Caribbean condemns shocking Trump comments

| 15/01/2018 | 415 Comments
Cayman News Service

President Donald Trump

(CNS): Leaders, commentators, pundits and university bosses across the Caribbean have been united this weekend in their condemnation of the alleged insults made by US President Donald Trump about the Haitian people and some African countries, which he had labeled as sh**-holes during a meeting last week. CARICOM issued a statement on behalf of its member states calling the unenlightened views expressed by Trump “derogatory and repulsive”. 

Offering support to the Haitian government’s dignified response, CARICOM said Haitians continue to contribute significantly to the global community, and particularly to the United States of America, and Trump’s insults were totally unacceptable. Around 90 Pan-African organisations and leaders in the Caribbean also declared Trump persona non grata for the racist remarks he made during a meeting at the White House.

The comments joined a chorus of concern from around the region. University of the West Indies Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Hilary Beckles said that Haiti is this region’s mother of modern democracy and the president’s comments were a “brutal bashing of basic truths”.

Haiti’s ambassador to the US, Paul Altidor, said Monday that President Donald Trump’s comments “hurt the country”. He told CNN that “such words shouldn’t be coming out of anybody’s mouth, let alone the President of the United States”.

The racist and insulting remarks were reportedly stated by the president during a meeting at the White House. Although he admitted using strong language during meeting with senators over proposed immigration legislation, Trump has denied making the specific remarks attributed to him.

But Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, who was in the meeting reported on the comments immediately and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who was also present, has indicated that the reports were true.

After fellow Republican Senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue, who initially said they did not “recall” what the president had said, later outright denied that Trump had made the comments, Graham came close to calling them liars, saying that his “memory hasn’t evolved” about the meeting. “I know what was said and I know what I said,” Graham said Monday.

Despite a long list of comments since he began his campaign to become the US president that are arguably racist, Trump repeatedly said Monday that he is the least racist person anyone has ever met, his oft-stated mantra in the wake of the regular allegations of racism. The New York Times published a list Monday of all the comments and actions that can be confirmed and attributed to Trump that most would consider racist. There were more than 30 incidents on the list.


Category: Africa, Caribbean, USA, World News

Comments (415)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    News Broke today, The Trump Admin is attempting to ban Haitians from applying for seasonal and farm work visas in the US

    He doesn’t want persons from “shithole” countries picking oranges and other citrus fruits I guess
    Cause Americans are in line for those high paying fruit picking jobs right?

    How long before Cayman is on that list of “shithole” countries?

  2. Anonymous says:

    In other news

    “Apple Inc. said it would pay a one-time tax of $38 billion on its overseas cash holdings and ramp up spending in the U.S., as it seeks to emphasize its contributions to the American economy after years of taking criticism for outsourcing manufacturing to China.” WSJ.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Well, at least Mexico is going to pay for the wall.

    • West bay Premier says:

      358 comments posted to one article in Cayman Islands that’s history he made again.

      • Shhhhhhhhhh. says:

        For sure West Bay Premier, and there is possibly an incredible irony in this story. My question is this, is Trump’s mother a McLeod from the island of Lewis in the Scottish Hebrides, and was she possibly one of the many persons offered ten shillings to seek their fortune elsewhere due to limited opportunities being available, as well as a growing inbreeding problem, and furthermore, did she enter the US legally? Could the island of Lewis be classified as a “shit hole” as it was in those days? What a possible incredible irony.

