Police detain 92-year-old woman after raid

| 15/05/2018 | 11 Comments
Cayman News Service

Gun seized during a raid on 11 May 2018

(CNS): Police have confirmed that the woman arrested last week during a gun bust in George Town was 92 years old. A spokesperson for the RCIPS said she was taken to the detention centre for just a brief period and questioned in accordance with procedure after any illegal firearm is discovered at a residence. The woman was bailed as soon as possible. A 54-year-old man was also arrested during the raid on Friday, 11 May, at the house where police shot a pit bull, which officers said they feared was going to attack them. The man was also bailed sometime later.

Since the raid, police have released pictures of the loaded handgun and ammunition that were seized during the raid. Two spear-guns were also seized.

The case relating to the gun remains under investigation while the Office of the Ombudsman has been informed about the dog, which was wounded when it was shot by the officer and had to be put down later by a vet.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (11)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    No comment on this case, but houses of the old, or the very vulnerable, (such as people with learning difficulties or addiction issues), are often used to park weapons, drugs etc.

  2. Anonymous says:

    That sad assed gun looks like beach glass…..or driftwood.

  3. respectz says:

    “She was taken to the detention centre for just a brief period and questioned”

    ? now was it really, truly, gravely necessary to transport a 94 year old lady to the police station???

    i have to ask ..

  4. Anonymous says:

    Age does not give anyone the right to be treated differently when they have an illegal firearm on their premises.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not age, but I guess having a lot of money does give them the right to be treated differently.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I am not sure which makes me more disgusted…….XXXXX….or the Law that dictates that she HAS to be arrested. Officers should be allowed to use their discretion. Maybe this will stop when we lose one of our precious elderlies from the stress of being put through such trauma.

  6. Anonymous says:


  7. Anonymous says:

    That gun looks older than her! Was it even capable of firing or is it a decorative antique piece?

    • Anonymous says:

      If someone shoved that in your face during a robbery you would not be such a wise xxx.

    • Edgar A. Poe says:

      Does it really matter if it can fire? If someone holds you up at gunpoint would you wait to see if the gun fires to fear for your life????


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