EU leaders agree to short Brexit delay

| 21/03/2019 | 32 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): The UK will not be leaving the European Union next Friday, as Prime Minister Theresa May has managed to get a short extension from European leaders after a long meeting in Brussels on Thursday. Speaking at a press conference at the Brussels summit late in the evening, the PM said that the European Council had agreed to postpone Brexit until 12 April if no Brexit deal is agreed, or until 22 May if she can get the existing deal she has agreed with the EU through the British parliament.

“There’s now that different date of 12 April. I believe this is important. It gives us the opportunity, MPs next week, to look at the choices that clearly face them,” she told the media. “We can leave with a deal in an orderly manner, have that extension until 22 May. Or, if we don’t get that deal through, then before the 12 April we have to come forward with another plan.”

According to a statement released by the European Council, they agreed to the May extension provided that the withdrawal agreement negotiated by the PM is approved by the House of Commons next week. If not, then Britain will have just a two week extension until 12 April, when the Europeans will be looking for the UK to indicate a way forward to avoid crashing out of the EU with no deal.

May, however, remains focused on getting her deal through parliament next week, despite the recent ruling of House Speaker John Bercow that he will not allow a third vote on this deal, given that it has been resoundingly rejected by MPs twice.

Given the circumstances, even if May can get around the speaker’s ruling, she must then persuade her own sizable number of party rebels and the Ulster Unionist Party that her deal really is the only deal available, otherwise the UK appears set for the much-feared ‘no deal’ chaos, as there is still no plan B.

See May announce the Brexit delay below:

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Category: Europe, UK, World News

Comments (32)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I’ve never met a Brexiteer I liked.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The average Brexiteer is a rather basic sort lacking in education and understanding. Talking to them, if one can stomach it, is quite fun sport, as one can see how many steps into a conversation one gets before they mutter something about “that is why we fought the war”.

    • Anonymous says:

      Idiotic, untrue, unsustainable by empirical evidence post, 2:26. Congratulations.

      • FACT NOT FICTION says:

        FACT 1) 70% of those without any school qualifications, not even one GSCE, voted leave.
        FACT 2) 69% of those that have a university degree voted remain.
        ON that and a host of other intelligence and education metrics, the Leave vote was heavily voted to the stupid in society.

        • Anonymous says:

          And how many of the 69% at Universities were born in Britain? My god, 70% of the working class without connections to import cheap labor voted to leave? Makes perfect sense to me except if you are a University Professor that enjoys a cushy life as things are with a death wish for the working class.

          A better questions is whether this was a survey of say 69 out of 100 university students against 70,000 out of a 100,000 working class persons.

          • Anonymous says:

            And the dog whistle is blowing loud to show the racist undertones with the inane “how many were born in Britain” comment. The figure was reference to UK voters at the referendum, so they were British (or, to be fair Irish or Cypriot)).

            The point in issue was whether Brexiteers lacked education. But I suspect your goldfish memory forgot that in a rush to spew nativist bile.

        • Anonymous says:

          Congratulations FACT NOT FICTION you make two superb facts which reasonably intelligent people will accept.

    • Anonymous says:

      The reason why the U.K. is in this mess is because of people like you. Condescension and intransigence prevents constructive discussion and only leads to anger and acrimony.

      • Anonymous says:

        You can’t discuss the issues with brainwashed racists. They just mutter “experts what do they know” and that “they want their country back”

  3. anon says:

    !0.42pm The average Caymanian has never heard of Brexit.

    • BeaumontZodecloun says:

      We have all heard of it and about it and have an opinion on it. What we are so incredibly weary of is the narrative from expats here that the will of the UK people is based on an racist view. The UK voted, being tired of both the heavy thumb of the EU, and of their resources being taken by immigrants. That is not racist, that is love of country and protection of economy.

      The EU has taken more than it has given, and the people of the UK said, “enough”. That is all it is. The rest is just growing pains. YES there will be problems, and YES there will be trade inequalities and troubles (but not like The Troubles), but ultimately the UK will separate from the EU, and other nations watching to see how things go will follow. Brussels will exert their influence on an increasingly smaller group, and the world will be better for each sovereign nation having more control of their borders and of their resources. Trade will continue, and perhaps Scotland will again find the sand to go independent.

      • People like BZ are the problem says:

        No it was racism and stupidity, with the poorly educated’s anger being easily turned to believe the nonsense you are spouting. The UK supports some 97% of EU legislation – so not “under the thumb”, EU immigrants are net revenue contributors – generally being young and healthy, and the UK’s GDP will be about 10-15% lower over 5 years outside the EU than in it – the EU is not “taking anything”. The EU is not shrinking, no-one else wants to leave, and the EU’s group leverage on trade is very beneficial in dealings with third party states and blocs. “Love of country” is the vacuous puff of the inane and superficial.