        The case of Haiti is a very tragic one, where exploitation and even military occupation by the US with little lasting benefit being left behind, has partially contributed to it’s being classified as a sh… hole. Trump the chump should do more research into the relevant history of these situations before planting his large foot into his equally large mouth!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump those numbers up.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank heavens, the Mueller investigation has been concluded every one should be happy with the results.
      1) Putin is a Russian.
      2) He medeled in the last seven Russian elections.
      3) He was a member of the communist party.
      4) He worked for the KGB.
      The democrats will now form an impeachment committe headed by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Maxine Waters.
      My personal take?—— Putin is guilty as hell.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hiphip horray x 3

      • Anonymous says:

        Thanks for the accurate reporting on the conclusion of the Mueller investigation.
        Done with your second grade project “the fake news awards” and now your back to work? Good one Donnie Whoppers. Good one.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed! Imagine the billions Mexico and others will be forced to spend on feeding, educating and housing their own citizens who before the wall being built could simply walk across the boarder and have the US taxpayer foot the bill. So yeah, good observation.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The WH is now actively coordinating with witnesses, to ensure that they can get out of as many questions as possible, reports across multiple platforms confirm that questions from the Intel Committee to Bannon were relayed to the WH and instructions were sent back

    and Trumptards claim innocence

    Why do you need to confirm the Truth with WH lawyers and counsel
    The truth (if there was nothing done wrong) should be incontrovertible

    The only time you need to coordinate your responses is when someone is lying

    Sorry to break it to you, but the Trump Admin is filled with liars and they will get caught eventually Mueller will not rest until his job is done (the same man you are trying to get removed was praised by the GOP when he was appointed)

    • Anonymous says:

      You really do sound unhinged.

    • West bay Premier says:

      Anonymous 6:48 am , are you in Washington DC in the WH , or in West Bay CI if you are in West Bay. then what you’re saying is FAKE NEWS . If President Trump knew who you are he would make you apologize like he did with fake News Medias .

      • Anonymous says:

        Jesus Christ what is wrong with you,

        I can call any news I want fake, that does not mean it’s fake

      • Anonymous says:

        My question is this

        You claim to be so informed on what is real and “fake”

        Why doesn’t Trump sue them for Libel and defamation
        He threatens suits all the time, and does nothing
        think about that, perhaps the news isn’t fake
        or else he would be winning cases and getting retractions and damages

        The POTUS is allowed to file suits and you’d think a man who spends hours a day with ‘Executive time” on his schedule and most weekends in Florida golfing he’s not lacking for free time

      • Anonymous says:

        Ha ha ha ha

      • Anonymous says:

        This comment is such rubbish, you you could actually be a West Bay Premier.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Question for the Trump supporters;

    What (more) would Trump have to do to convince you he is in fact a racist.

    (This is a sincere question and I am hopeful of direct responses. Not philosophical rhetoric and the like. Seeking straight talk on this one.)

    – Whodatis

    • Anonymous says:

      He hasn’t done anything racist, homeboy.

      • Anonymous says:

        He could say something like, “Just think, a few years ago this guy would have been fetching us coffee” Oh wait, that was Bill Clinton referring to Obama.

        • Anonymous says:

          That would be less a racist comment and more a simple truth – of an institutionally racist society, of course.

          Dammit – those phantom and mysterious racist societies. Always popping up out of nowhere and upheld by no-one, aren’t they.

          – Who

          • Anonymous says:

            Actually What Clinton said could more easily be construed as racism when you consider the fact that a few years prior to becoming the president, Obama was a U.S. senator, a published author an attorney and a Harvard graduate. To cut him down to someone who “fetches coffee” goes well beyond anything Trump may have said especially when you consider what Clinton said was patently false. Not sure there was any racial intent there, but casting Obama in a roll as a servant to an old white guy would more easily lend itself to that interpretation.

            Where was the full throated liberal media( I repeat myself) meltdown then? There wasn’t any meltdown because unlike Trump, Clinton is a liberal democrat.
            The double standard is pretty striking.

            • Anonymous says:

              Re: “Not sure there was any racial intent there…”

              Of course there was racial intent there – that was the point of the statement as the remark was uttered in the context as outlined in my previous post.

              Please stop misusing your intelligence in this way – you are doing society and your talents an incredible disservice.

              – Who

              • Anonymous says:

                Obama was one of the youngest people to ever become president so that may have something to do with it, so yes I am giving Clinton the benefit of the doubt here. We are actually both being philosophically honest. You reflexively and consistently assign the worst motives to people and I reflexively tend to give people the benefit of the doubt.

