Police recover hauls of stolen goods

| 06/10/2018 | 9 Comments
Cayman News Service

Stolen items recovered by the RCIPS

(CNS): The police are trying to reunite owners with their stolen property recovered during investigations at home and abroad. Some of the stolen items, including a number of power tools taken sometime before December 2017, were found in Honduras last November on a boat originating in the Cayman Islands. A man who had been reported missing was also on the boat. Police did not identify the man but confirmed he flew back to Grand Cayman soon after being rescued and has not been charged nor arrested.  The stolen goods were found in the vessel at a later date. These items, which have now been returned to, or are on their way to, the RCIPS, include a Myers water pump, Makita chop saw and a Honda power washer.

Meanwhile, during local investigations police recovered a collection of jewellery and several pieces of electronic equipment that detectives believe were all stolen. The phones, laptops, speakers and largely women’s jewellery can be viewed on the RCIPS website or Facebook page

Anyone who wishes to claim items as their own must provide proof that the property belongs to them, for example providing receipts, serial numbers, identifying marks and in the case of some electronics, passwords to the device.

The RCIPS reminded the public to discreetly mark their items with unique markings or write down the make, model and serial numbers of all valuable items. If they are stolen, it would help the police in an investigation.

If you believe that any of these items may belong to you, contact DC 344 Gomes at 926-2965 or DC 198 Mendes at 916-1621. Owners can also contact the on-duty inspector at George Town Police Station at 949-4222. Any information received will also be of value in the investigations.


Category: Crime, Police

Comments (9)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Thanks RCIP, keep up the pressure. We like the new serious fight against crime. The Baines years were disastrous. We should make it a requirement to have an Irish police chief.

  2. Anonymous says:

    This wouldn’t be the Caymanian clown who found god on his return, would it?
    I’m waiting for the inevitable ‘he’s not a real Caymanian’ crap to appear, or will it be the usual wall of silence from cowards who fail to clear out the trash that blights their communities.
    Stop isolating those who do have the guts to stand up for what’s right and stop making excuses for the parasites that are causing such misery to Caymanians and others.

    • Jotnar says:

      Not him. He is still missing. This is the guy that was “rescued” in Honduras along with an unnamed Jamaican man in November after going missing in a 28ft canoe. As per the article, he returned home in December. If stolen property was found in the canoe, one wonders why he hasn’t subsequently been arrested.

  3. Anonymous says:

    who was the guy? policw keep reporting people missing…then nothing when they are found?

  4. Anonymous says:

    I was not so lucky…where are my stolen goods? Advertised on Facebook which I reported and showed to the RCIPS or are they awaiting INTERPOL to sort out all, my goods, corruption, and EE; all are aware I filed a complaint. I cried to Arden long ago.

  5. Mike says:

    Is that your best contribution Anonymous at 1.43 pm?

    • Anonymous says:

      The best contribution in the midst of a den of thieves. I have been going from house to house with my lantern looking for an honest man. When I find one, I have many contributions to give.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Where are my stolen goods?
    I was asked, had to put gloves on, to sort through my losses. Boddentown.
    YES I identified many, and some of my ‘goods’ were promoted through Facebook. I informed, showed the RCIPS my Jewelry posted on a Website.
    Why did I not get anything back? WHY did arrests not happen?
    If indeed a ‘Melting device’ is what is carried in vehicles, why have ‘they’ not been found?
    Why was my other Jewelry posted on a Facebook page but yet to be researched and recovered?
    Yes, Derek, I can go on and on, and as you know, I contacted INTERPOL as to all that has happened to me, certainly including all names….concerning my ‘goods’ and all complaints, after viewing my items on Facebook and beyond….after crying to Arden who did nothing…no care… and the RCIPS…no help from any entity.
    I am and have been in FEAR of my LIFE. I have expressed such to Arden, the RCIPS and INTERPOL.
    I know too much, my Community knows I do.
    Question Mimi.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I lost a bag of white stuff awhile back in storage? Any idea who has been keeping it for me.


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