Land commission plans to signpost over 100 access points

| 11/09/2018 | 33 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): The Public Lands Commission plans to signpost all of the registered beach access points on all three islands in order to ensure that everyone can enjoy the beach, as is their right under the law. There are 121 registered public rights of way to the sea in the Cayman Islands — 108 on Grand Cayman, ten on Little Cayman and just three on Cayman Brac. The PLC, in partnership with the National Roads Authority, began putting up the signs on Grand Cayman last month and there are now 40 signs at access points which are currently clear of any obstructions to the beach.

As a result of the 2017 Beach Access Report released earlier this year, the commission felt it was important to install sign posts, as many beach access points are unmarked, and they are prioritising the ones that are already cleared and accessible to the public.

“Proper signage that is highly visible immediately brings to the public’s eyes the physical location of any public beach access,” PLC Chair Rupert Vasquez said. “It encourages maximum usage and the full benefits of these accesses dedicated for the general public’s enjoyment. It also sends a clear message to all that the public has full rights and can use these public beach accesses with absolute confidence and without fear.”

Additional signs are expected to be installed in Cayman Brac in the coming weeks, and the PLC continues to work towards ensuring that access to other paths to the sea across the Cayman Islands are addressed.

“As a country, we must work cooperatively with local residents and developers to ensure that the public’s right to beach access is upheld and all have access to one of our country’s greatest resources,” said Lands Minister Juliana O’Connor-Connolly. “The Cayman Islands Government is committed to safeguarding public access to the beach for locals, residents and visitors.”

The signs have been widely welcomed but they have not yet resolved the ongoing disputes about access to, and the use of, particular beaches, with land owners still disputing the public’s broad right to access, traverse and use the beach. Stories of locals and visitors been shooed off beaches by oceanfront property owners continues to be a common complaint, as well as signs placed by landowners warning people to stay off what they believe is their private beach.

Established under the Public Lands Law (2017), the PLC’s mandate is to regulate and protect the use, enjoyment and the right of access of public lands by members of the public; to respond to complaints regarding the use or misuse of public land; and to advise the ministry on general policies in respect to enforcement and exercise other functions delegated to it by the minister.

The 2017 Beach Access Report is in the CNS Library.

A hard-copy binder of the report is located at the Lands and Survey Department’s front counter in the Government Administration Building and at the Lands and Survey Office in Cayman Brac.

Queries and complaints regarding the Public Lands Law can be sent to the Public Land Commission at

Alternatively, correspondence may be sent to the Chair of the Public Lands Commission by physical delivery to the Government Administration Building or by mail:

Public Lands Commission
PO Box 1089
Grand Cayman KY1-1102

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Comments (33)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Maybe the Public Lands Commission could call up the NRA to help them figure out how to order and install signs for indicating intentions at roundabouts, or speed limits, or right of way signage for those without licenses?

  2. Anonymous says:

    What is the point of a sign to no where with the route blocked.
    Get half a dozen low risk prisoners from Northwood get them to clear the path erect the sign and bill the landowner.
    Is it really that difficult, oh of course this is the Cayman Islands and everything-that goes with it.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Disappointing, fewer access points with parking facilities would be better. Who wants a raft of clapped out green Honda civics clogging up the sidewalk next to their home parked by people who live miles away?

    • Anonymous says:

      Why don’t you show some civic pride? Get off your lazy asses and clear the access roads. public access means just that. PUBLIC ACCESS. Quit bitchin and do something for yourselves. You are all grown men and women, ween yourselves off the government teet.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Many of the Seven Mile Beach access are blocked or partially blocked with strategically placed overgrown trees or left in such bad shape that you don’t want to walk through them..

    It would be good for Government to place a laminated copy of the law by the end of the road and at the beach end of these accesses to remind everyone of their rights and so that they are not disrupted by rogue land owners.

  5. Man O'War says:

    CNS: I suggest you re-read the Report and then rewrite your first paragraph.
    There are a lot more than three registered beach access points on the Brac.
    Signs have already been erected on two: a start with a long way to go. Let’s get it done before we have the same problem as in Grand.

    CNS: However many times we read the report, it still states that there are three “Registered Public Rights of way to the sea” on the Brac. There are also 25 “Unregistered paths to the sea” and 30 “Registered Private Rights of way to the sea”. Have a look in the amendments document; it’s quicker and easier to find the relevant part.

  6. Anonymous says:

    What happens about those access points that have been lost to the north of the ex-Tiki Beach location?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Only three in Cayman Brac hmmmmm. Is it the lack of beaches or is it the owners don’t want the locals nearby.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Cant wait to try my new stereo out a the new locations. Gonna celebrate with a big fatty

    • Cow Itch says:

      Me too. jus cant wait to play bob marley and roll around in the sand in front dem residence :))>

      • BeaumontZodecloun says:

        Way to reinforce to the rich why the tried to exclude the likes of you in the first place.

      • Anonymous says:

        Tru dat, gonna start my own tour bus wid a puff at each stop. Meetup at UCCI is always good, lot of clients there.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Any Chance of same sign type to be placed at the beach end of the access also ?
    This will let visitors know where they can leave the beach and get back to the road easily with no hassle from property owners or their guests.
    Idea : Define the access at both ends with PLC signage = no disputes hopefully.

    • Chris Johnson says:

      Very positive suggestion. Cayman needs more positive ideas rather than negative ones.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Good, the sign posts will give them something to attach their chains to in order to block your access.

  11. Not Much Help! says:

    But what about parking spaces by these access points!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Thanks so much for doing this. It is much appreciated, really. However, what is being done about resolving the issue of the beach access points still being completely “unaccessible”?Currently, the majority of access points are either completely blocked off by landowners or it is unsafe and impossible for most adults with things in their hands, children, the elderly and handicapped individuals to access. So while we applaud your efforts in completing this FIRST step, this is merely the usual “band-aid approach” on a critical issue unless the matter is properly addressed and completely resolved in a timely manner.

  13. Anonymous says:

    A good start would be for gov to clear the access ways which have been blocked by adjacent landowners or the ones which are overgrown by bush.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Are any of them access rights to the North Sound? If not, why not?

  15. Dunz says:

    It took this long to enact why….

  16. Same says:

    About Time

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