                Or maybe you only do this when it’s a matter of race. I don’t know you at all. I do know myself however and I do give people the benefit of the doubt in a general sense.

                The larger point I was making however is the double standard, particularly where the press is concerned.

                • Anonymous says:

                  Again, why do you disrespect yourself in this way?

                  Take that fake b.s. argument elsewhere because it’s not working over here bub.

                  – Who

                  • Anonymous says:

                    Funny, I was thinking the same. Who, perhaps it’s best to stay down and let the ref count to 10…

        • Anonymous says:

          Ah, the old 2 wrongs make a right argument. So is Trump a racist?

          • Anonymous says:

            I don’t know for sure. Probably. I do know he’s a liar and a temperamental little turd.

      • Anonymous says:

        Umm…1984 is holding for you on Line 2.

        – Who

    • Anonymous says:

      I have read many comments on CNS that you have written and “straight talk” You are a racist. Probably just probably you don’t like any race beside your own? Pastor Manning explains in his church, watch the video and please tell us what you think,

  6. Anonymous says:

    History is not going to be kind to this man.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Trump is an idiot

  8. Anonymous says:

    The whole world is a shithole nowadays. Looks at what we do to our oceans.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Today was a great day,
    -Bannon invited to the Hill to talk to the Senate Intel Committee:
    -Bannon appears in front of the Committee voluntarily
    -Bannon refuses to answer questions on the orders of the WH
    -Senate Intel Committee subpoenas him there and then, turning it from a simple voluntary questioning to compelled mandatory testimony.
    – Bannon’s lawyers contact the WH and he is again instructed to avoid as many questions as possible

    and conservatives claim Trump has nothing to hide

    • West bay Premier says:

      Do we stop and realize that the President of the USA is the most powerful man in the world and he can do everything he wants without our permission. Remember that the USA don’t need us , but we need the USA .

      • West bay Premier says:

        Remember that President Trump has about 3 more years of his term left to serve, and the Democrats aren’t going to be able to Impeach him and neither are you . He just had his first. public Physical exam and that found that there is nothing wrong with the man health .

        • Anon says:

          FAKE NEWS!!!

        • Anonymous says:

          Remember that he has (and still is) obstructed justice and will soon be trading back rubs with Kushner’s dad.

          • Anonymous says:

            First it was collusion, now it’s obstruction..bla bla bla. We’ve been listening to fake news for 18 months. What have you got? Jack squat.

            • Anonymous says:

              Yup. That’s how it works. First a little collusion, then flap big lips about innocence, then try to pull some strings and bully some people (and give confidence to some sheep) then, uh oh, spaghetti-os; obstruction of justice. And you are so right, the collusion just doesn’t matter anymore and the biggest snowflake is gone.
              Eeeeeeek, I’m melting.

          • Anonymous says:

            Just wait until he guts Slick Willie’s NAFTA, and he will have a whole lot more countries paying for the wall. Oh-Oh!!

        • Anonymous says:

          WBP the midterms are in 10 months after which the Dems will be in control of the House (and maybe the senate)

          Aka Trump will need Dem support for his agenda
          and that is will be the muzzle that will suffice until 2020
          he has been bleeding supporters, not gaining them all of your claiming he has some magical universal support nationwide will be shocked when you wake up on the 7th of November to blue wave

          The midterms are going to be a slaughter in the House and possibly in the Senate, I can’t wait

          • Anonymous says:

            Seems like I’ve heard this before.

            When it doesn’t happen will you appear in one of those embarrassing and pathetic youtube videos like the ones showing Hillary Clinton voters crying their eyes out on election night 2016?

        • Anonymous says:

          By the way I’m thinking seven more years, that would be great!!

      • Anonymous says:

        When he goes down for the financial crimes and connections he has ( which Bannon has predicted, the Dems won’t need to lift a finger,)

        • Anonymous says:

          It starting to roll right now.

          • Anonymous says:

            First collusion, then obstruction, now “financial crimes”. lol..
            Do you clowns ever get tired of being wrong all the time?

