Armed robber makes off with gas station till

| 01/08/2018 | 19 Comments
Cayman News Service

Esso Gas Station, North Church Street

(CNS): The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service is appealing for witnesses to an armed robbery around 2:30 this morning at a gas station on North Church Street, George Town, where the robber ran off with the cash register. The masked man broke through the Esso store’s glass door brandishing what appeared to be a firearm. He stole the cash register, which contained an undisclosed quantity of money, and then fled on foot with the loot into the Watler’s Road area. He was wearing black pants and a black hoodie, with his face covered.

No shots were fired and no one was injured, according to the police.

Anyone with information is asked to call George Town Police Station at 949-222.  Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS) or here.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Because with all the violent domestic incidents that happen on these islands what we really need is for more people to have access to guns in these situations.

  2. Anonymous says:

    60% reduction in crime!!???? yay yay yay

  3. Anonymous says:

    kingston rock…or is it saint james? soon everyone will have to put burgular bars on windows and doors? sad…????

  4. Anonymous says:

    Every single day we are reading about another violent armed robbery or mugging… And our premier has yet to locate his testicles or vocal cords!!

    Are you just planning on sticking your head in the sand for the next 3 years, Alden? Please resign now if you do not have a plan to tackle the ever worsening crime on this tiny island!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      2:46 pm.When are the robbers going to seek more hefty prey? We will wait to hear that the no testicles and no vocal chords was visited.

    • Anonymous says:

      what is the premier to do? do you have a plan? what are you going to do about it? forget the premier!

  5. Anonymous says:

    What’s a cracked-out thief goin to do with the cashier’s float? Is Wendy’s even open at 2:30am?

  6. Anonymous says:

    It seems like as long as no one gets hurt this behavior will be tolerated.

  7. Naya Boy says:

    Yet another Log jam in the RCIPS money wheel? Oh this orchestrated crime spike is going to cost millions now! No worries Unity government cheque book got many cheque leaves! aaah boy same old game only names have changed.

  8. Concerned Citizen Group says:

    To the Robbers please stop robbing businesses because the RCIPS will now turn around and rob the CI government as a direct result of you actions! Thank you !!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Haha so he took a cash register that most likely was cleaned out before the evening? Hoping they empty it at least…

  10. Bertie :B says:

    Good Lord , just what to hell is happening to Cayman , these constant headlines of robberies and muggings etc etc / have to be addressed and done so aggressively and Quick .

    • Anonymous says:

      Allow law abiding citizens to own handguns. Anti-gun laws do nothing but disarm good law abiding people from those who blatantly ignore laws, rob and harm.

      And NO a gun sitting on it’s own will not miraculously grow arms and legs and start killing people. It’s the criminals and those with mental illnesses that do that and considering a criminal will most likely get a gun by an illegal means and good screening should help prevent those with illnesses to get a gun.

      There are people in West Bay with illegal M-16’s and at least 2 AK-47’s that I know of all brought in illegally so obviously gun control doesn’t work so stop tying the arms of good people who by the growing headlines of robbery and home invasion, need to start defending themselves. Let the wolves know the sheep aren’t going to roll over and be eaten anymore.

      • E. Nygma says:

        Explains why the US and Somalia are crime free paradises, right?
        The two countries with the highest civilian gun ownership levels in the world

        The US also happen to have the highest prison population in the world (despite the US making up only 5% of total human population they have 22% of the worlds total incarcerated persons, China, and India have more than 4 times as many citizens individually but have smaller prison populations)
        1 in 110 US citizens are in prison, and 1 in 50 are on parole
        I really don’t think anyone should suggest we take crime prevention tips from

        Not to mention that Somalia is just about the most decentralized state (or failed state) in the world with soaring poverty and crime despite rampant gun ownership

        Your arguments have been DEBUNKED countless times, and it is always the same stale right wing gun nut talking points from someone who clearly just gets off at the idea of having a gun and being able to have the chance to shoot someone

        Even if we could ignore the facts that gun ownership doesn’t limit crime
        Then all police will have to be armed at all times meaning the police will shoot civilians just like in the US
        there will be the possibility for mass shootings at workplaces, and schools and churches, assassinations of politicians, judges etc
        Domestic disputes ending with dead bodies instead of bruises
        Accidental shootings
        Kids getting their hands on guns

        The whole good guy with a gun argument might sound good on the surface, but even when persons are armed, crimes are still committed the criminals won’t give up because people have guns, they will just start expecting resistance and bring their own guns

  11. Anonymous says:

    George Town is hot right now! everyone needs to be on the lookout in that area now

  12. Anonymous says:



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