefold and that cannabis use, when combined with alcohol, increased the risk fortyfold.”
A 14-year study released this week by the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) has found marijuana-related traffic deaths are increasing in Canada.
In other words, don’t drive when you aren’t sober, and this applies to even OTC sleeping tablets.
You don’t need to quote 5 studies to get that point across, but you definitely are trying to imply that we should continue to ruin people’s lives over a medical plant while allowing alcohol.
Drink that big pharma kool aid up. Legalisation is coming.
Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.
No amount of THC is indicated at all, just “positive”.
There is a major difference between being stoned and having a very small amount of THC in your body. I take 1:20 ratio Medical Cannabis for migraines, an auto-immune disease and depression. I will test “positive” if I take a urine test. I have no euphoric effect at all and the healing benefits of the THC mixed with CBD are amazing. Without the THC, CBD does nothing for me.
Just the facts.
I tried these while abroad in college.. Was going through a tough time and suffering from homesickness depression and my roommate convinced me to so what the hell..
That psychedelic trip was, as rightly named, magical. I gained a new appreciation for my life, nature/earth and humanity, and I feel like anyone who wishes to experience it should be able to.
You don’t see stuff jumping out of walls like on TV. Colors become 10x more pretty, you can see patterns 10x easier, and music sounds AMAZING. Other than that there’s no high to chase.
0% addicting, in fact after trying a few times I felt like I learned what I needed to and never bothered again.
Same here. I’m glad you were able to respectfully appreciate the gift of psychedelics and that it benefitted your life.
Tribes in South America perform Ayahuasca rituals.. They claim to be at one with the universe, and I can testify that it’s an amazing and powerful experience for anyone. Just dose correctly and you’re 100% safe.
The projectile puking after the first 20 minutes is not usually in the brochure, but also memorable for some.
Groovy 1up
Will the CIG now force Cayman Airways to halt all flights to Denver permanently to “preserve our christian heritage and traditional values” or is that only for gay people
Love to know how much the CIG actually cares about maintaining arbitrary morality as members of the government range from alcoholics, wife-beaters, gay people and child abusers (allegedly of course
Why dont you march through GT and find out
Electric Kool Aid Mushroom Test
Yes! Right move, Denver. Decriminalization of all drugs will take the power out of the dealers and gangs hands and the funds can go to better schooling and rehabilitation for those who abuse and need help. What really needs to happen is the pharmaceutical companies need to be arrested for pushing pills on to the public in what is considered a legal way. If they have enough money to settle for 500 million then they can fund free rehab centers for the people whose lives they have ruined after a simple surgery pain subscription.
Hey baby you want a ride in my spaceship?
Take one of t h e s e