            • Anonymous says:

              Well at least your man got Mexico to pay for the wall. Bwahaha.
              Oh, and my bet is on obstruction of justice. That’s the easy one.

            • Anonymous says:

              You do realize that it is possible for persons to commit multiple crimes at once right or to commit crimes to hide past crimes?

              Trump’s campaign and administration in their attempts to subvert attention and to end the investigation on possible 2016 Collusion with the Ruskies, fired James Comey to end an ongoing criminal investigation by the FBI and thus obstructed justice (Trump admitted he fired Comey because of “the Russia thing” so good luck arguing that one)
              In the investigation of the possible collusion and obstruction of Justice it has been revealed that members of the Trump Admin and Campaign had financial ties to Russia and other foreign powers (Flynn, Manafort, Papadopolous, and some if not all have plead guilty and flipped on Trump) Due to these financial ties Trump’s own finances are now being investigated by Mueller as well.

              Trump is his own worst enemy, by firing Comey he obstructed justice and added further legitimacy to the investigation and by hiring persons with ties to foreign governments (which the Obama administration advised him not to do) he put himself ever closer to being investigated fully

              I know it’s hard for you to understand being a Mindless MAGA (or maggot) but this investigation has evolved into what it is today because of Trump’s stupidity

              Try not to be stupid in public, ( I know you love emulating your president but try your best to be a big boy)

              and for the record any one of these crimes is justification for impeachment, it is likely he did all of these things

              The GOP is certainly hypocritical, after all obstruction of Justice and perjury were what they want after him for (some of the exact same members of the GOP are still currently in power)

              Then again the GOP have always been hypocrites, if it isn’t states rights hypocrisy, its family values hypocrisy

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry to sound so repetitive, but delighted to steal a page from Trump @ Stupid play book:
      Lock him up! Lock him up! Bye bye whopper don.

    • West bay Premier says:

      I have to believe that Cayman Islands has more Democrats than Republicans .

      • Anonymous says:

        That explains why our LA is filled to the brim with conservatives

        Not one MLA is a liberal, I’m sure you still blame libs for all of Cayman’s woes thought, you’re smart like that

  10. Anonymous says:

    Cayman was great, but we allowed the same type of immigrants as the USA into our country. They are racist who grow drugs, who are uneducated, scam, beg and steal spouses. You can’t keep an ackee in a tree and it don’t matter if they are poor or rich. Look at what they have done to their own country?
    Remember when we had free medical, dental and eye exams? Remember how fast you were able to get a job even if you were fired? Remember when you could keep your windows and doors open without fear? Stop allowing people into the country where corruption allows them to falsify documents from their country.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well you little Caymanian, get your people to build their own homes and buildings, be their own architects, construction workers, gardeners, nannies, housekeepers, chefs, waiters/tress, lawyers, doctors, nurses, scientists, teachers, accountants, engineers etc…. just try it! See there aren’t nearly enough qualified Caymanians to do these jobs and the more menial positions I listed, you all are just too lazy to do or believe you are above these jobs. Face it, you will always need foreigners to build up your island, clean the dirt out homes, teach your kids and sleep with your husbands/wives because certain jobs you just won’t do or you’re just not good at *wink*. Suck it up buttercups!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        If the population would reduce instead of increase, we wouldn’t need all the work permits. We could do a lot of work ourselves like we did before you came. When you came here we had every Caymanian working in all those fields. Remember Caymanians went and lived around the world. USA was one of them and worked in all those fields too. So get off your high horse and accept those facts. People sometimes think that we had grass skirts and lived on coconuts alone. But the point is not about exclusionism its about inclusionism.
        We also are seeing crime excalate, when will we accept the facts we see and hear? Jobs increased and NEU has more people trying to get money to live? Really ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Learn to cook some ackee for your husband, to keep him from my yard on Sunday mornings.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I think, and for the first time agree with the lunatic. They are shithole countries, there is no denying it. Corruption, abuse of power, all well known and documented. However the leader of the free world should not be saying that. Likewise he shouldn’t be turning the USA into a shithole country either, but he is.

