Quarry worker killed by exploding tyre

| 29/10/2018 | 20 Comments

(CNS) UPDATED: Police have confirmed that the 54-year-old-man who was killed at the weekend in an industrial accident at a quarry off Lake View Drive in Bodden Town, when a tyre reportedly exploded, was Crisanto Dizon from the Philippines, who was a resident in the Cayman Islands. The RCIPS said his family has now been informed, as they offered their condolences. Two other men were also injured in the incident who have both been treated and released from hospital. The workmen were said to be using an industrial compressor to put air in a tyre on Sunday at around 4pm when it exploded.

In a brief release about the accident, police said that it is being jointly investigated by the RCIPS and health and safety officers from the Department of Labour and Pensions.


Category: Local News

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  1. Jack says:

    It’s a small truck tire why would you use something that pumps out 3000psi most tires can only handle 38 to 50psi

    • Former tire fitter says:

      If a truck tire blows out at just 50psi it’s pretty destructive – trust me I’ve seen it. But the most common problem isn’t with the tire but with the steel retaining band. If that’s not properly seated on the rim it’s like a hand grenade going off when it breaks loose. That’s why truck tires should only be inflated inside steel cages or ballistic bags. Failing that, and again I’ve been there, you put the wheel flat on the ground with the band facing downwards just in case it pops.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The Cayman Islands Workers’ Compensation Law requires employers to pay limited compensation for the death or injury of employees arising out of the course of their employment. The policy includes Employers Liability.


  3. Anonymous says:

    @12 .50 pm Thanks. But that is for countries where occupational safety and health regulations exist and are enforced.
    Even firefighters, the Dump workers and garbage collectors don’t seem to have protective gear, let alone safety protocols and regular training.

    • Anonymous says:

      Typical private sector incompetence. So happy i work for the civil service. I spend my day helping the private sector get it right. Thankfully i love helping others.

    • Edgar A. Poe says:

      Not true in regards to firefighters. Not sure about the others but firefighters to possess and use protective gear.

      • Anonymous says:

        Find the latest photos of firefighters extinguishing the Dump’s fire. Or the shredded tires fire. Or the quarry fire.
        Not even a simple, basic respiratory mask! Firefighters are dumb and their superiors have nothing to fear.

      • Anonymous says:

        7:42 CIFS may have BA kits but they for sure don’t use them. Look at the photos from some of the recent dump fires.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Work comp claim?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Does Cayman has occupational safety and health administration?
    Pretty sure this should not have happened had safety protocols were followed.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Heavy equipment tires can be bombs. Are they inspected regularly?

    • Anonymous says:

      Nope! A few years ago I was involved in an accident recovery involving a tipper truck that had four tires worn thru to the fabric and two more that were flat. Truck safety here is a joke.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sad that low wage foreigners are right in harms way and unfortunately lose their life trying to scrape a living. Really, life is so cheap and we are no better at safety than where this poor fellow came from.
      Industrial air compressors and accumulators are also a ticking time bomb. I doubt anyone checks these either. Remember the guy that was decapitated at a downtown dive op many years ago?
      Our authorities have an opportunity to change this, but again our overseas cheap labour market seems limitless and the poor guys doing the grunt work are easily replaced.

      • Anonymous says:

        Exactly. If his family doesn’t get compensation, they should sue the employer.
        The other two injured workers should do the same.

        “Workers compensation pays survivor benefits to eligible dependents after a work-related death. The amount payable is generally 500 weeks of work comp benefits at the employee’s workers compensation rate.” [USA]

      • Anonymous says:

        8:24 That incident was about 20 years ago at Parrots Landing. If I remember correctly, they used old submarine air tanks as a storage bank but the way they were installed you couldn’t access them to do visual inspections. One simply rusted through from the inside. The sick thing about that was RCIPS then charged a blameless member of staff (not the owners of the operation!) with, again if I remember correctly, manslaughter. At least he was acquitted. Welcome to health and safety Cayman Islands style.

  7. Anonymous says:

    When will the Cayman Islands get some safety laws that have meaning and possibly act as a deterrent to shady employers who force employees into participating in unsafe work, cause what obtains today is nothing but meaningless words on paper.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Condolences to the family of the deceased.

  9. Anonymous says:

    RIP Chris. You will surely be missed bro


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