Dog shot dead in West Bay

| 18/07/2018 | 34 Comments
Cayman News Service

West Bay Police Station

(CNS): Police are appealing to the public to help them find the person who shot and killed a dog in West Bay sometime before Tuesday afternoon. The brown, long-haired dog was found yesterday afternoon by its owner near a tree in the yard of a garage on Powell Smith Road with a fatal gunshot wound. Officers investigating the incident are calling on anyone who may have heard a gunshot in the area or may have any other information to contact them soon as possible.

The killing of the animal comes just as local activists have been calling on government and the authorities to do more to protect animals following a machete attack on two dogs in Savannah, which was dismissed by the Department of Agriculture as self-defence.

People with information are asked to call West Bay CID at 949-3999 or submit it directly to police via the RCIPS website or anonymously to the Crime Stoppers call centre in Miami free-of-charge at 800-8477 or online here.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (34)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This dog was tied up in a yard, miserable life in the first place. Then shot with no chance. Not a proud Cayman moment

  2. Anonymous says:

    Also consider that many stray dogs are shot in the Eastern districts every year as they threaten livestock. This does not make the headlines though. Not saying this case is about a stray, but any dog out running around without firstly a leash, a collar or tag is essentially a stray and is subject to roundup by animal control or worse like this.

    The animal control unit could have been called in, but I guess someone took it upon themselves to do the deed. I’d be more concerned that a firearm was used to kill this dog. What with all the gun crime in West Bay it may have been for target practice, getting back at a rival gang or to put an end to an unwanted persistent visitation by this dog.

    I recall back in the 90’s there was a cull/roundup of stray dogs as they were a serious hazard for bicycle riders. Until there are serious fines for dog owners the killings and cruelty will surely continue.

  3. Anonymous says:

    That gun amnesty has done wonders…………

    We should have asked Alden for a money back guarantee on the 60% reduction in gun crime promise. What has he done to earn his salary for the past year and a half! Stealing a living I tell you!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    What the hell. Come on guys. These poor animals are defenseless. Most times if a dog is dangerous or unfriendly it is due to how they are taught. Shooting a dog. Really !! We have to do better here. It is completely unacceptable that we continue to allow this to happen

    • anonymous says:

      I agree with our comments and if the law and the department of Agriculture would do their part perhaps we can start to see some change

      • Anonymous says:

        3:23pm, I hope that useless department would be able to help dogs more than they are able to help backyard farmers.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Rufus didnt hurt anybody

  6. Bertie :B says:

    Sick Bastard , is your wife and children next ? First signs of a pyscho is killing or torturing animals !

  7. Anonymous says:

    “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you vegan?

      • Anonymous says:

        Why? Do you eat dogs?

      • Anonymous says:

        Are you a troll?

      • Anonymous says:

        Eating meat doesn’t necessitate being cruel to the animals being consumed
        The article doesn’t specify where the dog was shot, but it probably spent a good amount of time in pain, bleeding out as gunshots rarely kill instantly ( unless you hit very specific areas obviously)
        In my mind there is nothing immoral about killing an animal for sustenance while ensuring you limit it’s pain and suffering as much as possible
        But shooting a dog for no reason other than to shoot it and likely leaving it there to bleed out is the pinnacle of cruelty
        This will probably just be classified as “self-defence” and pushed down the pipeline, but perhaps the usage of what is likely and unlicensed and illegal firearm may lead t to a more thorough investigation

  8. Anonymous says:

    This Caymankind stuff is getting out of hand!

  9. Anonymous says:

    I am so sorry this has happened – there are some very evil people out there. Unless this dog “escaped” I assume this dog was allowed to roam free? This is a problem that Cayman has with dogs running free, some causing no problems at all, some really scaring people. We actually have leash laws over here but, as usual, no enforcement of the same. Please, please, please, if you want a dog, then have the decency to look after it. Don’t chain it up in the heat with no shade or water, secure it in your yard and if you have to secure it because of ill equipped fencing, give it a decent length of tether (and not a heavy old chain), shade and access to clean water. What with this poor animal being shot, the other two being sliced with a machete – you can tell a country by the way it looks after its elderly and its animals: Cayman you need to do better!. More education about how to be a responsible owner. If you can’t afford or can’t be bothered with an animal then don’t get one. I have four dogs, all of which are looked after (hell, they get better treatment and food than my husband and I do). The laws in place need to be upheld not just to protect it’s people but the rights of those animals too. Very, very sad.

    • Anonymous says:

      we don’t have leash laws, Animal Law 2013 revision only stipulates your dog must be under control.

    • Anonymous says:

      Apologies: poorly worded “we have laws stipulating your dog must be under control which are not enforced” would have been far more appropriate here (i.e keep it on a leash and don’t allow it to roam free)

  10. West Bay Premier says:

    You mean that no one heard a gun shot and looked to see what and who he/she was shooting at . Or is everyone is scared to say anything because he has a gun ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks to Mac and his lack of doing anything about crime besides serving as an accused person several times, the sound of gunshots in the district of WB are so common nobody notices anymore.

  11. Iguanas have feelings too says:

    What people can do to protect dogs and cats is simply donate for proper animal shelters. We don’t have good facilities and financial support for these animals. Hence, they are left at homes and dangerous situations.

    I guess how we treat our animals reflects on how we treat our own people. Something has to be done :/

    • Anonymous says:

      No, the real shame is the need for the shelters in the first place!!

      • Anonymous says:

        I think it’s gotten to the point that we should start to SPAY AND NEUTER the owners as well as the pets!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Assuming your moniker insinuates protecting the invasive green iguanas? Well they are generally regarded a serious threat to our Blues and are classified as pests.

      • Jk says:

        I would add our Parrot population because I understand they destroy the nests too. Someone told me they even eat the eggs ..

        Cns, is that true?

    • West Bay Premier says:

      Iguanas has feelings too , you have the wrong feeling for the wrong animals . To be a loving and caring dog owner , you need to take full responsibility for the animal and treat it like you would treat your kid . But you have to train / teach them like you do your kids .
      I have a dog that has a fenced in back yard , for his enjoyment and pleasure to run and feel free when he is outside the house , he lives inside the house with us that makes him feel like he is part of me and the family, but not if he was tied up outside of the house . How would you feel if your wife or parents tied you up in the yard and don’t care for you ? A dog would feel the same way .

      • Anonymous says:

        A lot of people do raise their kids with the same attitude as they do their dogs.

      • Cym says:

        I would never encourage having a dog in your home. The same goes for a cat. If you have a porch well that’s different. But to have a dog or cat in your bedroom, living room, kitchen can not be healthy!

        I know in moat Caribbean countries, people have their pets outside. It is only these cold Europeans countries that you hear this kind of thing.

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