    • Anonymous says:

      I like you.

    • Anonymous says:

      I too agree with Trump.
      Would you want millions of uneducated unemployable economic migrants to flood your country with their hands out for social services to house and feed them…?
      Or would you rather welcome people who have something to offer and create jobs…?

      Be honest and you’ll see that is what Trump was saying.

      CNS: You also appear to agree with Trump that people from Haiti and Africa – places where they are predominately black – are uneducated and unemployable, while people from Norway, where they are predominately white, are preferable. He did not say the US wants educated, employable immigrants; he essentially said the US wants white immigrants. That’s the point and that’s why people are reacting so strongly.

      • Anonymous says:

        CNS, This is a stunning example of your bias. Think economics.
        You are interjecting your opinion and basing your opinion on what Trump **did not** say.

        1. That he wanted educated and employable immigrants.
        Imagine that. He did not state the obvious, you are correct and I’m sure that is a radical position according to you and your ilk.

        2. That he prefers white people over black people.

        So in example one you ignore the obvious and in example two you make a leap and go so far as to say “he essentially said….” putting words in his mouth.

        Is this a news website or your personal politics blog?

      • Anonymous says:

        CNS You make a leap in judgement that the criticism is racist when the areas focused upon are grossly troubled regardless of race. Denial of those troubles because of fear of being labeled racist is racist.
        It is like pretending that Mexico is not a severely troubled country or that the desired control of one’s borders is racist.

        CNS: According to Senator Durbin, Trump said, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” and that the US should focus on bringing in more immigrants from Norway. Lindsey Graham has confirmed this account, and said he directly confronted Trump about them at the time. Trump himself confirmed the report when he called friends after the meeting to see how they were going down. Your argument is that yes, he did say them but they are not racist. If you can’t see it I have no more to say.

        • Anonymous says:

          Come on CNS. This is exactly what people are moaning about that when convenient it is made about color or race. Every time someone makes any negative comparison to a minority group or a different race it becomes a racist issue.

          Are you seriously concluding that USA has the same amount of refugees from Norway as there are from African countries? Would you have been outraged if he would have said the opposite (ie he didn’t want people from Norway). Probably not…

          The fact is that the majority of third world countries are in Africa and that statistically speaking people from there seeking to migrate to another country are more likely to end up collecting some sort of welfare or benefit as the chances that they are uneducated or have a bigger family to support is much higher. It has nothing to do with color. Nobody says this is the case because people are black. We need to stop this politically correctness garbage and be able to accept facts.

      • Anonymous says:

        Your interpretation of what he meant is convenient , but ignores the practical and wider intent of his (alleged) observation.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thumbs up to Anonymous not CNS.

      • Anonymous says:

        Let’s just say you’re at the beach and you see someone struggling in the water. Would you a: help that person b:waddle over to a person in a beach chair and rub lotion on their back.
        Please try to be human.

      • Anonymous says:

        What would your jesus do? Really.

      • Anonymous says:

        Then why did Trump reject the Dreamers act if he is so concerned about the people who will actually have something to offer in America? Hm?

        • Anonymous says:

          Without proper boarder security ie a wall, in 20 years you’ll have a million more dreamers along with probably another 10 million new illegal immigrants. The smart thing to do is stop illegal immigration at the border first, then give the dreamers a path to citizenship. This is the reasonable plan offered by Trump and refused by the democrats. If democrats cared about the dreamers than why not accept this reasonable compromise?

        • Anonymous says:

          He didn’t reject it. Get your facts straight.
          The bill was introduced in 2001 but never approved. Good grief people. Thank goodness your not actual sheep…you’d be in the slaughter house by now

          • Anonymous says:

            Not approved and rejected sounds very similar doesn’t it?

            What is the logical reason Trump pulled out of the Paris agreement?

            I bet you’re one of the simpletons who think climate change isn’t real like orange daddy.

