RCIPS continues march towards transparency

Royal Cayman Islands Police Service spokesperson Jacqueline Carpenter at the launch of the new website
(CNS): The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service has officially launched is long-awaited and much-anticipated new website, which is being promoted as another step in the organisation’s desire to be more transparent and better at communicating with the public. Officials said it “significantly expands public access to immediate information about public safety, crime news and the RCIPS itself”. The new site has an array of information, such as community beats, releases outlining the latest crime reports, crime statistics and information about how to join the RCIPS.
“We made a point of making ourselves more accessible through this site and making communication with us easier,” said RCIPS spokesperson Jacqueline Carpenter, who was the strategic lead for the website project. “This improved communication with the community, in all the different forms it can take, is pivotal to our success in strengthening public confidence and fighting crime.”
The new site, which displays all police press releases publicly for the first time and features an interactive beat map, offers a new platform and information exchange between officers and the community they serve. It gives the public quick access to detailed information about their community beat officers, who are now operating across 14 beats within the newly reinforced programme of the Community Policing Department.
These officers’ contact information and messages to the community, as well as the borders of the newly-drawn police beats across all three islands, are displayed through an interactive map pinned to Google Maps.
“Having a website with the capacity to provide the community with the varied types of information it needs and wants about its police service is critical for modern policing,” said Police Commissioner Derek Byrne. “Efficiency and transparency are the hallmarks of an effective 21st century police service. We are glad to have this quality platform as a foundation for our partnership with the people of the Cayman Islands going forward.”
The site also offers the public communication channels with the police that have not been available online in the past. There are new options to submit a tip confidentially online directly to the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, and also to provide the RCIPS with general feedback on its service via the website, which can be anonymously submitted. Contact information for officers and commanders is available, alongside detailed descriptions of the numerous units and wide-ranging duties that fall within the broad remit of the RCIPS.
Deputy Commissioner Kurt Walton was delighted to see the site launched, as he said that he and Carpenter had been discussing the project since he returned from the UK, where he saw how effective good websites can be for police departments.
“It makes us even more accessible and allows us to promote our values,” he said, noting that in the UK he saw firsthand how websites helped officers close the gap between them and the communities they police.
Carpenter added that the site remains, and probably always will remain, a work in progress, which will evolve over time. She said they wanted to hear from the community as they begin to use it.
Visit the new RCIPS website here.
Can it see if the officers is really putting all of the evidence that is given to them being put in the exhibit to be sent to court as evidence. Hope so because that is urgently needed because alot of victims in society is suffering from that and when the officer/ officers see them they expect to smile in the victim/victims face/faces like if they did a good job or the victim/victims are pleased with them.
Can anyone post a deep-link to where on the police website we can submit stuff? Or an email address? – Thanks
Does it have the video of the officer chasing the motor bike, that one is classic.
This sounds great, now we only have 53 Govt Depts. to go.
Can I post photos of cars parked in the middle of the road obstructing traffic? License and all, then you can just mail a ticket.
More frequent transmission of selective stats, self-congratulation, and positively spun trend lines aren’t what the public wants more of. We want to see how the (now) collossal financial outlay is being spent and where? For example, are there any performance targets or criteria? How are these measured and at what interval? Are there any consequences for failure? Those would be the kind of accountability and transparency reports the public have been asking for.
Couldn’t agree more. Also updates to how the RCIPS are expanding and new initiatives. Just recently i was told that all the breathalyzer machines were replaced? At what cost? It was also rumoured they had to be replaced because the old machines (very old) were not functioning correctly and were never operated correctly as they should have been per its manufacturer. Rules may have been changed to accommodate them not operating correctly (one breath test). In one fail swoop they are thrown out the back door and replaced with all new ones with no fan fair to inform the public of it’s upgrades..all very strange!!!
But still no leads on who stole all the coke from the evidence locker? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Great Job RCIPS.
hope it lets people submit evidence of wreckless driving…
Where I come from in the UK you can submit dashcam footage to the police as evidence of bad driving and speeding. Even if they don’t prosecute the police always issue a warning to the driver of the vehicle and also flag the licence on their ANPR system.
This would’ve been great today. Some douche in a beige BMW X5 overtook me today on south sound, in the area where the roadworks are going on. Then immediately got caught traffic. Turned onto Walkers Road, overtook another car and immediately got caught in traffic. This was with a child in the passenger seat. Cretin.
Best you stay in the UK , this is Cayman
Pedantic, but I think you mean reckless. The amount of reckless driving does indeed cause more wrecks, not less.
This should have been in place 10 years ago. It was already in the planning stage back in 2007 but after Kernohan was suspended the whole project got side-lined.
All squared away then?