RCIPS to start beat cop patrols

| 06/02/2018 | 55 Comments

(CNS): Senior police officers have said that over the next few weeks the RCIPS will be rolling out its community policing programme, which means the public will begin to see police on the beat on foot in their neighbourhoods. Speaking at a recent public meeting in West Bay, Police Superintendent Robert Graham, who is heading up the RCIPS Neighbourhood Policing Department, explained that officers will be engaging with people on the street and doing their best to get to know the communities that they will police.

For many years local people have been urging the RCIPS to deploy more beat officers and fewer patrol cars, and have complained bitterly at public meetings in all districts that police officers drive through their communities with windows rolled up without stopping to engage. But signalling real change to the approach that the police will now be taking, Graham said the neighbourhood officers would be on foot or bicycles for the majority of their shift.

A new set of 18 local recruits also begins basic training this week, as the RCIPS begins to take advantage of the additional funding it received to boost the ranks of officers and enable more of them to walk through neighbourhoods and start to build partnerships with the residents.

Graham said the officers would be assigned to specific beats in all the districts and remain in those communities, as police management aims to ensure that community officers are not pulled from the beat and deployed elsewhere to cover other staff shortages. He told the West Bay residents who came out for the meeting that they would be following the principles of ‘no broken windows’ – in other words, nipping anti-social behaviour in the bud before it escalates into serious crime.

Graham said he was “excited about the tangible difference the community officers will make” in communities across the islands.

Minister Tara Rivers (WBS) and MLAs Bernie Bush (WBN) and Capt Eugene Ebanks (WBC), who are all part of the Government of National Unity, attended the meeting. Rivers raised her concern that there was so much ganja smoking going on at the Seven Mile Public Beach that it was putting families off.

Police Commissioner Derek Byrne emphasised the difficulties of trying to prevent smoking on the beach but acknowledged that it was a “significant challenge” because trying to have undercover officers on the beach has not proved successful. He said the RCIPS was in the process of bringing in new specially trained drug dogs that will be used to patrol the beaches as they are more effective.

Some attendees raised their concerns about the tendency of police to lock up drug users in the community, criminalizing those that really need help and support. The area commander for West Bay, Lloyd Marriott, said that he and the West Bay officers were concerned about the number of people in the district who were suffering from substance abuse and need help, but noted that ganja use is illegal and the police have no choice but to enforce what is a strict law, even though they are well aware that the people are sick.

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Category: Crime, Crime Prevention, Police

Comments (55)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Hmmm – it would be good if they could walk “beat” in parking lots such as Camana Bay, Supermarkets, Cricket Square, ALT, Grand Harbour etc to hand out tickets for dark tinted windows, expires stickers and license plates missing or just casually thrown on the dashboard……….

  2. Anonymous says:

    RCIPS commencing beat patrols…….again??!! Who knew they ever stopped??!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Maybe they could do some nightshifts and finally catch out the Snug Harbour peeping tom pervert, who regularly wonders around each night.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe it’s just a beat officer checking to make sure you’re tucked into bed safely at night…

  4. Anonymous says:

    I hope we see you on fairbanks road where almost daily there is a speeding loud dirt bike pulling wheelies being a danger and nuisance. Yes, it has been reported many times.

    • Anonymous says:

      The fact that we the public see this guy almost everyday but the cops have never caught him is telling enough.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Wonder if these beat cops will be like the CCTV cameras and not work after dark?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Coe Wood Beach Bodden Town welcomes you to join the celebrity crew who will impress you with the making of moon shine and if that doesn’t interest you there is the number selling or draw pan to pass the time. Oh boy there’s always room for excitement remember you’ll be by the sea so what better way than to buy what you want kinda drugs while listening to the tune of Bob Marley ONEDRAW!

    And the beat goes on…don’t leave drowsy.., DO your job by getting the thugs off the street!!!

  7. Diogenes says:

    Perhaps some shorts might be useful, and shoes that allow actual movement in a quick (or semi-quick fashion) , and I would also suggest hats that actually serve a purpose other than aesthetics

    Then again maybe the RCIPS likes their officers well done?