            • Anonymous says:

              Yeah, OK, so Trump didn’t approve it. Neither did Obummer or Bushy.
              Did you get the part about 2001? Are you with us? He was elected in 2017. Please don’t remove your dunce cap.

          • Anonymous says:

            In support of 2:55 pm
            Facts are factual information’ they cannot be bent or scewed, other wise they are lies or fake news.

        • Anonymous says:

          People who circumvent immigration laws of a country are ILLEGAL ALIENS, dont try to name it anything else.

      • Anonymous says:

        Strongly disagree with cns. I like cns, but please don’t dissiminate fake news, please?

    • Anonymous says:

      Trump resonated whether you like him or now. That’s how he got elected.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Honestly CNS I feel it for y’all, generally great reporting and information in a timely fashion, stories that Cayman cares about only to be met with the same cries of fake news as our northern warmongering Geo-political dominating nuclear buddy.

    The MAGA contagion has spread to our shores and sadly not everyone was inoculated ( though we already know this, Cayman is a mini america in all but name)

    I say we cut our loses and cast the infected off where they can be among their own kind, perhaps Little Cayman?

    Trump’s Idea for a wall might not be so bad

  13. Anonymous says:

    Hillary called Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. Man was she ever wrong about the size of that container.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Why are we so caught up with the US affairs when we have plenty of “Donalds” walking around here!

    • Anonymous says:

      1) US Politics reverberates around the world and effects EVERY nation, including US (not to mention we are literally in their armpit so keeping up with their foolishness is of value to us)

      2) Slow news day, because compared to the US every day is a slow news day here in Cayman

      • Anonymous says:

        I live in the US. I’m a citizen born and bred. Trump has absolutely ZERO effect on my life…day-in and day-out. Only news agencies want you to believe that nonsense. After all, they need the news (attention) to be successful EVERY DAY.

        • Anonymous says:

          “effects EVERY nation”

          Might I suggest reading

          • Anonymous says:

            Trump effects every nation.?.? If that’s the case then those nations are weak.
            Besides, I referred to me (US citizen living in the US) since you would think by the amount anti-trumps from the locals here that he as a strong role in shaping your life, good or bad. Please, someone from Cayman, state one meaningful or negative impact Trump has had on your life, just one. Chirp-Chirp… Now, let’s talk about the impact your government has on your life.
            Still want to spend time bashing US elected officials??

            • Anonymous says:

              US citizen here, residing in Cayman:
              1: Trump’s lying and lying and labeling the press as the enemy of the people, and lying, has the soft brained bro faction popping of in the same uncivilized manner.
              This negativity impacts my life as it makes me question whether or not the world is proceeding towards more good or more evil. Which makes me sometimes sadder than I would normally be.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I bet the majority of people on here complaining about him and stating gross comments haven’t even been to the USA. And if they did, they were shopping in Miami or spent at Disney World. Ignorance is bliss in Cayman

    • Anonymous says:

      *Complains about ignorance*

      *makes both an assumption and an ignorant comment*

      Irony is Ironic

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m from the USA and whopper don is a f’ing moron and a liar. I don’t really know how much damage he will do, I only know for sure that I don’t like him and he is a liar.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like a bunch of outraged Caymanians speaking up about what they deem to be a racist comment from a man in the USA. Yet, your own government moves forward making decisions that have no positive affect on you or your children’s future. Basically they will sell-out anything possible in order to serve themselves now. Sounds like your own country deems all of you as “second rate” but you are more concerned over some Trump and Haiti stuff. Any chance an article about Trump can get zero comments….obviously not. Clearly things are on the right path in Cayman and there are no concerns. Sunny day at the beach, eh?

  17. Anonymous says:

    You know what I find amazing, and sad, as of 6:50pm today there are 177 comments about this article. Meanwhile the shootings, beach robbery’s and government con artists currently publicized on CNS see little to know action. Typical Cayman. Honestly, don’t you have anything to say about those CRIMES??

