CO2 levels hit record high in Earth’s atmosphere

| 13/05/2019 | 51 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): Scientists in Hawaii at the weekend detected the highest level of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere since records began. A number of scientific journals reported the latest alarming news that the Mauna Loa Observatory, which has tracked atmospheric CO2 levels since the late 1950’s, detected 415.26 parts per million in the air Saturday. The last time Earth’s atmosphere contained this much CO2 was more than three million years ago, when global sea levels were several metres higher and parts of Antarctica were blanketed in forest.

Cayman News Service

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Wolfgang Lucht, from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), said that this “shows that we are not on track with protecting the climate at all”. Scientists say the CO2 levels are continuing to rise year after year when it needs to stabilise.

CO2 is the greenhouse gas scientists say is most responsible for global climate change. CO2 emissions, largely caused by humans burning fossil fuels, keep heat trapped on Earth that would normally disperse into space.

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Category: Science & Nature, Weather

Comments (51)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    As a percentage, how much of the atmosphere is comprised of CO2? Of all of the CO2 in the atmosphere, how much is contributed by humans?

    How many times in the past have scientists calculated that CO2 increased while temperature decreased?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Bottom line: don’t question climate change for yourself. It’s far too complicated and chances are you just aren’t “woke” enough.

    Beat to let CNS and the climate explainers explain to you the climate.

    CNS: How about listening to the climate experts? That seems to be the most sensible thing. Try the UK Met Office here. Better than immersing yourself in conspiracy theories on Google and YouTube.

    • Anonymous says:

      The ones being funded hundreds of billions in climate research grants? 310billion in the USA alone as of 2017.

      I wonder what would happen to those hundreds of billions in climate research if humans *wasn’t* the conclusive cause of rising temperatures….. hhhhhhmmmmmmm?

    • Anonymous says:

      Here is another conspiracy…

      Everyone can notice anywhere from a 10-20 degree temperature drop simply by walking from the sun into the shade. But the SUN COULDN’T POSSIBLY be the main cause of rising temperatures right? No way! Why don’t you take a look at the earth to Sun mass and volume ratio and tell me that it’s influence and effects have be 100% negated in the climate calculations on a global scale. You can’t get a bunch of scientists to agree on the temperature inside of a room! You’re telling me they know what the correct escalation of temperatures ACROSS THE GLOBE and the ATMOSPHERE SHOULD BE? If you believe that you are where you belong, in the leftist Cult.

      You accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist, just listen to > yourselves< ! You sound like insane paranoid lunatics!

      – New York will be under 50 feet of water by 2100
      – The earth will be inhabitable in 12 years – AOC
      – The earth will be inhabitable in 10 years – AlGore 2006
      – The Polar ice caps may be gone in 5 years Al Gore 2009

      – Prosecute Climate deniers –

      – 10 years left to save the planet

      – Co2 is no longer good for plants and kills coral. This is pure bullshit. Anyone that calls themselves a scientist and tells you Co2 is bad for plants should have his degree revoked. (of course of you have PURE Co2 that not good either, but we are are talking reasonable atmospheric limits like up to 1500-3000PPM)

      – Temperature rises cause coral bleaching – NO IT DOESN'T. Coral LOVES temperature up to near 90 degrees (some as high as 104F)! The water here is no where near that!

      … I could list 1000 of these easily.

      You people are absolute mindless Cult followers. You wouldn't know real science if it hit you in the face with a shovel.

      • Anonymous says:

        Looool u mad doggie

        “You can’t get a bunch of scientists to agree on the temperature inside of a room!”

        “You wouldn’t know real science if it hit you in the face with a shovel.”

        The irony.

        You do realize that an objects ability to absorb or reflect energy is dependent on multiple variables right? A simple example would be how black shirts get hotter in the sun than white shirts. Better yet, would you walk thru the Sahara in a big black wool sweater? Probably not. Why, because even tho the suns output is relatively consistent, the color and material of the sweater makes it harder for you to dissipate heat. I don’t know how else to spell this out for you but the bottom line is, you’re wrong.

        You are either misinformed, a conspiracy theorist by choice, just simply confused or some combination of the above. The points that you bring up to dispute human influenced climate change are so silly it would take forever to educate you.

        I sincerely hope you aren’t in a position to dictate policy for anybody but yourself. You simply don’t know what you are talking about.