    Diogenes the Calm, Cool and Collected (and appropriately dressed) Caymanian

  8. Anonymous says:

    How many times have we heard this before? Oh but this time they REALLY REALLY mean it……

  9. Mr.D says:

    Good to see police take a more personal approach to residential crimes and being more attentive to the people needs.

  10. Anonymous says:

    This same rally to put uniforms on our streets in the ‘Beat Patrol ‘ comes about every couple of years , but seems to just fade out after one or two visible patrols. Not sure why? Officers have repeatedly come to the house & introduced themselves , shook hands & handed out business cards , for future contact. I will extend credit where due : upon my complaint / report of a suspicious vehicle with occupants who don’t live in our street & have no business being here , a police vehicle appeared in minutes and bailed them up for further questioning. So the mechanism to execute a proper beat patrol in the old sense of the word does exist , not sure how long it will run this time around.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I remember in 2004, pre hurricane Ivan, there used to be a couple police officers from the UK who would ride around the Seven Mile Beach area on bikes. It was reassuring to see them in sight and available if needed. This is something that should be brought back, though I doubt you will find many of the officers wanting to ride a bike! Not exactly a good look for them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sounds great but why did it take so long? I think its like beating a dead horse…doubt very much it will keep the crime down, unarmed police versus armed criminal, not good odds.

    • Anonymous says:

      I did actually see a pair of bike-based-bobbies in central GT today, certainly very visible in their bright yellow spandex!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Sounds good, doesn’t work. Police just need to be better spread out and organized so they can have faster response times. Right now, police don’t arrive for 30 – 60 mins to most calls in Bodden Town area which is where a lot of crime takes place. Probably more than George Town, 7 Mile and West Bay. Protection should be offered to more than just visitors when most locals live out east because its too expensive for most people on Dart Mile Beach.

    Really beats me up inside that you have all this wonderful property on the beach and no one ever lives in them because they are owned by rich foreigners who come here maybe once a year for a couple weeks. Meanwhile, you got people here who can’t even afford to eat, let alone, afford somewhere to live. This world is such a messed up place…

  13. E. Nygma says:

    Sorry but are people really pretending that in 2018 cannabis is a substance that is abused in the sense that persons become addicted or hooked to it
    Sure persons might enjoy getting high but there is no actual permanent change chemically in the brain such as what occurs with addictive drugs such as methamphetamine or cocaine
    Furthermore, I have never smoked cannabis a day in my life, but why in this day and age are we in Cayman still stuck in “Reefer Madness” Mode?
    Look at Tara Rivers comments having experience the “Really really offensive smell of marijuana use” she decided to make this a government priority, something that we should be moving toward legalization and instead in true Caymanian form we are stuck 60 years in the past, and then don’t even get me started on the Compass’ Editorial on the issue, asking: “Does ganja smoking on our beaches and in public areas enhance, or diminish, our reputation as a socially conservative and inviting family friendly destination?”
    In the US cannabis is allowed medically in 29 states, D.C and two territories, 17 other states allow medical cannabis with low levels of THC. Recreational use is legal in 9 states and D.C and cannabis has been decriminalized in 13 states plus the US Virgin islands.
    In total there are 4 states left that don’t have one form or another of legal cannabis (whether medicinal or recreational) And Tara Rivers and The Compass editorial board are worried about the “Really really offensive smell” and being “Socially conservative”
    While there are many other ways to intake cannabis, I am sure the vast majority of persons would approve of the legalization (which is why the government will never hold a referendum on the issue they would rather waste government resources and lock up Caymanians) and talk about a guaranteed way to get the 18-35 year old voters out and active in politics.
    Classic conservatism circling the wagons and sticking to your guns even as the world passes you by, soon we will be the destination that tourists PASS by because when they arrive they will be unable to sit on the beach and get high and watch the sunset
    How much longer are we going to beat this long dead and petrified horse corpse before we admit that we made a series of wrong decisions when it comes to cannabis and drug abuse as a whole

    Newsflash, the war on drugs failed
    Hindsight is 20/20 but I still think some of Cayman’s politicians need to put on their glasses

    • G says:

      Well said!

