Key post filled in new WORC agency

| 13/09/2018 | 22 Comments
Cayman News Service

Sian Pairaudeau

(CNS): Government has announced the appointment of 16-year career civil servant Sian Pairaudeau as the deputy director of labour needs and supply at the new Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC) unit, which is expected to be up and running by January.

This post will involve collecting, analysing and using data about the labour market to get Caymanians into available jobs, and will be key to addressing some of the fundamental challenges that the old work permit system has created for local workers.

Officials said in a press release that Pairaudeau will implement “strategies and procedures aimed to deliver durable employment and opportunities for the advancement of Caymanians in the workforce and evaluate labour market demands”.

The former maritime public official will also be responsible for managing applications, adjudications and appeals of work permits, Caymanian status and permanent residency applications.

“WORC is an initiative that will change the way we approach the country’s labour market demands and I am eager to get started and make a difference,” she said following her appointment, which started on Monday. “I am honoured to help lead this reform initiative and reestablish an economic landscape that provides equal opportunities for Caymanians and empowers them to thrive in this increasingly complex world.”

WORC Interim Director Sharon Roulstone welcomed Pairaudeau, describing her as uniquely qualified for this critical role bringing “an abundance of knowledge and experience” from senior positions in the public sector.

She said that the knowledge and experience she has from past positions “will help shape how we look at Cayman’s labour needs, allowing us to assess and fill labour market gaps by using data that has never before been captured”.

Roulstone added, “This data, along with the National Jobs Clearing House, will assist in making more informed decisions across the spectrum of this particular section of WORC and will help Caymanians now and in the future, find meaningful employment.”

Pairaudeau has an Accounting and Economics degree and an MB from the London School of Business and Finance. She has served as a civil servant for over 16 years and has held several senior positions, largely with the Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands (MACI), where she has been for 13 years.

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Category: Jobs, Local News

Comments (22)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Foot down first. Close the doors of central immigration. Make sure the doors are locked tight. Then you can start your clean-up by having the local caymanians register for work like how they do for the so call political buying votes NICE work Programme. Making fun of the local caymanians having them begging for work in their country. What a crying shame. Call the UK investigators and bring back governor choudury just to run a fine teeth comb all into the so call NICE make fun work programme. Local caymanians are only good for the NICE programme and the Iguana culling. That is the reasons work permit holders talk negative about local caymanians because our polticians and persons in higher positions take our local caymanians for fools and treat them like they do not derserve anything but the less.

  2. Yvette says:

    Congratulations Sian – your mom and dad would be so proud of you. Hold your head up and do not let petty comments deter you from your focus. There will always be those who are quick to criticize but have no idea how to make situations any better. Ignore the empty barrels and make us Caymanian Women proud. We need more like you in positions of power.

    Congratulations again!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Judging by some of the negative comments, it is evident that another disadvantage Caymanians face is that their career and work history is scrutinized and criticized because they are known locally, yet when it comes to work permit holders, their often very inflated resume and CV is just taken as is, no questions asked, no references obtained and no background checks conducted……very odd….

  4. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations Sian!! Ignore the little negative people feeling big about themselves running their mouths on CNS from a position of anonymity. Those of us that have worked with you know your dedication, standard for hard work and ability to adapt your skills to new work environments. I wish you great success in your new post

  5. Anonymous says:

    Look at the sour grapes! Sian is more than capable and will bring a great perspective. Good luck, Sian!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations to Mrs. Pairadeau
    Chin up and do your best girl!
    Ignore the negative comments, we caymaninas sometimes only have one MO- deflection! I’ve seen it before too many times we tear down our own. The same ones with negative comments I’m sure are not perfect.
    Nonetheless put your best foot forward and shine!

  7. North Sider says:

    Your parents would be proud – as am I!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Sorry to say she is way in over her head! why is it none of these recent appointments have no previous HR or Labour Relations, Manpower Planning experience? or even extensive Immigration processing experience?

    • Anonymous says:

      You don’t know what you’re talking about. As I remember, Ms. Pairaudeau does actually have some HR experience.

    • Anonymous says:

      Perhaps you should do some more investigation before putting your foot any further down your mouth. Two of those appointments have respective experience in at least two of those subjects you listed.

    • Anonymous says:

      The people with the experience you talk about wouldn’t touch this job. “Easy Target” and “spear catcher” are going to be the primary duties.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I don’t understand this appointment! its almost as bad as the last one with the other deputy for administration and customer service. The guy was a CFO for a small deptmt/ministry for all of 5 mins. Ah boy this should be good. seems WORC is getting desperate I have yet to see an appointment so far of a persons with the right qualifications and experience. Its almost like hey “I want to do something different” lets go work for WORC! bam and they are appointed.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is hard to find educated people willing to put up with the kind of crap that goes with this job. Good luck to her.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations Sian! this is a wonderful opportunity for you to be part of something fresh and new and we are going to watch it blossom under your leadership. Well deserved! WORC is setting itself up for some serious success!

  11. Anonymous says:

    So many capable Caymanians being promoted and recruited to the Civil Service. Congrats and do your best.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Worc it gal!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Why is she “uniquely qualified”, Sharon? How has the work she has been doing at the Maritime Authority (not exactly renowned for interfacing with the local workforce) for all these years given her the “abundance of knowledge and experience” you refer to?

    • Say it like it is says:

      12.57pm the point is she will “not rock the boat”.
      Seriously however this is a well qualified lady, and her undoubted business acumen will be far better served in the new unit rather than in the backwaters of the Maritime Agency where I’m sure her talents were under utilised.

      • Anonymous says:

        Agree 2;37 that her talents were under utilized at the Maritime Authority (another place needing investigating) but why did she stick there so long….in “the backwater”…big salary, little work? Or because she thought the Director is a genius, wonderful manager etc. She and others said this publicly. So what has changed? Bright though Mrs Pairaudeau is, Sharon’s stuff about her unique qualities etc is terrible BS and we need to get away from this. Sian will struggle there the same way anyone would because WORC will not be able to work the magic that the politicians hope. It will all end in tears. You cannot make people Sharon would not have hired for her legal firm (when she had it) be hired by other people in THEIR legal firms or other professional entities.

  14. Brian Tomlinson says:

    Congratulations Sian. You will do well in this position and I know you will help as many people as you can. We wish you all the best!

  15. Congratulations, Sian! I feel fairly confident that there will be some well needed adjustment to the current system under her leadership.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Geez sounds like you HR Uncle Tom’s may need to up your game…..”didn’t see application” or “applicant did not have” obscure unnecessary skill not gonna cut it. Hope you get named and shamed.


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