      • Anonymous says:

        Conspiracy theories aside, its pretty evident that the way humans live and the resulting pollution has a negative effect on the environment, so whether or not you believe in “Climate Change” theories, what’s the downside of trying to reduce that negative impact….it costs money? Last time I checked we can’t eat or breathe money…

  3. Anonymous says:

    Every mammal on this earth breaths in air and releases carbon dioxide, ever form of organic decomposition of ALL life forms produces methane. Has done so for billions of years. But now, co2 and methane will cause Armageddon unless you pay carbon taxes to the global leftists. Yes.. Great science.

    • Anonymous says:

      You might be on to something anonymous at 5:49 pm. However have you considered the fact that trees are the best carbon filter there is. Too many trees being lost through logging, developers, bad weather etc. and not enough being replaced. Humans and animals breathe in oxygen and breath out carbon, trees breathe in carbon and breathe out oxygen. Makes sense to fill up each yard and house with trees and plants. Every little bit helps. EACH INE PLANT ONE!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    It is fair to say that both sides are right in this debate. If one desires to educate one’s-self perhaps a review of the data from a compendium of resources should be pursued. Here is a site that provides data, research, charts, graphs and discussion from scientists and research groups including NASA. Draw your own conclusions after doing your own research. Don’t blindly follow either side of the argument. “People must know the past to understand the present, and to face the future.” Do not let fear drive your thinking – let true education nourish your mind and drive your future. Don’t fear education causing you to change your mind – that is intelligent human growth.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, one must always give equal attention to both sides of a controversy. For example, I currently spend four hours per day watching YouTube videos on flat-Earth theory in order to balance all that one-sided spherical Earth stuff I was taught in school. Gotta be fair and balanced, right?


  5. Anonymous says:

    Here is your real global warming agenda (Taxes and more taxes):

    Oh by the way, look how they always seem to conveniently always leave out these SCIENTIFIC charts (which none of the so called scientists challenges as being accurate)

    And this chart:

    And this chart:

    And this chart:

    Taker the red pill, don’t be a pigeon to leftists agendas.

  6. Anonymous says:

    We exists because of a perfect mixture of the stuff we need to stay alive was balanced. Animals are rapidly going extinct, rainforests destroyed, seas pillaged to the brink… guess who will be next if we keep listening to the climate deniers? Time to act was years and years ago.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Plants love CO2 and maybe the deserts will green up. Also Mt. Kilauea is active on the same island as Mauna Loa. And the observatory gets funded by pro climate change entities so produce the data and keep getting funded.

    CNS: Here’s more about the Observatory. They have been recording CO2 levels since the 1950’s and are going to continue getting paid for it no matter what they find. The people who work there have dedicated their lives to science, which means that they understand much more about the effects of the nearby volcano on their data than we ever could. It’s not like they would not have noticed it. I found this video on the National Geographic site that explains the basics of climate change, which you may find useful.

    • Anonymous says:

      @ 8:53 am…. why would the Observatory lie about its findings? Clearly humans are fuc#$ing up the planet- we are greedy, selfish, and ignorant to our impact on the environment! I wish nay-sayers like you would just not exist. What is wrong with trying to preserve the earth? How can you honestly believe that continuing to do what we are doing (single use plastics, cigarette butts litter, burning fossil fuels to name a few) are NOT a problem for our environment? Seriously- don’t you want your kids, grand kids and great grand kids to be able to enjoy a clean environment? Our climate is changing, I just can’t believe how people like you can deny that and think it’s some crazy conspiracy!!! Open your eyes, open your doors, see what’s happening!

      • Really? says:

        It’s not the CO2 that will kill this planet all in it, the plastics will.

      • Anonymous says:

        @10:11am…the climate has been changing since creation. Getting CO2 levels low, which we cannot do, can be also detrimental to life. The Real problem that needs addressing today for now and future life is the plastic problem. Go to a beach clean-up and That will open your eyes.

        • Anonymous says:

          @12:56 pm– I did mention that plastics are part of the problem, and I have been to many beach clean ups. I was referring to the person who basically thinks climate change is a hoax… wondering how we have so many people that think it’s not a real problem! If CO2 levels haven’t been this high since recordings started in the 50’s, that’s just more proof of how humans are ruining the planet, day by day. My eyes are wide open, trust me!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    greed! is destroying earth and mankind slong with it…so mow they looking at mars..