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t get high,I get medicated.

    • Anonymous says:

      There are plenty of reasons to legalise cannabis but arguing it does carry any health risk is just plain wrong. Aside from the well documented effects on developing brains and short term memory impact, there are strong links between cannabis use and testicular cancer. Other cancer links may exist but are masked because most cannabis users also use tobacco.

      • E. Nygma says:

        Sorry you might want to reread my post,I never once said that cannabis “does not carry any heath risks”

        Smoke is bad for humans almost by definition, anyone arguing otherwise is clueless, I merely mentioned the chemical changes in the brain that lead to addiction in relation to other drugs is not present in the same way in cannabis.
        The effects on developing brains is a minor risk the same could be said about alcohol which is perfectly legal all you have to do is attach an age limit and stiff penalties to suppliers who break that law.
        As for your cancer claims I have yet to see any definitive evidence in that regard but please feel free to share evidence of your claims (which will be scrutinized by the masses)

        Even if what you are saying is magically true, Cigarettes are perfectly legal which completely kills the potential argument of “cannabis causes cancer so it should be banned”
        and so on and so forth

    • Anonymous says:

      I am happy to support decriminalisation of small amounts for personal use but just dont smoke at all on public beaches! Sorry families and kids are entitled to clean air beaches free of relevant butts and buds!

      • E. Nygma says:

        Yet smoking,
        Which has far more health risks along with cigarette butts which are some of the most littered items on earth are allowed on the beaches no problem
        The issue here clearly isn’t clean air or keeping the beach clean, the issue as has been the case on Cayman for countless years is pleasing conservatives and morally policing the populace for using a substance no worse than alcohol.

        Also decriminalization without legalization and regulation is just handing the market over to the criminals who already smuggle or grow cannabis themselves
        The point is to regulate cannabis so that persons can get it from registered and approved suppliers so that customers know it meets certain standards for consumption and also preventing it from falling into the hands of children with stiff penalties (just like tobacco products and alcohol, though hopefully slightly better regulated

        If they can keep the price low enough it will even cut the profits of criminal groups on the islands

      • Anonymous says:

        I think it’s cigarettes you are talking about, pot roaches are generally very small and at least break down quicker than cig butts. But I agree, it’s nasty to see all the butts in the sand. That should be a fine and of course there would have to be enforced litter laws first.

    • Anonymous says:

      If the Govt had some sense, legalization and taxation on regulated strains and dispensary would fix the deficit in no time. I guess they will only consider something like this when all the hype and first movers already milked this cash cow. Or some FDI slips a politician enough to get it passed through legislation.

  14. Reflective Diversity says:

    Wey Deh Caymanians dem???I have notice recently every picture with the RCIPS they are fewer fewer Caymanians in them. Besides one token Senior officer Where is Miguel where is Leo??? Yet our so called stand for Caymanians politicos are conveniently silent. Muzzled i guess by the FCO’s wishes of diversification of the RCIPS to give them better control of our population.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Give them bicycles. Perhaps then they will come to realise the danger cyclist face on Cayman’s roads each day.

  16. Funkmaster Flex says:

    Oh no that this again how Lame??? Bobby on the Beat street again???? mann this S#%! is getting tired yo! Not one of our overpaid wuttless politicians is saying a word about this rubbish yet again Alden is a real Looser.

  17. Anonymous says:

    hear is what they should do as they walk through communities:
    inspect all parked cars for tax, window tint…etc
    note all abandoned vehicles
    note all properties that look like they contravene planning laws
    note any incidents of littering
    search all people loitering

    here what will be done……..nothing.

  18. Anonymous says:

    PLEASE patrol South Sound! There is a known repeat offender (burglar) on the prowl the past few mornings. It’s the same idiot that was caught trying to break into the Chief Justice’s house!

    Lock your doors South Sound and chain anything valuable up!

