Cops on hunt for gunmen after GT shooting

| 13/10/2018 | 9 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service has opened an investigation into a shooting on Sound Way in George Town Friday night in which one man was seriously wounded. Just before 8pm, armed police were called to the location and assessed the area as being safe before medics were able to attend to the injured man, who was taken to hospital. Police said two suspects were believed to have left the location on foot, one armed with a handgun and the other with a machete. Police searched the area Friday night but so far no arrests have been made.

Anyone with information pertaining to this incident is asked to contact the George Town Police Station at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or via the online RCIPS website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously to the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Cayman Safety says:

    Dwene has a valid point , its clear that some individuals clearly are not going to be rehabilitated but simply continue to come out of prison and be a menace to society. No amount reprimanding by any judge is going to stop these harden criminals from harming or using violence against innocent people. Those blaming or using the “system” as an excuse for their terrible criminal and violent behavior are by far the worst offenders and pose the most significant danger to society. We all know who they are and they clearly should not be let out if they continue to carry acts of violence against the public. Violent offenders are what prison were made for ,keep them in Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      REhabilitation implies these people were “habilitated ” in the first place .
      So long as we have rampant immigration from our closest neighbors and a culture of single parent feral youth, this will continue.
      Let’s start with contraception education to at least slow down the breeding future local criminals, as well as stronger immigration controls to slow down the importation of scum.

      • Anonymous says:

        And unfortunately the majority of mothers aren’t interested in raising their sons to be worthy men or their daughters to respect themselves. They watch their mothers sleep with any man married or not and have more children that they raise the same way. But now they have a Caymanian baby and can stay on island.

    • Anonymous says:

      How would you know if they have ever been to prison? You cannot put a face to a masked man unless he is caught. It is unfortunate that this has happened but its facts.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Dwene …sad that you live in such a horrible world.

    • Anonymous says:

      Reality is that the majority of criminals do not change, they get worse. Time to eliminate them. Tired of the nuisances reeking havoc and putting the place down. Once we had peace and quietness, now we are being restricted daily, by the arrogance, hostility and laziness of those individuals.

  3. Dwene 22 says:

    No worries They soon let more murderers and robbers burglars out of prison so what does Cayman expect New batch out on release for the Christmas crime spree ooooh yeah what a jolly old time it is going to eh buddie??

    • MM says:

      Yep, and by the time they are out of prison for 5 minutes they have some girl pregnant.

      So, within 16 years these same illiterate, criminal men will have at least three criminal-minded, ill-bred children on the street behind them. It is a sad cycle and a very real one.

      People try to go about their daily activities on this island as if nothing is getting worst; but Cayman is very small so none of us can run to the nearest, state, town or parish to avoid an increase in dangerous crime-sprees. What affects West Bay, will affect East End, etc.

      The criminals are getting more and more confident – they also care a lot less about who their victims are. They are also using these same babies that they are siring as the excuse to rob, cheat, steal and sell drugs under the precept that they “cannot find work and must support their children”.

      Believe me, this is a common culture and I dare estimate our streets have HUNDREDS of CAYMANIAN boys (I dare not use the term “men”) who literally sit on the side walk all day listening to Jamaica “bad-man” reggae or American gangsta rap plotting burglaries; imagining grudges, nurturing vendettas, planning “revenge” on whoever and selling drugs to “support their family”.

      The only way to break this cycle are to save the babies and young children under the fathers and mothers who live like this and feel that there is absolutely nothing wrong with their lifestyle or their behavior. These parents do not spend even 5 minutes per week in meaningful conversation with their children, they wreak havoc on the teachers who bring their child’s behavioral and intellectual defects to their attention, they “parent” their children with vulgar music and drag the children from one deprived location to the next drinking, smoking, cursing and “living life”.

      Yes, this is Cayman, this is the Cayman culture that is spreading like wildfire within our community and it is because we are allowing children to be left alone under these circumstances without providing the necessary intervention to the parents ASAP. These same children will also be teen parents by the time they are 15 or 16 for the same “bad-man” type of male they saw their mother with and the sons will obviously mimic the behavior and lifestyle of their deadbeat father.

      School nurses should be empowered with the ability to administer birth control (from condoms, to pills, to morning after, to DEPO shots, etc) to any teen girl that comes to her and admits to having sex. There are tremendous amounts of our local girls under the age of 16 yrs old who are afraid to admit to having sex because they do not want to “get their boyfriend in trouble” by being under the legal age for consensual sex – obviously hiding the pregnant belly is more difficult but they are not going to see it this way.

      End the cycle by providing birth control and proper, open, honest sex education to teens in school; allow school nurses to administer birth control on campus and legally compel teachers to report students from year 2 to year 6 who are drastically below their academic level. Host mandatory workshops that the parents must attend – in fact, clients of the NAU should have to attend all parenting workshops held by the Family Support Unit and mothers who are not working and have children should be provided lesson plans to work on with their children even if they have to come to the school campus from 3pm to 4pm for supervised homework sessions with their child until they understand how to relay information to their young children and how to support the child in their learning.

      Yes, this may sound like a lot of hand-holding and there would have to be some sort of budget to make some of this happen – but it is a lot cheaper than the $70,000+ per year per prison multiplied by the expected increase in criminality when the generations of terribly raised local children rise up in to their young adulthood very soon. In fact; most of the news articles on criminal behavior are from boys under 25 years old – these are young males born after 1993…


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