  9. Anonymous says:

    C02 is what plants breath so it is amazing for the planet. Thank God for it.

    • Anonymous says:

      A plant does not breath CO2, Mr science man, plants breathe oxygen. Plants use photosynthesis to produce food utilizing sunlight that uses CO2.

      CO2 is also poisonous to all life, when the ppm gets too high

      • Anonymous says:

        And how high is that?

        Animals and coral reefs were doing great back when it was as high as 5000-7000 PPM. today it’s about 405 ppm

      • Anonymous says:

        I am a scientist and you are wrong. Plants do convert Co2 and water into oxygen. Wake up. Co2 is not a poison.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow, someone fell asleep in 5th grade science.

  10. Ron Ebanks says:

    Another expense for Governments to spend a load of money on and get no results from.


    More planet alarmist BS, when Earth is like a sand grain in the whole entire universe. The SUN is what drives the planet not humans. Oh, before I forget plants need carbon dioxide, so WE humans can get received oxygen to exist.

    • Smh says:

      So because the planet is small relative to the universe and the sun is a major source of energy, some how that means that life on the planet is incapable of affecting the environment and the climate? Just…. Ffs. That’s like saying “viruses and bacteria are so small there is no way they could affect a human being!!!!”

      I wish people that didn’t know what they were talking about would politely STFU and refrain from spreading bs and confusing others. Do you even science!?

      • Anonymous says:

        Clearly you don’t, not only that you don’t show any evidence of being able to think critically. You offer no evidence or argument of your own. you just regurgitate pre-chewed leftist talking points and bullshit childish analogies.

        Do you even understand that Co2 rises lag temperature rises by about 200-700 years? hmmm “Science person” ?

        • Anonymous says:

          why is being concerned about our environment a “leftist talking point”??????????????? Don’t you care what we are doing to screw up the planet? Only leftist people care about the planet? If that’s the case- go piss off to another planet so we can get to fixing this one!!

        • U gotta relax says:

          For whatever reason, you obviously have made a choice to believe what you believe. That’s cool. I don’t understand why you feel that justifies you attacking people who disagree with you.

          It’s no one’s responsibility but your own to to understand what is happening. You want to spend your time searching the internet for conspiracy theories that support your bias, go right ahead. It doesn’t change the data nor the peer reviewed studies that you are in denial of.

          There is a plethora of information regarding the “lag” that you mention. I’m not going to copy and paste a bunch of science journals so that YOU can see how ridiculous you are acting and how stupid of a talking point “co2 lag” is. Humble yourself and look it up.
          But I suspect since you have already made up your mind what you want to believe, I’m wasting my time feeding a troll.


        Smh, scientists say the solar system is about 4.5 billion years old, can you wrap head around that many year? No.

        Your misled if you believe 200 years of industrial revolution by humans is somehow putting the earth in danger. What data are these people comparing 4.5 billion years AGAINST?

        Years ago these alarmist were pushing the hoax that Polar Bears were dying off and it was a fat lie as their population was increasing.

        There are two sides to this argument, I’ll continue being skeptic, you continue being right in your mind!😀

        • Anonymous says:

          I’m skeptical of the Theory of Gravity, there are 2 sides to that argument too, ever since I questioned it, I have to hold on to things so I don’t float off the earth, its super scary

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes mccarron, but humans manufacture. enough carbon dioxide for the plants, however there is an imbalance, there are not enough trees to produce all the oxygen that we humans need. EACH ONE PLANT ONE,

  12. Crab Claw says:

    Isn’t the observations been taken on the top of a volcano, maybe it is signaling a new potential eruption, not a so call record high.

  13. Anonymous says:

    They double that outside the Legislative Assembly.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Oh my gosh we are all going to die!!

  15. Anonymous says:

    But.. but.. we were created 6000 years ago. These scientists don’t know what they’re talking about.


  16. more trees, less assholes. says:

    Is it any wonder our beaches are being choked by masses of sargassum seaweed? This is nature’s way of trying to absorb the excess Co2.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Now..if only CO2 levels had an actual impact on the Earth’s climate.

    Read between the speculative, theoretical, and non-scientific lines folks.

    *I await your unproven retorts and hollow insults.

    ** Btw, is there a Lost & Found section on CNS? I’ve searched and searched but can’t find my missing unicorn anywhere.


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