Recent Articles

Supermarket drops plastic bags but no sign of wider ban
(CNS): More than seven months after the government’s last indication that it was still working on a single-use plastic ban, first raised by the then PPM coalition some seven years ago, Foster’s Supermarket has made a decision to get rid of plastic bags from all its stores and is selling reusable bags at 25¢ instead. […]

Lack of referendum financing rules creates free-for-all
(CNS): Elections Supervisor Wesley Howell has confirmed there are no rules in the Referendum Law to prevent anyone from anywhere spending unlimited money to promote any side of the three questions that will be put to voters on 30 April. Deputy Premier Kenneth Bryan successfully steered the bill through the House on Wednesday, which means […]

Referendum bill passes 13-5 after PPM backs minority UPM
(CNS): Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan successfully steered through the bill for a government referendum to take place on Election Day, 30 April, after he secured the support of the official opposition. All five members of the Progressives and independent opposition MP Chris Saunders voted ‘yes’, while all five members of TCCP gave the bill a […]

Revised immigration law must be ‘grounded in realities’
(CNS): The public consultation on the draft discussion paper outlining the changes the UPM minority administration wants to make to the current immigration law is open. However, the document is already being criticised for its significant inadequacies and the obvious problems some of the proposed changes will create without solving the existing fundamental flaws in […]

US military choppers fly into ORIA for fuel stop
(CNS): Video of three American military helicopters coming into land at Owen Roberts International Airport on Monday was circulated on social media, raising the question of what they were doing here. According to local government officials, the three choppers are from the Joint Task Force-Bravo and stayed on the island overnight to refuel.

WORC officials issued law enforcement uniforms
(CNS): Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman has issued its compliance officers with law enforcement uniforms “to improve officer identification and reinforce its status as a recognised law enforcement department”, according to a press release. The uniforms will establish “a clear rank structure” and enhance transparency as well as strengthen community relations.

Suckoo returns to PPM for another bid in Newlands
(CNS): Alva Suckoo, the deputy leader of the opposition during the 2017-2021 parliament, has returned to the PPM team as a full member as he makes another bid for the Newlands seat he lost to Wayne Panton in the 2021 election while running on the PPM’s Alliance platform as an independent. This time, Suckoo, who […]

No Caymanians deported from US in Trump crackdown
(CNS): Two Caymanians are on the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s non-detained docket as of November 2024. ICE’s non-detained docket is a list of every person in the United States who is there illegally and not currently held in ICE detention. However, Cayman Islands Customs and Border Control has said that no Caymanians have been […]

Over 22 years late, development plan still misses latest target
(CNS): The chief officer in the planning ministry has said the target to get the National Development Plan completed by the end of last year was “over-ambitious”, even though this project is now more than 22 years late. Eric Bush reeled off a long list of meetings, consultations, reviews and redrafts involving civil servants, politicians, […]

Suspect charged with two high-value burglaries
(CNS): A 43-year-old man from George Town was arrested on Wednesday, 29 January, and has since been charged with burglary in connection with two recent break-ins at commercial premises in George Town. The first burglary happened on 26 January at an electronic store on Crewe Road, where multiple electronic items, including mobile phones, were stolen. […]