    • E. Nygma says:

      Or maybe CNS keeps comment sections of ongoing criminal matters, investigations and trials closed so that the tiny community on this island doesn’t influence the justice system and spread rumors and gossip that they might be liable for

      also “see little to KNOW action” the uneducated always amuse me

    • Anonymous says:

      The search for intelligent life continues

  18. Anonymous says:

    Thank the gods someone speaks the truth. Seems the PC crowd can’t handle the truth. People of first world countries, have gone soft and don’t want to accept reality. What a farce

  19. Anonymous says:

    Lock him up! Lock him up!

  20. Anonymous says:

    The US can qualify for being a shithole country seeing as it has the largest mass murders per capita in the world…

    • Anonymous says:

      Check Honduras pal. And those responsible for half the murders in the US are illegals from shithole countries. He’s trying to MAGA!!!

      • Diogenes says:

        Please show the statistics for this, I’d love to see the Breitbart article this came from

      • Anonymous says:

        Half huh? Kelleye Ann, is that you honey

      • Anonymous says:

        When was america great?

        • Anonymous says:

          You must be from another planet, American ingenuity and hard working people, generosity, most charitable, has made it great and it will always strive to be better so that people like you are included. God Bless The U.S.A.

          • Anonymous says:

            I am included I guess. I’m an American. A white one at that. But when people spout off about MAGA, well, I don’t even know what they mean. I really don’t think nationalism, ANYBODIES Nationalism is good, real or even definable.
            Why would anyone think their self worth has anything to do with the concept (which is all it is) of country? Why?

            • Anonymous says:

              Shouldn’t you be busy cleaning snorkel gear? The next tour starts in 15 minutes.

              • Anonymous says:

                Nice slight, but I’m retired. Next tour start whenever I feel like it. Yawn.

              • Anonymous says:

                He’s cleaning snorkel gear so your lazy Caymanian ass can continue to say home and get fat. Don’t you have some drugs to smuggle??

          • No such thing as God says:

            You’re delusional. It’s been far too long since the last mass shooting in the US which broke the record for being the worst mass shooting in US history, and they’re over due for another considering the present statistics pertatining to all the mass shooting US undergoes. America is a shitcanyon with hundreds of thousands if not millions of mentally ill deranged trigger happy lunatics, just take a look at their police and how many unarmed people they put six feet under.

            Oh he reached for his waist so I opened fire! Interesting fact : Human hands naturally rest by their sides.

        • Anonymous says:

          Probably before your pathetic existence

          • Anonymous says:

            Sooo sometime before 1953?
            And let me tell you something you stupid, fat, cracker; calling names doesn’t really advance your agenda.

            • Anonymous says:

              Fat cracker.?.? And Trump has an issue with Racist comments. Hey, if you’re looking for work, McDee’s is hiring. You can supersize that for me.

            • Anonymous says:

              You do understand we don’t care about the “cracker” part right? If that’s your best, please stay south on your delusional island. Clearly education there hasn’t advanced much since 1953

            • Anonymous says:


      • CoCo says:

        There has never been a mass shooting at a School or Church in Honduras.
        The Immigrant problem and crime in Central America has been caused by programs initiated by the U.S and of course the strong demand for drugs.
        The President is now the greatest threat to world peace and security.
        America has fallen to number 6 on the list of global powers in just a year from number 1 which it held in 2016 for the first time in many many years.

        • Anonymous says:

          As if you know the first thing about Honduras, I lived there. They don’t call them mass shootings in Honduras, but trust me, there are a massive amount of shootings.

        • Anonymous says:

          Great CoCo, then we can expect you won’t be coming. We’ll take your money at Disney though. Next..

        • Fred the Piemaker says:

          Really like to see the basis for the FACTS you cite, because cannot see the US being sixth in the world on most global power criteria. But Honduras does of course head the world list on deaths by firearms (even if they are all down to the evil influence of the US)

    • Anonymous says:

      Fake news! USA doesn’t even make the top 25 for murders per capita!