        • Anonymous says:

          “No one else wants to leave”? 3:37, I think you need to read more widely than just those mainly remainer newspapers in UK and Europe (hopefully you speak and read more than just English) and limit your BBC watching. Wanting to leave and being able to leave are two separate things entirely…the EU has done a brilliant job in its bullying of Britain, the main purpose of the bullying (“pour encourager les autres”) being to keep eg the Italians, Spanish, Portuguese, Greeks, Dutch from getting too interested in leaving. Your comments about the supposed UK GDP can safely be ignored…NOONE knows whether that will really happen and at least one sovereign wealth fund in Norway does not believe so.

          • Anonymous says:

            There is no credible prospect of any nation wishing to leave the EU. Reform it perhaps, but not leave.

            And your Norway comment belies your ignorance, since that fund has an almost uniquely long termist approach on a 30 year cycle and see value in the flight from UK plc now and in the coming decade.

        • BeaumontZodecloun says:

          That, Sir or Madame, is the classic straw man argument. You performed it perfectly. It first attaches negative values that “everyone can agree with” and then transfers those to your opposition.

          Agree that the “EU is not shrinking”, however disagree that it will remain so. Once the UK has sucessfully departed from the heavy hand (since you don’t like “thumb”) of the EU, several other countries will follow. Several are already poised to do so, in spite of your ranting to the contrary.

          Brexit is about self-determination regarding resources, and national finances, nothing more. People like you want to characterise the folk that voted to leave as elderly, uniformed, and racially motivated.

          As anyone can clearly see by the graph in the link, those people you choose to characterise as “Brexiteers”, are in the extreme minority. The average age in the UK is around 40. The people have spoken, and their wish should be honoured.

          Look at this link, if you dare to challenge your paradigms:

    • Anonymous says:

      And the average Englishman was much more gullible and racist than we could ever have imagined.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Won’t happen, new vote and this time people actually understand what they are voting for. The world will slowly come back together again. Next, the US 2020 election. Can’t come soon enough.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, lets keep on voting until we get the result you remainers want. But then, we need a best of threes dont we? the US 2020 election… a one off.. is an apple and oranges comparison with the Brexit referendum process numnuts.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Or, UK citizens and BOTCs can petition now to reject previous tampered result, citing the now-proven Facebook/Russian-meddling in this so-called “referendum”:

  6. Anonymous says:

    Yawn wake me up when this is over. WTF is wrong with those people, they are wrecking the former world power status of Great Britain. I pray the average Caymanian is watching this closely.
    Can you imagine them planning for us with such a track record ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Of the Brexit voters, many are now dead, many were just plain racists and a lot were really really stupid.

      • Anonymous says:

        Your opinion sounds SO much more clever than those you paint with a broad brush.

        • Anonymous says:

          It is a statement of fact not opinion. Each statement is consistent with research and data.

          • Anonymous says:

            Oh for Gods sake,11:10am, don’t you realise that by comments like that you do your beloved remainer cause no good? That is truly pathetic.

          • Anonymous says:

            Not it is not. To attach descriptive adjectives to any group of people is an opinion. To characterise a majority voting block as “now dead” is a lie.

            • FACT NOT FICTION says:

              Look buddy. This might be hard for you because the statements are facts derived from evidence and your lot don’t like evidence.

              BEING DEAD IS A FACT. Unless you are Schrondinger’s Voter.

              FACT 1) 1.8m Brits have died since the 2016 vote.
              FACT 2) Over 65s turned out at around 90% – they don’t work on Thursdays and the system is skewed too heavily to their votes.
              FACT 3) The Over 65s voted 66% leave.
              FACT 4) Not all deaths are over 65s, about 75% are though.
              SO, applying average voting for over under 65s, about 500,000 more leave voters have died than remain voters, about 1m leave voters having died.
              THAT is MANY. Especially when the new botes, 18-20 year olds are about 75% so remain voting.


              FACT 1) 70% of those without any school qualifications, not even one GSCE, voted leave.
              FACT 2) 69% of those that have a university degree voted remain.
              ON that and a host of other intelligence and education metrics, the Leave vote was heavily voted to the stupid in society.

              BEING RACIST, I consider having a negative view of people based on race or national origin as racism

              AS TO WHICH

              1) Polling shows a high correlation between negative attitides to people who are not British and voting leave.
              2) Looking at the creartures on the Tommy Robinson marches, you do not see them saying “I am a committed far right bigot, but I voted remain don’t you know”.

              • Anonymous says:

                Are you saying people with degrees are not racist? The ones we see in public sure look and sound racist.

                • Anonymous says:

                  Right about that 11:37. Donald Trump has a degree and is certainly racist but no one knows how he really got his degree. Papa probably donated a few million to his university.

                • Anonymous says:

                  Try respond to the points that are there, not the fictional ones that aren’t. You Brexit drones do that quite a lot since you like the post-factual so much.

      • Anonymous says:

        Be careful which words you miss out in your trash talk. You have just insulted all who voted, either yes or no, you idiot.

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