PAC to scrutinise civil service report

| 23/10/2018 | 26 Comments
Cayman News Service

PAC Chair Ezzard Miller

(CNS): The Public Accounts Committee will be meeting on Wednesday and Thursday this week to examine a report by the Office of the Auditor General that took a close look at how the civil service is being managed. “Workforce planning and management in the Cayman Islands Government” reviewed how well the civil service plans and manages its workforce to meet its strategic goals, the recruitment of people and the support given to civil servants. The hearings will be calling relevant witnesses and will be broadcast live on the government TV, online channels and Radio Cayman.

Auditor General Sue Winspear undertook the review because, she said, the civil service is entirely dependent upon its staff to deliver its strategic objectives, policies and a wide range of public services.

She said the five-year strategic plan is an excellent start but it also needs to have a clear pay strategy that sets out how it plans to keep civil service salaries competitive to ensure that it can recruit and retain the right staff now and in the future.

Winspear said the civil service urgently needs to improve its IT systems for workforce management.

“The systems in place are not well-designed, integrated or user-friendly, which leads to inefficiencies in both inputting and extracting information for decision making,” she added when the report was published.

See the OAG report in the CNS Library

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Category: Government Administration, Government oversight, Politics

Comments (26)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Problem is the envy from the senior people in the Civil Service many of whom have no other experience to rely on, much less the world-class type.It takes an incompetent outsider from overseas to give advice. When a local puts in place plans in general and succession in particular,they are shunned as being unnecessary for the good of the service. Lawd help us.

  2. Anonymous says:

    politicians are jokers in every country!????

  3. Anonymous says:

    The public talk is that the auditor general must take a good look at the internal audit report that were done on the environmental health that were released to the public on October 1, 2018. The public talk is that the auditor general must make sure all the proper tweeting and any errors that needs to be corrected gets corrected. The public talk is that for the auditor general to get that the auditor general must have a proper investigation one-on-one with all of the ministry of health staff and all of the environmental health staff and management.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I personally think the Public Transport Department and the Board chairman is a model for failure! I hope the other departments are run a lot more efficient and with service to the public as a guideline.

  5. Just another day........................... says:

    Would PAC like to enquire why the L&S Dept. is closed for a whole day on Nov. 2nd for a “Staff Function”?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Check PWD Cayman Brac…total mess.

    • Anonymous says:

      The manager is excellent…hands tied in many cases. Can’t discipline, hire or fire. Similar to the predicament of teachers.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Auditor general the public talk is that you need to start at the ministry of health starting from the chief officer of health, all of the ministry of health staff, all of environmental health management and all of the environmental health staff. The public talk is that it is due time for a up-date on the investigation that suppose to be still going on that were stated by the chief officer for health in a October 1, 2018 auditor report that were released.

  8. Anonymous says:

    11:54. Those reports were read. Biller Paw was rubbish and most of the EY recommendations has been actioned.

  9. Anonymous says:

    They need to arrive on time for work and at least answer their phone and stay out of the shop deli’s eating on our Govt. Time. That gors especially for Brackers

    • Anonymous says:

      All civil servants are entitled to two, 15 minute breaks each day. The deli is a minute away from the Admin Building. Stop your complaining about irrelevant things.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am a teacher and NEVER get a break not even a lunch break. Also I have been systematically bullied by a Caymanian. No one in the Civil Service is looking after my needs. Please don’t tell me to report the bullying. I have and nada happens.

        • Anonymous says:

          12:17. Well posting on CNS won’t help. You have numerous avenues to get your matter addressed. Why dont you use them.

          I am a proud civil servant who works in a department run by Caymanians and its best work place i have ever had.

          Nothing like the private sector. For the first time i feel valued.

          Stop complaining and do some work and stop lying about not getting a raise. Ever civil servant got a raise in September.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t you have an hour lunch break? Or 2 x15 min breaks are in addition to it?

        • Anonymous says:

          In addition. Law requires two 15 minute breaks and a half hour lunch. Any business worth working for gives an hour for lunch.

        • Anonymous says:

          Nope…teachers, especially primary, are constantly on duty. I think it’s illegal and should be checked into.

  10. Anonymous says:

    “how well the civil service plans and manages its workforce to meet its strategic goals”

    After 7 years without a pay increase, and the possibility of going another 7 before the next one the answer is simple: The Civil Service will hire Filipinos, Jamaicans, Cubans, Hondurans, and any other nationality where the pay scale is much higher than they would earn at home, and pretend they have no idea why they cannot attract good young Caymanians into the civil service.

    • Anonymous says:

      Delusional. I work in a govt department which is run at both junior and senior levels by Caymanians. It’s a joke. Incompetent, inexperienced, corrupt, ignorant and a whole host of other adjectives too numerous and to explicit to list here.
      Their qualification? They’re Caymanian.
      The dumbest requirement ever to run a ‘World Class Civil Service’ and one which deserves to fail.

      • Anonymous says:

        My point precisely. There is a very small cadre of well educated Caymanians within the civil service who, although not necessarily junior or senior level managers, remain there out of love and devotion to country. But when you go 7 years without pay raises, the new hires during that period are more likely to be there because it is the best job that they can get, and not because they are the best person for the job.

        There are 55,000+ jobs in Cayman, and less than 25,000 people recognized as Caymanians. Do the math on that.

    • Anonymous says:

      4:12. If you work in the civil service you got a raise in September. Get with the program.

      The civil service has improved so much in the past 5 years.

      Yes I am proud civil servant.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Well for sure, the Financial Specialist and the good Dr. Hazzard will have an autopsy (necropolis) report on this. I can hardly contain myself waiting to see the forensics.

  12. Anonymous says:

    ahh…national inquirer! this will be fun….

  13. Anonymous says:

    they should start by dusting off and reading miller shaw and e&y reports….


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