      • Anonymous says:

        For god and your beloved baby jesus’ sake, stop with that fake news battle cry. That is whopper don’s number one tool. I’d say he’s even fooled you with it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Read the comment “Mister I like to hear myself say fake news”

    • Anonymous says:

      lol..Airports and embassies around the world are filled people waiting to visit the USA shithole..

    • Anonymous says:

      mass murders by what small demographic.., you will not like the answer.

      • Anonymous says:

        Millionaire real estate developers? That small demographic? Backwoods, unemployed trump believers? That demographic?

        • Anonymous says:

          Try looking the statistics, most mass murders in the US are cuased by blacks. That is a fact that the media tries to cover up by only showcasing white mass murders.

          CNS: This statement is bunk. According to these statistics, black were responsible for 16% mass shootings between 1982 and November 2017, while whites were responsible for 54%. However, PunditFact, ruling on the claim ‘Are white males responsible for more mass shootings than any other group?’ ruled it ‘mostly true’, noting that the percentage of mass shootings by white men is lower than their share of the male population. You can read the whole thing here.

    • Anonymous says:

      They call themselves “The richest nation the world has ever seen” but people in Flint Michigan are still begging for clean drinking water, and that is one of many areas with these types of infrastructure issues

      Their priorities have always been on projecting power around the world and faux capitalism keeping the rich, rich and the poor in their place begging for scraps

      • Anonymous says:

        Flint, a once thriving city along with Detroit have been run into the ground largely by their liberal politicians for the past 40 years. But dare and call Flint a shithole and you be labeled a racist.

        So yeah, go ahead and call Flint a shithole.

      • Anonymous says:

        Care to share what shithole you are from?

        • Anonymous says:

          Not the poster but I’m from the greatest, biglyest shithole of them all. USA…

    • Anonymous says:

      Ummm how many people living on Cayman Rock? And your police can handle what, nothing?? I suggest Caymanians look in the mirror first.

      • No such thing as God says:

        Every country in the world has crime. It takes something special to have the worst and most occuring mass murders in the world. A shithole with shit people will do it.

  21. Anonymous says:

    All you who praise and support Trump and criticize CNN as “fake news” should remember that when he started his campaign he regularly quoted the National Enquirer and his main source of news!! Can’t get anymore fake than that, – perhaps Globe?!

    Anyway, Hope you all keep supporting him when his Russian money laundering connections are revealed and he goes to prison!! It’s coming so enjoy his ruination of the Presidency while you can!!

    Americans should hang their head in shame, Trump hasn’t made America great again he’s made America the world’s laughing stock!!

    Trump is a basket case who has no clue how to be President!

    • Anonymous says:

      Whopper Don.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lock him up. Lock him up!

    • Anonymous says:

      President Trump is the most capable President for these turbulent times. As was President Teddy Rosevelt for the leadership in the turbulent times of his administration

    • Isabella says:

      The problem with today society is that everyone wants everything for would you feel if you had a mass exodus of any country to Cayman creating havoc on health care, infrastructure, clogging up the education system, the work force and worst, disease. Grow up and be a man or woman and recognize the man is looking out for his country and his citizens. Wish our government would consider a similar plan, like border control for one…..stop the illegal drugs, weapons and people landing on our shores. Do you recall the Camana Bay armed robbery or the alleged murderer living amongst us in Prospect or the guy who was shot by police. Wake up sir/madam, law abiding citizen needs the reassurance and protection for these type of crimes. If you don’t agree, let’s wait until someone you love is caught in the middle of one of these crimes. I am certain Trump does not want to stop legal persons entering America, just follow the requirements and any person would be ok. Remember, we are considered a money laundering, fugitive harboring and drug island but we still get into America once we abide by their rules.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Well what do you know. Tall Tale Don made it to our pages. Hey Tall Tale, come up with any new whoppers lately? (This guy tears me up. Ever notice how much buzz/energy crazy collects around itself?)
    Anyhow, enjoy the fray and don’t forget to thank the halfwit for your afternoon’s entertainment


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