Spate of car break-ins lead to warning from police

| 19/04/2018 | 27 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS is issuing a warning to owners to ensure they secure their cars after six vehicle break-ins overnight Tuesday to Wednesday this week. The flurry of reports made to police yesterday included three in the Fairbanks Road area of George Town, one in Prospect and one in Savannah. Police said the car windows had been smashed and items stolen. Police said it is important to properly secure vehicles and do not leave valuables inside them, especially where they can be seen by passersby.

“If possible it is also advised that you park your vehicle in an area where there is adequate lighting, and where it is visible to you from your home,” the police advised.



Category: Crime, Crime Prevention, Police

Comments (27)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Install car alarms!

  2. Anonymous says:

    In other news, a horse bolted after the stable door was closed

  3. Anonymous says:

    I would never go to any of those places. Especially Savannah! Don’t feel safe, and I’m from West Bay.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Dear RCIPS, how about a warning to the criminals? Is that too much to ask?

    -Victim of car break-in.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The best thing to do is take all valuables out of your vehicles and leave them open. If a vehicle is locked and a criminal wants to get in, all they do is break a window and take what they want from it. It costs you more to replace the broken window and even more to clean up the broken glass from a break in. Just take everything out and leave it open. Been there done that

  6. Anonymous says:

    More crime in this rock percapita than on the plant. Sad state of affair. I immigration ?

  7. Anonymous says:

    “If possible it is also advised that you park your vehicle in an area where there is adequate lighting, and where it is visible to you from your home,” the police advised.

    So I guess we cannot sleep anymore, have to stay awake all night watching our cars, and I guess soon during the day we won’t be able to work as we will have to watch the cars during the day too.

    • West Bay Premier says:

      Anonymous 9:27pm , I guess then you need to get a 12 gauge and tell them you want to work and sleep, so stay away if they know what is good for their health and life .

      • Anonymous says:

        Set a trap. The rat tried to steal the cheese and poor thing got caught. What a wonderful story to read in the paper next day.

        • Anonymous says:

          It has been tried before. A poison in a bottle of wine inside a home that was under professional security company surveillance. Then 2 security guys disappeared. One year later when owner returned they were found. The owner was acquitted.

    • Anonymous says:

      Calm down maaan. Just sleep in your car. Sheesh. That’s what we did at Woodstock.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe get a car alarm would help

  8. Anonymous says:

    Great. These assholes again. Can’t the RCIPS set up some sting operations and place a bait car with cameras where they have been striking?

  9. Anonymous says:

    “The RCIPS is issuing a warning to owners to ensure they secure their cars…”

    Based on some recent events, the RCIPS needs to take its own advice…

  10. Anonymous says:

    I leave mine open with nothing in it so they dont break my windows.


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