    • SSM345 says:

      XXXX has been cruising around SS since they gave him bail for trying to break into to Smellie’s house…..either his Dad has given him another apartment to live in or he is casing everyone’s property for his next attempt.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Forget about the guys smoking weed, get the boats coming in as they have the guns. Then go for the people dealing cocaine and other drugs that destroy society. And no, I don’t smoke at all but there need to be priorities

  20. J X says:

    This foolishness again where are all those bicycles they bought the last time to ride through the community???? Every new administration they come up wid some trick or gimmick to get more money, the really sad part is the govt falls for it every friggin time handing over millions for pure lip service. A reduction in the amount of police we bring from overseas and recruit locally to more well trained capable officers is probably and a far better option for the RCIPS. This idiotic idea of recruiting and hiring police from jurisdictions where minorities come from is bringing untold problems here in Cayman and starting to stir up real animosity towards the police.

  21. Anonymous says:

    They must have written off all of the squad cars! hahaha

  22. Anonymous says:

    Officers need to be in shorts and lightweight body armor.

  23. Kim says:

    So will it be ok if I see them walk past the cars that park on double yellow lines in front of my property and block my access every day to ask them to move them on, or are traffic infringements not their job?

  24. Anonymous says:

    It all depends on where they walk.

  25. Anonymous says:

    What happens when summer arrives and it gets a little humid out?

  26. Juniper says:

    This will last for about one week

    • There really is a need for police to walk the Seven Mile Beach Public Beach and the rest of the Beach for a few miles In both directions from that Beach. The social situation has slowly started to deteriorate around the Public Beach over the past year and our tourism industry cannot afford a major incident on SMB. The golden goose needs to be taken care of if we want our tourism industry to thrive.

      • Anonymous says:

        Agree 100%, Public Beach is turning into a real disaster area, what happened to the nice quiet public beach free of vendors and various hacks. What happened to no soliciting on the beach?

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly it always last about a week or two then theyre right back up in the ac

  27. Anonymous says:

    Que bueno

  28. Anonymous says:

    I’m curious about the expectations of this latest bad idea…how many miles a day are these two guys supposed to cover in their black pants and boots in +90’F heat? 1? 2? If they arrest someone on foot, are they supposed to pin them down to the hot asphalt with their knee and wait an hour for backup to arrive? This is not what we need, it’s unnecessary officer exposure to pot shots, and is physically and logistically unsustainable. We need to reduce the police response time to 3 mins or less island-wide to curb crime. Though criminals and recidivists may disagree, I’d prefer that these officers share no personal relationship or national affinity with those committing the crimes. We don’t want these guys high fiving when they meet. The only way we get to that point is with more visible cars and/or motorcycles and/or electric vehicles, and officers that know more of the laws that are regularly of concern to the public. Sending two guys on a heat-stroke marathon behind enemy lines is just an ill-advised band aid, distracting from what needs to be done. The only merit to this exercise is from a tactical mapping of shortcuts and fence-clippings that criminals use to evade capture during pursuits.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think your suggestion of equipping the community Officers with small electric “golf cart” vehicles is a good one.
      They are silent, protect them from the elements, whilst being slow enough to enable them to stop and communicate with locals, yet enable them to cover a considerable distance around their beats,( not to mention the fact that they are cheap and emission free.)
      Why not trial a couple of vehicles and see how the communities feel about them?

      • Anonymous says:

        Mayor Guilliani introduced silent electric police vehicles in NYC in early 1990s – long before they were cool. They were narrow enough to zip along the sidewalk and alleys at 25mph and whisper silent. They seemed to be everywhere and then gone just as fast. However, they were also staffed with officers fluent in a wide variety of local enforceable laws – a critical component of patrolling that our guys seem to really struggle with. These patrols changed perceptions of safety and reversed 100s of years of crime in lower Manhattan neighbourhoods, radically transforming their real estate value. We don’t need anything close to a Manhattan response to our problems – but we do need a battalion of observant officers willing and incentivized to tackle lawlessness of all kinds.

  29. Anonymous says:

    window dressing….


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